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Everything posted by Danz

  1. Do you really want to help, not trying to do a way to save the UNIQUE_ID of the account while picking up an item, could anyone help me? Ex: The player clicks, picks up the item and saves his unique_id forever in that script.
  2. Danz

    Recycle Cards

    I wanted help in a card recycling system would basically like this: I put a list of cart and when you take one of these cart you can exchange for random items like oridecon, white potion, the prizes of this exchange would be random items Thank you very much in advance
  3. Danz

    Card Display

    Is there a way for all players who are returned to mvp cards already dropped on the server? Example: Letters MvPs dropped on the server: 1x Freeoni Card 3x General Charter Turtle Thx
  4. Danz

    Order npcs

    First of all I want to apologize for my English and convenience, but it is something I really need help with. I would like some npcs requests, I will be grateful for the help. 1. Double Experience on random maps lasting 30 minutes, after 30 minutes another random map gets exp in double. 2. Display of mvps cards dropped, ie the player drops a card and appears in the NPC 'NICK, DROPED CARD, TIME AND DAY'. I will be forever grateful.
  5. Half a pro storing items there to send Direct? Example getitemstorage 607.10000;
  6. Could someone help me, quería IN System for which the players can open hum event using badges, someone can help me? Example: the player will the NPC and Delivery 10 Emblems, Being Which to Start 100 Need Event, who contribute OS 100 badges already open event, quería Also Make hum ranking Donors with OS sorry my english
  7. Accuses error and locks in this part, more precisely #LID if(#LID){ mes "Seu bilhete: ("+#LID+"):"; mes "- ^FF0000["+#LW[1]+"] ["+#LW[2]+"] ["+#LW[3]+"] ["+#LW[4]+"] ["+#LW[5]+"] ["+#LW[6]+"]^000000"; } mes "Próximo sorteio ID: ^FF0000"+$LID[1]+"^000000."; Accuses error and locks in this part, More Precisely #LID
  8. This script IS NOT WORKING, accuses hum error, I tried fix more NOT work, helpe-me please me.. prontera,164,175,4 script Loteria 76,{ mes .M$; mes "Números vencedores da Loteria: ^777777("+$LID[2]+")^000000:"; mes "- ^0000FF["+$LW[1]+"] ["+$LW[2]+"] ["+$LW[3]+"] ["+$LW[4]+"] ["+$LW[5]+"] ["+$LW[6]+"]^000000"; if(#LID){ mes "Seu bilhete: ("+#LID+"):"; mes "- ^FF0000["+#LW[1]+"] ["+#LW[2]+"] ["+#LW[3]+"] ["+#LW[4]+"] ["+#LW[5]+"] ["+#LW[6]+"]^000000"; } mes "Próximo sorteio ID: ^FF0000"+$LID[1]+"^000000."; next; if(getgroupid() > 90){ set .@i,select("Pegar Prêmio:Comprar Bilhete:[GM]Do Draw Now:[GM]Rig the Lottery:Cancelar"); }else{ set .@i,select("Pegar Prêmio:Comprar Bilhete:::Cancelar"); } switch(.@i){ case 1: if (#LID != $LID[2]){ mes .M$; mes "Desculpe, mas seu bilhete é inválido."; close; } for(.@i = 1; .@i < 7; .@i++){ for(.@u = 1: .@u < 7; .@u++){ if(#LW[.@i] == $LW[.@u]) .@P += 1; } } if(.@P){ mes .M$; mes "You have matched at least "+.@P+" numbers!"; mes "Você ganhou: ^0000FF"+.Prizes[.@P * 2]+"x "+getitemname(.Prizes[.@P * 2 - 1])+"^000000."; announce "[Loteria]: " + strcharinfo(0) + " ganhou ["+.Prizes[.@P * 2]+"x "+getitemname(.Prizes[.@P * 2 - 1])+"]!",bc_all,0x87CEFF; set #LID,0; getitem .Prizes[.@P * 2 - 1],.Prizes[.@P * 2]; close; } else { mes .M$; mes "Que pena, você não teve muita sorte, seu bilhete não foi prêmiado."; close; } case 2: if (#LID == $LID && #LW[1] != 0){ mes .M$; mes "Você já comprou um bilhete hoje, só é permitido um bilhete por dia."; close; } mes .M$; mes "Preço do Bilhete: ^0000FF"+.Cost[1]+"x "+getitemid(.Cost[0])+"^000000."; mes "Os prêmios da Loteria são:"; mes "[1] ^0000FF"+.Prizes[2]+"x "+getitemname(.Prizes[1])+"^000000."; mes "[2] ^0000FF"+.Prizes[4]+"x "+getitemname(.Prizes[3])+"^000000."; mes "[3] ^0000FF"+.Prizes[6]+"x "+getitemname(.Prizes[5])+"^000000."; mes "[4] ^0000FF"+.Prizes[8]+"x "+getitemname(.Prizes[7])+"^000000."; mes "[5] ^0000FF"+.Prizes[10]+"x "+getitemname(.Prizes[9])+"^000000."; mes "[6] ^0000FF"+.Prizes[12]+"x "+getitemname(.Prizes[11])+"^000000."; next; if(select("Comprar Bilhete:^FF0000Cancelar^000000") > 1){ break; }else if(countitem(.Cost[0]) < .Cost[1]){ mes .M$; mes "Você não pode pagar por este bilhete, desculpe."; close; }else{ mes .M$; mes "Você prefere números escolhido por você ou gerados pelo sistema?"; next; switch("Gerar pelo Sistema:Escolher:Renovar Bilhete"){ case 1: while(!.@x){ for(.@i = 1; .@i < 7; .@i++){ set .@LW[.@i],rand(1,40); } while(.@LW[2] == .@LW[1]) set .@LW[2],rand(1,40); while(.@LW[3] == .@LW[1] || .@LW[2] == .@LW[3]) set .@LW[3],rand(1,40); while(.@LW[4] == .@LW[1] || .@LW[2] == .@LW[4] || .@LW[4] == .@LW[3]) set .@LW[4],rand(1,40); while(.@LW[5] == .@LW[1] || .@LW[2] == .@LW[5] || .@LW[5] == .@LW[3]] || .@LW[4] == .@LW[5]) set .@LW[5],rand(1,40); while(.@LW[6] == .@LW[1] || .@LW[2] == .@LW[6] || .@LW[6] == .@LW[3]] || .@LW[4] == .@LW[6] || .@LW[6] == .@LW[5]) set .@LW[6],rand(1,40); mes .M$; mes "O sistema gerou os seguintes números:"; mes "- ^0000FF"+@L1+" "+@L2+" "+@L3+" "+@L4+" "+@L5+" "+@L6+"^000000"; next; if(select("Confirmar:Re-Gerar") == 1) .@x = 1; } copyarray #LW[1],@LW[1],6; break; case 2: while(!.@x){ mes .M$; mes "Por favor, escolhe os seus números ^0000FF(1-40)^000000:"; mes "^FF0000Atenção: os números não podem ser repetidos.^000000"; for(.@i = 1; .@i < 7; .@i++){ input @LW[.@i],1,40; mes @LW[.@i] } while(.@LW[2] == .@LW[1]){ mes "Re-digite o 2 número."; input @LW[2],1,40; } while(.@LW[3] == .@LW[1] || .@LW[2] == .@LW[3]){ mes "Re-digite o 3 número."; input @LW[3],1,40; } while(.@LW[4] == .@LW[1] || .@LW[2] == .@LW[4] || .@LW[4] == .@LW[3]){ mes "Re-digite o 4 número."; input @LW[4],1,40; } while(.@LW[5] == .@LW[1] || .@LW[2] == .@LW[5] || .@LW[5] == .@LW[3]] || .@LW[4] == .@LW[5]){ mes "Re-digite o 5 número."; input @LW[5],1,40; } while(.@LW[6] == .@LW[1] || .@LW[2] == .@LW[6] || .@LW[6] == .@LW[3]] || .@LW[4] == .@LW[6] || .@LW[6] == .@LW[5]){ mes "Re-digite o 6 número."; input @LW[6],1,40; } next; mes .M$; mes "Seus números são:"; mes "- ^0000FF"+@L1+" "+@L2+" "+@L3+" "+@L4+" "+@L5+" "+@L6+"^000000"; next; if(select("Confirmar:Re-Escolher") == 1) .@x = 1; } copyarray #LW[1],@LW[1],6; break; case 3: if(!#LID){ mes .M$; mes "Desculpe, mais você tem um bilhete inválido."; close; } break; } } delitem .Cost[0],.Cost[1]; set #LID,$LID[1]; mes .M$; mes "O sorteio da Loteria acontece às ^0000FF21:00 horas^000000."; close; case 3: callsub OnClock2045; break; case 4: while(!.@x){ mes .M$; mes "Por favor, escolhe os seus números ^0000FF(1-40)^000000:"; mes "^FF0000Atenção: os números não podem ser repetidos.^000000"; for(.@i = 1; .@i < 7; .@i++){ input @LW[.@i],1,40; mes @LW[.@i] } while(.@LW[2] == .@LW[1]){ mes "Re-digite o 2 número."; input @LW[2],1,40; } while(.@LW[3] == .@LW[1] || .@LW[2] == .@LW[3]){ mes "Re-digite o 3 número."; input @LW[3],1,40; } while(.@LW[4] == .@LW[1] || .@LW[2] == .@LW[4] || .@LW[4] == .@LW[3]){ mes "Re-digite o 3 número."; input @LW[4],1,40; } while(.@LW[5] == .@LW[1] || .@LW[2] == .@LW[5] || .@LW[5] == .@LW[3]] || .@LW[4] == .@LW[5]){ mes "Re-digite o 5 número."; input @LW[5],1,40; } while(.@LW[6] == .@LW[1] || .@LW[2] == .@LW[6] || .@LW[6] == .@LW[3]] || .@LW[4] == .@LW[6] || .@LW[6] == .@LW[5]){ mes "Re-digite o 6 número."; input @LW[6],1,40; } next; mes .M$; mes "Os seus números são:"; mes "^0000FF" + @L1 + " " + @L2 + " " + @L3 + " " + @L4 + " " + @L5 + " " + @L6 + "^000000"; next; if(select("Confirmar:Re-Escolher") == 1) .@x = 1; } copyarray $LR[1],@LW[1],6; next; mes .M$; mes "Loteria fraudada para o próximo sorteio."; set $LR[0],1; close; case 5: } mes .M$; mes "Volte logo!"; close; OnClock2045: if($LR[0]){ set $LW[1],$LR[1]; set $LW[2],$LR[2]; set $LW[3],$LR[3]; set $LW[4],$LR[4]; set $LW[5],$LR[5]; set $LW[6],$LR[6]; $LR[0] = 0; }else{ for(.@i = 1; .@i < 7; .@i++){ set $LW[.@i],rand(1,40); } while($LW[2] == $LW[1]) set $LW[2],rand(1,40); while($LW[3] == $LW[1] || $LW[2] == $LW[3]) set $LW[3],rand(1,40); while($LW[4] == $LW[1] || $LW[2] == $LW[4] || $LW[4] == $LW[3]) set $LW[4],rand(1,40); while($LW[5] == $LW[1] || $LW[2] == $LW[5] || $LW[5] == $LW[3]] || $LW[4] == $LW[5]) set $LW[5],rand(1,40); while($LW[6] == $LW[1] || $LW[2] == $LW[6] || $LW[6] == $LW[3]] || $LW[4] == $LW[6] || $LW[6] == $LW[5]) set $LW[6],rand(1,40); } announce "[Loteria]: O sorteio da loteria foi realizado. Já temos os números vencedores!",bc_all,0x87CEFF; sleep 5000; announce "[Loteria]: Os números prêmiados foram: ["+$LW[1]+"] ["+$LW[2]+"] ["+$LW[3]+"] ["+$LW[4]+"] ["+$LW[5]+"] ["+$LW[6]+"].",bc_all,0x87CEFF; sleep 5000; announce "[Loteria]: Parabéns aos vencedores, os prêmios já podem ser retirados!",bc_all,0x87CEFF; if($LID[1] < 100000) $LID[1] += 99999; $LID[2] = $LID[1]; $LID[1] += rand(10); end; OnInit: // Prêmios da loteria. setarray .Prizes,0,12221,1,7711,1,14232,5,7929,1,7179,2,4399,1; // Custo do bilhete. setarray .Cost,7227,5; set .M$,"^FF0000[Loteria]^000000"; end; } T_T help-me
  9. Danz

    Shake Asura

    Hi could someone please post the code where I have to replace the client (hexed) to get the 'shaking effect'. Thanked! Hexed: 2013+
  10. Hello, I need help to limit the damage of a skill, if I want her to no more than 80k if anyone can help I will be very grateful. T_T
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