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Posts posted by Jupeto

  1. rep please :P

    well I guess so... but when duplicating items, you need to edit the text files inside your data folder also, like how you add new custom item ( y'know ... descriptiontable, nametable, resname etc... ) server side is just the same I guess

    • Upvote 1
  2. Make sure of the following;

    • Non of the players online are in the group level 55 and above
    • Non of the players online have modified their character's preference to not to show their character in who's online page.

    to check for the character's preferences, navigate to ?module=character&action=prefs&id=151315

    change the value 151315 to whatever character's id you want to see preferences.


    Here's a

    showing how to install my woe status.

    PS: Sorry for the background music, it's already late here and I'm still awake. I tried to listen to those music to try to make me feel sleepy but no effect /pif


    I have a new add-on working on just check it out

    So what do you think?

    It's a great add-on idol! /heh useful on any server type. I just wanted to suggest if you can send a whole guild or party so it will automatically send the prizes for all members of guild or party.

    Is it free add-on or paid?

    That's already in my to do list :P paid I guess hehe

  4. Default max monster entries was set to 4000. 3000 entries for monster clones and 1000 reserved ids for player clones.

    So all you have to do is to increase your max mob db

    here's how, watch

    ( Just wait for it to be uploaded ) or read below

    open 'src/map/mob.h'


    // Change this to increase the table size in your mob_db to accomodate a larger mob database.

    // Be sure to note that IDs 4001 to 4048 are reserved for advanced/baby/expanded classes.

    // Notice that the last 1000 entries are used for player clones, so always set this to desired value +1000

    #define MAX_MOB_DB 4000

    change the value 4000 to 6000 so that it makes upto 5000 monster ids and 1000 ids for player clones

    I tried changing it to 6000 and it worked for me having my custom cloned monster with id 4999

  5. Does the map server says anything like

    npc_parse_mob: Unknown mob ID 3000 (file 'npc/re/mobs/fields/payon.txt', line '40').

    NOTE: 3000 is my custom monster's ID and the

    (file 'npc/re/mobs/fields/payon.txt'=, line '40')
    is where I put my custom mob spawn
  6. As to what I see those css is for default fluxcp theme ( Maybe a link to download the files is enough for us to troubleshoot your problem ), if it's just a css then all you have to do is to upload it in your theme's css folder and include it in the header after flux.css so that it'll override the default css

    1. Open 'themes/your_theme/css' and upload the files there.
    2. Open 'themes/your_theme/header.php'
    3. At around line 12 find:
      <link href="<?php echo $this->themePath('css/flux/unitip.css') ?>" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" title="" charset="utf-8" />

      and insert the code below after it

      <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo $this->themePath('css/downloaded_css.css') ?>" type="text/css" media="screen" title="" charset="utf-8" />

      change the 'downloaded_css.css' to the filename of your downloa

    4. Now see if there are any differences

  7. There you go

    Is this the full pvprankings addon? why is it that data folder is empty? Wanna add this..

    No, it isn't... I just used to create those folders by default whenever I work with add-ons for me to easily navigate to affected files and troubleshoot problems even for a small work like this. Anyways, the attached file is just a revised version of jezu's code.

  8. How do the server save those values in mail table specifically when someone sent an elemental item.

    Here are the fields I want to know attributes, card0, card1, card2, card3. Be reminded that the item attached in the mail is an elemental weapon.

    I tried to send one and this is what I got in my mail table

    attribute = 0 ( I really don't know )

    card0 = 255 ( I really don't know )

    card1 = 4 which is wind ( I believe this is from 0 - 4 value, elements neutral, ice, earth, flame, and wind )

    card2 = 18941 and the other row has 18942 ( this is what I suspect is the name of the forger, but where do that value came from? )

    card3 = 2 ( I really don't know )

  9. Ekk then what's the use of that function in onChange property?



    replace with:


    or just copy below

    <form name="form1">
    <select name="menu1" onChange="window.location.href=this.value">
    <option value="javascript:void(0);">Choose Menu</option>
    <?php foreach ($adminMenuItems as $menuItem) : ?>
    <option value="<?php echo $menuItem['url']; ?>"><?php echo $menuItem['name']; ?></option>
    <?php endforeach; ?>

    • Upvote 1
  10. Admin Drop Down Menu

    <form name="form1">
    <select name="menu1" onChange="MM_jumpMenu('parent',this,0)">
    <?php foreach ($adminMenuItems as $menuItem) : ?>
    <option value="<?php echo $menuItem['url']; ?>"><?php echo $menuItem['name']; ?></option>
    <?php endforeach; ?>

    I don't know what your 'MM_jumpMenu()' function does but that code should work... Just play around


    and btw,

    sprintf('<a href="%s">%s</a>', $menuItem['url'], $menuItem['name'])

    that code produce a url tag which you cannot put inside a combo box, use '<?php echo $menuItem['url']; ?>' instead if you want to get just the url of the menu and place it in the value property of an option tag

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