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Everything posted by nbwars

  1. Hello, I guess the title says it all, i need to nerf just basic attacks from SC_EDP, but how i do that ? Thanks
  2. How to modify this skill to src loose 60% of remaining hp when use ignition break. ? Thanks
  3. Hello, i need to make a script to get how many times src use a skill, and put the times in a variable. in the 2nd time src use the skill, the script of the item will change for 5 seconds giving the skill aditional damage. I'm having trouble to make this script works. aprecciate any help, thanks. 8502,Elyassaf_Card,Elyassaf Card,6,20,,10,,,,,,,,136,,,,,{callfunc "StrongHit",1;},{},{} function script StrongHit { set i,0; set skillid,ASC_BREAKER; OnInit: set i,0; stopnpctimer; OnPCUseSkill: switch(EVENT_SKILLID) { case 379: set i,i+1; announce "TIMES = "+i,bc_blue; // debug only if (i == 2) { setitemscript 8502,"{ bonus2 bSkillAtk,"+skillid+",50; }"; initnpctimer; OnTimer5000: announce "5 seconds",bc_red; //debug only setitemscript 8502,"{ callfunc \"StrongHit\",1; }"; set i,0; stopnpctimer; } } OnPCDieEvent: set i,0; stopnpctimer; }
  4. I'm wondering if this can be made by calling a function in the item script. i'm trying with the following code but, no sucess at all. perhaps i can`t get when the PC use the skill or i`m doing something wrong. Card Script: Function: Need Help ! Thanks
  5. anytime edit: anytime with the item / card equipped unnequip : count = 0 src dies : count = 0 would be perfect if after 5 seconds if the src don`t use the 3rd skill , count = 0.
  6. I need to implement a new kind of bonus who count how many times the src use the skill and in the 3rd time, the skill damage would be higher. Like this : bonus bStrongHit,Skill_ID,%dmg_increased; Thanks
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