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    scripter town!

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  1. Aww,sry for the problems I fixed it by myself I had it like this in the script first : if( @Cost[@choice] > .donateid ) { and changed it to this: if(countitem(.donateid) <@Cost[@choice]) { change this topic to solved pls. thx
  2. Hello rAthena Board, I scripted a donate npc and it works but it does not check if the player got the donation item and the amount , here is my script pls help: prontera,160,183,4 script Donation Reward 872,{ set .@donatename$,"^0000FF[ Donation Reward ]^000000"; set .donateid,26770; setarray @ItemID[0],19438,19649,19650,19651; setarray @Cost[0],125,50,45,30; setarray @item_count[0],1,1,1,1; // Item Count wich will be given mes .@donatename$; mes "Hello ^0000FF["+strcharinfo(0)+"]^000000,do"; mes "you want to buy donate"; mes "items?"; next; if (select("Yes,sure","Cancel") == 2) close; next; mes "[^ff0000List^000000]"; mes "^0000ffItem^000000 = ^00aa00Cost^000000"; for( set .@i, 0; .@i < getarraysize(@ItemID); set .@i, .@i + 1 ) { mes "^0000ff"+@item_count[.@i]+"x "+getitemname(@ItemID[.@i])+"^000000 = ^00aa00"+@Cost[.@i]+"^000000"; if( .@i < 1 ) set .@menu$, getitemname(@ItemID[.@i]); else set .@menu$, .@menu$+":"+getitemname(@ItemID[.@i]); } next; select(.@menu$); set @choice, @menu - 1; mes @npcname$; if( @Cost[@choice] > .donateid ) { mes "^ff0000You dont have enough Donation Coins for "+@item_count[@choice]+"x '"+getitemname(@ItemID[@choice])+"' :/^000000"; close; } mes "Are u realy sure to trade "+@item_count[@choice]+"x '^ff0000"+getitemname(@ItemID[@choice])+"^000000' for ^00aa00"+@Cost[@choice]+"^000000 Donate Coins?"; if(select("No! Cancel!:Yes, Trade me!") == 1 ) { mes "^ff0000Trade was canceled~^000000"; close; } set .@new, .donateid - @Cost[@choice]; if( .@new < 0 ) // safty first.. set .@new, 0; delitem .donateid,@Cost[@choice]; getitem @ItemID[@choice], @item_count[@choice]; mes "^00aa00Trade was Successfull Hope to see u again =)!^000000"; close; }[/codeBOX]
  3. ...I really don't get it working,maybe gotta change tha host,thx anyway!
  4. Okay this already helped me server is online,but I still get the db error,what should be the SQL Ragnarok Host : My Wan IP or localhost?
  5. No not my wan IP ,when I open the MySQL administrator tool I can see the Server IP under clientinformation,that's the IP I'm using.
  6. -bump- I host the server by myself and the host of the Control Pannel is a free website host,and I just get this Message : Sorry! DB error found, please try again later So how to I give the free host permission to connect to the rag db? Thx.
  7. Umm...How do I do that if My Computer runs the Server,that means I don't have a FTP Server for my Computer,I just have MySQL installed with my server files on it and it's up and running,I just want to make the Ceres CP work,so how do I give the Ceres CP the Privileges to connect to the ragnarok server files and not to the CP files.
  8. hey rAthena board, I have got a problem with setting up a Ceres Control Pannel. I have followed this Guide on how to set up a Server : http://supportmii.com/ro1/JudasBible.pdf Now my server is online and I want to make a CP for it and now here's the Problem. I have tried everything for setting up the Ceres Control Pannel and I have filled into the gaps everything correctly , but there's always the same Message : mysqli_connect: MySERVERIP@MYSERVERHOST [ Here localhost] failed Can't connect to Ragnarok MySQL server. Press back and check your MySQL host, user, password Now what do I have to do ,after thousand times of trieng I edited it manually with the normal config.default.php and renamed it to config.php and now if I connect to my cp it says : Sorry! DB error found, please try again later. So what should I do? Thx!
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