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Posts posted by BFPkiller

  1. hello

    i have a race to 99 event reward npc , but it keeps giving the reward.
    i get no errors on map server
    can someone help me out

    It supposed to give the reward 1 time when you reached base 99 and job 50
    but now it keeps giving it regardless


    payo2,75,115,5	script	Race to 99 Reward NPC	99,{
    if(BaseLevel < 99 && LReward= 1) goto OnDeny;
    if( JobLevel == 50 && BaseLevel == 99 && LReward == 0 ) goto OnAllow;
    mes "You don't have the required level yet.";
    mes "Come back when you reached it - Base Level 99 - Job Level 50!";
    set .@MaxBLevel,99; //Set your servers max base level here.
    set .@MaxJLevel,50;  //Set your servers max job level here.
    set .@item,6046;      //Set your reward item here.
    set .@item2,7539;
    set .@item3,23025;
    set .@item4,23034;
    set LReward,1;
    mes "Congratulations, you've reached the max level in the server, here's your reward!";
    getitem .@item,3;
    getitem .@item2,25;
    getitem .@item3,1;
    getitem .@item4,1;
    set LReward,1;


  2. On 4/11/2019 at 9:06 AM, Ajaxx said:



    it means your job_exp table does not have the required calculation added to it ...

    for level 255 3rd jobs it should be something like this


    ( edit : typo's )


    //===== rAthena Script =======================================
    //= Job Master
    //===== Description: =========================================
    //= A fully functional job changer.
    //===== Additional Comments: =================================
    //= 1.0 Initial script. [Euphy]
    //= 1.1 Fixed reset on Baby job change.
    //= 1.2 Added Expanded Super Novice support and initial Kagerou/Oboro support.
    //= 1.3 Kagerou/Oboro added.
    //= 1.4 Rebellion added.
    //= 1.5 Added option to disable RebirthClass. [mazvi]
    //= 1.6 Added option to get job related equipment on change. [Braniff]
    //= 1.7 Readability changes. Also added BabyExpanded and BabySummoner classes. [Jey]
    //= 1.8 Added option to disable Baby Novice Only but Baby Class can be Enabled [mazvi]
    //= 1.9 Migrate/Integrate to Global Functions Platinum Skills. [mazvi]
    prontera,153,193,6	script	Job Master	123,{
    function Get_Job_Equip;
    // Checks if the Player has the required level.
    // closes if not, returns if yes
    function	Require_Level	{
    	if (BaseLevel < getarg(0) || JobLevel < getarg(1)) {
    		.@blvl = getarg(0) - BaseLevel;
    		.@jlvl = getarg(1) - JobLevel;
    		mes "Level requirement:";
    		mes ((getarg(0)>1)? 
    			"^bb0000"+getarg(0)+"^000000 (^bb0000Base^000000) / ":"")+"^00bb00"+
    			getarg(1)+"^000000 (^00bb00Job^000000)";
    		mes "You need " +
    			((.@blvl > 0) ? "^bb0000"+.@blvl+"^000000 more base levels " + 
    				((.@jlvl > 0) ? "and " : "") : "") +
    			((.@jlvl > 0) ? "^00bb00"+.@jlvl+"^000000 more job levels " : "") +
    			"to continue.";
    // Checks if the given eac is a baby class
    function Is_Baby	{
    	return ((getarg(0, eaclass())&EAJL_BABY)>0);
    // Checks if the player can change to third class.
    // Note: This does not include the level checks.
    function	Can_Change_Third	{
    	// To change to third class you either need to be:
    	// * Second Class
    	// * Transcendent Second Class
    	// * Baby Second Class
    	if( !.ThirdClass )
    		return false; // Third job change disabled
    	if( !(eaclass()&EAJL_2) )
    		return false; // Not second Class
    	if( eaclass()&EAJL_THIRD )
    		return false; // Already Third Class
    	if( roclass(eaclass()|EAJL_THIRD) < 0 )
    		return false; // Job has no third Class
    	if( (eaclass()&EAJ_UPPERMASK) == EAJ_SUPER_NOVICE )
    		return false; // Exp. Super Novice equals 3rd Cls, but has it's own case
    	if( Is_Baby() && (!.BabyClass || !.BabyThird) )
    		return false; // No Baby (Third) change allowed
    	return true;
    function	Can_Rebirth	{
    	// To rebirth, you need to be:
    	// * Second Class
    	if( !.RebirthClass )
    		return false; // Rebirth disabled
    	if( !(eaclass()&EAJL_2) )
    		return false; // Not second Class
    	if( eaclass()&EAJL_UPPER )
    		return false; // Already Rebirthed
    	if( roclass(eaclass()|EAJL_UPPER) < 0 )
    		return false; // Job has no transcended class
    	if( Is_Baby() && !.BabyClass )
    		return false; // No Baby changes allowed
    	return true;
    // Checks if the given eac is a first class
    function	Is_First_Cls	{
    	return (getarg(0) <= EAJ_TAEKWON);
    function	Check_Riding	{
    	// Note: Why we should always check for Riding:
    	// Mounts are considered as another class, which
    	// would make this NPC bigger just to handle with
    	// those special cases.
    	if (checkfalcon() || checkcart() || checkriding() || ismounting()) {
    		mes "Please remove your " +
    			((checkfalcon()) ? "falcon" : "") +
    			((checkcart()) ? "cart" : "") +
    			((checkriding()) ? "Peco" : "") +
    			((ismounting()) ? "mount" : "") +
    			" before proceeding.";
    function	Check_SkillPoints	{
    	if (.SkillPointCheck && SkillPoint) {
    		mes "Please use all your skill points before proceeding.";
    // addJobOptions is essentially the same like
    // setarray .@array[getarraysize(.@array)],opt1,opt2,...;
    // It's just easier to read, since we're using it very often
    function	Job_Options	{
    	.@argcount = getargcount();
    	.@arr_size = getarraysize(getarg(0));
    	for( .@i = 1; .@i < .@argcount; .@i++) {
    		setarray getelementofarray(getarg(0), .@arr_size++),getarg(.@i);
    // Begin of the NPC
    	mes .NPCName$;
    	// initialisation
    	deletearray .@job_opt[0],getarraysize(.@job_opt);
    	.@eac = eaclass();
    	.@third_possible = Can_Change_Third();
    	.@rebirth_possible = Can_Rebirth();
    	.@first_eac = .@eac&EAJ_BASEMASK;
    	.@second_eac = .@eac&EAJ_UPPERMASK;
    	// Note: These are already set in pc.cpp
    	// BaseClass = roclass(.@eac&EAJ_BASEMASK) which is the players First Class
    	// BaseJob = roclass(.@eac&EAJ_UPPERMASK) which is the players Second Class
    	//dispbottom "Debug: eac ("+.@eac+"), third ("+.@third_possible+"), rebirth("+.@rebirth_possible+"), BaseClass ("+BaseClass+"), BaseJob ("+BaseJob+")";
    	// From here on the jobmaster checks the current class
    	// and fills the the array `.@job_opt` with possible
    	// job options for the player.
    	if( .@rebirth_possible ) {
    		// Rebirth option (displayed on the top of the menu)
    		Require_Level(.Req_Rebirth[0], .Req_Rebirth[1]);
    		Job_Options(.@job_opt, Job_Novice_High);
    	if( .@third_possible ) {
    		// Third Job change (displayed below rebirth)
    		Require_Level(.Req_Third[0], .Req_Third[1]);
    		Job_Options(.@job_opt, roclass(.@eac|EAJL_THIRD));
    	if (.SecondExpanded && 
    	   (.@eac&EAJ_UPPERMASK) == EAJ_SUPER_NOVICE && // is Super Novice
    	   !(eaclass()&EAJL_THIRD) ) {				 	// not already Expanded SN
    		// (Baby) Super Novice to Expanded (Baby) Super Novice
    	   	if( !Is_Baby(.@eac) || (.BabyClass && .BabyExpanded) ) {
    			// .BabyClass & .BabyExpanded must be enabled if the is a baby
    			Require_Level(.Req_Exp_SNOVI[0], .Req_Exp_SNOVI[1]);
    			Job_Options(.@job_opt,roclass(.@eac|EAJL_THIRD)); // Expanded SN is "third" cls
    	if (.SecondExpanded && 
    		((.@eac&(~EAJL_BABY)) == EAJ_NINJA || 		// is (Baby) Ninja
    		(.@eac&(~EAJL_BABY)) == EAJ_GUNSLINGER)) {	// is (Baby) Gunslinger
    		// (Baby) Ninja to (Baby) Kagerou / Oboro
    		// (Baby) Gunslinger to (Baby) Rebellion
    		if( !Is_Baby(.@eac) || (.BabyClass && .BabyExpanded) ) {
    			// .BabyClass & .BabyExpanded must be enabled if the is a baby
    			Require_Level(.Req_Exp_NJ_GS[0], .Req_Exp_NJ_GS[1]);
    			// Kagerou, Oboro, Rebellion are considered as a 2-1 class
    			Job_Options(.@job_opt, roclass(.@eac|EAJL_2_1));
    	// Player is Job_Novice, Job_Novice_High or Job_Baby
    	if (.@first_eac == EAJ_NOVICE && .@second_eac != EAJ_SUPER_NOVICE) {
    		Require_Level(.Req_First[0], .Req_First[1]);
    		switch(Class) {
    			case Job_Novice:
    				// First job change
    					Job_Mage, Job_Archer, Job_Acolyte, Job_Merchant, Job_Thief,
    					Job_Super_Novice, Job_Taekwon, Job_Gunslinger, Job_Ninja);
    				if( .BabyNovice )
    					Job_Options(.@job_opt, Job_Baby);
    			case Job_Novice_High:
    				// Job change after rebirth
    				if( .LastJob && lastJob )
    						Job_Swordman_High, Job_Mage_High, Job_Archer_High,
    						Job_Acolyte_High, Job_Merchant_High, Job_Thief_High);
    			case Job_Baby:
    				if( !.BabyClass )
    				// First job change as a baby
    				Job_Options(.@job_opt, Job_Baby_Swordman, Job_Baby_Mage,
    					Job_Baby_Archer,Job_Baby_Acolyte, Job_Baby_Merchant,
    				if( .BabyExpanded )
    					Job_Options(.@job_opt, Job_Super_Baby, Job_Baby_Taekwon,
    						Job_Baby_Gunslinger, Job_Baby_Ninja);
    				if( .BabySummoner )
    					Job_Options(.@job_opt, Job_Baby_Summoner);
    				mes "An error has occurred.";
    	} else if( Is_First_Cls(.@eac) || 				// First Class
    			   Is_First_Cls(.@eac&(~EAJL_UPPER)) ||	// Trans. First Cls
    			   (.BabyClass && Is_First_Cls(.@eac&(~EAJL_BABY))) ) {	// Baby First Cls
    		// Player is First Class (not Novice)
    		// most jobs should have two options here  (2-1 and 2-2)
    		.@class1 = roclass(.@eac|EAJL_2_1); // 2-1
    		.@class2 = roclass(.@eac|EAJL_2_2); // 2-2
    		// dispbottom "Debug: Classes: class1 ("+.@class1+"), class2 ("+.@class2+")";
    		if(.LastJob && lastJob && (.@eac&EAJL_UPPER)) {
    			// Player is rebirth Cls and linear class changes are enforced
    			Require_Level(.Req_Second[0], .Req_Second[1]);
    			Job_Options(.@job_opt, lastJob + Job_Novice_High);
    		} else {
    			// Class is not enforced, player can decide.
    			if( .@class1 > 0 ) { // 2-1
    				Require_Level(.Req_Second[0], .Req_Second[1]);
    				Job_Options(.@job_opt, .@class1);
    			if( .@class2 > 0 ) { // 2-2
    				Require_Level(.Req_Second[0], .Req_Second[1]);
    				Job_Options(.@job_opt, .@class2);
    	// Displaying the Job Menu defined by .@job_opt.
    	// .@job_opt should not be changed below this line.
    	function Job_Menu;
    // Displays the job menu
    function	Job_Menu	{
    	// getarg(0) is the .@job_opt array holding all available job changes.
    	function Confirm_Change;
    	while(true) {
    		.@opt_cnt =  getarraysize(getarg(0));
    		if( .@opt_cnt <= 0 ) {
    			mes "No more jobs are available.";
    		.@selected = 0; // Just a single job class given, no select needed
    		if (.@opt_cnt > 1) {
    			// Multiple job classes given. Select one and save it to .@class
    			// After that confirm .@class
    			mes "Select a job.";
    			.@menu$ = "";
    			for (.@i = 0; .@i < .@opt_cnt; .@i++) {
    				if( getelementofarray(getarg(0), .@i) == Job_Novice_High)
    					.@jobname$ = "^0055FFRebirth^000000";
    					.@jobname$ = jobname(getelementofarray(getarg(0), .@i));
    				.@menu$ = .@menu$ + " ~ " + .@jobname$ + ":";
    			.@menu$ = .@menu$+" ~ ^777777Cancel^000000";
    			.@selected = select(.@menu$) - 1;
    			if( .@selected < 0 || .@selected >= .@opt_cnt )
    			mes .NPCName$;
    		.@class = getelementofarray(getarg(0), .@selected);
    		if ((.@class == Job_Super_Novice || .@class == Job_Super_Baby) &&
    				BaseLevel < .SNovice) {
    			// Special Level Requirement because Super Novice and
    			// Super Baby can both be selected in one of the first class
    			// changes. That's why the Level Requirement is after and not before
    			// the selection.
    			mes "A base level of " + .SNovice +
    				" is required to turn into a " + jobname(.@class) + ".";
    		// Confirm the Class
    		Confirm_Change(.@class, .@opt_cnt > 1);
    		mes .NPCName$;
    // Executes the actual jobchange and closes.
    function	Job_Change	{
    	.@to_cls = getarg(0);
    	mes .NPCName$;
    	mes "You are now " + callfunc("F_InsertArticle", jobname(.@to_cls)) + "!";
    	if (.@to_cls == Job_Novice_High && .LastJob)
    		lastJob = Class; // Saves the lastJob for rebirth
    	jobchange .@to_cls;
    	if (.@to_cls == Job_Novice_High)
    	else if (.@to_cls == Job_Baby) {
    		set SkillPoint,0;
    	specialeffect2 EF_ANGEL2;
    	specialeffect2 EF_ELECTRIC;
    	if (.Platinum)
    		callfunc "F_GetPlatinumSkills";
    	if (.GetJobEquip)
    	close; // Always closes after the change
    function	Confirm_Change	{
    	// Player confirms he want to change into .@class
    	.@class = getarg(0, -1);
    	.@back = getarg(1, false);
    	if( .@class < 0 ) {
    		mes "Unknown Class Error.";
    	mes "Do you want to change into ^0055FF"+jobname(.@class)+"^000000 class?";
    	.@job_option$ = " ~ Change into ^0055FF"+jobname(.@class)+"^000000 class";
    	if( .@class == Job_Novice_High)
    		.@job_option$ = " ~ ^0055FFRebirth^000000";
    	if (select(.@job_option$+": ~ ^777777" + 
    			((.@back) ?"Go back" : "Cancel") + "^000000") == 1) {
    	if (!.@back)
    		close; // "Cancel" pressed
    // Function which gives a job related item to the player
    // the items are the rewards from the original job change quests
    function	Get_Job_Equip	{
    	// Note: The item is dropping, when the player can't hold it.
    	// But that's better than not giving the item at all.
    	.@eac = eaclass();
    	if( .@eac&EAJL_THIRD ) {
    		// Third Class Items
    		getitem 2795,1;	//	Green Apple Ring for every 3rd Class
    		switch(BaseJob) {
    			// BaseJob of Third Cls
    			// For Normal Third, Baby Third and Transcended Third Cls
    			case Job_Knight:
    				getitem 5746,1;	break;	//	Rune Circlet [1]
    			case Job_Wizard:
    				getitem 5753,1;	break;	//	Magic Stone Hat [1]
    			case Job_Hunter:
    				getitem 5748,1;	break;	//	Sniper Goggle [1]
    			case Job_Priest:
    				getitem 5747,1;	break;	//	Mitra [1]
    			case Job_Blacksmith:
    				getitem 5749,1;	break;	//	Driver Band [1]
    			case Job_Assassin:
    				getitem 5755,1;	break;	//	Silent Executor [1]
    			case Job_Crusader:
    				getitem 5757,1;	break;	//	Dip Schmidt Helm [1]
    			case Job_Sage:
    				getitem 5756,1;	break;	//	Wind Whisper [1]
    			case Job_Bard:
    				getitem 5751,1;	break;	//	Maestro Song's Hat [1]
    			case Job_Dancer:
    				getitem 5758,1;	break;	//	Dying Swan [1]
    			case Job_Monk:
    				getitem 5754,1;	break;	//	Blazing Soul [1]
    			case Job_Alchemist:
    				getitem 5752,1;	break;	//	Midas Whisper[1]
    			case Job_Rogue:
    				getitem 5750,1; 		//	Shadow Handicraft [1]
    				getitem 6121,1;			//	Makeover Brush
    				getitem 6122,1;	break;	//	Paint Brush
    	} else if (.@eac&EAJL_2) {
    		// Second Class (And not Third Class)
    		switch(BaseJob) {
    			// Second Class
    			case Job_Knight:
    				getitem 1163,1;	break;	//	Claymore [0]
    			case Job_Priest:
    				getitem 1522,1;	break;	//	Stunner [0]
    			case Job_Wizard:
    				getitem 1617,1;	break;	//	Survivor's Rod [0]
    			case Job_Blacksmith:
    				getitem 1360,1;	break;	//	Two-Handed-Axe [1]
    			case Job_Hunter:
    				getitem 1718,1;	break;	//	Hunter Bow [0]
    			case Job_Assassin:
    				getitem 1254,1;	break;	//	Jamadhar [0]
    			case Job_Crusader:
    				getitem 1410,1;	break;	//	Lance [0]
    			case Job_Monk:
    				getitem 1807,1;	break;	//	Fist [0]
    			case Job_Sage:
    				getitem 1550,1;	break;	//	Book [3]
    			case Job_Rogue:
    				getitem 1222,1;	break;	//	Damascus [1]
    			case Job_Alchemist:
    				getitem 1126,1;	break;	//	Saber [2]
    			case Job_Bard:
    				getitem 1907,1;	break;	//	Guitar [0]
    			case Job_Dancer:
    				getitem 1960,1;	break;	//	Whip [1]
    			case Job_Super_Novice:
    				getitem 1208,1;	break;	//	Main Gauche [4]
    			case Job_Gunslinger:
    				getitem 13101,1; break;	//	Six Shooter [2]
    			case Job_Ninja:
    				getitem 13010,1; break;	//	Asura [2]
    			case Job_Star_Gladiator:
    				getitem 1550,1;	break;	//	Book [3]
    			case Job_Soul_Linker:
    				getitem 1617,1;	break;	//	Survivor's Rod [0]
    	} else {
    		// Neither Second or Third Cls
    		// => First Cls or not covered by the switch
    		switch(BaseClass) {
    			// First Class
    			case Job_Swordman:
    				getitem 1108,1;	break;	//	Blade [4]
    			case Job_Mage:
    				getitem 1602,1;	break;	//	Rod [4]
    			case Job_Archer:
    				getitem 1705,1;	break;	//	Composite Bow [4]
    			case Job_Acolyte:
    				getitem 1505,1;	break;	//	Mace [4]
    			case Job_Merchant:
    				getitem 1302,1;	break;	//	Axe [4]
    			case Job_Thief:
    				getitem 1208,1;	break;	//	Main Gauche [4]
    	// Initialisation, do not edit these
    	.NPCName$ = "[Job Master]";
    	// Settings
    	.ThirdClass = true;			// Enable third classes?
    	.RebirthClass = true;			// Enable rebirth classes?
    	.SecondExpanded = true;		// Enable new expanded second classes: Ex. Super Novice, Kagerou/Oboro, Rebellion?
    	.BabyNovice = true;	// Enable Baby novice classes? Disable it if you like player must have parent to get job baby.
    	.BabyClass = true;				// Enable Baby classes?
    	.BabyThird = true;				// Enable Baby third classes?
    	.BabyExpanded = true;			// Enable Baby Expanded classes: Ex. Baby Ninja, Baby Taekwon, etc.
    	.BabySummoner = true;			// Enable Baby Summoner?
    	.LastJob = false;				// Enforce linear class changes?
    	.SkillPointCheck = true;		// Force player to use up all skill points?
    	.Platinum = true;				// Get platinum skills automatically?
    	.GetJobEquip = true;			// Get job equipment (mostly weapons) on job change?
    	// Level Requirements
    	setarray .Req_First[0],1,10; 		// Minimum base level, job level to turn into 1st class
    	setarray .Req_Second[0],1,40; 		// Minimum base level, job level to turn into 2nd class
    	setarray .Req_Rebirth[0],99,50;		// Minimum base level, job level to rebirth
    	setarray .Req_Third[0],99,50;		// Minimum base level, job level to change to third class
    	setarray .Req_Exp_NJ_GS[0],99,70; 	// Minimum base level, job level to turn into Expanded Ninja and Gunslinger
    	setarray .Req_Exp_SNOVI[0],99,99; 	// Minimum base level, job level to turn into Expanded Super Novice
    	.SNovice = 45;						// Minimum base level to turn into Super Novice
    	// Setting adjustments by PACKETVER
    	//if( PACKETVER < 20161207 ) {
    	//	if( .BabyExpanded )
    	//		debugmes "jobmaster: BabyExpanded is disabled due to outdated PACKETVER.";
    	//	if( .BabySummoner )
    	//		debugmes "jobmaster: BabySummoner is disabled due to outdated PACKETVER.";
    	//	.BabyExpanded = false;
    	//	.BabySummoner = false;

    @jobchange does work

    i'd like to have the requirements used in the script, but 3-2 class seems to be left out ?

  4. Hello BFPKiller,


    thank you for your Report!


    change the line 108 to:


    if (countitem(982) >= 3 && countitem(975) >= 1 && countitem(7215) >= 50 && co


    an it should work again!


    Please tell me, if this fix helped, thank you!


    This error will be corrected with v3.1.





    It seems that there are more such errors. However, my Mapserver was able to read and fix them itself when I was testing the script on my server.


    My advice here is to open this script with an editor (f.e. the editor that is installed with Windows itself) and use the option ,,Search & Replace). 



    Look for => and replace it with >=

    that should fix the problem you may run into.


    Thanks for answering.


    I have got the following now ;

    script error on npc/cro/quest/costume.txt line 144
        parse_line: expect command, missing function name or calling undeclared function
       139 : 				mes	"- 1 Boy's Pure Hearth";	//12373
       140 : 				cutin "",255;
       141 : 				close;
       142 : 				}
       143 : 
    *  144 : 		'e'lse {
       145 : 				mes	"[Celine]";
       146 : 				mes	"Like I said my dear,";
       147 : 				mes	"Costume Heart Wing Headband is currently not available.";
       148 : 				mes	"I am very deeply sorry, come back later!";
       149 : 				cutin "",255;

    i tried several things but it still remains.

  5. i get this


    script error on npc/cro/quest/costume.txt line 108
        parse_simpleexpr: unmatched ')'
       103 : 		}
       104 : 	menu "Costume Heart Wing Hairband",CHWH,"Costume Angeling Hat",CAH,"Costume Wild Rose",CWR,"Nothing",Exit;
       105 : 
       106 : 		CHWH:	//Costume Hearth Wing Heartband
       107 : 		if ($celine_c1 == 1) {
    *  108 : 			if (countitem(982) >= 3 && countitem(975) >= 1 && countitem(7215) '='> 50 && countitem(952) => 50 && countitem(7213) >= 25 && countitem(7038) => 100 && countitem(7166) => 250 && countitem(5164) => 1 && countitem(2214) => 1 && countitem(12373) => 1) {
       109 : 				mes	"[Celine]";
       110 : 				mes	"Here you go!";
       111 : 				delitem 982,3;
       112 : 				delitem 975,1;
       113 : 				delitem 7215,50;

    please help on this

  6. hello all..


    when my players enter the pvp map it instantly warps them out ...

    sometimes it does not.

    i somehow cant find the solution to it and hoped to find some help here.




    pvp warper

    centerline,116,32,4	script	PVP Warper	56,{
    mes "[^ff0000PvP Warper^000000]";
    mes "Do you want to go to the pvp room and fight with others?";
    mes "Are you strong enough?";
    mes "If your answers are yes , let's RAK!!";
    menu "Are you sure to go?",K_Pvp,"Not Ready.",L_No;
    mes "[^ff0000PvP Warper^000000]";
    mes "Great, Choose the Map!";
    "^008000- ^000000 Main PvP Room ^FF0000["+ (getmapusers("guild_vs3"))+ "]^000000",IZD;
    mes "[^ff0000PvP Warper^000000]";
    mes "Here we go!";
    announce strcharinfo(0) +"  has Entered  The PvP Room",bc_all|bc_yellow;
    warp "guild_vs3", 0,0; close;
    mes "[^ff0000PvP Warper^000000]";
    mes "Geez. Tough Up. !";
    	waitingroom "PvP Warper",0;
    guild_vs3	mapflag	nowarp
    guild_vs3	mapflag	nowarpto
    guild_vs3	mapflag	noteleport
    guild_vs3	mapflag	nocommand	1
    guild_vs3	mapflag	nosave	SavePoint
    guild_vs3	mapflag	nomemo
    guild_vs3	mapflag	gvg	off
    guild_vs3	mapflag	pvp
    guild_vs3	mapflag	nopenalty
    guild_vs3	mapflag	nobranch
    //-	script	Exit	-1,{
    //		mes "Do you want to leave now?!";
    //		close2;
    //	switch(select("No, i want to stay:Yes warp me now")){
    //	case 1:
    //		mes "Whoaa. what a fighting spirit.";
    //		mes "That's my boy";
    //		mes "Ok bye.";
    //		close;
    //	case 2:
    //		mes "You need to wait 10 secs.";
    //		close2;
    //		progressbar "green",5;
    //		warp "centerline",112,40;
    //		end;
    //		}
    //		}
    guild_vs3,50,87,3	duplicate(Exit)	Exit#E-1	65
    guild_vs3,49,12,1	duplicate(Exit)	Exit#E-2	65
    guild_vs3,12,51,6	duplicate(Exit)	Exit#E-3	65
    guild_vs3,87,51,3	duplicate(Exit)	Exit#E-4	65
    -	script	pvpreward	-1,{
    	.@map$ = strcharinfo(3);
    	if ( .@map$ == "guild_vs3" ) {
    		getitem 25302,1;
    pvp_y_1-2	mapflag	loadevent
    guild_vs1	mapflag	loadevent
    guild_vs2	mapflag	loadevent
    guild_vs3	mapflag	loadevent
    guild_vs4	mapflag	loadevent
    guild_vs5	mapflag	loadevent
    centerline,99,41,3	script	pvp Board#roy	858,{
    	waitingroom "PVP Square",0;
    centerline,115,50,3	script	PVP#roy	858,{
    	waitingroom "PVP Square",0;

    pvp ladder

    //===== eAthena Script =======================================================
    //= PVP ladder script with dota announcement ( SQL only )
    //===== By: ==================================================================
    //= ~AnnieRuru~
    //===== Current Version: =====================================================
    //= 2.9
    //===== Compatible With: =====================================================
    //= eAthena SQL 14279, with MySQL 5.1
    //===== Description: =========================================================
    //= PVP ladder store in SQL table
    //= plus anti-sit-killer feature
    //===== Topic ================================================================
    //= http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?showtopic=177918
    //===== Additional Comments: =================================================
    //= still don't have modify value option, will be done ... in next year ...
    //	add all the maps that you want this script to trigger ... all pvp and event maps perhaps ?
    //	but if you already enable "all" maps, then can comment all these
    guild_vs1	mapflag	loadevent
    guild_vs2	mapflag	loadevent
    guild_vs3	mapflag	loadevent
    guild_vs4	mapflag	loadevent
    guild_vs5	mapflag	loadevent
    -	script	DOTAPVP	-1,{
    // Config
    	set .sound, 1; // soundeffect : 0 - disable, 1 - play soundeffect to all players on map, 2 - play soundeffect to an area around the killer, 3 - play soundeffect to killer only
    	set .announce, 0; // announce to : 0 - global, 1 - map
    	set .announcemap, 1; // announce the map name in the announcement ? : 0 - off, 1 - on
    	set .announcekill, 1; // announce who pawn who's head : 0 - off, 1 - on
    	set .msg_die, 1; // show message who kill you when die : 0 - off, 1 - on
    	set .msg_kill, 1; // show message you kill who when killed someone : 0 - off, 1 - on
    	set .gmnokill, 0; // GMs are not suppose to kill players. A GM with <this number> level or higher will do nothing. IF set to 60, GM60 and above kill any player will not get anything : 0 - off
    	set .killingspree, 3;
    	set .dominating, 4;
    	set .megakill, 5;
    	set .unstoppable, 6;
    	set .wickedsick, 7;
    	set .monsterkill, 8;
    	set .godlike, 9;
    	set .holyshit, 10;
    	set .continue, 1; // after beyond-godlike, every <this number> kills will make announcement again
    	set .owned, 5; // how many times the party/guild has to kill to announce ownage
    	set .owncontinue, 1; // after ownage, every <this number> party/guild cumulative kills will make ownage announce again
    	set .min_gm_menu, 90; // minimum level of GM can use the GM menu on ladder npc
    	set .showtotal, 20; // show the length of ladder. Note : Maximum value = 128
    	set .showpage, 10;	// set the views per page. Note : Maximum value = 128
    	set .loweststreak, 3; // mininum streak count allow to show in highest streak ladder. Default 3 means must at least have killing spree streak to display in ladder
    	set .lowestownage, 5; // mininum ownage count allow to show in longest ownage ladder. Default 5 means must at least have 5 ownage counts to display in ladder
    	setarray .maptrigger$, // only these maps will trigger this script
    //	anti-sit-killer system
    	// a player must kill another player with this minimum <this number> base level to get the announcement and in the ladder.
    	// Otherwise only have streak ended announcement and killed player's streak reset.
    	// Its possible for a level 1 novice to kill a level 99 player and he/she will still get in the ladder
    	// but a level 99 kill a level 1 player will get nothing
    	// 0 - off this system ( default is 55, pk setting )
    	set .lvltokill, 0;
    	// when a player kill another same player <this number> times in a row, the player is warp back to save point.
    	// and the player's streak, kills, and ownage count will deduct accordingly
    	// 0 - off this system
    	set .counttopunish, 6;
    	// minimum level range to kill another player
    	// eg. when set to 20, player level 99 needs to kill another player with minimum level of 79 to get announcement and increase the kill rank.
    	// but a player with base level 50 kills a level 99 will also get the announcement
    	// higher base level cannot kill lower level, but lower level can kill higher level
    	// 0 - off this system
    	set .minlvlrange, 0;
    // Config ends ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    //	to prevent bug happen
    	if ( .announce < 0 || .announce > 1 ) set .announce, 0;
    	if ( .continue < 1 ) set .continue, 1;
    	if ( .owncontinue < 1 ) set .owncontinue, 1;
    	if ( .gmnokill <= 0 ) set .gmnokill, 100;
    	if ( .lvltokill <= 1 ) set .lvltokill, 0;
    	if ( .counttopunish <= 1 ) set .counttopunish, 0;
    	set .maptriggersize, getarraysize(.maptrigger$);
    //	script start.
    	if ( getgmlevel() >= .gmnokill ) end;
    	getmapxy .@map$, .@x, .@y, 0;
    	if ( .maptrigger$ != "all" ) {
    		for ( set .@i, 0; .@i < .maptriggersize; set .@i, .@i +1 ) {
    			if ( .@map$ == .maptrigger$[.@i] ) break;
    		if ( .@i == .maptriggersize ) end;
    	attachrid killedrid;
    	if ( killerrid != getcharid(3) && ( .msg_die || .msg_kill ) ) {
    		if ( .msg_die ) message strcharinfo(0),"You have been killed by "+ rid2name(killerrid);
    		if ( .msg_kill ) message rid2name(killerrid),"You just killed "+ strcharinfo(0);
    	if ( @PlayersKilledStreak >= .holyshit )
    		set .@streakname$,"Beyond Godlike";
    	else if ( @PlayersKilledStreak >= .godlike )
    		set .@streakname$,"Godlike";
    	else if ( @PlayersKilledStreak >= .monsterkill )
    		set .@streakname$,"Monster Kill";
    	else if ( @PlayersKilledStreak >= .wickedsick )
    		set .@streakname$,"Wicked Sick";
    	else if ( @PlayersKilledStreak >= .unstoppable )
    		set .@streakname$,"Unstoppable";
    	else if ( @PlayersKilledStreak >= .megakill )
    		set .@streakname$,"Mega-kill";
    	else if ( @PlayersKilledStreak >= .dominating )
    		set .@streakname$,"Dominating";
    	else if ( @PlayersKilledStreak >= .killingspree )
    		set .@streakname$,"Killing Spree";
    	if ( @PlayersKilledStreak >= .killingspree && killerrid == getcharid(3) )
    		announce strcharinfo(0) +" has ended "+( (sex)?"him":"her" )+" own "+ .@streakname$ +"["+ @PlayersKilledStreak +"] streak "+( (.announcemap)?("at "+ .@map$):""),16|.announce;
    	else if ( @PlayersKilledStreak >= .killingspree )
    		announce rid2name(killerrid) +" has ended "+ strcharinfo(0) +"'s "+ .@streakname$ +"["+ @PlayersKilledStreak +"] streak "+( (.announcemap)?("at "+ .@map$):""),16|.announce;
    	else if ( .announcekill && killerrid != getcharid(3) )
    		announce rid2name(killerrid) +" has pawned "+ strcharinfo(0) +"'s head "+( (.announcemap)?("at "+ .@map$):""),16|.announce;
    	set @PlayersKilledStreak,0;
    	set @dota_sql_deaths, @dota_sql_deaths +1;
    	set @dota_multikills,0;
    	query_sql "replace into pvpladder values ( "+ getcharid(0) +", '"+ escape_sql(strcharinfo(0)) +"', "+ @dota_sql_streaks +", "+ @dota_sql_kills +", "+ @dota_sql_deaths +", from_unixtime("+ @dota_sql_streaktime +") )";
    	set .@killed_gid, getcharid(2);
    	if ( .@killed_gid ) {
    		setd ".dota_sql_"+ .@killed_gid +"_c", 0;
    		if ( getd(".dota_sql_"+ .@killed_gid +"_h") )
    			query_sql "replace into ownladder values ( "+ .@killed_gid +", '"+ escape_sql(getguildname(.@killed_gid)) +"', "+ getd(".dota_sql_"+ .@killed_gid +"_c") +", "+ getd(".dota_sql_"+ .@killed_gid +"_h") +", from_unixtime("+ getd(".dota_sql_"+ .@killed_gid +"_t") +") )";
    	if ( killerrid == getcharid(3) || baselevel < .lvltokill ) end;
    	if ( .minlvlrange ) set .@killedlvl, baselevel;
    	attachrid killerrid;
    	if ( .minlvlrange && .@killedlvl + .minlvlrange < baselevel ) end;
    	if ( .counttopunish ) {
    		if ( @sitkillminute != gettime(2) ) {
    			deletearray @sitkillid, 128;
    			deletearray @sitkilltimes, 128;
    			set @sitkillminute, gettime(2);
    		set .@sitkillsize, getarraysize(@sitkillid);
    		for ( set .@i,0; .@i < .@sitkillsize; set .@i, .@i +1 ) {
    			if ( @sitkillid[.@i] != killedrid ) continue;
    			else {
    				set @sitkilltimes[.@i], @sitkilltimes[.@i] +1 ;
    				if ( @sitkilltimes[.@i] >= .counttopunish ) {
    					warp "SavePoint",0,0;
    					announce strcharinfo(0) +" , Stop killing "+ rid2name(killedrid) + " !!!",0;
    					debugmes strcharinfo(0) +" is sit-killing "+ rid2name(killedrid) +" for "+ @sitkilltimes[.@i] + " times";
    					logmes "is sit-killing "+ rid2name(killedrid) +" for "+ @sitkilltimes[.@i] +" times";
    					if ( @PlayersKilledStreak == @dota_sql_streaks ) {
    						set @dota_sql_streaks, @dota_sql_streaks +1 - .counttopunish;
    						set @dota_sql_streaktime, gettimetick(2);
    					set @PlayersKilledStreak, @PlayersKilledStreak +1 - .counttopunish;
    					set @dota_sql_kills, @dota_sql_kills +1 - .counttopunish;
    					query_sql "replace into pvpladder values ( "+ getcharid(0) +", '"+ escape_sql(strcharinfo(0)) +"', "+ @dota_sql_streaks +", "+ @dota_sql_kills +", "+ @dota_sql_deaths +", from_unixtime("+ @dota_sql_streaktime +") )";
    					set .@killer_gid, getcharid(2);
    					if ( .@killer_gid ) {
    						if ( getd(".dota_sql_"+ .@killer_gid +"_c") == getd(".dota_sql_"+ .@killer_gid +"_h") ) {
    							setd ".dota_sql_"+ .@killer_gid +"_h", getd(".dota_sql_"+ .@killer_gid +"_h") +1 - .counttopunish;
    							setd ".dota_sql_"+ .@killer_gid +"_t", gettimetick(2);
    						setd (".dota_sql_"+ .@killer_gid +"_c"), getd(".dota_sql_"+ .@killer_gid +"_c") +1 - .counttopunish;
    						query_sql "replace into ownladder values ( "+ .@killer_gid +", '"+ escape_sql(getguildname(.@killer_gid)) +"', "+ getd(".dota_sql_"+ .@killer_gid +"_c") +", "+ getd(".dota_sql_"+ .@killer_gid +"_h") +", from_unixtime("+ getd(".dota_sql_"+ .@killer_gid +"_t") +") )";
    		if ( .@i == .@sitkillsize ) {
    			set @sitkillid[.@i], killedrid;
    			set @sitkilltimes[.@i], 1;
    	set @PlayersKilledStreak, @PlayersKilledStreak +1 ;
    	set @dota_sql_kills, @dota_sql_kills +1 ;
    	if ( @PlayersKilledStreak > @dota_sql_streaks ) {
    		set @dota_sql_streaks, @PlayersKilledStreak;
    		set @dota_sql_streaktime, gettimetick(2);
    	query_sql "replace into pvpladder values ( "+ getcharid(0) +", '"+ escape_sql(strcharinfo(0)) +"', "+ @dota_sql_streaks +", "+ @dota_sql_kills +", "+ @dota_sql_deaths +", from_unixtime("+ @dota_sql_streaktime +") )";
    	if ( @PlayersKilledStreak == .killingspree )
    		setarray .@streakname$,"killingspree.wav","is on a KILLING SPREE","!";
    	else if ( @PlayersKilledStreak == .dominating )
    		setarray .@streakname$,"dominating.wav","is DOMINATING","!";
    	else if ( @PlayersKilledStreak == .megakill )
    		setarray .@streakname$,"megakill.wav","has a MEGA KILL","!";
    	else if ( @PlayersKilledStreak == .unstoppable )
    		setarray .@streakname$,"unstoppable.wav","is UNSTOPPABLE","!!";
    	else if ( @PlayersKilledStreak == .wickedsick )
    		setarray .@streakname$,"wickedsick.wav","is WICKED SICK","!!";
    	else if ( @PlayersKilledStreak == .monsterkill )
    		setarray .@streakname$,"monsterkill.wav","has a MONSTER KILL","!!";
    	else if ( @PlayersKilledStreak == .godlike )
    		setarray .@streakname$,"godlike.wav","is GODLIKE","!!!";
    	else if ( @PlayersKilledStreak >= .holyshit && ( (@PlayersKilledStreak - .holyshit) % .continue == 0 ) )
    		setarray .@streakname$,"holyshit.wav","is BEYOND GODLIKE",". Someone KILL "+( (sex)?"HIM":"HER" ) +"!!!!!!";
    	if ( .@streakname$[1] != "" ) {
    		announce strcharinfo(0) +" "+ .@streakname$[1] +"["+ @PlayersKilledStreak +"] "+( (.announcemap)?("at "+ .@map$):"") + .@streakname$[2],16|.announce;
    		if ( .sound == 1 ) soundeffectall .@streakname$[0],0,.@map$;
    		else if ( .sound == 2 ) soundeffectall .@streakname$[0],0;
    		else if ( .sound == 3 ) soundeffect .@streakname$[0],0;
    	set @dota_multikills, @dota_multikills + 1;
    	deltimer "DOTAPVP::OnStreakReset";
    	addtimer 18000,"DOTAPVP::OnStreakReset";
    	set .@killer_gid, getcharid(2);
    	if ( .@killer_gid && .@killer_gid != .@killed_gid ) {
    		setd ".dota_sql_"+ .@killer_gid +"_c", getd(".dota_sql_"+ .@killer_gid +"_c") +1 ;
    		if ( getd(".dota_sql_"+ .@killer_gid +"_c") > getd(".dota_sql_"+ .@killer_gid +"_h") ) {
    			setd ".dota_sql_"+ .@killer_gid +"_h", getd(".dota_sql_"+ .@killer_gid +"_c");
    			setd ".dota_sql_"+ .@killer_gid +"_t", gettimetick(2);
    		query_sql "replace into ownladder values ( "+ .@killer_gid +", '"+ escape_sql(getguildname(.@killer_gid)) +"', "+ getd(".dota_sql_"+ .@killer_gid +"_c") +", "+ getd(".dota_sql_"+ .@killer_gid +"_h") +", from_unixtime("+ getd(".dota_sql_"+ .@killer_gid +"_t") +") )";
    	set .@dota_multikills, @dota_multikills;
    	set .@origin, getcharid(3);
    	sleep 1500;
    	if ( .@killer_gid && .@killer_gid != .@killed_gid && getd(".dota_sql_"+ .@killer_gid +"_c") >= .owned && ( ( getd(".dota_sql_"+ .@killer_gid +"_c") - .owned ) % .owncontinue == 0 ) ) {
    		if ( .announce ) mapannounce .@map$, "The guild ["+ getguildname(.@killer_gid) +"] is OWNING["+ getd(".dota_sql_"+ .@killer_gid +"_c") +"] !!!",16;
    		else announce "The guild ["+ getguildname(.@killer_gid) +"] is OWNING["+ getd(".dota_sql_"+ .@killer_gid +"_c") +"] !!!",16;
    		if ( .sound == 1 ) soundeffectall "ownage.wav",0,.@map$;
    		else if ( .sound == 2 ) soundeffectall "ownage.wav",0;
    		else if ( .sound == 3 && attachrid(.@origin) ) soundeffect "ownage.wav",0;
    	sleep 1250;
    	if ( !attachrid(.@origin) ) end;
    	if ( .@dota_multikills == 2 ) {
    		if ( .announce ) mapannounce .@map$, strcharinfo(0) +" just got a Double Kill !",16;
    		else announce strcharinfo(0) +" just got a Double Kill !",16;
    		if ( .sound == 1 ) soundeffectall "doublekill.wav",0,.@map$;
    		else if ( .sound == 2 ) soundeffectall "doublekill.wav",0;
    		else if ( .sound == 3 ) soundeffect "doublekill.wav",0;
    	else if ( .@dota_multikills == 3 ) {
    		if ( .announce ) mapannounce .@map$, strcharinfo(0) +" just got a Triple Kill !!!",16;
    		else announce strcharinfo(0) +" just got a Triple Kill !!!",16;
    		if ( .sound == 1 ) soundeffectall "tripplekill.wav",0,.@map$;
    		else if ( .sound == 2 ) soundeffectall "tripplekill.wav",0;
    		else if ( .sound == 3 ) soundeffect "tripplekill.wav",0;
    	else if ( .@dota_multikills == 4 ) {
    		if ( .announce ) mapannounce .@map$, strcharinfo(0) +" just got a Ultra Kill !!!",16;
    		else announce strcharinfo(0) +" just got a Ultra Kill !!!",16;
    		if ( .sound == 1 ) soundeffectall "ultrakill.wav",0,.@map$;
    		else if ( .sound == 2 ) soundeffectall "ultrakill.wav",0;
    		else if ( .sound == 3 ) soundeffect "ultrakill.wav",0;
    	else if ( .@dota_multikills >= 5 ) {
    		if ( .announce ) mapannounce .@map$, strcharinfo(0) +" is on a Rampage !!!",16;
    		else announce strcharinfo(0) +" is on a Rampage !!!",16;
    		if ( .sound == 1 ) soundeffectall "rampage.wav",0,.@map$;
    		else if ( .sound == 2 ) soundeffectall "rampage.wav",0;
    		else if ( .sound == 3 ) soundeffect "rampage.wav",0;
    	set @dota_multikills, 0;
    	if ( @spam_dotapvp + 3 >= gettimetick(2) ) // 3 seconds interval so player don spam this command
    	set @spam_dotapvp, gettimetick(2);
    	if ( @dota_sql_kills == 0 && @dota_sql_deaths == 0 )
    		query_sql "select kills, deaths, streaks, unix_timestamp(streaktime) from pvpladder where char_id = "+ getcharid(0), @dota_sql_kills, @dota_sql_deaths, @dota_sql_streaks, @dota_sql_streaktime;
    	if ( @dota_sql_kills || @dota_sql_deaths ) {
    		dispbottom "Your current Streak      : "+ @PlayersKilledStreak;
    		dispbottom "Your total Kills               : "+ @dota_sql_kills;
    		dispbottom "Your total Deaths          : "+ @dota_sql_deaths;
    		dispbottom "Your highest Streak      : "+ @dota_sql_streaks;
    		query_sql "select date_format( from_unixtime("+ @dota_sql_streaktime +"),'%a %e/%c/%y %r')", .@time1$;
    		dispbottom "Your highest Streak on : "+ .@time1$;
    		dispbottom "You are not in the pvp ladder yet.";
    	if ( getcharid(2) ) {
    		if ( getd(".dota_sql_"+ getcharid(2) +"_h") == 0 ) {
    			query_sql "select currentown, highestown, unix_timestamp(owntime) from ownladder where guild_id = "+ getcharid(2), .@c, .@h, .@t;
    			setd ".dota_sql_"+ getcharid(2) +"_c", .@c;
    			setd ".dota_sql_"+ getcharid(2) +"_h", .@h;
    			setd ".dota_sql_"+ getcharid(2) +"_t", .@t;
    		if ( getd(".dota_sql_"+ getcharid(2) +"_h") ) {
    			dispbottom "Your guild current Own      : "+ getd(".dota_sql_"+ getcharid(2) +"_c");
    			dispbottom "Your guild highest Own      : "+ getd(".dota_sql_"+ getcharid(2) +"_h");
    			query_sql "select date_format( from_unixtime("+ getvariableofnpc( getd(".dota_sql_"+ getcharid(2) +"_t"), "DOTAPVP" ) +"),'%a %e/%c/%y %r')", .@time2$;
    			dispbottom "Your guild highest Own on : "+ .@time2$;
    			dispbottom "Your guild is not in the ladder yet.";
    	if ( .maptrigger$ != "all" ) end;
    	if ( @dota_sql_kills == 0 && @dota_sql_deaths == 0 ) {
    		if ( .maptrigger$ != "all" ) {
    			getmapxy .@map$, .@x, .@y, 0;
    			for ( set .@i, 0; .@i < .maptriggersize; set .@i, .@i +1 ) {
    				if ( .@map$ == .maptrigger$[.@i] ) break;
    			if ( .@i == .maptriggersize ) end;
    		query_sql "select kills, deaths, streaks, unix_timestamp(streaktime) from pvpladder where char_id = "+ getcharid(0), @dota_sql_kills, @dota_sql_deaths, @dota_sql_streaks, @dota_sql_streaktime;
    	if ( getcharid(2) && getd(".dota_sql_"+ getcharid(2) +"_h") == 0 ) {
    		query_sql "select currentown, highestown, unix_timestamp(owntime) from ownladder where guild_id = "+ getcharid(2), .@c, .@h, .@t;
    		setd ".dota_sql_"+ getcharid(2) +"_c", .@c;
    		setd ".dota_sql_"+ getcharid(2) +"_h", .@h;
    		setd ".dota_sql_"+ getcharid(2) +"_t", .@t;
    centerline,109,32,4	script	PvP Ranking	837,{
    	set .@nb, query_sql("select name, kills, deaths from pvpladder order by kills desc limit 10", .@name$, .@kills, .@deaths);
    	mes "^0000FF[ PvP Ranking ]^000000";
    	for ( set .@i, .@j; .@i < 10; set .@i, .@i + 1 ) {
    		mes "^0000FF"+ (.@i+1) +": ^006699"+ ( (.@name$[.@i] == "")? "None":.@name$[.@i]) +" ^00AA00["+ .@kills[.@i] +"] ^FF0000<"+ .@deaths[.@i] +">^000000";
    	query_sql("select kills, deaths from pvpladder where char_id = " + getcharid(0) + " limit 1", .@mkills, .@deaths);
    	mes " ";
    	mes "^0000FF["+strcharinfo(0)+"'s]^000000 Killed ^FF0000" + .@mkills + "^000000 Player(s) and died ^ff0000" + .@deaths + "^000000 Times.";
    	waitingroom "PvP Ranking",0;
    centerline,112,32,4	script	PvP Ranking	837,{
    	set .@npcname$, strnpcinfo(0);
    	while (1) {
    		mes "["+ .@npcname$ +"]";
    		mes "Hello "+ strcharinfo(0) +"...";
    		mes "If you want to I can show you your PVP stats.";
    		switch ( select ( "Most Kills","Highest Streak","Longest Ownage","Own Information","Explanation" ) ) {
    			case 1:
    				set .@nb, query_sql("select name, kills, deaths from pvpladder order by kills desc limit "+ getvariableofnpc(.showtotal,"DOTAPVP"), .@name$, .@kills, .@deaths);
    				if ( .@nb == 0 ) {
    					mes "["+ .@npcname$ +"]";
    					mes "The ladder currently is empty.";
    				for ( set .@j,0; .@j < .@nb; set .@j, .@j + getvariableofnpc(.showpage,"DOTAPVP") ) {
    					mes "["+ .@npcname$ +"]";
    					for ( set .@i, .@j; .@i < (getvariableofnpc(.showpage,"DOTAPVP") + .@j) && .@i < .@nb; set .@i, .@i + 1 ) {
    						mes "^996600"+ (.@i+1) +": ^006699"+ .@name$[.@i] +" ^00AA00["+ .@kills[.@i] +"] ^FF0000<"+ .@deaths[.@i] +">^000000";
    			case 2:
    				set .@nb, query_sql("select name, streaks, date_format(streaktime,'%a %e/%c/%y %r') from pvpladder where streaks >= "+ getvariableofnpc(.loweststreak,"DOTAPVP") +" order by streaks desc limit "+ getvariableofnpc(.showtotal,"DOTAPVP"), .@name$, .@streak, .@time$);
    				if ( .@nb == 0 ) {
    					mes "["+ .@npcname$ +"]";
    					mes "The ladder currently is empty.";
    				for ( set .@j,0; .@j < .@nb; set .@j, .@j + getvariableofnpc(.showpage,"DOTAPVP") ) {
    					mes "["+ .@npcname$ +"]";
    					for ( set .@i, .@j; .@i < (getvariableofnpc(.showpage,"DOTAPVP") + .@j) && .@i < .@nb; set .@i, .@i + 1 ) {
    						mes "^996600"+ (.@i+1) +": ^006699"+ .@name$[.@i] +" ^70AC11{"+ .@streak[.@i] +"} ^000000on :";
    						mes "    ^EE8800"+ .@time$[.@i] +"^000000";
    			case 3:
    				set .@nb, query_sql("select name, highestown, date_format(owntime,'%a %e/%c/%y %r') from ownladder where highestown >= "+ getvariableofnpc(.lowestownage,"DOTAPVP") +" order by highestown desc limit "+ getvariableofnpc(.showtotal,"DOTAPVP"), .@name$, .@owned, .@time$);
    				if ( .@nb == 0 ) {
    					mes "["+ .@npcname$ +"]";
    					mes "The ladder currently is empty.";
    				for ( set .@j,0; .@j < .@nb; set .@j, .@j + getvariableofnpc(.showpage,"DOTAPVP") ) {
    					mes "["+ .@npcname$ +"]";
    					for ( set .@i, .@j; .@i < (getvariableofnpc(.showpage,"DOTAPVP") + .@j) && .@i < .@nb; set .@i, .@i + 1 ) {
    						mes "^996600"+ (.@i+1) +": ^006699"+ .@name$[.@i] +" ^00AAAA("+ .@owned[.@i] +") ^000000on :";
    						mes "    ^EE8800"+ .@time$[.@i] +"^000000";
    			case 4:
    				if ( @dota_sql_kills == 0 && @dota_sql_deaths == 0 )
    					query_sql "select kills, deaths, streaks, unix_timestamp(streaktime), date_format(streaktime,'%a %e/%c/%y %r') from pvpladder where char_id = "+ getcharid(0), @dota_sql_kills, @dota_sql_deaths, @dota_sql_streaks, @dota_sql_streaktime, .@time1$;
    				mes "["+ .@npcname$ +"]";
    				if ( @dota_sql_kills == 0 && @dota_sql_deaths == 0 )
    					mes "You not yet kill any player.";
    				else {
    					mes "Your Current Streak : ^70AC11{"+ @PlayersKilledStreak +"}^000000";
    					mes "Your Total Kills : ^00AA00["+ @dota_sql_kills +"]^000000";
    					mes "Your Death Counts : ^FF0000<"+ @dota_sql_deaths +">^000000";
    					if ( @dota_sql_kills || @dota_sql_streaks ) {
    						mes "Highest Streak was ^70AC11{"+ @dota_sql_streaks +"}^000000 on :";
    						query_sql "select date_format( from_unixtime("+ @dota_sql_streaktime +"),'%a %e/%c/%y %r')", .@time1$;
    						mes "    ^EE8800"+ .@time1$ +"^000000";
    				if ( getcharid(2) ) {
    					if ( getvariableofnpc( getd(".dota_sql_"+ getcharid(2) +"_h"), "DOTAPVP" ) == 0 ) {
    						query_sql "select currentown, highestown, unix_timestamp(owntime) from ownladder where guild_id = "+ getcharid(2), .@c, .@h, .@t;
    						set getvariableofnpc( getd(".dota_sql_"+ getcharid(2) +"_c"), "DOTAPVP" ), .@c;
    						set getvariableofnpc( getd(".dota_sql_"+ getcharid(2) +"_h"), "DOTAPVP" ), .@h;
    						set getvariableofnpc( getd(".dota_sql_"+ getcharid(2) +"_t"), "DOTAPVP" ), .@t;
    					mes "["+ .@npcname$ +"]";
    					if ( getvariableofnpc( getd(".dota_sql_"+ getcharid(2) +"_h"), "DOTAPVP" ) == 0 ) {
    						mes "Your guild not yet kill any player.";
    					} else {
    						mes "Your guild name : ^006699"+ strcharinfo(2) +"^000000";
    						mes "Current Owning  : ^00AAAA("+ getvariableofnpc( getd(".dota_sql_"+ getcharid(2) +"_c"), "DOTAPVP" ) +")^000000";
    						mes "Longest Ownage was ^00AAAA("+ getvariableofnpc( getd(".dota_sql_"+ getcharid(2) +"_h"), "DOTAPVP" ) + ")^000000 on :";
    						query_sql "select date_format( from_unixtime("+ getvariableofnpc( getd(".dota_sql_"+ getcharid(2) +"_t"), "DOTAPVP" ) +"),'%a %e/%c/%y %r')", .@time2$;
    						mes "    ^EE8800"+ .@time2$ +"^000000";
    			case 5:
    				mes "["+ .@npcname$ +"]";
    				mes "Explanation for Most Kills:";
    				mes " ";
    				mes "^996600Rank. ^006699NAME ^00AA00[Total Kills] ^FF0000<Deaths>^000000";
    				mes " ";
    				mes "--------------------------------";
    				mes " ";
    				mes "The ^00AA00Kills^000000 added when a player kills another player.";
    				mes " ";
    				mes "^FF0000Deaths^000000 count increase when a player killed by another player, or suicide (eg: Grand Cross).";
    				mes " ";
    				mes "A player killed by monsters, homunculus or pets will not add the kills or deaths count.";
    				mes "["+ .@npcname$ +"]";
    				mes "Explanation for Highest Streak:";
    				mes " ";
    				mes "^996600Rank. ^006699NAME ^70AC11{Highest Streak} ^000000on :";
    				mes "    ^EE8800TIME^000000";
    				mes " ";
    				mes "--------------------------------";
    				mes " ";
    				mes "The ^70AC11Streak^000000 are added every time a player kills another player. It will reset upon log out, killed by another player, or suicide (eg: Sacrifice).";
    				mes " ";
    				mes "Then it record in the server the ^EE8800TIME^000000 when that player got that highest streak.";
    				mes " ";
    				mes "A player killed by monsters, homunculus or pets will not reset the streak.";
    				mes " ";
    				mes "--------------------------------";
    				mes " ";
    				mes "The numbers of straight kills to get these announcements are :";
    				mes "^70AC11"+ getvariableofnpc(.killingspree,"DOTAPVP") +"^000000 : Killing Spree";
    				mes "^70AC11"+ getvariableofnpc(.dominating,"DOTAPVP") +"^000000 : Dominating";
    				mes "^70AC11"+ getvariableofnpc(.megakill,"DOTAPVP") +"^000000 : Mega Kill";
    				mes "^70AC11"+ getvariableofnpc(.unstoppable,"DOTAPVP") +"^000000 : Unstoppable";
    				mes "^70AC11"+ getvariableofnpc(.wickedsick,"DOTAPVP") +"^000000 : Wicked Sick";
    				mes "^70AC11"+ getvariableofnpc(.monsterkill,"DOTAPVP") +"^000000 : Monster Kill";
    				mes "^70AC11"+ getvariableofnpc(.godlike,"DOTAPVP") +"^000000 : Godlike";
    				mes "^70AC11"+ getvariableofnpc(.holyshit,"DOTAPVP") +"^000000 : Beyond Godlike";
    				mes "["+ .@npcname$ +"]";
    				mes "Explanation for Longest Ownage:";
    				mes " ";
    				mes "^996600Rank. ^006699NAME ^00AAAA(Longest Ownage) ^000000on :";
    				mes "    ^EE8800TIME^000000";
    				mes " ";
    				mes "--------------------------------";
    				mes " ";
    				mes "The ^00AAAAOwnage^000000 added every time any guild members killed another player that doesn't belong to his/her guild. It will reset when any of the guild member was killed by ANY player, including his/her guild member.";
    				mes " ";
    				mes "Then it record in the server the ^EE8800TIME^000000 when the guild got that longest ownage.";
    				mes " ";
    				mes "If the server went under maintainance, the current ownage will survive after the server restart.";
    				mes " ";
    				mes "Any guild member killed by monster, homunculus or pets will not reset the ownage count.";
    				if ( getvariableofnpc(.lvltokill,"DOTAPVP") ) {
    					mes "["+ .@npcname$ +"]";
    					mes "You must kill another player with minimum base level of "+ getvariableofnpc(.lvltokill,"DOTAPVP") +", in order to get an announcement or get in the ladder.";
    					mes " ";
    					mes "It's possible for a base level 1 novice kills a base level 99 player and still can get in the ladder.";
    					mes "However when a player level 99 kills a level 1 novice will get nothing.";
    				if ( getvariableofnpc(.counttopunish,"DOTAPVP") ) {
    					mes "["+ .@npcname$ +"]";
    					mes "Some noob players try to kill the same person over and over again in hope of getting his/her name appear in the ladder.";
    					mes "However if you trying to do the same thing on this ladder, your name will announce to the public, and your action will be recorded into the server to notify the GMs.";
    				if ( getvariableofnpc(.minlvlrange,"DOTAPVP") ) {
    					mes "["+ .@npcname$ +"]";
    					mes "When you kill another player thats lower base level than you, the base level gap between you and that player must not more than "+ getvariableofnpc(.minlvlrange,"DOTAPVP") +".";
    					mes " ";
    					if ( getvariableofnpc(.minlvlrange,"DOTAPVP") >= 200)
    						mes "In other words, if your base level is 500, the player you killed must be at least level "+( 500 - getvariableofnpc(.minlvlrange,"DOTAPVP") )+" then only you will get the announcement and in the ladder.";
    					else if ( getvariableofnpc(.minlvlrange,"DOTAPVP") >= 70)
    						mes "In other words, if your base level is 255, the player you killed must be at least level "+( 255 - getvariableofnpc(.minlvlrange,"DOTAPVP") )+" then only you will get the announcement and in the ladder.";
    						mes "In other words, if your base level is 99, the player you killed must be at least level "+( 99 - getvariableofnpc(.minlvlrange,"DOTAPVP") )+" then only you will get the announcement and in the ladder.";
    					mes "Higher base level kills lower level gets nothing, however lower level player kills higher level will get the announcement.";

    thnx in advance

    i have found it , it was caused by another script with this :

    OnPCLoadMapEvent: if( @p || @train) end; dispbottom .n$+": You are NOT allowed to be here, unless you're participating in an training."; warp "secretmap",101,80; end;
  7. try




    ( don't forget to reload item_db and mob_db to be sure )


    and see if it drops then , also check the mobinfo to see the drop rate of it then and lower to your liking.


    Goodluck and let me know.




    Am i right and you added this behind the existing code ? if yes , you most likely have an error. since the line is limited.

    try this

  8. Again !!

    atcommand.c: In function 'atcommand_basecommands':
    atcommand.c:9701: error: 'atcommand_reloadmsgconf' undeclared (first use in this function)
    atcommand.c:9701: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
    atcommand.c:9701: error: for each function it appears in.)
    make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/trincli0267/trunk/src/map'
    make[1]: *** [obj_sql/atcommand.o] Error 1
    make: *** [map] Error 2


    How to fix this ?? latest Rev.


  9. i have this , i did all the above and still have the issue.

    Player groups configuration file
    This file defines "player groups" and their privileges.
    Each group has its id and name, lists of available commands and other 
    permissions, and a list of other groups it inherits from.
    Group settings
    Unique group number. The only required field.
    Any string. If empty, defaults to "Group <id>". It is used in several @who 
    Equivalent of GM level, which was used in revisions before r15572. You can 
    set it to any number, but usually it's between 0 (default) and 99. Members of 
    groups with lower level can not perform some actions/commands (like @kick) on 
    members of groups with higher level. It is what script command getgmlevel() 
    returns. Group level can also be used to override trade restrictions 
    A group of settings
    	<command name> : <bool>
    	<commandname> : [ <bool>, <bool> ]
    First boolean value is for atcommand, second one for charcommand. If set to 
    true, group can use command. If only atcommand value is provided, false is 
    assumed for charcommand. If a command name is not included, false is assumed for 
    both atcommand and charcommand.
    For a full list of available commands, see: doc/atcommands.txt.
    Command names must not be aliases.
    Boolean value. If true then all commands used by the group will be logged to 
    atcommandlog. If setting is omitted in a group definition, false is assumed.
    Requires 'log_commands' to be enabled in 'conf/log_athena.conf'.
    A group of settings
    	<permission> : <bool>
    If a permission is not included, false is assumed.
    For a full list of available permissions, see: doc/permissions.txt
    A list of group names that given group will inherit commands and permissions 
    from. Group names are case-sensitive.
    Inheritance results
    Both multiple inheritance (Group 2 -> Group 1 and Group 3 -> Group 1) and
    recursive inheritance (Group 3 -> Group 2 -> Group 1) are allowed.
    Inheritance rules should not create cycles (eg Group 1 inherits from Group 2, 
    and Group inherits from Group 1 at the same time). Configuration with cycles is 
    considered faulty and can't be processed fully by server.
    Command or permission is inherited ONLY if it's not already defined for the 
    If group inherits from multiple groups, and the same command or permission is 
    defined for more than one of these groups, it's undefined which one will be 
    This config file uses libconfig syntax: 
    Upgrading from revisions before r15572
    groups: (
    	id: 0 /* group 0 is the default group for every new account */
    	name: "Player"
    	level: 0
    	inherit: ( /*empty list*/ )
    	commands: {
    		allskill: true
    		pvpmode: true
    		whopk: true
    		mount: true
    		listenbg: true
    		mobinfo: true
    		security: true
    		iteminfo: true
    		duel: true
    		accept: true
    		afk: true
    		leave: true
    		reject: true
    		changegm: true
    		whodrops: true
    		time: true
    		jailtime: true
    		hominfo: true
    		repairall: true
    		homstats: true
    		commands: true
    		help: true
    		warp: true
    		storage: true
    		guildstorage: true
    		packetfilter: true
    		rates: true
    		autoloot: true
    		autoloottype: true
    		autotrade: true
    		request: true
    		go: true
    		breakguild: true
    		who: true
    		order: true
    		leader: true
    		reportafk: true
    		autorefresh: true
    		jump: true
    		storeall: true
    		refresh: true
    	permissions: {
    		/* without this basic permissions regular players could not 
    		trade or party */
    		can_trade: true
    		can_party: true
    	id: 1
    	name: "Super Player"
    	inherit: ( "Player" ) /* can do everything Players can and more */
    	level: 0
    	commands: {
    		/* informational commands */
    		charcommands: true
    		uptime: true
    		showdelay: true
    		exp: true
    		showexp: true
    		showzeny: true
    		whereis: true
    		/* feature commands */
    		noask: true
    		noks: true
    //		alootid: true - Removed by eAmod
    //		channel: true
    		langtype: true
    	permissions: {
    	disable_pvm: false
    	disable_pvp: false
    	id: 2
    	name: "Support"
    	inherit: ( "Super Player" )
    	level: 1
    	commands: {
    		version: true
    		where: true
    		jumpto: true
    		who2: true
    		who3: true
    		whomap: true
    		whomap2: true
    		whomap3: true
    		users: true
    		broadcast: true
    		localbroadcast: true
    	log_commands: true
    	permissions: {
    		receive_requests: true
    		disable_pvm: false
    		disable_pvp: false
    	id: 3
    	name: "Script Manager"
    	inherit: ( "Support" )
    	level: 1
    	commands: {
    		tonpc: true
    		hidenpc: true
    		shownpc: true
    		loadnpc: true
    		unloadnpc: true
    		npcmove: true
    		addwarp: true
    	log_commands: true
    	permissions: {
    		any_warp: true
    	id: 4
    	name: "Event Manager"
    	inherit: ( "Support" )
    	level: 1
    	commands: {
    		cleanmap: true
    		disguise: [true, true]
    		undisguise: [true, true]
    		size: [true, true]
    		raise: true
    		raisemap: true
    		day: true
    		night: true
    		skillon: true
    		skilloff: true
    		pvpon: true
    		pvpoff: true
    		gvgon: true
    		gvgoff: true
    		allowks: true
    		me: true
    		marry: true
    		divorce: true
    		refreshall: true
    		blvl: true
    		jlvl: true
    	log_commands: true
    	permissions: {
    		can_trade: false
    		any_warp: true
    	id: 5
    	name: "VIP"
    	inherit: ( "Player" ) /* can do everything Players can */
    	level: 5
    	commands: {
    		rates: true
    		who: true
    	permissions: {
    		/* no permissions by default */
    	id: 90
    	name: "Law Enforcement"
    	inherit: ( "Support" )
    	level: 90
    	commands: {
    		kick: true
    		pvpon: true
    		pvpoff: true
    		speed: true
    //		ipcheck: true
    		killable: true
    		alive: true
    		blvl: true
    		jlvl: true
    		mute: true
    		unmute: true
    		kill: true
    		killer: true
    		recall: true
    //		revive: true
    		jail: true
    		unjail: true
    		disguise: true
    		undisguise: true
    		fakename: true
    		storagelist: true
    		follow: true
    		hide: true
    		me: true
    		unloadnpcfile: true
    		loadnpc: true
    	log_commands: true
    	permissions: {
    		join_chat: true
    		kick_chat: true
    		hide_session: true
    		who_display_aid: true
    		hack_info: true
    		any_warp: true
    		view_hpmeter: true
    		disable_pvm: false
    		disable_pvp: false
    	id: 98
    	name: "High GM"
    	inherit: ( "Law Enforcement", "Event Manager" ) /* can do everything Players can */
    	level: 98
    	commands: {
    		nuke: true
    		item: true
    		kill: true
    	permissions: {
    		item_unconditional: false
    		view_equipment: true
    	id: 99
            name: "Admin"
            level: 99
            inherit: ( "Support", "Law Enforcement" )
            commands: {
                    /* not necessary due to all_commands: true */
            log_commands: true
            permissions: {
                    can_trade: true
                    can_party: true
                    all_skill: false
                    all_equipment: false
                    skill_unconditional: false
                    use_check: true
                    use_changemaptype: true
                    all_commands: true
    //                channel_admin: true
                    can_trade_bounded: true
                    item_unconditional: true
                    view_equipment: true
                    all_permission: true

    I have foiund the solution for me .

    i added the disable_pvm and pvp to all groups , and in my case ,




    all_permission: true


    had to be set to


    /* all_permission: true */

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