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Everything posted by Frosty

  1. Does anyone have the reaaaalllly old izlude and yuno files? The ones with no airports. Thank youuu
  2. I'm trying to make hunter traps to not block moving into the same cell. Right now you have to move through the trap to get trapped and moving on the trap is not possible. This makes moving through multiple traps (ankle snares in woe) annoying as it is hard to find a cell you can try to move to when there are traps blocking all possible cells you could move to. Also most likely related to this somehow, in gvg flagged maps cursor turns to attack(sword) when targeting hunter traps. How to remove this too? I'd like hunter traps to work pretty much like firepillar in terms of targeting and moving. It would help a lot if I was told where stuff like this is set. (being able to move on firepillar unit, but trap unit blocks the cell like a player/npc would) All help appreciated.
  3. I'd like hunter traps to behave like fire pillar in terms of moving onto them. Possibly even removing the attack cursor when targeting them too (this only happens in gvg flagged maps). On a pretrans server where traps do not affect guild mates players find it fairly annoying trying to move over your own traps because you cannot click to move directly onto them and there might be many traps blocking the way.
  4. Yes that was it, should have posted in database support. Thank you.
  5. I was not sure which section to post this in. database or source. Everything works fine on my test server Problem on live server (not mine I just help with scripting from time to time): white potions/cond white potions/royal jellies (maybe some others too, both BG only consumeable and normal) have no effect in bat_b01, they get used and I see the visual effect but they do not heal. However red/blue/green/yellow/orange pots work just fine. What might be causing this? Thank you for the help.
  6. Thanks Edit: if anyone else is wondering how to check if party is in even share I added a script command that looks like this BUILDIN_FUNC(getpartyshare) { struct party_data *p; int i=0; p=party_search(script_getnum(st,2)); if (p && p->party.exp) i++; mapreg_setreg(add_str("$@partyshare"),i); return 0; }
  7. Yeh I figured that. Thanks though. I was actually wondering if there was a script command to check if its on or do I have to make a custom one. Edit: another question, if I make a custom script command in script.c do I need to declare it somewhere else so I can use it in scripts. Didnt seem to recognize my custom script command. (though I guess this should be asked in source support) Edit2: eh I can just use query_sql right? Edit3: cant figure out how to use it, no knowledge of sql stuff set .@partyid,getcharid(1); set .@share, query_sql(need help here) I need it to get the value of exp from that exact partyid (.@partyid).
  8. How do I check if party exp share is set to even share? Thanks
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