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  1. ngek202's post in HOW TO CHANGE SERVER TIME? was marked as the answer   
    I assume your using Linux if yes then follow this guide http://m.wikihow.com/Change-the-Timezone-in-Linux
    for +8 gmt use Asia/Hong_Kong
  2. ngek202's post in Few needs was marked as the answer   

    OnPCLoadMapEvent: getmapxy(.@map$, .@x, .@y, 0); if (.@map$ = "map") {} sc_end SC_ALL; end;
  3. ngek202's post in Quest Maker? was marked as the answer   
    there are 2 good templates you can use
  4. ngek202's post in Stylist Function Command was marked as the answer   
    open your stylist.txt
    change the npc script line header:

    prontera,186,210,3 script Stylist 122,{
    to this:

    function script stylist {
    then add this to your desired item:
    callfunc "stylist";

    501,Red_Potion,Red Potion,0,50,,70,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ callfunc "stylist"; },{},{}
  5. ngek202's post in [Request] RWC Script was marked as the answer   
    here: http://rathena.org/board/topic/58860-pvp-arena-party-vs-party-or-1-vs-1-manual/
    this is the small one that i have but still good for party vs party just modify the map and the setting of setcell and the wall npc's
    It's only manual though coz i know a little with scripting.
    oh yeah the map is a custom one I'm not sure If I can upload it. but i got it from eAthena.ws
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