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Posts posted by DeadlySilence

  1. The password cannot be read for security reasons as the player might use the same password for his account, or something like that. If a player forgot his password an admin (or someone with database access) can reset the password using this query in your MySQL client:

    UPDATE `bank` SET `password`=NULL WHERE `account_id`=123;

    You have to replace the 123 with the actual account number.

  2. Oh right, I'm sorry. I forgot I set the default to 5%. Yes, changing

    $interestPerDay = ($interestPerDay) ? $interestPerDay : 500;


    $interestPerDay = ($interestPerDay) ? $interestPerDay : 0;

    will make the default value 0 while maintaining the ability to change the interest if needed.

    You could set it to

    $interestPerDay = 0;

    too, but with this it's not possible to change the interest later on.

  3. the npc banker didn`t work, so does the @bn

    Well, without any information regarding map server errors or such I can't help you. =/


    can i request though make the transaction change to a trade base for example @transaction <amount> the zeny would be only given if the deal was finish but it should stay in the top the amount that would be traded or you can make it in a bn standards like 1 bn = 1m then possible that @tradebn in the deal the amount of deal should stay up until the deal is off do you get me?



    PLAYER 1: Deal Player 2

    Player 1 place an item and player 2 pays through @tradebn

    Player 1 and player 2 should see the tradebn amount at the top till the end is off aswell as the trade bn notification

    Player 1 should receive the said amount and it shows a notification that the bank account has gain CURRENT BALANCE + TRADE


    Sorry, I'm currently inactive because I don't have that much time on my hands. I'll add it to my todo list, but I haven't done anything scripting related in months. =/ If someone else wants to edit my script I wouldn't mind, though.


    How can I turn off this interest rate that's being added to the player's account daily?

    Will setting this to 0 disable this feature?

    $interestPerDay = ($interestPerDay) ? $interestPerDay : 0;

    The command

    @bankadmin interest 0

    should do the trick.

  4. update svn was so much better!!!

    lol'd at this.



    Can anyone help on how to do this?

    Maybe you should read some Git tutorials before trying to use it. It is not really hard but Git has a lot of features.

    To resolve your current problem I'd suggest to use git stash, git pull, git stash apply. This will lead to conflicts between your stashed changes and the ones you pulled. You have to resolve them manually because there's some logic Git couldn't resolve by itself.

  5. Are you sure you are using it correctly? Preserve is not the skill that allows you to copy other skills, Plagiarism is.

    If you use Preserve before getting hit by a skill it won't be plagiarized, hence the name "Preserve", because it preserves the skill you currently have.

  6. index.php?app=downloads&module=display&section=screenshot&id=3080

    File Name: [Atcommand] displaydrop

    File Submitter: DeadlySilence

    File Submitted: 14 Dec 2013

    File Category: Source Modifications

    Content Author: DeadlySilence


    On a server where I play someone suggested to add the command "displaydrop" to enable people to see something rare or valuable was dropped by a monster because autoloot is only available until a certain level.

    I had some free time on my hands so I decided to implement something like that.


    • You can limit the command like autoloot (e.g. @displaydrop 10 will only show items with a chance equal to or below 10%)
    • Two different ways of server side configuration are available:
      • Show real drop (<Monster> dropped <Item> (<Amount>.)
      • Show only an unspecific message that a monster dropped something (<Monster> dropped something with a chance equal to or below <Chance>%.)

    Bugs, feedback, etc.

    If you have found a bug or want to give feedback about my modification you can either send me a private message or post in the related thread.

    Click here to download this file

  7. Looks nice, the idea is a lot like the one I had when I made a source modification with an additional database file instead of a script.
    Here are some hints:

    In line 15 you set @warp without even using it.
    In line 31 (warp for Morocc) you check for

    @warp$ == "mor"

    and in line 61 (warp for Mora) you do the same check, however this second check is never reached.
    I'd also suggest that you could use the Compare function because it could shorten the whole script (not by loc, but by words).

    There is a "problem" with cities with a name consisting of two or more words, like El Dicastes or Port Malaya. Only the first word is read (as @go port malaya considers "port" as the first parameter and "malaya" as the second).

    • Upvote 1
  8. Hello,

    today I found some time to start a little source mod which I will release soon. Now I'm looking for a function like clif_disp_onlyself which uses another colour than the guild chat green because I find it annoying getting my guild chat tab spammed by such messages and because it will be hard to distinguish my messages from other green messages, like the showexp command.


    So, in short, I'm asking if there's a method to show a coloured message to only yourself.


    //edit: Found it. It is clif_colormes for whoever may be looking for this in the future, too.

  9. I haven't tested it, but it seems player could use other chants to activate the effect.


    I found this in src/map/clif.c in line 12942 (search for "Dear angel" if it isn't there), you can add all the effects you want in that part of the code.


    /// Request to invoke the effect of super novice's guardian angel prayer (CZ_CHOPOKGI).
    /// 01ed
    /// Note: This packet is caused by 7 lines of any text, followed by
    ///       the prayer and an another line of any text. The prayer is
    ///       defined by lines 790~793 in data\msgstringtable.txt
    ///       "Dear angel, can you hear my voice?"
    ///       "I am" (space separated player name) "Super Novice~"
    ///       "Help me out~ Please~ T_T"
    void clif_parse_NoviceExplosionSpirits(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd)
    	if( ( sd->class_&MAPID_UPPERMASK ) == MAPID_SUPER_NOVICE ) {
    		unsigned int next = pc_nextbaseexp(sd);
    		if( next == 0 ) next = pc_thisbaseexp(sd);
    		if( next ) {
    			int percent = (int)( ( (float)sd->status.base_exp/(float)next )*1000. );
    			if( percent && ( percent%100 ) == 0 ) {// 10.0%, 20.0%, ..., 90.0%
    				sc_start(&sd->bl,&sd->bl, status_skill2sc(MO_EXPLOSIONSPIRITS), 100, 17, skill_get_time(MO_EXPLOSIONSPIRITS, 5)); //Lv17-> +50 critical (noted by Poki) [Skotlex]
    				clif_skill_nodamage(&sd->bl, &sd->bl, MO_EXPLOSIONSPIRITS, 5, 1);  // prayer always shows successful Lv5 cast and disregards noskill restrictions
    • Upvote 1
  10. Der dritte Kartenslot nimmt die Charakter-ID und wendet ein logisches "AND" mit 65535 darauf an.

    Angenommen, du hast einen Charakter mit der ID 150002 und einen mit der ID 150003, dann wird bei einer Heirat der Beiden der dritte Kartenslot von 150003 zu

    150002 & 65535 = 18930

    und der von 150002 zu

    150003 & 65535 = 18931


    Der vierte Slot wird genau so gebildet, nur dass die Charakter-ID vorher bitweise um 16 Stellen nach rechts verschoben wird:

    150002>>16 = 2

    Bei einer bitweisen Verschiebung nach rechts wird so oft durch Zwei geteilt, wie auf der rechten Seite angegeben ist, in diesem Fall also 16 mal.

    (Bei einer bitweisen Verschiebung nach links wird so oft mit Zwei multipliziert, wie auf der rechten Seite angegeben, das wollte ich nur der Vollständigkeit halber erwähnen.)

  11. If you install the full version it surely installs unnecessary things, just like almost every other operating system. But Slackware's minimal installation takes up about 50-100 MB.

    It also isn't like other systems, if any, other systems are like Slackware as it is the oldest distribution which is still maintained. It is built to be as UNIX-like as possible, also using the KISS principle.

    There's a general "rule" for Slackware and Ubuntu: Ubuntu just Works, Slackware makes you work.

  12. If you're skilled with Linux, you should give Slackware a try as it is the most stable distribution I know. Otherwise Debian would be ok, too. In both cases you should use the 64 bit version, because it is usually built to support some special features of 64 bit CPUs.

  13. You want to check if the user has fewer than three of an array of items?


    setarray .@rental[0],990,991,992,993;
    .@itmCnt = 0;
    for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.@rental); .@i++) {
        if (countitem(.@rental[.@i])) {
    if (2 < .@itmCnt) {
        mes "You can have a maximum of two out of the following list:";
        for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.@rental); .@i++) {
            mes "" + getitemname(.@rental[.@i]) + "";


    This should be what you're looking for, then.

    • Upvote 2
  14. The problem is you're selecting more columns than you assign to variables.

    For example

    query_sql("SELECT `account_id`, `name` FROM `char`", .@ids, .@names$);

    would not produce a warning, but

    query_sql("SELECT `account_id`, `name` FROM `char`", .@ids);

    will produce a warning as the number of variables does not match the number of columns selected.

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