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Everything posted by Succubusty

  1. Is anyone able to help me out here?
  2. I fixed the curlys. Thanks for catching that. Still having the same problem though. I use the variable in another npc, so I'm going to leave it as $switch Why wouldn't I need ontouch? How would the warp & announcement activate otherwise?
  3. Alright. One last question xD I've been using this forum alot lately. Y'all are just so good Cx turbo_n_1,316,365,0 script DSwitch -1,1,1,{ OnTouch: if ($switch == 0){ set $switch,1; if (rand(1,2) == 1) enablenpc "Water_Exit_1"; enablenpc "Water_False_1"; } else{ enablenpc "Water_Exit_2"; enablenpc "Water_False_2"; disablenpc strnpcinfo(0); } end; } turbo_n_1,11,266,0 script Water_Exit_1 45,1,1,{ OnTouch: mapannounce "turbo_n_1.gat",strcharinfo(0)+" has reached Room 5!",bc_map,0xf08080; warp strnpcinfo(4),185,227; announce "Run around the shell room and find the right portal. Try not to get dizzy.~",bc_self,0x7fff00; OnInit: disablenpc strnpcinfo(0); end; } turbo_n_1,114,190,0 script Water_False_1 45,1,1,{ OnTouch: warp strnpcinfo(4),76,227; OnInit: disablenpc strnpcinfo(0); end; } turbo_n_1,114,190,0 script Water_Exit_2 45,1,1,{ OnTouch: mapannounce "turbo_n_1.gat",strcharinfo(0)+" has reached Room 5!",bc_map,0xf08080; warp strnpcinfo(4),185,227; announce "Run around the shell room and find the right portal. Try not to get dizzy.~",bc_self,0x7fff00; OnInit: disablenpc strnpcinfo(0); end; } turbo_n_1,11,266,0 script Water_False_2 45,1,1,{ OnTouch: warp strnpcinfo(4),76,227; OnInit: disablenpc strnpcinfo(0); end; } The goal of this section of my script is to randomize the exit portals for a maze. Currently, I have someone step on a switch in room 3 that activates the warp portals for room 4. This switch does a randomization of 1,2. If 1 is returned, then real warp portal 1 is activated (takes you to the next room) and fake portal 1 is activated (sends you back to starting point of that room). If 2 is returned, the other portals are opened (same locations. opposite effects). When this happens, I have $switch set to 1. When the event is ended, I have $switch set back to 0 in another NPC so that it'll reset the process. However, the script is currently not working. For some reason real warp 2 is always activated and there's no portal at all in the first spot. What am I doing wrong?
  4. Upon execution of the atcommand, the user invoke the NPC event label first. But you can call the initial atcommand with atcommand script npc. Use openstorage; instead of atcommand "@storage"; to avoid this error. Thank you C: This solved my problem. It would be my luck that @storage would be the one atcommand that works funny inside bindatcmd. I was mainly basing my usage off of this thread, so I was confused as to why it wasn't working.
  5. Okay here's my script. - script no_storage -1,{ OnInit: bindatcmd "storage",strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnAtCommand"; end; OnAtCommand: if((strcharinfo(3) == "turbo_n_1") && getgroupid() < 3) message strcharinfo(0),"You can't use @storage during this event."; else atcommand "@storage"; end; } What I'm trying to do is... I want to disable the usage of @storage on the map turbo_n_1 for any non-GMs (below group id 3). With my script right now, it works fine when a regular player (group id 0) is in the map. It displays the text & doesn't allow them to use the command. However, everywhere else, if you try to use the command (GM or not), then you get the error "@storage failed". Any ideas where I went wrong?
  6. I tried to incorporate what both of you said. Here's what I've got: else { getinventorylist; while ( .@i < @inventorylist_count && getiteminfo( @inventorylist_id[ .@i ] ,5 ) != 32 && getiteminfo( @inventorylist_id[ .@i ] ,5 ) != 2 ) .@i++; if ( .@i < @inventorylist_count ) { next; mes @npc$; mes " "; mes "^CC0000Sorry, You can't have any weapons or shields when entering this event."; mes " "; mes "Go store your weapons and shields and try again.^000000"; close; } else { if(getequipweaponlv(4)==0 && getequipweaponlv(3)==0) { next; mes @npc$; mes " "; mes "^CC0000Sorry, You can't have any weapons or shields when entering this event."; mes " "; mes "Go store your weapons and shields and try again.^000000"; close; } else { next; mes @npc$; mes " "; mes "When you enter the event, don't forget to read the rules and requirements from the ^008000Ceres Track Staff^000000 NPC inside."; close2; warp "turbo_n_1.gat",383,163; npctalk "The player "+ strcharinfo(0) +" has joined the Ceres Track Event!"; end; } } } However, when I use it, it tells me I have something a weapon/shield equipped even if I don't. I think I might be working myself in circles here with the if/then statements, but maybe y'all can see something that I can't. I'm trying to get it to first check the inventory to see if you have a weapon or shield in your inventory. If you do, it tells you to go store your items. If you don't, then it checks to see if you have a weapon or shield equipped. If you do, it tells you to store it. if you don't, then you're allowed to continue on to the event. Where did I go wrong? EDIT: NVM. I figured it out. xD I switched the last two functions by mistake. Thanks very much for the help. c:
  7. I'm working on my custom event & I need to be able to check if players have any weapons or shields in their inventory. So something kind of like countitem but instead of just checking for one item, checking for a whole item type (weapons & shields). Here's a snippet of what I have going on. I couldn't find what I needed for the life of me... anyone care to help me out?
  8. I never enabled MD5 passwords. It's set to no. So how would I go about fixing this error with the client?
  9. I've got a testing server set up & I'd like to be able to create accounts using _m/_f. Here's the relevant line from login_athena.conf: Yet here's what happens each time. The client says Unrecognized ID and won't let you login. Any ideas on what I need to do to fix this?
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