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  1. Buenas, disculpen soy nuevo en scripting y me encuentro desarrollando un npc simple (si se puede decir simple). El npc consiste en que al hablarle este verifique si traes equipado cualquiera de los 9 items necesarios para recibir un warp a un mapa X Es decir, tengo 9 distintos id de items que quiero que detecte antes de ofrecer el warp al mapa X Miren yo lo tengo así pero de seguro está mal //Npc Warper Reset - script Resetwarper 51,{ //SON 9 ITEMS LOS QUE QUIERO QUE EL NPC BUSQUE EN EL INVENTARIO (osea que detecte 1 de esa lista) if((getequipid(11)==20194) || (getequipid(11)==20300) || (getequipid(11)==20301) || (getequipid(11)==20198) || (getequipid(11)==20302) || (getequipid(11)==20304) || (getequipid(11)==20200) || (getequipid(11)==20305) || (getequipid(11)==20306)) // SI TIENE CUALQUIERA DE ESOS IDS DE ARRIBA EN EL "EQI_COSTUME_HEAD_LOW (11)" lo pase al siguiente mensaje mes "Pero si es el Heroe"+strcharinfo(0)+""; next; mes "Bienvenido, ¿Desea que lo escolte hacia el mapa donde esta el reset?"; next; menu "Si, llevame ahi",-,"No, asi estoy bien",close; //**warp** //AQUI POR EJEMPLO UN MENSAJE QUE TE DIGA QUE NO TIENES NINGUNO DE LOS ITEMS EQUIPADOS Y TE DE UN "close;" o algo asi }
  2. Muchas gracias por tu ayuda, esto iría al inicio del NPC? o puede ir en donde sea?
  3. Buenas y muchas gracias por su tiempo y su atención. Resulta que soy nuevo en scripting (Realmente un novato) Y estoy desarrollando tres Quest para mi servidor, la quest es para conseguir un item al finalizar la tercera quest. Estoy editando un npc básico de quest que me encontré por ahí, estoy poniendo la información de mi quest etc, el hecho es que me gustaría que al hablar con el NPC este evaluara primero que nada si el usuario es nivel 90+ y ademas que evalue al mismo tiempo si es RENACIDO. Se que la variable para detectar el nivel vendría siendo algo así "if(BaseLevel<90)" y el de los renacidos sería algo así si no estoy equivocado "if(@eac&EAJL_UPPER)". Lo que no puedo hacer esque el npc ejecute ambos comandos, solo me reconoce el de nivel y listo, ademas no se como hacer para que el NPC ejecute ambos chequeos en cuanto le hablas; Es decir: Ej: Cuando el usuario habla con el NPC, Si este no cumple con los requisitos el npc le dira inmediatamente que no cumple con los requisitos (90+ y Renacido), pero si los cumple entonces que le de la quest, no se si me doy a entender... Este es el boceto del npc con el que me estoy guiando para hacer la quest espero que me puedan ayudar y les agradezco su tiempo. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Este es el NPC donde quiero añadir el chequeo de nivel y renacido)(Quisiera que detectara esto antes de darte informacion) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- prontera,155,182,4 script GuardianAldebaran 56,{ set .@nombre$,"[ Quest NPC 1]"; if (Quest == 1) { mes .@nombre$; mes "¿Qué haces aún por aqui?"; next; mes .@nombre$; mes "Ve a buscar al Quest NPC 2."; close; } mes .@nombre$; mes "Hola "+strcharinfo(0)+","; mes "¿Quieres aceptar mi quest?"; if(select("Si:No")==2) { end; } else { mes .@nombre$; mes "De acuerdo, para continuar busca al Quest NPC 2."; close2; set Quest,1; end; } }
  4. Hi rAthena, I'm not sure if this is the right place to post my question, since my english is not very good lol, sorry about that too. Well, I been having problemas with my Pets ingame, some skill doesn't work (loot skills) and some others works bad, like deviruchi buffs, they must be for 20 sec every 40 sec or something like that, Well, I didn't make any change to my pet_db.txt neither add custom pets, just the original ones, my server is pre-renewal and we are using Revision: 17421 . Reading here and there, I notice pet's skills changed in renewal, some skills and stats where added, so my pet_db.txt looks like renewal and not pre-renewal, but the bonuses are working, looter pets don't loot even if they have (by default) the loot skill in pet_db.txt Sorry if I can't explain you very well, hope you understand my problem. EDIT: Problem solved, just had to change a "no" for a "yes" on a line in script: conf/battle/pet.conf // Whether or not the pet's will use skills. (Note 1) // Note: Offensive pet skills need at least pet_attack_support or // pet_damage_support to work (they trigger while the pet is attacking). pet_status_support: no TO: // Whether or not the pet's will use skills. (Note 1) // Note: Offensive pet skills need at least pet_attack_support or // pet_damage_support to work (they trigger while the pet is attacking). pet_status_support: yes I wanted to share the solution even if its pretty simple so other people with the same problem can find it. Thanks anyways, topic can be closed pet_db.txt
  5. Hi, thank you for your response! I think i understand what you said, so, i dont have to make a new ACT for my SPR, i just have to edit my SPR and let the ACT alone? The thing is not changing the sprite drastically so the ACT can work with the new SPR? sorry for making this questions that may be obvious for you, but since i'm just starting this things are basics to learn! Thank you for your time and patience! PD. Do you recommend me to get rid of the pauldrons? So the image don't be wider and i dont have problems with the original ACT?
  6. Hi, i'm new here, i been reading some of your guides because some friends started a new Ragnarok Server and they want a custom GM sprite, so i just started to learn how to do it, i been working on the pixel images for hours (combining and editing different sprites), and i want to take a look how it looks ingame even when i didn't finish all angles, but can't create the ACT file, when i open my spr file it doesn't show me the grid to adjust (like I saw in the guide), what am i doing wrong? I tried to make an ACT with a SPR with just my 5 completed images, and it didint work, then, did a SPR with my 5 first images (i replaced the 5 original ones) and the rest with original ones, and same error. Made the SPR with SPR_Convview_v0 and trying to use actOR. Also i have another question, My custom sprite have pauldrons, so the image is a bit wider, can it be that way and still work? I made the spr croping the pauldrons so they all be on the same resulution, but when i finish all angles of my sprite, can i make a wider resolution SPR and will it work? I hope you understand my point. Sorry for my bad english, not my first language! Thank you in advance! Edit: Questions solved, so I take off the attached file and images of my sprite
  7. i have a problem with my GM's , when they connect, they can't move and get kicked, i want to repair this as fast as possible. here's the image that server displays when they try to recconect
  8. i contacted to my hosting support, they solved the problem thanks a lot!
  9. im actually using 3 programs, PuTTy for SSH, WinSCP for editing tables and txts, and a web sql FTP to administrate accounts and stuff.
  10. when i try to write "mysql -u your_user_name -p" this happens...
  11. thank you for your time, where can i execute that query?, i dont really know where commands are injected. can you explain me that please. im newbie in this.
  12. a hash? excuse me, didnt understand your mean. here's my hashtag..
  13. do i have to edit this in "inter_athena" // Log Inter Connections, etc.? log_inter: 1 could it be if i add an "s" to that "1" it will get solved? or isnt.
  14. [Error]: Can not connect to login-server. [Error]: The server communication passwords (default s1/p1) are probably invalid. [Error]: Also, please make sure your login db has the correct communication username/passwords and the gender of the account is S. [Error]: The communication passwords are set in map_athena.conf and char_athena.conf i have sql, dedicated server, using WinSCP for db, and using PuTTy for system maneagmnet, the problem is that my server was running perfectly 1 hour ago, and now, im not sure of what i did, the Char, and Map athena have their default userid and pswd s1 p1 and i've already checked in my loging db, there is "s1 p1" and gender "S", dont know what's happending, thanks for your help.
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