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Posts posted by krashdragon

  1. Hi emistry,i have load SQL table but still get this error

    [SQL]: DB error - Table 'serversg85.E-Inquiry' doesn't exist
    [Debug]: at script.c:14874 - SELECT `ID` FROM `E-Inquiry` WHERE `Status` = 0 AND `Sender_ID`='2000000'
    [Debug]: Source (NPC): E-Inquiry (invisible/not on a map)
    [SQL]: DB error - Table 'serversg85.E-Inquiry' doesn't exist
    [Debug]: at script.c:14874 - SELECT `ID` FROM `E-Inquiry` WHERE `Status` = 1 AND `Sender_ID`='2000000'
    [Debug]: Source (NPC): E-Inquiry (invisible/not on a map)
    [SQL]: DB error - Table 'serversg85.E-Inquiry' doesn't exist
    [Debug]: at script.c:14874 - SELECT `ID` FROM `E-Inquiry` WHERE `Status` = 2 AND `Sender_ID`='2000000'
    [Debug]: Source (NPC): E-Inquiry (invisible/not on a map)
    [SQL]: DB error - Table 'serversg85.E-Inquiry' doesn't exist
    [Debug]: at script.c:14874 -  SELECT `ID`,`Title`,`Message`,`Inquiry_Time`,`Reply`,`Reply_Time`,`Reply_Name` FROM `E-Inquiry` WHERE `Status`= 0 AND `Sender_ID`='2000000'
    [Debug]: Source (NPC): E-Inquiry (invisible/not on a map)
    [SQL]: DB error - Table 'serversg85.E-Inquiry' doesn't exist
    [Debug]: at script.c:14874 - SELECT `ID` FROM `E-Inquiry` WHERE `Status` = 0 AND `Sender_ID`='2000000'
    [Debug]: Source (NPC): E-Inquiry (invisible/not on a map)
    [SQL]: DB error - Table 'serversg85.E-Inquiry' doesn't exist
    [Debug]: at script.c:14874 - SELECT `ID` FROM `E-Inquiry` WHERE `Status` = 1 AND `Sender_ID`='2000000'
    [Debug]: Source (NPC): E-Inquiry (invisible/not on a map)
    [SQL]: DB error - Table 'serversg85.E-Inquiry' doesn't exist
    [Debug]: at script.c:14874 - SELECT `ID` FROM `E-Inquiry` WHERE `Status` = 2 AND `Sender_ID`='2000000'
    [Debug]: Source (NPC): E-Inquiry (invisible/not on a map)
    [SQL]: DB error - Table 'serversg85.E-Inquiry' doesn't exist
    [Debug]: at script.c:14874 - INSERT INTO `E-Inquiry` ( `Sender_ID`,`Sender_Name`,`Title`,`Message`,`Status`,`Inquiry_Time` ) VALUES ( 2000000,' Ë£îë ','adsads','asadada ',0,'2013-10-16 01:36:47' )
    [Debug]: Source (NPC): E-Inquiry (invisible/not on a map)
    [SQL]: DB error - Table 'serversg85.E-Inquiry' doesn't exist
    [Debug]: at script.c:14874 - SELECT `ID` FROM `E-Inquiry` WHERE `Status` = 0 AND `Sender_ID`='2000000'
    [Debug]: Source (NPC): E-Inquiry (invisible/not on a map)
    [SQL]: DB error - Table 'serversg85.E-Inquiry' doesn't exist
    [Debug]: at script.c:14874 - SELECT `ID` FROM `E-Inquiry` WHERE `Status` = 1 AND `Sender_ID`='2000000'
    [Debug]: Source (NPC): E-Inquiry (invisible/not on a map)
    [SQL]: DB error - Table 'serversg85.E-Inquiry' doesn't exist
    [Debug]: at script.c:14874 - SELECT `ID` FROM `E-Inquiry` WHERE `Status` = 2 AND `Sender_ID`='2000000'
    [Debug]: Source (NPC): E-Inquiry (invisible/not on a map)


    how to make it work?here i try edit psychic wave but damage still same


    // Examples:

    // 42,1,500 // In normal maps, players deal +50% damage to other players with Mammonite.

    // MO_EXTREMITYFIST,1,6,-50 // In PVP and GVG, players deal -50% (half) damage to other players with Asura Strike.

    // AB_ADORAMUS,1,6,10,0,10,15 // In PVP and GVG, players deal +50%
    damage to other players, +0% to mobs, +10% to bosses, and +15% to other
    with Adoramus.

    // SO_PSYCHIC_WAVE,1,1,100

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