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Everything posted by Kanage

  1. hi i just started implementing my WOE SE on my server and im using toasty's woe setter and find it useful but after two days i encounter some weird bug. while we are at the time of WOE, emperium of some guild just disappeared and it just don't want to popout or reappear. is there a fix? i am using 3ceam r660 the problem occurs while we are at arunafeltz guild map //====================================================================================================== //= Toasty's WoE Controller (formerly WoE Info Banner) //===== By: ============================================================================================ //= ToastOfDoom (aka: iHeart) //===== Current Version: =============================================================================== //= 1.22 //===== Description: =================================================================================== //= A WoE Controller function which controls castle based WoE by utilising npc events. //= Includes a NPC that provides information on the next WoE session //= //= This script is kinda @reloadscript/@loadnpc safe, provided that someone clicks the NPCs afterwards //= to start the OnInit function. That said..it is recommended that you don't use @reloadscript/@loadnpc //= but reset your server. //===== Changelog: ===================================================================================== //= 1.22 //= - Fixed an issue regarding the controller getting confused when using @reloadscript/loadnpc while //= WoE was still active. (thanks to annie for pointing out) //= 1.21 //= - Fixed a misspelt variable name (thanks to rahuldev345 for pointing out) //= 1.20 //= - Project renamed to 'Toasty's WoE Controller'. The script originally was only used to display WoE //= times then I 1st wrote it 3yrs ago and I feel it's purpose is more to control WoE these days. So //= name change to better reflect purpose. //= - Added support for novice WoE. Region teleport goes to the Novice Warper NPC (default in prontera) //= Change position in .region_maps, .region_x, .region_y if needed. //= - Region warp now only displays regions that have castles used at least once. (eg. If you don't //= configure any castles for Payon region, payon will not show up) //= - Optimised WoE Active/Inactive map notifier. Old method used too many loops for something that //= can happen alot. //= - Adjusted menus to be abit more friendly. 'next's will always display before 'menu's //= - Fixed bug with WoE autostarting when only configured for 2 sessions in one day //= - Added some nifty code that prevents catastrophic failure of the script if you try to run a trunk //= version on a stable server (ie. if you do, it will show an error message, but script will still //= run perfectly fine - check out WoEToggler function for those that want to peek at it =P) //= 1.11 //= - Fixed timer glitch when players only configured sessions for one day of the week //= - Adjusted timer to show remaining time more accurately //= - Modified .num_woes calculation due to bug regarding 0's being counted as unset values in arrays //= 1.10 //= - Expanded script to allow castle based configuration //= - Moved away from portal based woe control. Now using donpcevents to OnAgitEnd/2 events. Provided //= castles are linked to the main agit commands in this manner, they will be controllable using this //= script. //= - Added an onLoadMap WoE available notifier. Can be disabled by setting .notify_woe to 0 in the //= CONFIG section. //= - Did some funky color coding. //= - Added Coordinate based warping per region (see .region_x & .region_y in the CONSTANTS section) //= 1.02 //= - Added delwaitingroom to banner npc to prevent memory leaks from bug #2325 //= - To reduce spamming of waitingroom packets to players banner NPC only now updates when the banner //= text changes. Thus min time between updates is now 1sec regardless of setting. //= - Added setting for rate which banner time is updated (.banner_refresh_rate) in the CONFIG section. //= - Added agitstart2/end2 to provide WoE2 support (Hope it works //= 1.01 //= - Hardcoded in refresh value for banner npc instead of getting it from config from WoEInfoBase. Had //= issues starting the script after @reloadscript/@loadnpc //====================================================================================================== - script WoEInfoBase -1,{ OnStartMenu: if(.init == 0) donpcevent strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnInit"; OnStartMenu2: mes "The " + ((.state)?"^00DD00current":"^DD0000next") + "^000000 WoE session is: "; mes " "; mes "Day: ^0000DD" + .daysOfWeek$[.woe_day[.woe_index]]; mes "^000000Start time: ^00DD00" + .woe_0_str$[.woe_index]; mes "^000000End time: ^DD0000" + .woe_1_str$[.woe_index]; mes "^000000Region:"; set .@state_strs$, ".woe_state_str_" + .woe_state[.woe_index] + "$"; for(set .@i, 0; .@i < .num_regions; set .@i, .@i + 1) { set .@output$, getd(.@state_strs$ + "[" + .@i + "]"); if(.@output$ != "") mes "^000000- ^0000DD" + .@output$; } next; if(getgmlevel() >= .gm_access) select( "Warp to Castle Grounds", "View Castle Owners", "View all WoE times", ((!.state)?"Start next WoE":"End current WoE"), ((.state)?"":"Skip next WoE session") ); else select( "Warp to Castle Grounds", "View Castle Owners", "View all WoE times"); switch(@menu) { case 1: //warp mes "Which region would you like to warp to?"; next; select(.region_warp$[.woe_state[.woe_index]]); if(@menu < 1 || @menu > .num_regions) close; close2; warp .region_maps$[@menu - 1], .region_x[@menu - 1], .region_y[@menu - 1]; end; case 2: //view set .@woe_state_array$, ".woe_state_" + .woe_state[.woe_index]; for(set .@i, 0; .@i < .num_regions; set .@i, .@i + 1) { set .@k, 0; set .@castles$, ".castles_" + .regions$[.@i] + "$"; set .@castle_check, getd(.@woe_state_array$ + "[" + .@i + "]"); while(.@castle_check && .@k < .num_castles[.@i]) { if(.@castle_check & (1 << .@k)) { set .@map$, getd(.@castles$+"["+.@k+"]"); if (GetCastleData(.@map$,1)) { dispbottom "The [" + GetCastleName(.@map$) + "] castle of the [" + .region_names$[.@i] + "] region is currently held by the [" + GetGuildName(GetCastleData(.@map$,1)) + "] guild."; } else { dispbottom "The [" + GetCastleName(.@map$) + "] castle of the [" + .region_names$[.@i] + "] region is currently unoccupied."; } set .@castle_check, .@castle_check - (1 << .@k); } set .@k, .@k + 1; } } break; case 3: //woe times for(set .@i, 0; .@i < .num_woes; set .@i, .@i + 1) { dispbottom "- " + .daysOfWeek$[.woe_day[.@i]] + " " + .woe_0_str$[.@i] + "-" + .woe_1_str$[.@i]; set .@woe_state_str_array$, ".woe_state_str_" + .woe_state[.@i] + "$"; for(set .@k, 0; .@k < .num_regions; set .@k, .@k + 1) { set .@output$, getd(.@woe_state_str_array$ + "[" + .@k + "]"); if(.@output$ != "") dispbottom " " + .@output$; } } break; case 4: //start next; if(getgmlevel() <.gm_access) close; mes "^FF0000Are you sure you want to " + ((!.state)?"start the next WoE session?":"end the current WoE session?"); next; if(select("Yes:No") == 2) break; set .remainTime, 0; //might not work sometimes...you have like a 500ms window out of 505ms i guess.. sleep2 .timer_refresh_rate; //wait abit so the menu doesn't screw up (how long it takes for the timer to update) break; case 5: //skip next; if(getgmlevel() <.gm_access || .state) close; mes "^FF0000Are you sure you want to skip the next WoE session^000000"; next; if(select("Yes:No") == 2) break; if(.state) { //you really can't do this with woe active next; mes "Sorry, in the time you took making your decision, WoE started"; mes "Please either manually end it first or wait"; break; } set .woe_index, (.woe_index + 1) % .num_woes; donpcevent strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnUpdateCountTick"; sleep2 .timer_refresh_rate; break; default: close; } goto OnStartMenu2; OnInit: //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// //CONFIG START // //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// set .gm_access, 60; //WoE timings needs to be ordered ascendingly unless you want to do weird //stuff like skip a region every other week or so... //Also times can't overlap. Uses second of day(gettimetick(1)) for timing // eg 1am -> 3600, 2:30pm -> 52200, midnight -> 86400 (anything past that doesn't work) //Note: woe_0 is start times, woe_1 is end times. Ignore how it's called but // don't change it either since it's dynamically used // Also..woe has to end on the same day it starts (it's easier that way..) setarray .woe_day[0], 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6; setarray .woe_0[0], 32400,32400,72000,32400,72000,32400,72000,32400,72000,32400,72000,32400,72000; setarray .woe_1[0], 39600,39600,79200,39600,79200,39600,79200,39600,79200,39600,79200,39600,79200; setarray .woe_state[0], 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 0, 0, 4, 4, 5, 5; //WoE state settings. Every WoE session can be defined as a particular state of castle configuration. //.woe_state_#[%] = $ // # - state number // % - region number // $ - binary representation of castles that are active for that region in that state ( // (ie. 0 is no castles, 5 is castle 0 and 2 (2^0 + 2^2 = 5)) setarray .woe_state_0[0],0,0,0,31,0,0,0; setarray .woe_state_1[0],31,0,0,0,0,0,0; setarray .woe_state_2[0],0,31,0,0,0,0,0; setarray .woe_state_3[0],0,0,31,0,0,0,0; setarray .woe_state_4[0],0,0,0,0,31,0,0; setarray .woe_state_5[0],0,0,0,0,0,31,0; //Setting for if script handles WoE controller function. Disable agit_controller.txt if you are using this. //For if you want to use something else to handle your woe stuff but only this script //to show info (1 - on, 0 - off...duh) set .active_woe, 1; //WoE inactive on map notifier. Basically notifies player if the castle they are entering is //WoE active or not set .notify_woe, 1; //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// //CONFIG END // //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// //CONSTANTS START - Don't touch this unless you know what you are doing // //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// //castle maps by region setarray .castles_prtg$[0],"prtg_cas01","prtg_cas02","prtg_cas03","prtg_cas04","prtg_cas05"; setarray .castles_payg$[0],"payg_cas01","payg_cas02","payg_cas03","payg_cas04","payg_cas05"; setarray .castles_gefg$[0],"gefg_cas01","gefg_cas02","gefg_cas03","gefg_cas04","gefg_cas05"; setarray .castles_aldeg$[0],"aldeg_cas01","aldeg_cas02","aldeg_cas03","aldeg_cas04","aldeg_cas05"; setarray .castles_arug$[0],"arug_cas01","arug_cas02","arug_cas03","arug_cas04","arug_cas05"; setarray .castles_schg$[0],"schg_cas01","schg_cas02","schg_cas03","schg_cas04","schg_cas05"; setarray .castles_novi$[0],"nguild_alde","nguild_gef","nguild_pay","nguild_prt"; //woe kill functions for each castle setarray .woe_kill_prtg$[0],"Agit#prtg_cas01::OnAgitEnd","Agit#prtg_cas02::OnAgitEnd","Agit#prtg_cas03::OnAgitEnd","Agit#prtg_cas04::OnAgitEnd","Agit#prtg_cas05::OnAgitEnd"; setarray .woe_kill_payg$[0],"Agit#payg_cas01::OnAgitEnd","Agit#payg_cas02::OnAgitEnd","Agit#payg_cas03::OnAgitEnd","Agit#payg_cas04::OnAgitEnd","Agit#payg_cas05::OnAgitEnd"; setarray .woe_kill_gefg$[0],"Agit#gefg_cas01::OnAgitEnd","Agit#gefg_cas02::OnAgitEnd","Agit#gefg_cas03::OnAgitEnd","Agit#gefg_cas04::OnAgitEnd","Agit#gefg_cas05::OnAgitEnd"; setarray .woe_kill_aldeg$[0],"Agit#aldeg_cas01::OnAgitEnd","Agit#aldeg_cas02::OnAgitEnd","Agit#aldeg_cas03::OnAgitEnd","Agit#aldeg_cas04::OnAgitEnd","Agit#aldeg_cas05::OnAgitEnd"; setarray .woe_kill_arug$[0],"Manager#aru01_02::OnAgitEnd2","Manager#aru02_02::OnAgitEnd2","Manager#aru03_02::OnAgitEnd2","Manager#aru04_02::OnAgitEnd2","Manager#aru05_02::OnAgitEnd2"; setarray .woe_kill_schg$[0],"Manager#sch01_02::OnAgitEnd2","Manager#sch02_02::OnAgitEnd2","Manager#sch03_02::OnAgitEnd2","Manager#sch04_02::OnAgitEnd2","Manager#sch05_02::OnAgitEnd2"; setarray .woe_kill_novi$[0],"Agit_N01::OnAgitEnd","Agit_N02::OnAgitEnd","Agit_N03::OnAgitEnd","Agit_N04::OnAgitEnd"; //region prefixs setarray .regions$[0],"prtg","payg","gefg","aldeg","arug","schg","novi"; //region info setarray .region_names$[0],"Prontera", "Payon", "Geffen", "Aldebaran", "Arunafeltz", "Schwarzwald", "Novice Castles"; setarray .region_maps$[0],"prt_gld", "pay_gld", "gef_fild13", "alde_gld", "aru_gld", "sch_gld", "prontera"; //coords to warp player to region (0 is random) setarray .region_x[0],0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 148; setarray .region_y[0],0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 163; setarray .waitMsg$[0], "WoE Starts: ", "WoE Ends: "; setarray .startMsg$[0], "WoE is Starting", "WoE is Ending"; set .ticks_in_day, 86400; //mmm...magic numbers setarray .daysOfWeek$[0], "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"; set .timer_refresh_rate, 500; //how many ms per timer refresh...keep less than 1000 (in milliseconds) set .change_state_sleep, 3000; //how long to show "WoE is Start|End-ing" msg for in ms. (in milliseconds) //Make sure WoE sessions are longer than this xD set .banner_refresh_rate, 10; //how many seconds per banner refresh...keep 1 or above (in seconds) //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// //CONSTANTS END // //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// set .num_regions, getarraysize(.regions$); set .num_woes, getarraysize(.woe_1); //force WoE to end if active callfunc "WoEToggler", 0; for(set .@i, 0; .@i < .num_regions; set .@i, .@i + 1) { //count num castles per region set .num_castles[.@i], getarraysize(getd(".castles_" + .regions$[.@i] + "$")); } //convert timestamps to readable format for(set .@i, 0; .@i < .num_woes; set .@i, .@i + 1) { set .@hrs, .woe_0[.@i] / 3600; set .@mins, .woe_0[.@i] % 3600 / 60; set .@output$, ((.@hrs % 12)?.@hrs%12:12) + ":" + ((.@mins < 10)?"0"+.@mins:.@mins) + " " + ((.@hrs > 12)?"PM":"AM"); set .woe_0_str$[.@i], .@output$; set .@hrs, .woe_1[.@i] / 3600; set .@mins, .woe_1[.@i] % 3600 / 60; set .@output$, ((.@hrs % 12)?.@hrs%12:12) + ":" + ((.@mins < 10)?"0"+.@mins:.@mins) + " " + ((.@hrs > 12)?"PM":"AM"); set .woe_1_str$[.@i], .@output$; } //calc number of woe states and consolidate states to create list of castles used set .num_states, 0; while(getarraysize(getd(".woe_state_" + (.num_states)))) { set .@state$, ".woe_state_" + .num_states; set .@i, 0; while(.@i < getarraysize(getd(.@state$))) { set .castleUsage[.@i], .castleUsage[.@i] | getd(.@state$ + "[" + .@i + "]"); set .@i, .@i + 1; } set .num_states, .num_states + 1; } for(set .@i, 0; .@i < .num_states; set .@i, .@i + 1) { set .@woe_state_array$, ".woe_state_" + .@i; for(set .@k, 0; .@k < .num_regions; set .@k, .@k + 1) { if(.castleUsage[.@k] > 0) { set .@castles$, ".castles_" + .regions$[.@k] + "$"; set .@castle_check, getd(.@woe_state_array$ + "[" + .@k + "]"); if(.@castle_check == 0) { //region not in this state //region warp menu string set .region_warp$[.@i], .region_warp$[.@i] + "^DD0000" + .region_names$[.@k] + "^000000:"; continue; } else { if(.@castle_check >= ((1 << .num_castles[.@k]) - 1)) { //includes all castles...just list as region. setd(".woe_state_str_" + .@i + "$[" + .@k + "]", .region_names$[.@k]); //region warp menu string set .region_warp$[.@i], .region_warp$[.@i] + "^00DD00" + .region_names$[.@k] + "^000000:"; } else { set .@j, 0; set .@output$, ""; while(.@j < .num_castles[.@k]) { if(.@castle_check & (1 << .@j)) { set .@output$, .@output$ + GetCastleName(getd(.@castles$+"["+.@j+"]")); set .@castle_check, .@castle_check - (1 << .@j); if(.@castle_check) { if(.@output$ != "") set .@output$, .@output$ + ", "; } else break; } set .@j, .@j + 1; } setd(".woe_state_str_" + .@i + "$[" + .@k + "]", .region_names$[.@k] + " ("+ .@output$ + ")"); //region warp menu string set .region_warp$[.@i], .region_warp$[.@i] + "^00DD00" + .region_names$[.@k] + " ("+ .@output$ + ")^000000:"; } } } else { set .region_warp$[.@i], .region_warp$[.@i] + ":"; } } } donpcevent strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnFindCurIndex"; donpcevent strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnUpdateCountTick"; if(.active_woe) { if(.notify_woe) { //set mapflag for all castle maps for(set .@i, 0; .@i < .num_regions; set .@i, .@i + 1) { set .@region_array$, ".castles_" + .regions$[.@i] + "$"; for(set .@k, 0; .@k < .num_castles[.@i]; set .@k, .@k + 1) { setmapflag getd(.@region_array$ + "[" + .@k + "]"), mf_loadevent; setd(".loadmap_region_" + getd(.@region_array$ + "[" + .@k + "]"), .@i + 1); setd(".loadmap_castleIndex_" + getd(.@region_array$ + "[" + .@k + "]"), .@k); } } } //activates WoE if needed donpcevent strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnDoWoE"; } //flag that init occured set .init, 1; OnWoETimer: //timer stuff while (1) { set .remainTime, .count_tick - gettimetick(2); set .bannerTimer, .remainTime - (.remainTime % .banner_refresh_rate) + .banner_refresh_rate; set .min, .bannerTimer / 60; set .sec, .bannerTimer - .min * 60; set .hr, .min / 60; set .min, .min - .hr * 60; set .roomMsg$, .waitMsg$[.state] + .hr + ":" + ((.min < 10 )?"0":"") + .min + ":" + ((.sec < 10 )?"0":"") + .sec; sleep .timer_refresh_rate; if(.remainTime <= 0) { if(.active_woe) { donpcevent strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnDoWoE"; } set .roomMsg$, .startMsg$[.state]; set .woe_index, (.woe_index + .state) % .num_woes; //go to next index if needed set .state, (.state + 1) % 2; //flip state donpcevent strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnUpdateCountTick"; sleep .change_state_sleep; } } end; //obligatory end =D OnUpdateCountTick: set .count_tick, getd(".woe_" + .state + "[" + .woe_index + "]"); set .count_tick, gettimetick(2) + .count_tick - gettimetick(1) + (.woe_day[.woe_index] - gettime(4) + 7) % 7 * .ticks_in_day; if(gettimetick(2) > .count_tick) set .count_tick, .count_tick + 7 * .ticks_in_day; end; OnFindCurIndex: set .@cur_day, gettime(4); set .@cur_tick, gettimetick(1); set .woe_index, 0; set .state, 0; for(set .@i, 0; .@i < .num_woes; set .@i, .@i + 1) { if(.woe_day[.@i] < .@cur_day) continue; if(.woe_day[.@i] == .@cur_day) { if(.woe_0[.@i] >= .@cur_tick) { set .woe_index, .@i; set .state, 0; break; } if(.woe_1[.@i] >= .@cur_tick) { set .woe_index, .@i; set .state, 1; break; } } if(.woe_day[.@i] > .@cur_day) { set .woe_index, .@i; set .state, 0; break; } } end; //On map notifier //Comment out OnPCLoadMapEvent label if .notify_woe is disabled to prevent unnecessary triggering OnPCLoadMapEvent: if(.state && .notify_woe) { getmapxy(.@map$, .@x, .@y, 0); set .@region, getd(".loadmap_region_" + .@map$) - 1; if(.@region >= 0) { set .@castleIndex, getd(".loadmap_castleIndex_" + .@map$); if(getd(".woe_state_" + .woe_state[.woe_index] + "[" + .@region + "]") & 1 << .@castleIndex) dispbottom "The [" + GetCastleName(.@map$) + "] castle is available for conquering during this WoE session"; else dispbottom "The [" + GetCastleName(.@map$) + "] castle is NOT available for conquering during this WoE session"; } } end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // WoE Controller Stuff Here //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OnDoWoE: if((.state == 0 && .init) || (.state == 1 && !agitcheck())) { //starting callfunc "WoEToggler", 1; //kills WoE in all castles that shouldn't have WoE set .@woe_state_array$, ".woe_state_" + .woe_state[.woe_index]; for(set .@i, 0; .@i < .num_regions; set .@i, .@i + 1) { set .@castles$, ".castles_" + .regions$[.@i] + "$"; set .@castle_check, getd(.@woe_state_array$ + "[" + .@i + "]"); for(set .@k, 0; .@k < .num_castles[.@i]; set .@k, .@k + 1) { set .@map$, getd(.@castles$+"["+.@k+"]"); if((.@castle_check & (1 << .@k)) == 0) { donpcevent getd(".woe_kill_" + .regions$[.@i] + "$[" + .@k + "]"); } } } announce "The War Of Emperium has begun!",bc_all; donpcevent strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnDisplayOwners"; } else { //ending if(agitcheck()) { callfunc "WoEToggler", 0; announce "The War Of Emperium is over!",bc_all; donpcevent strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnDisplayOwners"; } } end; OnDisplayOwners: //displays based on current region set .@woe_state_array$, ".woe_state_" + .woe_state[.woe_index]; for(set .@i, 0; .@i < .num_regions; set .@i, .@i + 1) { set .@k, 0; set .@castle_check, getd(.@woe_state_array$ + "[" + .@i + "]"); set .@castles$, ".castles_" + .regions$[.@i] + "$"; while(.@castle_check && .@k < .num_castles[.@i]) { if(.@castle_check & (1 << .@k)) { set .@map$, getd(.@castles$+"["+.@k+"]"); if (GetCastleData(.@map$,1)) { announce "The [" + GetCastleName(.@map$) + "] castle of the [" + .region_names$[.@i] + "] region is currently held by the [" + GetGuildName(GetCastleData(.@map$,1)) + "] guild.",bc_all; } else { announce "The [" + GetCastleName(.@map$) + "] castle of the [" + .region_names$[.@i] + "] region is currently unoccupied.",bc_all; } set .@castle_check, .@castle_check - (1 << .@k); } set .@k, .@k + 1; } } end; } prontera,158,187,4 script WoE Info 837,{ if(getwaitingroomstate(3, strnpcinfo(3)) == -1) donpcevent strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnInit"; doevent "WoEInfoBase::OnStartMenu"; end; OnInit: while (1) { //only updates if msg is different set .banner$, getwaitingroomstate(4, strnpcinfo(3)); if(getvariableofnpc(.roomMsg$, "WoEInfoBase") != .banner$) { delwaitingroom; waitingroom getvariableofnpc(.roomMsg$, "WoEInfoBase"), 0; } sleep 500; } end; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //These two functions handle WoE's activation/deactivation. Since stable does not have AgitStart2/AgitEnd2, //using the trunk version will result in catastrophic failure of the script. Double declaration of the following //functions fixes this (you will get warning messages though) function script WoEToggler { //<state> = 0|1 if(getarg(0)) { AgitStart; } else { AgitEnd; } return; } //if stable script will fail parsing this function, but the rest of the script will still be usable function script WoEToggler { //<state> = 0|1 if(getarg(0)) { AgitStart; AgitStart2; } else { AgitEnd; AgitEnd2; } return; } and i found out that the emperium in other castle still hasn't diasppeared after the WOE time. the emperium would not hide or diasable as the seige ends. sorry for my english i hope you understand what i am saying
  2. thanks for noting that Derceto. ill fix that and hope to post the script to share ^^ here it is, can someont test it for me. i can't check this on my server cause im at my work right now prontera,155,184,4 script Job Changer 856,{ OnTouch: mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "Huh!!! Human!?!"; if(Class >= 4054 && Class <= 4085) goto L_max; if(SkillPoint != 0) goto L_stats; if(checkfalcon() || checkcart() || checkriding()) goto L_remove; mes "Are you sure you want to change to 3rd Class?"; if(select("Yes","No")){ callfunc "Job_Change", @target_job; specialeffect2 381; close; } if(BaseLevel < 99 || JobLevel < 70) goto L_cantCh; switch(Class){ case Job_Lord_Knight: set @target_job, 4060; getitem 5746,1; getitem 2795,1; break; case Job_Paladin: set @target_job, 4073; getitem 5757,1; getitem 2795,1; break; case Job_Champion: set @target_job, 4077; getitem 5754,1; getitem 2795,1; break; case Job_High_Priest: set @target_job, 4063; getitem 5747,1; getitem 2795,1; break; case Job_Creator: set @target_job, 4078; getitem 5752,1; getitem 2795,1; break; case Job_Whitesmith: set @target_job, 4064; getitem 5760,1; getitem 2795,1; break; case Job_Stalker: set @target_job, 4079; getitem 6121,1; getitem 6122,1; getitem 2795,1; break; case Job_Assassin_Cross: set @target_job, 4065; getitem 5755,1; getitem 2795,1; break; case Job_High_Wizard: set @target_job, 4061; getitem 5753,1; getitem 2795,1; break; case Job_Professor: set @target_job, 4074; getitem 5756,1; getitem 2795,1; break; case Job_Sniper: set @target_job, 4062; getitem 5748,1; getitem 2795,1; getitem 6124,1; break; case Job_Clown: set @target_job, 4075; getitem 5751,1; getitem 2795,1; break; case Job_Gypsy: set @target_job, 4076; break; } } L_cantCh: mes "I'm sorry, you do not meet the requirements to change"; mes "Please come again soon!"; close; L_LvError: mes "I'm sorry, you do not seem to have enough Job Levels"; mes "Please come again soon!"; close; L_BvError: mes "I'm sorry, you do not seem to have enough Base Levels"; mes "Please come again soon!"; close; L_noReq: mes "I'm sorry, you do not meet the requirements to change"; mes "Please come again soon!"; close; L_Max: mes "I'm sorry, there are no further classes for your job."; close; L_stats: mes "I'm sorry, please use up all your skill points before changing jobs"; mes "Please come again soon!"; close; L_remove: mes "Please remove your cart,falcon or peco"; mes "Please come again soon!"; close; }
  3. thanks jay for the helps ^^ good script and its very useful
  4. pwede po paturo kung saan iedit or paano iimplement young renewal stat allocation? iba kasi yung sa server di tulad ng sa official. server: 3ceam r660 sana may magreply.
  5. pwede po paggawa ng script para sa atcommand na ang GM >= 80 lang pwede pumasok sa server, pag non gm account makikick or di makakapasok. thanks in advance
  6. sino po alam fix nito kasi di malagyan sa skilltree ng skillpoints kaya di ko rin matest kung gumagana. server: 3ceam r660 client: 06-28-2012ragexeRE sana may solution
  7. i am having some trouble fixing my script and also i can't pass 99 base level eventhough im already a 3rd job class. can someone help me with the script prontera,155,184,4 script Job Changer 856,{ mes "^ff0000[Job Master]^000000"; if(Class >= 4054 && Class <= 4085) goto L_max; if(SkillPoint != 0) goto L_stats; if(checkfalcon() || checkcart() || checkriding()) goto L_remove; mes "Are you sure you want to change to 3rd Class?"; if(select("Yes","No")==1){ if(BaseLevel < 99 || JobLevel < 70) goto L_cantCh; switch(Class){ case Job_Lord_Knight: set @target_job, 4060; getitem 5746,1; getitem 2795,1; break; case Job_Paladin: set @target_job, 4073; getitem 5757,1; getitem 2795,1; break; case Job_Champion: set @target_job, 4077; getitem 5754,1; getitem 2795,1; break; case Job_High_Priest: set @target_job, 4063; getitem 5747,1; getitem 2795,1; break; case Job_Creator: set @target_job, 4078; getitem 5752,1; getitem 2795,1; break; case Job_Whitesmith: set @target_job, 4064; getitem 5760,1; getitem 2795,1; break; case Job_Stalker: set @target_job, 4079; getitem 6121,1; getitem 6122,1; getitem 2795,1; break; case Job_Assassin_Cross: set @target_job, 4065; getitem 5755,1; getitem 2795,1; break; case Job_High_Wizard: set @target_job, 4061; getitem 5753,1; getitem 2795,1; break; case Job_Professor: set @target_job, 4074; getitem 5756,1; getitem 2795,1; break; case Job_Sniper: set @target_job, 4062; getitem 5748,1; getitem 2795,1; getitem 6124,1; break; case Job_Clown: set @target_job, 4075; getitem 5751,1; getitem 2795,1; break; case Job_Gypsy: set @target_job, 4076; break; } mes "Are you sure you want to change to " + JobName(@target_job) + "?"; if(select("No","Yes") == 2){ callfunc "Job_Change", @target_job; specialeffect2 381; close; } } close; L_cantCh: mes "I'm sorry, you do not meet the requirements to change"; mes "Please come again soon!"; close; L_LvError: mes "I'm sorry, you do not seem to have enough Job Levels"; mes "Please come again soon!"; close; L_BvError: mes "I'm sorry, you do not seem to have enough Base Levels"; mes "Please come again soon!"; close; L_noReq: mes "I'm sorry, you do not meet the requirements to change"; mes "Please come again soon!"; close; L_Max: mes "I'm sorry, there are no further classes for your job."; close; L_stats: mes "I'm sorry, please use up all your skill points before changing jobs"; mes "Please come again soon!"; close; L_remove: mes "Please remove your cart,falcon or peco"; mes "Please come again soon!"; close; OnInit: // Variable Setup set $@JC_MinimumJB, 40; //Minimum job level for changing between 2nd and advance Class (Default : 40) set $@JC_Plat, 1; //Give Platinum skills on Jobchange (Default : 1-yes) set $@JC_SupNovM, 45; //Base Level to change into Super Novice (Default : 45) end; } sorry i dont own the script i just edited it from some source and i was able to run it but still has some bug. BTW: its a jobchanger from trans class only to 3rd job class
  8. thanks Emistry your such a wonder! your my master scripter, can i be your apprentice? @Emistry - I've tested your script but it didn't work i know i put in the right way but can't seem to work. any suggestion
  9. paano po kung 99 trans ako tapos pag nag change job ng 3rd class applicable po ba yan at maseset yung level ko sa 100 kung nagchange job na ako? thanks po ulit kung masagot? pakielaborate po to clear my mind salamat. ^^/ i am using 3ceam r660 060282012ragexere client
  10. may job changer npc po ako at nagkapag jbochange na ako ng ranger pero di ako mag level 100. stuck ako sa lvl 99 1% exp, saan ako nagkamali? salamat sa tutulong
  11. - script charlogin -1,{ OnPCLoginEvent: if(getgmlevel() == 0){ announce " "+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined ####### Ragnarok Online!",0; end; } i have created this script but everytime I run my server and it won't run. it says that it needs curly bar in line 7 but still i cant make it work. hoep someone can help me. i created this for non-gm accounts
  12. thanks for the script guy, it helps me alot ^^
  13. ill try that ^^ i'm so frustrated i can't make my warper npc to work. im so busy too with my work that i cant check my progress with the server everytime im doing changes.
  14. ok thanks ill go check this script out well its the same as i have and it is also not working, as i click on the npc it just show blank message box. i am usng 3ceam r660
  15. check mo subnet mo. try irun ang command prompt mo then type "ipconfig" makikita mo sa baba ng ip mo yung subnet na kelangan mo
  16. spoon feeding restricted sir, use search button and you will find what you need ^^
  17. i have encountered that with my friend using modified grf files of other private ragnarok client, try using updated miruku renewal client and then paste your own data folder into the installed miruku renewal client. it should fix the problem. hope that helps you ^^
  18. sana makatulong ang mga admin/mods/support tungkol dito. latest weediffpatcher only support up to 2011-06-09aRagexe right? kasi sinusubukan ko yung next client up to the latest pero no success in enabling *read data folder first* and others. may paraan pa ba para mahex or diff mga client later 2011-06-XX?
  19. you have to do it yourself. spoonfeeding not tolerated here.
  20. what kid of globe sir? wireless or wired (dsl) lines? rathena, eathena, and 3ceam doesnt support wireless broadband as to my knowledge. if its wired dsl lines then you can portforward your port with modem router. access your router and find the portforwarding section. there should be like this, most likely you will encounter similar to the image i am showing with most routers out there. A. Service Port / Port - you will put the port you will be using in accessing your login server, map and char and also if you want your database too. (optional) B IP Address - the IP address of the machine/server you are using C Protocol - which is UDP/TCP (just enable it BOTH) D Status- yes just what the word says "ENABLED" E Common Service Port - what is the port for? just leave it blank if there is hope that clears your problem
  21. pwede p ba humingi ng tulong para maayos database ko, nagkaroon ng bug o error pagkatapos bigla nagbrownout sa bahay. di ko na malogin account ko at kahit mga kaibigan ko. ito po error nya
  22. thanks again KeiKun for the help, you're a big help to the community
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