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Everything posted by Vainglorious

  1. I am looking for a command that gives you a list of Monsters on the map you are. Only regular Monsters, no MVP or Miniboss. It should give out the Map Name, and a List of Mobs (ID) + Amount of Mobs on the map For Example: Monster List: Mapname: pay_dun04 Monsters: Dokebi(1110) - 40 Nine Tail(1180) - 30 Horong(1129) - 30 Archer Skeleton(1277) - 15 Am Mut(1301) - 1 Skeleton General(1290) - 1 Cat o' Nine Tails(1307) - 1 Shining Plant(1083) - 2 Red Plant(1078) - 10 White Plant(1082) - 6 Would there anyone be willing to do this? Regards, Vainglorious
  2. Hello there, I have a Problem with Elemental Converters. As soon as you use one, the effect will apply but you won't get the Buff Icon that shows that you have gotten the element buff. The only thing that will indicate that you are using it, is that you see the kind of clock timer that deplets while using it. How may I be able to fix this? Am I missing the images or some other things? Would need help about this =( Regards, Vainglorious
  3. Still got the problem and can't figure it out =(
  4. Hello Community, I have encountered a problem with my Server... As soon as someone wants to invite Users into their Guild via /guildinvite they get an instant disconnect... The Map Server spits out this error: Sadly I don't know which reason it has or where i can fix it at all. Thank you very much! In Regards, Vainglorious
  5. Still searching, since I would like to have it without NPC and rather with an atcommand.
  6. Something like that, yes Emistry. But with an already fix E-Mail adress and via @request command - don't know if that is possible to do. Oh and would it always come out as .txt /xml?
  7. Hello there, I am looking for a @request edit. I thought about something like this: If a user types in @request they get a message insert window, where they can write there request. After sending it, the request would be sent to defined E-Mail adresses. So that you would be able to get the request even if you are not online or at the computer. (For example if you got that mail adress on your phone.) Would anyone be willing to script something like this? If you wouldn't do it for free - message me we could maybe come up with a decent price. Greets Vainglorious.
  8. Hello everyone. I tried a few things today, and stumbled over a problem. The Mobskill SPIRALPIERCE is causing the Mapserver to Crash, i tried this with Seyren (Mob 1634), gave him Spiral Pierce, shortly after - map Server crash. i disabled Spiral Pierce... no Problems at all he was hitting me for about 10is minutes. Same thing with Kasa etc. Error Message: Debug Error! Program: C:\Users\ROadmin\Desktop\Ro Server\trunk\map-server_sql.exe Module: C:\Users\ROadmin\Desktop\Ro Server\trunk\map-server_sql.exe File: Run-Time Check Failure #3 - The variable 'i' is being used without being initialized. Does anyone know why this could or is happening? =c Greetings, Vainglorious
  9. Oh forgot to mention... I wanted to let it open a vendor sell window, so if you would go to a vendor and use the "sell" option. For short, that you can sell items on the run! Thank you it worked out well!
  10. Hello there, I searched the Forums and didn't find it yet - or was I to dumb? I don't know. Since I managed to implement a @buy command I wanted to make one for @sell buuuut... Currently I really don't have a clew how to do that.... Would anyone be willing to help me? If you like i'll share the @buy command. haha Thank you very much! Regards, Vainglorious
  11. Yeah i had it pasted in a wrong section, it is working now! Thank you very much for your help!
  12. Oh sorry, I missread that ... Haha My bad. Well It's just this part: 9050 - 9062 ACMD_DEF(reloadquestdb), ACMD_DEF(undisguiseguild), ACMD_DEF(disguiseguild), ACMD_DEF(sizeall), ACMD_DEF(sizeguild), ACMD_DEF(addperm), ACMD_DEF2("rmvperm", addperm), ACMD_DEF(unloadnpcfile), ACMD_DEF(cart), ACMD_DEF(mount2), ACMD_DEF(buff) }; And yes i know about the effect, wanted it to work first though!
  13. Sure thing Mate! Before the ACMD_DEF: /** * Fills the reference of available commands in atcommand DBMap **/ #define ACMD_DEF(x) { #x, atcommand_ ## x, NULL, NULL } #define ACMD_DEF2(x2, x) { x2, atcommand_ ## x, NULL, NULL } void atcommand_basecommands(void) { Below the ACMD_DEF: AtCommandInfo* atcommand; int i; for( i = 0; i < ARRAYLENGTH(atcommand_base); i++ ) { if(atcommand_exists(atcommand_base[i].command)) { // Should not happen if atcommand_base[] array is OK ShowDebug("atcommand_basecommands: duplicate ACMD_DEF for '%s'.\n", atcommand_base[i].command); continue; } CREATE(atcommand, AtCommandInfo, 1); safestrncpy(atcommand->command, atcommand_base[i].command, sizeof(atcommand->command)); atcommand->func = atcommand_base[i].func; strdb_put(atcommand_db, atcommand->command, atcommand); } return; }
  14. Yeah i did the same but still the same error... :/
  15. Hello there, since I have tried for days and still won't come up with any solution so far, I wanted to ask if anybody would be willing to help me... I am trying to implement a @buff Command on my Server, but I always get an error when compiling. My src would be this: ACMD_FUNC(buff) { int zeny = 10000; nullpo_retr(-1, sd); if(sd->status.zeny < zeny) { clif_displaymessage(fd, "Sorry, but you do not have enough Zeny to use @buff. @buff cost = 10k Zeny."); return -1; } if ((map[sd->bl.m].flag.gvg) || (map[sd->bl.m].flag.pvp)) { clif_displaymessage(fd, "Sorry, but you can't use @buff on PvP or GvG Maps."); return -1; } sd->status.zeny = sd->status.zeny-zeny; clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_ZENY); sc_start(&sd->bl,SC_INCREASEAGI,100,10,600000); sc_start(&sd->bl,SC_ANGELUS,100,10,600000); sc_start(&sd->bl,SC_BLESSING,100,10,600000); clif_displaymessage(fd, "You've received Buffs for 10 Minutes, have fun with it!"); return 0; } And yes I have added the ACMD_DEF(buff) The Compiling Error is as follows: 1>c:\users\roadmin\desktop\ro server\trunk\src\map\atcommand.c(9060): error C2065: 'atcommand_buff': undeclared identifier 1>c:\users\roadmin\desktop\ro server\trunk\src\map\atcommand.c(9060): warning C4047: 'initialization': Number of indirection in 'AtCommandFunc' and 'int' varying (i am using a german visual studio so i translated it as good as possible, sorry for that.) So if anyone could help me I would be really greatful! :C Thank You very much, Vainglorious
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