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    Santiago, Chile

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  1. Lukas


    the test server that you can do scripting add items, etc
  2. Lukas


    Can someone give me a link that downloads the test server Thanks
  3. Can someone give me a link to download the test server?
  4. Lukas


    Oh! Okay. Edited Script: new_1-1,54,114,4 script Novice Shop/Quest 729,{ mes "[John]"; mes "Hello there Newbie!"; mes "How are you this fine day?"; next; mes "[John]"; mes "I'm very well! Happy, entertained and so much more!"; next; mes "[John]"; mes "Do you want to access the Newbie Shop or do you want to quest the Newbie Items?!"; next; switch(select("Shop:Quest")) { case 1: warp "new_1-1" ,114,49; close; case 2: mes "[John]"; mes "Well then, please choose which side you will be on!"; mes "Evil"; mes "or"; mes "Good"; mes "You Choose!"; next; switch(select("Evil:Good")) { case 1: mes "[John]"; mes "For the Evil side, you, "+strcharinfo(0)+" accept to join the Evil in hands of the great Satan Morocc."; next; mes "Do you accept or do you deny?"; next; switch(select("I Accept:I Deny")) { case 1: mes "[John, the Evil]"; mes "Okay. Since you decided to join the evil side, you will be given at the end of the quest, two very powerful blades."; next; mes "[John, the Evil]"; mes "They were once used by the great and dark Naght Sieger."; mes "They are the Naght Sieger Blades"; next; mes "[John, the Evil]"; mes "To get these evil blades, you must bring me the following items:"; next; mes "[John, the Evil]"; mes "10 Feather of Birds"; mes "20 Cyfar"; next; mes "[John, the Evil]"; mes "You must go get these items."; mes "Do you have them with you in this moment?"; next; switch(select("Yes, I do:No, I don't")) { case 1: mes "[John, the Evil]"; mes "Okay then, give me those items!"; next; if((countitem(7053) > 20)) || (countitem(916) > 10) goto L_ItemYes; mes "[John, the Evil]"; mes "You don't have my items, please go get them."; close; L_ItemYes: mes "[John, the Evil]"; delitem 7053,20; delitem 916,10; getitem 13412,1; getitem 13413,1; mes "There you have your items. You have joined the Evil Force."; next; mes "Until your next visit, Evil Citizen."; close; case 2: mes "[John, the Evil]"; mes "If you wish to get the blades, you must first bring me the items!"; close; } case 2: mes "[John, the Evil]"; mes "If you deny, then you can join the Good Forces."; mes "Do not make yourself a fool."; } close; case 2: mes "[John, the Good]"; mes "Do you, "+strcharinfo(0)+" accept to join the Good Force?"; next; switch(select("I Accept:I Deny")) { case 1: mes "[John, the Good]"; mes "Ahhhhh, you have wished to join the Good Forces!"; next; mes "[John, the Good]"; mes "Congratulations! Well...let's get to the point of our whole conversation please!"; next; mes "[John, the Good]"; mes "To get the items of the good, you must first bring me the items necessary."; next; mes "[John, the Good]"; mes "The items I will give you are two different kinds. One is a dagger named Star Dust Blade and another is a whip named Blade Whip, it will be better since you have more chances and more jobs!"; next; mes "[John, the Good]"; mes "For these very special items, you will need to bring me the following items:"; mes "40 Decayed Nails"; mes "50 Sticky Mucus"; next; mes "That's all!"; next; mes "[John, the Good]"; mes "Have you got my items?"; next; switch(select("I Do!:I Don't")) { case 1: mes "[John, the Good]"; mes "Well then! May I have them?"; next; if((countitem(957) > 50)) || (countitem(938) > 40) goto L_ItemsCheck; mes "[John, the Good]"; mes "You do not have my required items! You lied!"; next; mes "[John, the Good]"; mes "Such behaviour is not accepted here. I will give you a second chance."; close; L_ItemsCheck: mes "[John, the Good]"; mes "Oh! You have my items!"; delitem 957,50; delitem 938,40; getitem 1969,1; getitem 1148,1; next; mes "[John, the Good]"; mes "Well Done!"; mes "Thank you for using my services!"; next; mes "[John, the Good]"; mes "Goodbye!"; close; } case 2: mes "[John, the Good]"; mes "Aww. Well, can you please go get them?"; close; } case 2: mes "[John, the Good]"; mes "You deny to join the good forces?!"; next; mes "[John, the Good]";` mes "Oh, that's such a pitty..."; close; } } } [/codeBOX] Error in map-server:
  5. Lukas


    Still doesen´t work.It says that the error is on line 142 and sometimes on 141 can you help me. I put the right curlys and still doesn´t work.
  6. Lukas


    My friend`s script doesn`t work,and i dont now why.Can you tell me whats wrong and explain hoy you did it. thanks:) w_1-1,54,114,4 script Novice Shop/Quest 729,{ mes "[John]"; mes "Hello there Newbie!"; mes "How are you this fine day?"; next; mes "[John]"; mes "I'm very well! Happy, entertained and so much more!"; next; mes "[John]"; mes "Do you want to access the Newbie Shop or do you want to quest the Newbie Items?!"; next; switch(select("Shop:Quest")) { case 1: warp "new_1-1" ,114,49; close; case 2: mes "[John]"; mes "Well then, please choose which side you will be on!"; mes "Evil"; mes "or"; mes "Good"; mes "You Choose!"; next; switch(select("Evil:Good")) { case 1: mes "[John]"; mes "For the Evil side, you, "+strcharinfo(0)+" accept to join the Evil in hands of the great Satan Morocc."; next; mes "Do you accept or do you deny?"; next; switch(select("I Accept:I Deny")) { case 1: mes "[John, the Evil]"; mes "Okay. Since you decided to join the evil side, you will be given at the end of the quest, two very powerful blades."; next; mes "[John, the Evil]"; mes "They were once used by the great and dark Naght Sieger."; mes "They are the Naght Sieger Blades"; next; mes "[John, the Evil]"; mes "To get these evil blades, you must bring me the following items:"; next; mes "[John, the Evil]"; mes "10 Feather of Birds"; mes "20 Cyfar"; next; mes "[John, the Evil]"; mes "You must go get these items."; mes "Do you have them with you in this moment?"; next; switch(select("Yes, I do:No, I don't")) { case 1: mes "[John, the Evil]"; mes "Okay then, give me those items!"; next; if((countitem(7053) > 20) || (countitem(916) > 10) goto L_ItemYes; mes "[John, the Evil]"; mes "You don't have my items, please go get them."; close; L_ItemYes: mes "[John, the Evil]"; delitem 7053,20; delitem 916,10; getitem 13412,1; getitem 13413,1; mes "There you have your items. You have joined the Evil Force."; next; mes "Until your next visit, Evil Citizen."; close; case 2: mes "[John, the Evil]"; mes "If you wish to get the blades, you must first bring me the items!"; close; case 2: mes "[John, the Evil]"; mes "If you deny, then you can join the Good Forces."; mes "Do not make yourself a fool."; close; case 2: mes "[John, the Good]"; mes "Do you, "+strcharinfo(0)" accept to join the Good Force?"; next; switch(select("I Accept:I Deny")) { case 1: mes "[John, the Good]"; mes "Ahhhhh, you have wished to join the Good Forces!"; next; mes "[John, the Good]"; mes "Congratulations! Well...let's get to the point of our whole conversation please!"; next; mes "[John, the Good]"; mes "To get the items of the good, you must first bring me the items necessary."; next; mes "[John, the Good]"; mes "The items I will give you are two different kinds. One is a dagger named Star Dust Blade and another is a whip named Blade Whip, it will be better since you have more chances and more jobs!"; next; mes "[John, the Good]"; mes "For these very special items, you will need to bring me the following items:"; mes "40 Decayed Nails"; mes "50 Sticky Mucus"; next; mes "That's all!"; next; mes "[John, the Good]"; mes "Have you got my items?"; next; switch(select("I Do!:I Don't")) { case 1: mes "[John, the Good]"; mes "Well then! May I have them?"; next; if((countitem(957) > 50) || (countitem(938) > 40) goto L_ItemsCheck; mes "[John, the Good]"; mes "You do not have my required items! You lied!"; next; mes "[John, the Good]"; mes "Such behaviour is not accepted here. I will give you a second chance."; close; L_ItemsCheck: mes "[John, the Good]"; mes "Oh! You have my items!"; delitem 957,50; delitem 938,40; getitem 1969,1; getitem 1148,1; next; mes "[John, the Good]"; mes "Well Done!"; mes "Thank you for using my services!"; next; mes "[John, the Good]"; mes "Goodbye!"; close; } case 2: mes "[John, the Good]"; mes "Aww. Well, can you please go get them?"; close; } case 2: mes "[John, the Good]"; mes "You deny to join the good forces?!"; next; mes "[John, the Good]"; mes "Oh, that's such a pitty..."; close; } } } } } [/codeBOX]
  7. Lukas


    THanks you everyone. Can you do this one too? It's a friends and he asked if I could check it and I have no idea! And explain what you put and why Thaaanks new_1-1,54,114,4 script Novice Shop/Quest 729,{ mes "[John]"; mes "Hello there Newbie!"; mes "How are you this fine day?"; next; mes "[John]"; mes "I'm very well! Happy, entertained and so much more!"; next; mes "[John]"; mes "Do you want to access the Newbie Shop or do you want to quest the Newbie Items?!"; next; switch(select("Shop:Quest")) { case 1: warp "new_1-1" ,114,49; close; case 2: mes "[John]"; mes "Well then, please choose which side you will be on!"; mes "Evil"; mes "or"; mes "Good"; mes "You Choose!"; next; switch(select("Evil:Good")) { case 1: mes "[John]"; mes "For the Evil side, you, "+strcharinfo(0)+" accept to join the Evil in hands of the great Satan Morocc."; next; mes "Do you accept or do you deny?"; next; switch(select("I Accept:I Deny")) { case 1: mes "[John, the Evil]"; mes "Okay. Since you decided to join the evil side, you will be given at the end of the quest, two very powerful blades."; next; mes "[John, the Evil]"; mes "They were once used by the great and dark Naght Sieger."; mes "They are the Naght Sieger Blades"; next; mes "[John, the Evil]"; mes "To get these evil blades, you must bring me the following items:"; next; mes "[John, the Evil]"; mes "10 Feather of Birds"; mes "20 Cyfar"; next; mes "[John, the Evil]"; mes "You must go get these items."; mes "Do you have them with you in this moment?"; next; switch(select("Yes, I do:No, I don't")) { case 1: mes "[John, the Evil]"; mes "Okay then, give me those items!"; next; if((countitem(7053) > 20) || (countitem(916) > 10) goto L_ItemYes; mes "[John, the Evil]"; mes "You don't have my items, please go get them."; close; L_ItemYes: mes "[John, the Evil]"; delitem 7053,20; delitem 916,10; getitem 13412,1; getitem 13413,1; mes "There you have your items. You have joined the Evil Force."; next; mes "Until your next visit, Evil Citizen."; close; case 2: mes "[John, the Evil]"; mes "If you wish to get the blades, you must first bring me the items!"; close; case 2: mes "[John, the Evil]"; mes "If you deny, then you can join the Good Forces."; mes "Do not make yourself a fool."; close; case 2: mes "[John, the Good]"; mes "Do you, "+strcharinfo(0)" accept to join the Good Force?"; next; switch(select("I Accept:I Deny")) { case 1: mes "[John, the Good]"; mes "Ahhhhh, you have wished to join the Good Forces!"; next; mes "[John, the Good]"; mes "Congratulations! Well...let's get to the point of our whole conversation please!"; next; mes "[John, the Good]"; mes "To get the items of the good, you must first bring me the items necessary."; next; mes "[John, the Good]"; mes "The items I will give you are two different kinds. One is a dagger named Star Dust Blade and another is a whip named Blade Whip, it will be better since you have more chances and more jobs!"; next; mes "[John, the Good]"; mes "For these very special items, you will need to bring me the following items:"; mes "40 Decayed Nails"; mes "50 Sticky Mucus"; next; mes "That's all!"; next; mes "[John, the Good]"; mes "Have you got my items?"; next; switch(select("I Do!:I Don't")) { case 1: mes "[John, the Good]"; mes "Well then! May I have them?"; next; if((countitem(957) > 50) || (countitem(938) > 40) goto L_ItemsCheck; mes "[John, the Good]"; mes "You do not have my required items! You lied!"; next; mes "[John, the Good]"; mes "Such behaviour is not accepted here. I will give you a second chance."; close; L_ItemsCheck: mes "[John, the Good]"; mes "Oh! You have my items!"; delitem 957,50; delitem 938,40; getitem 1969,1; getitem 1148,1; next; mes "[John, the Good]"; mes "Well Done!"; mes "Thank you for using my services!"; next; mes "[John, the Good]"; mes "Goodbye!"; close; } case 2: mes "[John, the Good]"; mes "Aww. Well, can you please go get them?"; close; } case 2: mes "[John, the Good]"; mes "You deny to join the good forces?!"; next; mes "[John, the Good]"; mes "Oh, that's such a pitty..."; close; } } } } } [/codeBOX]
  8. Lukas


    Can someone help me,I did a script and I dont know whats wrong. prontera,93,97,5 script Larry 953,{ mes "[Larry]"; mes "Hello stranger,who are you?"; next; switch(select("I am "+strcharinfo(0)+":Your friend Tom sent me here")) { case 1: mes "[Larry]"; mes "Hello"+strcharinfo(0)+" what do you want?"; next; switch(select("Buy items:Nothing.Bye")) { case 1: mes "[Larry]"; mes "Well, I have a sword and an armor.What do you want?"; next; switch(select("I want the sword:I want the armor")) { case 1: mes "[Larry]"; mes "The sword costs 1000000.Do you want to buy?"; next; switch(select("Yes….I do:No,sorry")) { case 1: mes "[Larry]"; mes "Ok here you have your sword."; next; getitem 13062,1; set Zeny,Zeny-1000000; next; mes "[Larry]"; mes "Ok good bye."; close; case 2: mes "[Larry]"; mes "Oh….Well.So good bye."; close; case 2: mes "[Larry]"; mes "The armor costs 2000000.Do you want to buy it?"; next; switch(select("Yes,I do:No sorry")) { case 1: mes "[Larry]"; mes "Ok.Here you have your armor."; next; getitem 2751,1; set Zeny,Zeny-2000000; next; mes "[Larry]"; mes "Ok good bye."; close; case 2: mes "[Larry]"; mes "Oh…Well I will find someone else.Bye"; close; case 2: mes "[Larry]"; mes "Ok.Goodbye"; close; case 2: mes "[Larry]"; mes "Ahhh yes you are"+strcharinfo(0)+" what do you want?"; next; switch(select("Buy items:Nothing.Bye")) { case 1: mes "[Larry]"; mes "Well, I have a sword and an armor.What do you want?"; next; switch(select("I want the sword:I want the armor")) { case 1: mes "[Larry]"; mes "The sword costs 500000.Do you want to buy?"; next; switch(select("Yes….I do:No,sorry")) { case 1: mes "[Larry]"; mes "Ok here you have your sword."; next; getitem 13062,1; set Zeny,Zeny-500000; next; mes "[Larry]"; mes "Ok good bye."; close; case 2: mes "[Larry]"; mes "Oh….Well.So good bye."; close; case 2: mes "[Larry]"; mes "The armor costs 1000000.Do you want to buy it?"; next; switch(select("Yes,I do:No sorry")) { case 1: mes "[Larry]"; mes "Ok.Here you have your armor."; next; getitem 2751,1; set Zeny,Zeny-1000000; next; mes "[Larry]"; mes "Ok good bye."; close; case 2: mes "[Larry]"; mes "Oh…Well I will find someone else.Bye"; close; case 2: mes "[Larry]"; mes "Ok.Goodbye"; close; } } } } } } } } } } [/codeBOX]
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