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Poring (1/15)



  1. Hello, I have started to mess around with .spr, .act and .pal files. I have a question regarding recoloring of job sprites: Is there a way to fix "color bleed" when editing a palette, so that it doesn't look botched up in-game and out? Thanks in advance! Bump, I'd like to know so I can start making my own palette. Thank you.
  2. Thank you very much! It'll help out with my NPC Event.
  3. I was wondering if it was possible to make monsters immobile, as in not moving from their spot? I remember when I used to play in a private server in 2006, Peach Trees never moved from their spots. Can anyone tell me how to do it? Thank you in advance.
  4. Oh, thank you! I don't know why I could not find those commands on the eAthena Wiki list or on any other list for that matters.
  5. Hello, I have posted on the eAthena board before to fix a slight problem and here I am, posting again but this time, on the new board. My problem this time is as follow: How do you reset the event after a players logs off in the middle of it or dies? I want that sort of player to be able to access it again until it is completed once. Here's the specific NPC script, forgive the bulky mess. //======================================================== //SCRIPT: PRACTICE //======================================================== //================NPC INSTRUCTOR EIDOLON================== poring_c01,101,108,5 script Instructor Eidolon::eid_pract0 704,{ switch(teach_novice) { case 7: mes "[Eidolon]"; mes "I will summon 10 monsters"; mes "for you to uh... vanquish."; next; mes "[Eidolon]"; mes "To attack a monster, simply"; mes "left click on it repeatedly."; next; mes "[Eidolon]"; mes "You can also use the ^0000FF/nc^000000 command"; mes "which will allow you to uh..."; mes "auto-attack after clicking"; mes "your target once."; next; mes "^CC0000As he chants a summoning"; mes "spell, you cannot help but feel"; mes "slight anxiety due to being"; mes "inexperienced in battle.^000000"; areamonster "this",109,100,99,90,"Poring",1725,10,"eid_pract0::OnPKill"; hideonnpc "eid_pract0"; initnpctimer "eid_pract0"; close2; set $PAmount, 10; end; } OnPKill: set $PAmount, $PAmount - 1; if($PAmount == 0) { announce "Well done.",bc_npc,0xFFFF00; hideoffnpc "eid_pract0"; areawarp "poring_c01",0,0,350,350, "poring_w02",77,87; stopnpctimer "eid_pract0"; detachnpctimer "eid_pract0"; set teach_novice, 8; } else { announce ""+ $PAmount +" porings left.",bc_npc,0xFFFF00; } end; OnTimer5000: announce "You have 2 minutes to complete the uh... task.",bc_npc,0xFFFF00; end; OnTimer100000: announce "1 minute left.",bc_npc,0xFFFF00; end; OnTimer200000: announce "Time's up.",bc_npc,0xFFFF00; killmonster "poring_c01","eid_pract0::OnPKill"; areawarp "poring_c01",0,0,350,350, "poring_w02",96,200; hideoffnpc "eid_pract0"; stopnpctimer"eid_pract0"; detachnpctimer "eid_pract0"; end; } //Need to reset when player logs out or dies.
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