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Everything posted by yolakmas

  1. Your GRF is fine, you don't have to do anything (GRFs are independent from the encodings used, they will always be read properly by the client). As for idnum versus itemInfo, that depends of the client version you're using and the diffs you've applied on your client. From the guide link you showed : Renewal Clients <= 2012-04-10a & Main Clients <= 2012-07-10a -> You'll need to use txt files For clients after that -> You'll need to use itemInfo.lua/lub (there are diffs to read .lua before .lub, I'm pretty sure you can find guides for that easily! I've had better success when using .lub files though.) yes sir. im using iteminfo.lua/lub version 2013-07-03a diffed. gonna try another items. thanks sir.
  2. The paths in your GRF are using an ANSI encoding and your data folder is using an Unicode encoding with Korean characters, hence why they're not found by the client (the client doesn't read Korean paths). As the guide says, you do need the folder "data\sprite\¾ÆÀÌÅÛ" and not "data\sprite\아이템", which is the Korean equivalent. You might want to make sure the softwares you're using are set to "Windows-1252/ANSI/anything except Korean" when you're extracting your files too! Hope this helps sir tokei, do i need to recompile my (your.grf) ? The paths in your GRF are using an ANSI encoding and your data folder is using an Unicode encoding with Korean characters, hence why they're not found by the client (the client doesn't read Korean paths). As the guide says, you do need the folder "data\sprite\¾ÆÀÌÅÛ" and not "data\sprite\아이템", which is the Korean equivalent. You might want to make sure the softwares you're using are set to "Windows-1252/ANSI/anything except Korean" when you're extracting your files too! Hope this helps sir tokei, and lastly do i need to create idnum.txt and so on? or instead of that. iteminfo.lua/lub to edit?
  3. i got a problem in adding custom sprites. i have no problem with acc.lua/lub and so on. my first try is that my Ro007 SS . http://rathena.org/wiki/Custom_Items#Defining_Items_Clientside_.28For_New_Clients.29 already read that help. and i guess there is a mistake. new clients has no data\sprite\¾ÆÀÌÅÛ here is my SS instead it has data\sprite\아이템 i think that is the drop sprites of new client. however got a problem with adding custom. why? coz i need to put the bmp/spr/act in data folder then create/merge (yourro.grf) then this is my 2nd trial Ro009 . and it works. however is there a way to take a fast step? Help please. Using Rathena 2013 07 03.
  4. Help me on how to make a Sealed items like Sealed Valkyrie Armor , Sealed Weapons Valkyrie Armor stats is { bonus bAllStats,1; bonus bUnbreakableArmor,0; if(BaseClass==Job_Mage||BaseClass==Job_Archer||BaseClass==Job_Acolyte) bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Silence,5000; else if(BaseClass==Job_Swordman||BaseClass==Job_Merchant||BaseClass==Job_Thief) bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stun,5000; },{},{} however, im using valkyrie Armor too. so i need to create Sealed to reduce that stats . Help please on how to make a Sealed items/Equips. Thanks for advance.! Bump!
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