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  1. Cyro's post in Constant DB Errors in mapserv and logserv was marked as the answer   
    i think some sql tables are missing.  try looking which tables are missing and add them or alter them 
  2. Cyro's post in How to enable mounts on all jobs? was marked as the answer   
    If you are asking for new mount's like lion/frog use halter lead,  it will give mount's to every job..  item id 12622
  3. Cyro's post in How to set full classic server? was marked as the answer   
    Full classic means to be a particular episode? if yes you need it manually client side/server side

    if u want to set your server to pre-re
    goto  src/map/config/renewal.h

    //#define RENEWAL << Comment
  4. Cyro's post in need script for send prize to all player was marked as the answer   
    //credits to emistry // usage : // [npc:Sample]map#512#10 // [npc:Sample]all#512#123 - script Sample -1,{ OnWhisperGlobal: if( getgmlevel() >= 99 ){ // check map if( @whispervar0$ == "all" ) set .@type$,""; else if( @whispervar0$ == "map" ) set .@type$,strcharinfo(3); else { dispbottom "Error, pick 'map' or 'all' "; end; } // check item set .@itemid,atoi( @whispervar1$ ); set .@amount,atoi( @whispervar2$ ); if( getitemname( .@itemid ) == "null" || .@amount < 1 ){ dispbottom "Enter valid item id and amount."; } set .@self_id,getcharid(3); query_sql( "SELECT COUNT(`account_id`) FROM `char` WHERE `online` = 1 ", .@total ); while( .@count < .@total ){ query_sql( "SELECT `account_id`,`name` FROM `char` WHERE `online` = 1 ORDER BY `account_id` LIMIT 128 OFFSET "+.@offset, .@aid,.@name$ ); set .@i,0; set .@size,getarraysize( .@aid ); while( .@i < .@size ){ if( .@aid[.@i] != .@self_id ){ if( .@type$ != "" ){ getmapxy( .@map$,.@x,.@y,0,.@name$[.@i] ); if( .@map$ == .@type$ ){ getitem .@itemid,.@amount,.@aid[.@i]; set .@gave,.@gave + 1; } }else{ getitem .@itemid,.@amount,.@aid[.@i]; set .@gave,.@gave + 1; } } set .@count,.@count + 1; set .@i,.@i + 1; } set .@offset,.@offset + .@size; deletearray .@aid,.@size; deletearray .@name$,.@size; } dispbottom "Gave "+.@amount+" x "+getitemname( .@itemid )+" to "+.@gave+" Player(s)."; } end; } to add this npc to you server download wincp
    login using your server details and add this file to your custom folder (or what ever folder you using)
     and also add your npc path in  scripts_custom.conf  
    then do reloadscript/restart server/loadnpc
  5. Cyro's post in Addon install for JayPee's vote for points module. was marked as the answer   
    If  voteforpoints installation goes smooth u must can redirect to this page
  6. Cyro's post in Hey guys i need help was marked as the answer   
    Ragnahost do not use client.xml from grf/data 
    Your XML file located in ragnashield folder named ragnashield.xml or something..
    You need to change the language type in that file
  7. Cyro's post in Npc item only 1 time was marked as the answer   
    payon,163,127,3 script OneTimeItemGiver 790,{ if( !#onetimeitem ){ set #onetimeitem,1; mes "Hie there!!"; mes "you here for the item??."; next; mes "Here you go! Enjoy!"; getitem youritemidhere,quantity ; //getitembound << use this to give bounded items }else{ mes "You already claimed your item."; } close; OnInit: waitingroom "Item Giver!",0; end; }  
  8. Cyro's post in [SOLVED] French language comfirmation message upon buying from cash shop was marked as the answer   
    Check your  msgstringtable.txt in your grf

    edit this lines on number 1254,1255 as shown below to your need
    Voulez-vous vraiment acheter cet item? Cela vous coutera %d sPoints.#
     Vous n'avez pas assez de sPoints.# 

    to what ever you wanted it to be
  9. Cyro's post in Cant Connect to VPS [ Ready Server ] was marked as the answer   
    As I remember gmh guys relocate client.xml file in book folder in your grf... And they diff client to read that file as client.xml... that is why you can't connect I guess... Edit original client.xml file on your grf and retry
    Ps-why don't you raise a support ticket for help
  10. Cyro's post in Secuirty coed not working! was marked as the answer   
    i have solved this issue
    The problem is fluxcp need minimum requirement of PHP on webhost
    So most of the Free webhost providers not having this requirement 
    And fluxcp is working on Paid host for me now
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