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Everything posted by latias

  1. latias

    WOE Problem

    I tried to get the castle, and i had all guild skills, and still didnt work..
  2. Hello guys. Hum.. i got some Woe problem. When woe starts, the guild can hit the emperium and get the castle, but after that when another guild come to get it, it cant hit the emperium. Why is that happening? Thanks
  3. Hey Guys. I need an npc to add stats on my customs Headgears(Upper, Mid and lower). Would be an npc that place and effect on the headgear but can only be used once,if used twice the previous effect will be replaced.And the player can choose which effect he wanna add, STR AGI VIT INT HIT So on. Thanks for readingg hope u guys can help mee xD PS: ahh just forgot. To use the npc the player will need to use an item. Mithril coin for example
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