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  1. Peopleperson49's post in mob_read_randommonster_sub error... was marked as the answer   
    I already solved this. Your error is because in some way your modified your mob_branch, etc... They modified the format of the data in it.
  2. Peopleperson49's post in Player not attached, progressbar & sleep2 was marked as the answer   
    I didn't try your script out, but try changing the format of your progress bar to something like this: progressbar "RRGGBB",3;
    I believe yoru color format is wrong.
    *progressbar "<color>",<seconds>; This command works almost like sleep2, but displays a progress bar above the head of the currently attached character (like cast bar). Once the given amount of seconds passes, the script resumes. If the character moves while the progress bar progresses, it is aborted and the script ends. The color format is in RGB (0xRRGGBB). The color is currently ignored by the client and appears always green. Also message strcharinfo(0),"Text"; should be more like below. But it is also easier for me to just use mes "strcharinfo(0)+" TEXT."; command.
    *message "<character name>","<message>"; That command will send a message to the chat window of the character specified by name. The text will also appear above the head of that character. It will not be seen by anyone else.
  3. Peopleperson49's post in [Warning]: read_petdb: Reached max number of pets [300]. Remaining pets were not read. was marked as the answer   
    You have to modify the src/map/pet.h and recompile. I'm not sure what the upper limit is for the number of pets is.
    // Copyright (c) Athena Dev Teams - Licensed under GNU GPL // For more information, see LICENCE in the main folder #ifndef _PET_H_ #define _PET_H_ #define MAX_PET_DB    300 #define MAX_PETLOOT_SIZE    30 struct s_pet_db {     short class_;
  4. Peopleperson49's post in Yggdrasil Seed was marked as the answer   
    Its very easy you just need to use the command specialeffect2 as I have shown you below. You can find the various options in the db/const.txt. Just go down to the list by searching for EF_.
    501,Red_Potion,Red Potion,0,50,,70,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,,,,,,{ specialeffect2 204; itemheal rand(45,65),0; },{},{}
  5. Peopleperson49's post in GX new poison duration was marked as the answer   
    It took forever to finally get implemented, lol. But with the latest revision you can now use the Manage Skill Damage mod which should do what you need it to for controlling damage. As for the duration I havn't looked at it myself, but you should be able to easily adjust it in skill_cast_db.
  6. Peopleperson49's post in Help death Penalty was marked as the answer   
    Remove the experience penalty if you want and try this out.
    - script UponDeath -1,{ OnPCDieEvent: set BaseLevel,BaseLevel-1; dispbottom "Your base level has been decreased by 1."; end; }   
  7. Peopleperson49's post in R>Script that will automatically reset all stats of all character? was marked as the answer   
    This might help and would be easy to make an login check. Hopefully this helps you out some. I made it check any level character, probably shouldn't restrict it to 99 only.
    - script LoginStatCheck -1,{ end; OnPCLoginEvent: if(playerattached()==0) { end; } if(getgmlevel()<1) { for(set .@i,13; .@i<=18; set .@i,.@i+1 ) if(readparam(.@i)>99) { set .@MaxStat,.@MaxStat+1; } if(.@MaxStat>=3) { dispbottom "Your stats are not possible... Cheaters will be reset."; atcommand "@allstats -100"; set StatusPoint,0; atcommand "@request "+strcharinfo(0)+" was reset for cheating their stats!"; end; } } end; } Edit:
    Changed mes for dispbottom. 
    Removed the sleep2 function.
    Replaced using the resetlvl with @allstats -100 and statuspoint,0.
  8. Peopleperson49's post in Repeating specialeffect on item script? was marked as the answer   
    This should be what you want, I hope:

    501,Red_Potion,Red Potion,0,50,,40,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ specialeffect2 204; for( set @healtime,0; @healtime < 30; set @healtime,@healtime+1 ) { itemheal rand(45,65),0; sleep2 2000; } dispbottom "Your healing item has run out."; end; },{},{}
    For an item you would wear that heals you:

    2208,Ribbon,Ribbon,5,800,,100,,1,,0,0xFFFFFFFF,7,0,256,,0,1,17,{},{ set @healtime,1; while(1) { if(@healtime==0) break; itemheal rand(45,65),0; sleep2 2000; } },{ set @healtime,0; }
  9. Peopleperson49's post in Request Login Count was marked as the answer   
    I suggest you give a reward for clicking on the NPC! Give free blue potions or something that makes it worth it. Stick with simple useable items. Otherwise not everybody will take the time to click on it. However why not use a OnPCLoginEvent to count people. Below is a super SIMPLE of an example for you. I just made that out of my head so excuse its simplicity! Just add an interface NPC to it and make it store account names.

    - script AttendanceScript -1,{ OnPCLoginEvent: mes "Welcome back to WhateverRO!"; set $DailyLoginCount,$DailyLoginCount+1; end; }
    Here is a more modified version for you. It tracks the time and will only characters to be counted once. I also modified the first version to not use permanent server variable. By changing the variable you can make it only work once per account instead of once per character (like I currently have it).

    - script AttendanceScript -1,{ OnPCLoginEvent: dispbottom "Welcome back!"; dispbottom "Thanks your for playing WhateverRO!"; if (#LoginTracker>=gettimetick(2)) { set #DailyLoginCount,#DailyLoginCount+1; set #LoginTracker,gettimetick(2)+86400; end; }
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