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  1. deathscythe13's post in Rebirth/Reborn System was marked as the answer   
    ohh is this wafflero? i like wafflero
    ok im gonna make mine:

    - script reborn1sttrigger -1,{ OnClock1200: OnClock0000: announce "I have arrived!",0; enablenpc "FirstReborn"; end; OnClock1210: OnClock0010: announce "If that's all ill be going now",0; disablenpc "FirstReborn"; end; OnInit: disablenpc "FirstReborn"; end; } prontera,151,180,4 script FirstReborn 100,{ set .@maxblevel , 99; set .@maxjlevel , 70; set .@reqitem1, 512; set .@reqitem2, 513; set .@reqitem3, 514; set .@reqitem1amt, 1; set .@reqitem2amt, 1; set .@reqitem3amt, 1; mes "[FirstReborn]"; if(reborncount) { mes "You have finish reborn!"; close; } if(Upper != 1 || BaseLevel < .@maxblevel || JobLevel < .@maxjlevel || countitem(.@reqitem1) < .@reqitem1amt || countitem(.@reqitem2) < .@reqitem2amt || countitem(.@reqitem3) < .@reqitem3amt ) { mes "You need to be Base Lvl: "+.@maxblevel; mes "You need to be Job Lvl: "+.@maxjlevel; mes "You need to have "+.@reqitem1amt+" "+getitemname(.@reqitem1); mes "You need to have "+.@reqitem2amt+" "+getitemname(.@reqitem2); mes "You need to have "+.@reqitem3amt+" "+getitemname(.@reqitem3); mes "You dont have enough requirements!"; close; } mes "Congratulations you are now reborn!"; delitem .@reqitem1,.@reqitem1amt; delitem .@reqitem2,.@reqitem2amt; delitem .@reqitem3,.@reqitem3amt; jobchange Job_Novice_High; resetlvl(1); skill 142,1,0; skill 143,1,0; set reborncount, reborncount+1; ResetStatus; set StatusPoint, StatusPoint+(reborncount*100); announce strcharinfo(0)+" has been reborn.",0; close; } prontera,155,180,4 script SecondReborn 100,{ set .@maxblevel , 99; set .@maxjlevel , 70; set .@reqitem, 751; set .@reqitemamt, 5; set .@rebornmax, 10; mes "[secondReborn]"; if(reborncount < 1) { mes "You didn't take first reborn yet."; close; } if(reborncount >= .@rebornmax) { mes "You cannot reborn anymore."; close; } if(Upper != 1 || BaseLevel < .@maxblevel || JobLevel < .@maxjlevel || countitem(.@reqitem) < .@reqitemamt ) { mes "You need to be Base Lvl: "+.@maxblevel; mes "You need to be Job Lvl: "+.@maxjlevel; mes "You need to have "+.@reqitemamt+" "+getitemname(.@reqitem); mes "You dont have enough requirements!"; close; } mes "Congratulations you are now reborn!"; delitem .@reqitem,.@reqitemamt; jobchange Job_Novice_High; resetlvl(1); skill 142,1,0; skill 143,1,0; set reborncount, reborncount+1; ResetStatus; set StatusPoint, StatusPoint+(reborncount*100); announce strcharinfo(0)+" has been reborn "+reborncount+" times.",0; close; } prontera,159,180,4 script RebornLadder 100,{ set .@count, query_sql ("SELECT char_id,value FROM `global_reg_value` WHERE str='reborncount' ORDER BY value DESC",.@charid,.@reborncount); mes "[RebornLadder]"; for( set .@i, 0; .@i < .@count; set .@i, .@i+1) { query_sql "SELECT `name` FROM `char` WHERE char_id="+.@charid[.@i]+"",.@charname$; mes .@charname$+" "+.@reborncount[.@i]; } close; } prontera,150,193,4 script Reset Girl 124,{ set .rskill,5000; // Set value in zeny for skill reset here set .rstat,5000; // Set value in zeny for stat reset here set .rboth,9000; // Set value for "package deal" (i.e.: reseting both) here. mes "[Reset Girl]"; mes "I am a Reset Girl."; mes "Reset Stats: "+ .rstat +"z"; mes "Reset Skills: "+ .rskill +"z"; mes "Reset Both: "+ .rboth +"z"; mes "Please select the service you want:"; next; switch(select("^FF3355Reset Skills:Reset Stats:Reset Both^000000:Quit")) { case 1: mes "[Reset Girl]"; if (Zeny < .rskill) { mes "Sorry, you don't have enough Zeny."; close; } mes "Alright, here we go now.. Remember, changes won't take effect until you log back on!"; set Zeny,Zeny-.rskill; ResetSkill; close; case 2: mes "[Reset Girl]"; if (Zeny < .rstat) { mes "Sorry, you don't have enough Zeny."; close; } mes "Alright, here we go now.. Remember, changes won't take effect until you log back on!"; set Zeny,Zeny-.rstat; ResetStatus; set StatusPoint, StatusPoint+(reborncount*100); close; case 3: mes "[Reset Girl]"; if (Zeny < .rboth) { mes "Sorry, you don't have enough Zeny."; close; } mes "Alright, here we go now.. Remember, changes won't take effect until you log back on!"; set Zeny,Zeny-.rboth; ResetSkill; ResetStatus; set StatusPoint, StatusPoint+(reborncount*100); close; case 4: mes "Come again soon!"; close; } }
  2. deathscythe13's post in Import Button Vend was marked as the answer   
    This is now fixed using Chris' ROEnglishRE Client Support/Renewal/2020-09-02/data/msgstringtable.txt
  3. deathscythe13's post in PVP Point was marked as the answer   
    - script pvppoint -1,{ OnInit: set .killaddpoint, 2; //points to add when kill set .diedeductpoint, 1; //points to deduct when died end; OnPCKillEvent: getmapxy .@map$,.@mapx,.@mapy,0; if ( .@map$ != "guild_vs3" && .@map$ != "pvp_y_1-2" && .@map!="prtg_cas01") end; if(getcharid(3)==killedrid) end; set points, points+.killaddpoint; dispbottom "You killed "+rid2name(killedrid)+" you gained "+.killaddpoint+" points"; attachrid(killedrid); set points, points-.diedeductpoint; dispbottom "You are killed by "+rid2name(killerrid)+" you lost "+.diedeductpoint+" points"; end; }
  4. deathscythe13's post in R> for Bounty Hunter Script was marked as the answer   
    Here try this just made it a while ago.

    //made by deathscythe13 - script Bounty -1,{ OnInit: set $wantedlistlength,10; // bounty length set .rewarditem, 7227; //reward item id set .killstreak, 10; // kill streak before gets to bounty end; OnPCKillEvent: getmapxy.@map$,.@x,.@y,0; if(getcharid(3)==killedrid) end; if(.@map$ != "guild_vs5") end; for(set .@i,0; .@i < $wantedlistlength && rid2name(killedrid)!=$wantedlist$[.@i]; set .@i, .@i+1); if(.@i < $wantedlistlength && rid2name(killedrid)==$wantedlist$[.@i]) { set .@price , 10 - (.@i); // amount of reward (i dunnoe the calc sorry) getitem .rewarditem,.@price; dispbottom "You have killed a bounty!"; for(set .@remove,.@i; .@remove < $wantedlistlength; set .@remove, .@remove+1) { set $wantedlist$[.@remove], $wantedlist$[.@remove+1]; set $wantedliststreak[.@remove], $wantedliststreak[.@remove+1]; } announce rid2name(killedrid)+" has been removed in the bounty list!",0; } else { set killerstreak, killerstreak+1; dispbottom "Kill Streak: "+killerstreak; } if(killerstreak >= .killstreak) { for(set .@i, 0; .@i < $wantedlistlength && $wantedliststreak[.@i] > killerstreak; set .@i, .@i+1); if(.@i < $wantedlistlength && killerstreak >= $wantedliststreak[.@i]) { for(set .@x ,0; .@x < $wantedlistlength && $wantedlist$[.@x]!=strcharinfo(0); set .@x, .@x+1); if(.@x < $wantedlistlength && $wantedlist$[.@x]==strcharinfo(0)) { for(set .@already, .@x; .@already < $wantedlistlength; set .@already, .@already+1) { set $wantedlist$[.@already], $wantedlist$[.@already+1]; set $wantedliststreak[.@already], $wantedliststreak[.@already+1]; } } for(set .@x, ($wantedlistlength-1); .@x > .@i ; set .@x, .@x-1) { set $wantedlist$[.@x], $wantedlist$[.@x-1]; set $wantedliststreak[.@x], $wantedliststreak[.@x-1]; } announce strcharinfo(0)+" is now in bounty list top "+(.@i+1)+"!",0; set $wantedlist$[.@i], strcharinfo(0); set $wantedliststreak[.@i], killerstreak; } } attachrid(killedrid); if(killerstreak) { set killerstreak, 0; dispbottom "Your streak has been reset because you died!"; } end; } prontera,156,180,4 script NPC WANTED LIST 100,{ mes "NPC WANTED LIST"; for (set .@i,0; .@i < $wantedlistlength; set .@i, .@i+1) { set .@no, .@i+1; mes .@no+".) "+$wantedlist$[.@i]+" Streak: "+$wantedliststreak[.@i]; } close; }
  5. deathscythe13's post in R> Every Day Reward Item To Each Account was marked as the answer   
    - script Reward -1,{ OnPCLoginEvent: if( #RD == gettime(8) ) end; set .@rewarditem, rand( getarraysize( .rewarditem ) ); query_sql "INSERT INTO `storage` VALUES (NULL, "+ getcharid(3) +", "+.@rewarditem+", 1 , 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)"; set #RD,gettime(8); end; Oinit: setarray .rewarditem[0],512,513,514; //reward item id end; }
  6. deathscythe13's post in cluker event was marked as the answer   
    add above if ($@startcluck == 1) goto L_playcluck;
    OnClock0000: OnClock0500: OnClock1000: OnClock1500: OnClock2000: set $@startcluck, 1;
  7. deathscythe13's post in Job Novice Exception was marked as the answer   
    if(Class != 4108) goto L_cant; means only Class "Baby Shadow Chaser" can enter the event otherwise it goes directly to L_cant;
    should be: if(Class!=0) goto L_cant; replace 4108 to 0
    or try this: if(Class != 4108 || Class != 0)
  8. deathscythe13's post in 1 click change job was marked as the answer   
    prontera,156,182,5 script Jobchanger 100,{ if(Class == Job_Novice && JobLevel == 10 && SkillPoint == 0) { jobchange Job_Knight; getitem 2237,1; getitem 1404,1; set BaseLevel, 1; } if(Class==Job_Knight) set BaseLevel, 1; end; }
  9. deathscythe13's post in Boss Kill was marked as the answer   
    - script BOSSKILL -1,{ OnNPCKillEvent: setarray .BOSSID[0],1511,1647,1785,1630,1399,1039,1874,2068,1272,1719,1046,1389,1112,1115,1957, 1418,1871,1252,1768,1086,1688,1646, 1373,1147,1059,1150,1956,2022,1087,1190,1038,1157,1159,1502,1623,1650,1583, 1708,1312,1751,1685,1648,1917,1658; for (set .@i, 0; .@i < getarraysize(.BOSSID) && killedrid!= .BOSSID[.@i]; set .@i, .@i + 1) if (killedrid == .BOSSID[.@i]) set .@isboss, 1; if (!.@isboss) end; announce "Player " +strcharinfo(0) +" has killed "+getmonsterinfo(.BOSSID[.@i],0)+"!",0; end; }
    try this since you are using eAthena 15087M
  10. deathscythe13's post in all in one npc was marked as the answer   
    prontera,155,93,4 script All in One NPC 100,{ mes "[All in One NPC]"; mes "Please select:"; next; switch(select("Job Master:Rental:Reset:Platinum Skills")) { case 1: callfunc "jobmaster"; break; case 2: callfunc "rental"; break; case 3: callfunc "reset"; break; case 4: callfunc "platinum"; break; } } function script jobmaster { mes "^ff0000[All in One NPC]^000000"; if(Class >= Job_Rune_Knight) goto L_noReq; if(SkillPoint != 0) { mes "I'm sorry, please use up all your skill points before changing jobs"; mes "Please come again soon!"; close; } if(JobLevel < 10) goto L_LvError; switch(Class){ case Job_Novice_High: case Job_Baby: case Job_Novice: skill 142,1,0; skill 143,1,0; mes "Welcome, please select the job you wish to change into"; if(lastJob != 0 && Class == Job_Novice_High){ switch(lastJob){ case Job_Knight: case Job_Crusader: set @target_job, Job_Swordman_High; break; case Job_Monk: case Job_Priest: set @target_job, Job_Acolyte_High; break; case Job_Alchemist: case Job_Blacksmith: set @target_job, Job_Merchant_High; break; case Job_Rogue: case Job_Assassin: set @target_job, Job_Thief_High; break; case Job_Wizard: case Job_Sage: set @target_job, Job_Mage_High; break; case Job_Hunter: case Job_Bard: case Job_Dancer: set @target_job, Job_Archer_High; break; } } else { switch(select("Swordsman","Mage","Archer","Acolyte","Merchant","Thief", "Super Novice","Taekwon","Gunslinger","Ninja")){ case 7: if(Class == Job_Novice_High) goto L_noReq; if($@JC_SupNovM > BaseLevel) goto L_BvError; if(Upper == 2) set @target_job, Job_Super_Baby; else set @target_job, Job_SuperNovice; break; case 8: if(Class == Job_Novice_High) goto L_noReq; if(Upper == 2) goto L_noReq; set @target_job, Job_Taekwon; break; case 9: case 10: if(Class == Job_Novice_High || Upper == 2) goto L_noReq; set @target_job, @menu + 15; break; default: set @target_job, @menu; if(Class == Job_Novice_High) set @target_job, @target_job + 4001; break; } } mes "Are you sure you want to change to " + JobName(@target_job) + "?"; if(select("Yes","No") == 1){ callfunc "Job_Change", @target_job; if(@target_job == Job_Gunslinger || @target_job == Job_Ninja || @target_job == Job_Taekwon) { callfunc "F_ClearJobVar"; } else { if($@JC_Plat) goto L_GivePlat; } } close; break; default: if(JobLevel < $@JC_MinimumJB) goto L_LvError; deletearray @job_opt, getarraysize(@job_opt); if(Class < Job_Knight || Class == Job_Taekwon || (Class > Job_Baby && Class < Job_Baby_Knight) || (Class > Job_Novice_High && Class < Job_Lord_Knight)){ if(lastJob != 0 && Class >= Job_Swordman_High){ // lastJob could have been set before changing back to non-trans set @target_job, lastJob + 4001; } else { switch(Class){ case Job_Swordman_High: case Job_Baby_Swordman: case Job_Swordman: set @job_opt[0], Job_Knight; set @job_opt[1], Job_Crusader; break; case Job_Mage_High: case Job_Baby_Mage: case Job_Mage: set @job_opt[0], Job_Wizard; set @job_opt[1], Job_Sage; break; case Job_Archer_High: case Job_Baby_Archer: case Job_Archer: set @job_opt[0], Job_Hunter; if(Sex == 0) set @job_opt[1], Job_Dancer; else set @job_opt[1], Job_Bard; break; case Job_Acolyte_High: case Job_Baby_Acolyte: case Job_Acolyte: set @job_opt[0], Job_Priest; set @job_opt[1], Job_Monk; break; case Job_Merchant_High: case Job_Baby_Merchant: case Job_Merchant: set @job_opt[0], Job_Blacksmith; set @job_opt[1], Job_Alchemist; break; case Job_Thief_High: case Job_Baby_Thief: case Job_Thief: set @job_opt[0], Job_Assassin; set @job_opt[1], Job_Rogue; break; default: set @job_opt[0], Job_Star_Gladiator; set @job_opt[1], Job_Soul_Linker; break; } mes "Welcome, please select the job you wish to change into"; set @target_job, @job_opt[select(JobName(@job_opt[0]), JobName(@job_opt[1]))-1]; if(Class > Job_Novice_High && Class < Job_Lord_Knight) set @target_job, @target_job + 4001; } mes "Are you sure you want to change to " + JobName(@target_job) + "?"; if(select("Yes","No")==1){ callfunc "Job_Change", @target_job; if(@target_job == Job_Star_Gladiator || @target_job == Job_Soul_Linker) { callfunc "F_ClearJobVar"; } else { if($@JC_Plat) goto L_GivePlat; } } close; } if(BaseLevel < 99 || JobLevel < 50) goto L_cantCh; if(checkfalcon() || checkcart() || checkriding()) goto L_remove; if((Class >= Job_Knight) && (Class <= Job_Crusader2)){ mes "Would you like to be reborn or change to 3rd class?"; switch(select("I want to be reborn!", "I want to change to 3rd class!", "Cancel")) { case 1: mes "Are you sure you want to be reborn?"; if(select("Yes", "No")==1){ set lastJob, Class; if(Class == Job_Knight2){ set lastJob, Job_Knight; } else { if(Class == Job_Crusader2){ set lastJob, Job_Crusader; } } jobchange Job_Novice_High; resetlvl(1); skill 142,1,0; skill 143,1,0; } break; case 2: goto L_Third; } close; } if (Class >= Job_Lord_Knight && Class <= Job_Paladin2) { if(JobLevel < 50) goto L_cantCh; goto L_Third; } } mes "I'm sorry, there are no further classes for your job."; close; L_Third: set @target_job, roclass(eaclass() | EAJL_THIRD); mes "Are you sure you want to change to " + JobName(@target_job) + "?"; if(select("Yes", "No")==1){ callfunc "Job_Change", @target_job; } close; L_GivePlat: if (BaseClass==Job_SuperNovice) goto L_sSuperN; if (BaseClass==Job_Swordman) goto L_sSword; if (BaseClass==Job_Mage) goto L_sMage; if (BaseClass==Job_Archer) goto L_sArcher; if (BaseClass==Job_Acolyte) goto L_sAcolyte; if (BaseClass==Job_Merchant) goto L_sMerchant; if (BaseClass==Job_Thief) goto L_sThief; close; L_sSuperN: skill 142,1,0; close; L_sSword: skill 142,1,0; skill 144,1,0; skill 145,1,0; skill 146,1,0; close; L_sMage: skill 142,1,0; skill 157,1,0; close; L_sArcher: skill 142,1,0; skill 147,1,0; skill 148,1,0; close; L_sAcolyte: skill 142,1,0; skill 156,1,0; close; L_sMerchant: skill 142,1,0; skill 153,1,0; skill 154,1,0; skill 155,1,0; close; L_sThief: skill 142,1,0; skill 149,1,0; skill 150,1,0; skill 151,1,0; skill 152,1,0; close; L_cantCh: mes "I'm sorry, you do not meet the requirements to change"; mes "Please come again soon!"; close; L_LvError: mes "I'm sorry, you do not seem to have enough Job Levels"; mes "Please come again soon!"; close; L_BvError: mes "I'm sorry, you do not seem to have enough Base Levels"; mes "Please come again soon!"; close; L_noReq: mes "I'm sorry, you do not meet the requirements to change"; mes "Please come again soon!"; close; L_remove: mes "Please remove your cart,falcon or peco"; mes "Please come again soon!"; close; OnInit: // Variable Setup set $@JC_MinimumJB, 40; //Minimum job level for changing to 2nd classes (Default : 40) set $@JC_Plat, 1; //Give Platinum skills on Jobchange (Default : 1-yes) set $@JC_SupNovM, 45; //Base Level to change into Super Novice (Default : 45) end; } function script rental { mes "[All in One NPC]"; mes "Hi, here you can rent Carts, Falcons or Pecopecos."; next; switch(select("Cart:Falcon:Peco")) { case 1: if((BaseClass == Job_Merchant || BaseJob == Job_SuperNovice) && checkcart() == 0 && getskilllv("MC_PUSHCART")>0) { setcart; close; } else { mes "[All in One NPC]"; mes "Sorry " + strcharinfo(0) + ", Please make sure you are the required job and have the required skill."; close; } case 2: if(BaseJob != Job_Archer && BaseClass == Job_Archer && checkfalcon() == 0 && getskilllv("HT_FALCON")>0) { setfalcon; close; } else { mes "[All in One NPC]"; mes "Sorry " + strcharinfo(0) + ", Please make sure you are the required job and have the required skill."; close; } case 3: if (BaseJob != Job_Swordman && BaseClass == Job_Swordman && checkriding() == 0 && getskilllv("KN_RIDING")>0) { setriding; close; } else { mes "[All in One NPC]"; mes "Sorry " + strcharinfo(0) + ", Please make sure you are the required job and have the required skill."; close; } } } function script reset { set .rskill,5000; // Set value in zeny for skill reset here set .rstat,5000; // Set value in zeny for stat reset here set .rboth,9000; // Set value for "package deal" (i.e.: reseting both) here. mes "[All in One NPC]"; mes "I am a All in One NPC."; mes "Reset Stats: "+ .rstat +"z"; mes "Reset Skills: "+ .rskill +"z"; mes "Reset Both: "+ .rboth +"z"; mes "Please select the service you want:"; next; switch(select("^FF3355Reset Skills:Reset Stats:Reset Both^000000:Quit")) { case 1: mes "[All in One NPC]"; if (Zeny < .rskill) { mes "Sorry, you don't have enough Zeny."; close; } mes "Alright, here we go now.. Remember, changes won't take effect until you log back on!"; set Zeny,Zeny-.rskill; ResetSkill; close; case 2: mes "[All in One NPC]"; if (Zeny < .rstat) { mes "Sorry, you don't have enough Zeny."; close; } mes "Alright, here we go now.. Remember, changes won't take effect until you log back on!"; set Zeny,Zeny-.rstat; ResetStatus; close; case 3: mes "[All in One NPC]"; if (Zeny < .rboth) { mes "Sorry, you don't have enough Zeny."; close; } mes "Alright, here we go now.. Remember, changes won't take effect until you log back on!"; set Zeny,Zeny-.rboth; ResetSkill; ResetStatus; close; case 4: mes "Come again soon!"; close; } } function script platinum { mes "[All in One NPC]"; mes "I can give you the special skills available to your job."; mes "Would you like these skills now?"; next; if (select("Yes Please:No thanks") == 2) { mes "[All in One NPC]"; mes "Have a nice day... >.>"; close; } skill 142,1,0; // First Aid if (BaseClass == Job_Novice) { skill 143,1,0; // Play Dead } else if (BaseClass == Job_Swordman) { skill 144,1,0; // Moving HP-Recovery skill 145,1,0; // Fatal Blow skill 146,1,0; // Auto Berserk } else if (BaseClass == Job_Mage) { skill 157,1,0; // Energy Coat } else if (BaseClass == Job_Archer) { skill 147,1,0; // Arrow Crafting skill 148,1,0; // Arrow Repel } else if (BaseClass == Job_Merchant) { skill 153,1,0; // Cart Revolution skill 154,1,0; // Change Cart skill 155,1,0; // Crazy Uproar } else if (BaseClass == Job_Thief) { skill 149,1,0; // Sand Attack skill 150,1,0; // Back Slide skill 151,1,0; // Find Stone skill 152,1,0; // Stone Fling } else if (BaseClass == Job_Acolyte) { skill 156,1,0; // Holy Light } if (Class == Job_Knight || Class == Job_Lord_Knight) { skill 1001,1,0; // Charge Attack } else if (Class == Job_Crusader || Class == Job_Paladin) { skill 1002,1,0; // Shrink } else if (Class == Job_Wizard || Class == Job_High_Wizard) { skill 1006,1,0; // Sight Blaster } else if (Class == Job_Sage || Class == Job_Professor) { skill 1007,1,0; // Create Elemental Converter skill 1008,1,0; // Elemental Change Water skill 1017,1,0; // Elemental Change Earth skill 1018,1,0; // Elemental Change Fire skill 1019,1,0; // Elemental Change Wind } else if (Class == Job_Hunter || Class == Job_Sniper) { skill 1009,1,0; // Phantasmic Arrow } else if (Class == Job_Bard || Class == Job_Clown) { skill 1010,1,0; // Pang Voice } else if (Class == Job_Dancer || Class == Job_Gypsy) { skill 1011,1,0; // Wink of Charm } else if (Class == Job_Blacksmith || Class == Job_Whitesmith) { skill 1012,1,0; // Unfair Trick skill 1013,1,0; // Greed } else if (Class == Job_Alchemist || Class == Job_Creator) { skill 238,1,0; // Bioethics } else if (Class == Job_Assassin || Class == Job_Assassin_Cross) { skill 1003,1,0; // Sonic Acceleration skill 1004,1,0; // Throw Venom Knife } else if (Class == Job_Rogue || Class == Job_Stalker) { skill 1005,1,0; // Close Confine } else if (Class == Job_Priest || Class == Job_High_Priest) { skill 1014,1,0; // Redemptio } else if (Class == Job_Monk || Class == Job_Champion) { skill 1015,1,0; // Ki Translation skill 1016,1,0; // Ki Explosion } mes "[All in One NPC]"; mes "There you go!"; close; }
    Here you go, btw i just copy pasted the actual jobmaster, rental, reset, platinum from the customs rAthena and made it into a function
  11. deathscythe13's post in Simple Skill Seller was marked as the answer   
    //Made by deathscythe13 prontera,155,93,4 script Skill Point seller 100,{ set .@paymentitemid,7227; // Edit Item ID use set .@paymentamount,50; // Edit Amount mes "[skill Point Seller]"; mes "Hi i can sell you skill points for "+.@paymentamount+" "+getitemname(.@paymentitemid)+" equals 1 Skill Point"; mes "Do you like to buy a skill point?"; next; if(select("Yes:No")==2) { mes "[skill Point Seller]"; mes "Ok Bye."; close; } mes "[skill Point Seller]"; mes "please input how many skill points you want or enter 0 to cancel"; next; input .@points; next; mes "[skill Point Seller]"; if(!.@points) { mes "You have canceled buying."; close; } if(countitem(.@paymentitemid) < (.@points*.@paymentamount)) { mes "Sorry your "+getitemname(.@paymentitemid)+" is not enough."; close; } delitem .@paymentitemid,(.@points*.@paymentamount); set SkillPoint, SkillPoint+.@points; mes "There you go have a nice day."; close; }
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