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Everything posted by venire

  1. What level of bowling bash will cast? lvl1? It depend on you. it cast any level of skill just adjust the percent of it. I'm kinda confuse about proc rates. does 10000 = 100%? bonus4 bautospellonskill,"KN_BOWLINGBASH","KN_BOWLINGBASH",1,1000; = Random Lvl of Bowling Bash? How can i do it with a fix level?
  2. What level of bowling bash will cast? lvl1?
  3. Hello, just a new in scripting and can't even make my own script work, Here's my script bonus4 bAutoSpellOnSkill,"KN_BOWLINGBASH","KN_BOWLINGBASH",10,10000; },{},{} Is this right? for Autocast Bowling Bash while using Bowling Bash? Help please, my head's gonna blow
  4. Hello, just a new in scripting and can't even make my own script work, Here's my script bonus4 bAutoSpellOnSkill,"KN_BOWLINGBASH","KN_BOWLINGBASH",10,10000; },{},{} Is this right? for Autocast Bowling Bash while using Bowling Bash?
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