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Posts posted by eboni001

  1. I'm not really sure what you mean by pub, but for different maps just full a string with all the maps that you want and compare it with the users current location.


    Edit: So I thought about it and if by pub do you mean in a chat room? There really isn't a foolproof way I know of to keep a constant connection with a waiting room while returning the invoked characters rid... because and again I think this was a really dumb move... The rids aren't passed when calling a waiting room event. Instead they are obtained when you warp the player out of the waiting room... I could throw some tricks in the air like I've done before where I attached an OnTouch event to a waiting room npc and then waited for the player to enter a chatting state and cross check it with the status of the existing NPCs waiting room. But again that can be fooled by creating your own chat room in close proximity to the NPC and having someone else already in the NPCs chat room. Really I think we need more specific chat room related commands.


    -	script	SB	-1,{
            mes "[Soul Buffer]";
            mes " Hello "+strcharinfo(0)+", I am the Soul Buffer npc, i can soul link or buff you at the cost of some zeny. ";
            mes "[Soul Buffer]";
            mes " What can i do for you?";
    	set .@i,select( "Buff Me = $200,000","Soul Link Me = $200,000","I Need Both = $400,000" );
    	set .@cost,( ( .@i == 3 )? 400000:200000 );
    	if( Zeny < .@cost ){
    		mes "You dont have enough "+.@cost+" zeny.";
    		set Zeny,Zeny - .@cost;
    		if( .@i & 1 ){
    			percentheal 100,100;
    			skilleffect 34,0; sc_start SC_BLESSING,360000,10;
    			skilleffect 29,0; sc_start SC_INCREASEAGI,360000,10;
    		if( .@i & 2 ){
    			switch ( basejob ) {
    			  case Job_Alchemist:	set .@spirit, 445; break;
    			  case Job_Monk:	 set .@spirit, 447; break;
    			  case Job_Star_Gladiator:  set .@spirit, 448; break;
    			  case Job_Sage:	 set .@spirit, 449; break;
    			  case Job_Crusader:	set .@spirit, 450; break;
    			  case Job_SuperNovice:   set .@spirit, 451; break;
    			  case Job_Knight:	set .@spirit, 452; break;
    			  case Job_Wizard:	set .@spirit, 453; break;
    			  case Job_Priest:	set .@spirit, 454; break;
    			  case Job_Bard: case Job_Dancer: set .@spirit, 455; break;
    			  case Job_Rogue:	 set .@spirit, 456; break;
    			  case Job_Assassin:	set .@spirit, 457; break;
    			  case Job_Blacksmith:   set .@spirit, 458; break;
    			  case Job_Hunter:	set .@spirit, 460; break;
    			  case Job_Soul_Linker:   set .@spirit, 461; break;
    			   if ( upper == 1 && baselevel < 70 )
    				set .@spirit, 494;
    			if ( .@spirit ) {
    			  sc_start4 sc_spirit, 360000, 5, .@spirit,0,0;
    			  skilleffect .@spirit, 5;
    		mes "Done, Come back to me if you need my services again.";
    	if( strnpcinfo(2) != "" || !compare(.maps$,strcharinfo(3)) && !checkchatting()) end;
    	goto L_whisper;
    	set .maps$, "prontera|pay_fild01|geffen|izlude";
    prontera,180,191,2	duplicate(SB)	Soul Buffer#1	936
    morocc,167,53,3	duplicate(SB)	Soul Buffer#2	936
    gonryun,148,174,6	duplicate(SB)	Soul Buffer#3	936
    lighthalzen,177,114,5	duplicate(SB)	Soul Buffer#4	936
    payon,164,213,2	duplicate(SB)	Soul Buffer#5	936
    ok ty skorm, what i mean by a pub is when you open a public room chat with alt +c, there is any way to make this?
  2. -	script	SB	-1,{
            mes "[Soul Buffer]";
            mes " Hello "+strcharinfo(0)+", I am the Soul Buffer npc, i can soul link or buff you at the cost of some zeny. ";
            mes "[Soul Buffer]";
            mes " What can i do for you?";
    	set .@i,select( "Buff Me = $200,000","Soul Link Me = $200,000","I Need Both = $400,000" );
    	set .@cost,( ( .@i == 3 )? 400000:200000 );
    	if( Zeny < .@cost ){
    		mes "You dont have enough "+.@cost+" zeny.";
    		set Zeny,Zeny - .@cost;
    		if( .@i & 1 ){
    			percentheal 100,100;
    			skilleffect 34,0; sc_start SC_BLESSING,360000,10;
    			skilleffect 29,0; sc_start SC_INCREASEAGI,360000,10;
    		if( .@i & 2 ){
    			switch ( basejob ) {
    			  case Job_Alchemist:	set .@spirit, 445; break;
    			  case Job_Monk:	 set .@spirit, 447; break;
    			  case Job_Star_Gladiator:  set .@spirit, 448; break;
    			  case Job_Sage:	 set .@spirit, 449; break;
    			  case Job_Crusader:	set .@spirit, 450; break;
    			  case Job_SuperNovice:   set .@spirit, 451; break;
    			  case Job_Knight:	set .@spirit, 452; break;
    			  case Job_Wizard:	set .@spirit, 453; break;
    			  case Job_Priest:	set .@spirit, 454; break;
    			  case Job_Bard: case Job_Dancer: set .@spirit, 455; break;
    			  case Job_Rogue:	 set .@spirit, 456; break;
    			  case Job_Assassin:	set .@spirit, 457; break;
    			  case Job_Blacksmith:   set .@spirit, 458; break;
    			  case Job_Hunter:	set .@spirit, 460; break;
    			  case Job_Soul_Linker:   set .@spirit, 461; break;
    			   if ( upper == 1 && baselevel < 70 )
    				set .@spirit, 494;
    			if ( .@spirit ) {
    			  sc_start4 sc_spirit, 360000, 5, .@spirit,0,0;
    			  skilleffect .@spirit, 5;
    		mes "Done, Come back to me if you need my services again.";
    	if( strnpcinfo(2) != "" ) end;
    	goto L_whisper;
    prontera,180,191,2	duplicate(SB)	Soul Buffer#1	936
    morocc,167,53,3	duplicate(SB)	Soul Buffer#2	936
    gonryun,148,174,6	duplicate(SB)	Soul Buffer#3	936
    lighthalzen,177,114,5	duplicate(SB)	Soul Buffer#4	936
    payon,164,213,2	duplicate(SB)	Soul Buffer#5	936

    same thing for the other npc : make and whisper the floating npc

    TY!! skorm and capuche is working now, but how i can make the bc whisper only work if you are in a pub.? or only people in certain maps can use it, the easy way but preferable in a pub.

  3. try this first:




    prontera,180,215,3    script    Healer::BC    894,{
    if (@whispervar0$ == "puff") {
                percentheal 100,100;
                skilleffect 34,0; sc_start SC_BLESSING,360000,10;
                skilleffect 29,0; sc_start SC_INCREASEAGI,360000,10;
    } else {


    whisper to ->   npc:BC

    enter message: puff


    it goes. change the "password" on the IF statement above

    this is not working and the problem with mine is when it pop up it open the first window but it get freeze on there, not keep talking i have to warp or relog to can move again.

  4. prontera,180,191,2	script	Soul Buffer#1::SB	936,{

    pm [npc:SB]


    prontera,183,215,3	script	Broadcaster#1::BC	894,{

    pm [npc:BC]


     when i pm both of them they pop up but it get stocked in the window, no next button or keep talking, and there is anyway to set BC pm only if you are in a pub?




    ? the link is alive



    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
    `account_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    `name` varchar(23) NOT NULL default '',
    `last_ip` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
    `last_ip2` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
    `ref_name` varchar(23) NOT NULL default '',
    `ref_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    `mins` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
    `days` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
    `task_end` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
    PRIMARY KEY (`account_id`),
    KEY (`id`)

    Any guide how to add tables?



    Follow these steps :



    Awesome ty very much.

  6. Hello guys as title say does somebody please add whisper to this 2 npc?


    Broadcaster (only can be whisper if you have an open pub), this is for people who want to have a pub in mall, they can pm the Broadcaster and broadcast their messages w/o closing pub and walk to npc.

    prontera,183,215,3	script	Broadcaster#1::BC	894,{
    	set @npcname$, "Broadcaster";
    	set @header$,"[^0000ff" + @npcname$ + "^000000]";
    	set broadcastfee, 1000000;
    	//if (agitcheck()){mes @header$; mes "War of Emperium is ongoing!"; close;}
    	mes @header$;
    	mes "Hi, I'm the Broadcaster";
    	mes "I can Broadcast a message for you";
    	mes @header$;
    	mes "It costs ^ff0000"+ broadcastfee +"^000000 zeny ";
    	mes @header$;
    	mes "Would you like to Broadcast?";
    	switch (select("yes","No")){
    	case 1:
    		if(#Broadcast> gettimetick(2)) {
    		mes @header$;
    		mes "You already broadcasted a message within 3 minutes... Please Try again Later.";
    		mes @header$;
    		if(Zeny<1000000) goto $nozenybc;
    		set Zeny,zeny - broadcastfee;
    		mes "Please input your message.";
    		input broadcast$;
    		announce "Message from "+strcharinfo(0)+": "+broadcast$+"",0,0xFFCC00; // Edit FFA500 to green color code
    		set #Broadcast, gettimetick(2)+180;
    		dispbottom "Broadcaster: Please wait for 3min until next broadcast to avoid flooding.";
    	case 2:
    		mes "Suit yourself";
    	mes "I have to check that you have";
    	mes "enough money";
    	mes @header$;
    	mes "Im sorry but you dont have ^ff0000"+broadcastfee+"^000000 zeny";
    	mes "Go get it if you want to Broadcast";
    louyang,213,45,6	duplicate(BC)	Broadcaster#2	894
    hugel,102,153,3	duplicate(BC)	Broadcaster#3	894
    gonryun,161,126,4	duplicate(BC)	Broadcaster#4	894
    morocc,148,102,5	duplicate(BC)	Broadcaster#5	894
    payon,164,216,2	duplicate(BC)	Broadcaster#6	894
    geffen,111,64,5	duplicate(BC)	Broadcaster#7	894
    turbo_room,94,120,5	duplicate(BC)	Broadcaster#8	894
    lighthalzen,166,89,3	duplicate(BC)	Broadcaster#9	894

    Soul Linker Npc, i want people can pm this npc anywhere to get soul link or buff w/o going to npc:


    prontera,180,191,2	script	Soul Buffer#1::SB	936,{
            mes "[Soul Buffer]";
            mes " Hello "+strcharinfo(0)+", I am the Soul Buffer npc, i can soul link or buff you at the cost of some zeny. ";
            mes "[Soul Buffer]";
            mes " What can i do for you?";
    	set .@i,select( "Buff Me = $200,000","Soul Link Me = $200,000","I Need Both = $400,000" );
    	set .@cost,( ( .@i == 3 )? 400000:200000 );
    	if( Zeny < .@cost ){
    		mes "You dont have enough "+.@cost+" zeny.";
    		set Zeny,Zeny - .@cost;
    		if( .@i & 1 ){
    			percentheal 100,100;
    			skilleffect 34,0; sc_start SC_BLESSING,360000,10;
    			skilleffect 29,0; sc_start SC_INCREASEAGI,360000,10;
    		if( .@i & 2 ){
    			switch ( basejob ) {
    			  case Job_Alchemist:	set .@spirit, 445; break;
    			  case Job_Monk:	 set .@spirit, 447; break;
    			  case Job_Star_Gladiator:  set .@spirit, 448; break;
    			  case Job_Sage:	 set .@spirit, 449; break;
    			  case Job_Crusader:	set .@spirit, 450; break;
    			  case Job_SuperNovice:   set .@spirit, 451; break;
    			  case Job_Knight:	set .@spirit, 452; break;
    			  case Job_Wizard:	set .@spirit, 453; break;
    			  case Job_Priest:	set .@spirit, 454; break;
    			  case Job_Bard: case Job_Dancer: set .@spirit, 455; break;
    			  case Job_Rogue:	 set .@spirit, 456; break;
    			  case Job_Assassin:	set .@spirit, 457; break;
    			  case Job_Blacksmith:   set .@spirit, 458; break;
    			  case Job_Hunter:	set .@spirit, 460; break;
    			  case Job_Soul_Linker:   set .@spirit, 461; break;
    			   if ( upper == 1 && baselevel < 70 )
    				set .@spirit, 494;
    			if ( .@spirit ) {
    			  sc_start4 sc_spirit, 360000, 5, .@spirit,0,0;
    			  skilleffect .@spirit, 5;
    		mes "Done, Come back to me if you need my services again.";
    morocc,167,53,3	duplicate(SB)	Soul Buffer#2	936
    gonryun,148,174,6	duplicate(SB)	Soul Buffer#3	936
    lighthalzen,177,114,5	duplicate(SB)	Soul Buffer#4	936
    payon,164,213,2	duplicate(SB)	Soul Buffer#5	936

    thanks in advance guys ^_^.

  7. ? the link is alive



    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
    `account_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    `name` varchar(23) NOT NULL default '',
    `last_ip` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
    `last_ip2` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
    `ref_name` varchar(23) NOT NULL default '',
    `ref_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    `mins` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
    `days` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
    `task_end` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
    PRIMARY KEY (`account_id`),
    KEY (`id`)

    Any guide how to add tables?

  8. Here the docs about colors

    Inside the string you may put color codes, which will alter the color of the

    text printed after them. The color codes are all '^<R><G><B>' and contain three

    hexadecimal numbers representing colors as if they were HTML colors - ^FF0000 is

    bright red, ^00FF00 is bright green, ^0000FF is bright blue, ^000000 is black.

    ^FF00FF is a pure magenta, but it's also a color that is considered transparent

    whenever the client is drawing windows on screen, so printing text in that color

    will have kind of a weird effect. Once you've set a text's color to something,

    you have to set it back to black unless you want all the rest of the text be in

    that color:

        mes "This is ^FF0000 red ^000000 and this is ^00FF00 green, ^000000 so.";

    ok ty i already fixed the colors, how i can "edit/add/delete" news, in-game? this is my script:


    prontera,146,165,6	script	Development News	864,{
    	mes "[^0000ff GM Emely ^000000]";
    	mes "Hello ^FF0000 "+strcharinfo(0)+" ^000000, maybe you know me, but let me introduce myself, I am GM Emely responsible of inform to all ^009900 KyojinRO ^000000 players about the good news on the progress of the server.";
    	mes "[^0000ff GM Emely ^000000]";
    	mes "i can provide some news such as, any updates, new npc's, bugs already fixed and any other changes my superior permit me to inform about the server.";
    	mes "[^0000ff GM Emely ^000000]";
    	mes "Ok, let me tell you some of the good news.";
    	mes "[^FF0000 Server News ^000000]";
    	mes "^0000ff 1 ^000000. Broadcast npc already fixed now it have a 3 minuets delay per account, you can use it at the cost of 1m zeny and it will broadcast your message to all the server.";
    	mes "[^FF0000 Server News ^000000]";
    	mes "^0000ff 2 ^000000. Build manager npc have been implemented, you can save your builds and just got them back with 1 click, it is located on prontera, 188, 209.";
    	mes "[^FF0000 Server News ^000000]";
    	mes "^0000ff 3 ^000000. DJ PvP have been implemented on pvp rooms, it can play a music to make you feel confortable during your battles, it is located in the top of each pvp room.";
    	mes "[^0000ff GM Emely ^000000]";
    	mes "That's all for now, enjoy playing ^009900 KyojinRO ^000000!";
  9. You can <em>easily</em> write your own NPC <img data-cke-saved-src="http://rathena.org/board/public/style_emoticons/default/tongue.png" src="http://rathena.org/board/public/style_emoticons/default/tongue.png" class="bbc_emoticon" title=":P" /><pre class="_prettyXprint _lang-auto _linenums:0">prontera,156,163,4 script Server News 844,{

    mes "[server News]";

    mes "1. xx/xx/xxxx: Broadcast npc already fixed now you can blah blah blah.";


    mes "[server News]";

    mes "2. xx/xx/xxxx: New custom items/quest has been implemented.";


    mes "[server News]";

    mes "3. Some more news...";


    mes "[server News]";

    mes "That's all!";



    Edit: I don't know why the bbcode tags sometimes won't work as intended.

    When I posted, I only use italic + code tag, and the result is shown like the above...

    thank you i dont know how to script but i take your example like a guide and i made it ^_^ but now i want to add some details i dont know how to do it: i want to can add/delete/edit news in-game, turn npc name Blue, name of player talking to npc and Server News title to Red, and each number of each news to Green, please somebody help me with this ^_^.


    this is the npc:

    prontera,146,165,6	script	Development News	864,{
    	mes "[GM Emely]";
    	mes "Hello "+strcharinfo(0)+", maybe you know me, but let me introduce myself, I am GM Emely responsible of inform to all KyojinRO players about the good news on the progress of the server.";
    	mes "[GM Emely]";
    	mes "i can provide some news such as, any updates, new npc's, bugs already fixed and any other changes my superior permit me to inform about the server.";
    	mes "[GM Emely]";
    	mes "Ok, let me tell you some of the good news.";
    	mes "[Server News]";
    	mes "1. Broadcast npc already fixed now it have a 3 minuets delay per account, you can use it at the cost of 1m zeny and it will broadcast your message to all the server.";
    	mes "[Server News]";
    	mes "2. Build manager npc have been implemented, you can save your builds and just got them back with 1 click, it is located on prontera, 188, 209.";
    	mes "[Server News]";
    	mes "3. DJ PvP have been implemented on pvp rooms, it can play a music to make you feel confortable during your battles, it is located in the top of each pvp room.";
    	mes "[Server News]";
    	mes "That's all for now, enjoy playing KyojinRO!";
  10. Golden Thief Bug Card effect
    { bonus bNoMagicDamage,100; bonus bUseSPrate,100; },{},{}
    iwant to change
    prof. wiz. and priest increase damage magic by 10% and paladin,sinx,sniper,Etc character. increase damage to demihuman by 10%
     chance 50% Nullify all magic spells, including supportive skills, that target the owner at the cost of doubling SP Consumption cost when using skills.
     can you help me about this 



    im not sure if this will work just test it and let me know if is working:

    4128,Golden_Bug_Card,Golden Thief Bug Card,6,20,,10,,,,,,,,32,,,,,{ if(BaseClass==Job_Mage||BaseJob==Job_Priest) bonus bMatkRate,10; else if(BaseClass==Job_Archer||BaseClass==Job_Thief||BaseClass==Job_Swordman||BaseJob==Job_Ninja||BaseJob==Job_Gunslinger||BaseClass==Job_Merchant) bonus2 bAddRace,7,10; },{},{}
  11. In src/map/guild.c


    on line 389:


        if( sd->status.guild_id )
        {// already in a guild
            return 0;
        if( battle_config.guild_emperium_check && pc_search_inventory(sd,714) == -1 )
        {// item required

    714 is Emperium you can replace that so every time they try /guild it won't work because the item requied is different replace it with some not used.

    then recompile.

    ok thank you people are not available to create a guild using /guild now, how can i change the message when they try to do it? it say: you need the necesary item to create a guild, i want it say you are not available to use this command.

  12. hey guys i have a guild creator npc in my server with some requirements but people still can creating guild using /guild "Guild Name" can somebody please explain detailed how to disable this? newbie question here.

  13. set .SkillPointCheck,1;

    change to;

    set .SkillPointCheck,0;

    still the same the only diferent is now you dont have to use all skill points to change job, my problem is when all characters reach job lvl 100 they supossed to have only 148 skill points but the paladin have 197 i just want to know how to set paladin get only 148 like other jobs.


  14. hello guys i have an error in paladin skill points , reborn characters in job lvl 100 supossed to have 148 skill points and no reborn supossed to have only 99 skill points, all other characters

    are ok, but the problem with the paladin is it have more than 148 it is the only character in the server with 197 skill points, does somebody know how to set paladin max skill points to 148 when it reach max job lvl?





  15. Hi,


    I want to add one my custom skill with hiding.


    example we could use grimtooth with skill hiding

    hiding+grimtooth, hiding+shadow jump, hiding+shadow slash


    like that..


    so i want that i could use my custom skill with hiding..

    where i should edit that?

    hiding+my custom skill


    thanks in advance..

    just add hiding to the skill requirements you want, example:


    529,0,0,10,0,0,0,99,0,0,hiding,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0	//NJ_SHADOWJUMP = skill with hiding as pre-requisite enable.
    529,0,0,10,0,0,0,99,0,0,none,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0	//NJ_SHADOWJUMP = skill without hiding pre-requisite.
    YourSkillID,0,0,10,0,0,0,99,0,0,hiding,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0	//XX_YourSkillName = your custom skill + hiding as pre-requisite.
  16. Its all about this script:


    prontera,168,184,3 script Freebies 479,{

    mes .NPC$;

    mes "Wanna get the freebies " +strcharinfo(0)+ "?";

    if (select("Yes:No") - 1) close;

    mes .NPC$;

    mes "Let me check if you are really a new member";


    query_sql("SELECT last_ip FROM `login` WHERE account_id = "+getcharid(3)+"", .@lastip$);

    query_sql("SELECT last_ip FROM `freebies`", .@freebiesip$);

    if (.@lastip$ == .@freebiesip$) {

    mes .NPC$;

    mes "You already got the freebies " +strcharinfo(0);



    query_sql("INSERT INTO `freebies` VALUES (NULL," + getcharid(3) + ",'" + escape_sql(strcharinfo(0)) + "','" + .@lastip$ + "')");

    for ( set .@x,0; .@x < getarraysize(.freebie_item); set .@x,.@x + 1 ) {

    getitem .freebie_item[.@x], .quantity[.@x];




    set .NPC$, "[ " +strnpcinfo(1)+ " ]";

    setarray .freebie_item[0],30316,30315,30314,30027,30028,30029,30030,4302,4403,7227,30499,671,2629,2630,4140;

    setarray .quantity[0],1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1000,1,1000,2,2,4;

    waitingroom "Freebies Here",0;




    and on mysql



    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,

    `account_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',

    `name` varchar(23) NOT NULL default '',

    `last_ip` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',

    PRIMARY KEY (`account_id`),

    KEY (`id`)




    it keeps giving items, and here's a picture of SQL error's




    Bump =( Please

    try this one, easy to edit, properly working and it will give freebies only once per account:

    //= Npc that gives freebies to the new
    //= Rewritten by SkittleNugget (rAthena.org)
    prontera,146,161,6	script	Novice Support	893,{
        if( #PlayerRecievedFreebies )
    		mes "[Lisa]";
    		emotion	e_swt2;
    		mes "You already claimed your free items or you are not a novice anymore, Remember that i'll give you some free stuffs only once per account!";
    		else if ( Class < 1 )
    		mes "[Lisa]";
    		emotion	e_ho;
    		mes "Hello young adventurer and welcome to Kyojin RO";
    		mes "I can give you some free items to help you grown fast";
    		mes "Do you want it?";
    		if ( select("You're so kind. Thank you!:Nah~ Im too pro for this!")==2)
    			mes "[Lisa]";
    			emotion	e_ag;
    			mes "Such a arrogant person.";
    			mes "^ff0000@kill "+ strcharinfo(0) +"^000000";
    			mes "[Lisa]";
    			emotion	e_omg;
    			mes "Why my command not work?!";
    			mes "Maybe you're lucky!";
    		mes "[Lisa]";
    		emotion	e_kis;
    		mes "Please take this item and have a nice day~";
    		getitem	504,30;	//White Potion
    		getitem	645,25;	//Concentration potion
    		getitem	14533,4;	//Field Manual
    		getitem	14232,10;	//ygg berry box(10)
    		getitem	4142,1;	//Doppelganger Card
    		set #PlayerRecievedFreebies, 1;
    		mes "See you soon~";
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