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Everything posted by Tetsuken

  1. I suppose that is a possible way to do it, but not possible through the current script commands that already exist... So that alternate rout would have to be hard coded as well. BTW Arcenciel. I like your name. ^^
  2. yeah... A new script command will be necessary for this.
  3. So to start out with, I have looked through the script_command database many times and have tried many different commands to get a similar result. I can't get anything to work when it comes to having an NPC insert a player into a designated party. I have tried alternate routs... but Both 'atcommand' and 'charcommand' can not force the player to leave their party when typing "/leave". Same situation with forcing another player to use "/invite "+... . I would actually rather NOT go the alternate rout by using player commands to get the job done. I am wondering if anyone can tell me if there are any commands to make someone leave their current party and then insert them into a specified party. If not, I am wondering if anyone would be willing to code a script command for it. (in case you are wondering, for this process, I would already have had the party-leader set up, so the party doesn't need to be created, just added to.) Thank you very much to all those who help. =D Good luck and God Bless!
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