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  1. Joseph's post in NPC anti-(Certain Word) was marked as the answer   
    Set your own restricted words.

    map,x,y,z script Name -1,{ end; OnInit: setarray .@w$, "fuck","noob","lol"; // Restricted Words for ( set .@i, 0; .@i < getarraysize(.@w$); set .@i, .@i + 1 ) defpattern 1,".*"+.@w$[.@i]+".*","OnRestrict"; activatepset 1; end; OnRestrict: dispbottom "You will be banned for 1 year for saying the restricted word in 5 seconds."; sleep2 5000; atcommand "@ban +1y " + strcharinfo(0); end; }
  2. Joseph's post in Having error in this Script. +10 Refiner was marked as the answer   
    Missing '{'
    while( getequiprefinerycnt(@part) < 10 && countitem( 512 ) ) { successrefitem @part; delitem 512,1; } 
  3. Joseph's post in Complete mall with all cards - Ready to PvP script? was marked as the answer   
  4. Joseph's post in Custom NPC folder was marked as the answer   
    I don't think there is a limitation.
  5. Joseph's post in Check for specific buff/status? was marked as the answer   
    This is what you're looking for: getstatus
  6. Joseph's post in Remote command/way to change the leader of a guild was marked as the answer   
    map,x,y,z script Guild Transfer 100,{
    if (!getgmlevel())
    mes "Input: Old Guild Master Name";
    input .@old$;
    mes "Input: New Guild Master Name";
    input .@new$;
    set .@nb, query_sql("select guild_id from guild_member where name in ('" + escape_sql(.@new$) + "', '" + escape_sql(.@old$) + "') order by name", .@GID);
    if (.@GID[0] != .@GID[1] && .@GID != getcharid(2, .@old$)) {
    mes .@new$ + " and " + .@old$ + " are not in the same guild.";
    if (getguildmaster(.@GID) != .@old$) {
    mes .@old$ + " is not a guild master.";
    if (guildchangegm(.@GID, .@new$)) {
    mes "Successful!";
    else {
    set $changeGM$[getarraysize($changeGM$)], .@new$;
    mes "It will be transferred once the user is online.";
    for (set .@i, 0; .@i < getarraysize($changeGM$); set .@i, .@i + 1)
    if (strcharinfo(0) == $changeGM$[.@i]) {
    guildchangegm(getcharid(2), $changeGM$[.@i]);
    deletearray $changeGM$[.@i], 1;

  7. Joseph's post in R>scrip was marked as the answer   
    payon,110,114,3 script Item Trader 100,{ .@itemID = 1234; // Item ID .@itemAmt = 1; // Item Amount .@cashPts = 1; // CashPoints if (countitem(.@itemID) >= .@itemAmt) { delitem .@itemID, .@itemAmt; #CASHPOINTS += .@cashPts; dispbottom "You've gained " + .@cashPts + " CashPoints."; end; } dispbottom "Requirement: " + .@itemAmt + " " + getitemname(.@itemID) + " for " + .@cashPts + " CashPoints."; end; }  
    Edit: Oh I'm late. 
  8. Joseph's post in If funtion with getitem error was marked as the answer   
    if (.@checker_level > 9) {
    getitem 509, rand(20, 50); // white herb
    getitem 510, rand(1, 10); // Blue herb
    getitem 521, rand(1, 5); // Aloe Leaf
    else if (.@checker_level > 19) {
    getitem 509, rand(45, 85); // white herb
    getitem 510, rand(9, 25); // Blue herb
    getitem 521, rand(15, 35); // Aloe Leaf
    else {
    getitem 507, rand( 10, 75); // red herb
    getitem 508, rand(1, 10); // yellow herb
  9. Joseph's post in kick idle players was marked as the answer   
    - scrript SayNoToAFK -1,{
    sleep2 5000; // Check for every 5 seconds
    if (checkidle(strchrinfo(0)) >= 5) // Idle for 5 seconds
    atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0);
    goto OnPCLoginEvent;

  10. Joseph's post in Help Cash Point in Login was marked as the answer   
    - script CashPointLogin -1,{
    if (#CashPointLogin)
    set #CASHPOINTS, #CASHPOINTS + 20000;
    set #CashPointLogin, 1;

  11. Joseph's post in Calling a 'mes' from another NPC using donpcevent, was marked as the answer   
    Try using doevent
  12. Joseph's post in Change a map bgm was marked as the answer   
    Usage: @bgm
  13. Joseph's post in Request Lotti Girl was marked as the answer   
    If you want to get rid of that 2 seconds, remove this:

    progressbar "",2;
  14. Joseph's post in Need Party to Warper was marked as the answer   
    Warp when a party exists:

    if ( getcharid(1) == 0 ) end; mes "You have a party"; close2; warpparty "prontera",0,0,getcharid(1); end;
    Warp when the party has a certain number of members:

    getpartymember(getcharid(1)); if ( $@partymembercount >= 5 ) { mes "Your party have 5 or more members."; close2; warpparty "prontera",0,0,getcharid(1); end; } mes "Only party with at least 5 members are allowed to enter."; close;
  15. Joseph's post in WoE Warper was marked as the answer   
    Used the wrong label. -.-
  16. Joseph's post in Request Class Restriction in town was marked as the answer   

    - script Restrict -1,{ OnPCLoadMapEvent: if ( strcharinfo(3) == "izlude" && getgroupid() == 0 ) warp "Prontera",151,191; end; OnInit: setmapflag "izlude",mf_loadevent; end; }
  17. Joseph's post in Random reward item was marked as the answer   
    - script Item Giver -1,{ OnPCLoginEvent: setarray .@Item[0],671,1; // <ItemID>,<ItemAmount> while(1) { sleep2 900000; // 15 minutes for ( set .@i, 0; .@i < getarraysize(.@Item); set .@i, .@i + 2 ) { if ( checkvending() ) continue; getitem .@Item[.@i], .@Item[.@i + 1]; } } }
  18. Joseph's post in Simple Bank request was marked as the answer   
    Search for this line:

    if (countitem(6242) < @mamount) goto L_Invalid;
    Add this below it:

    if ( (Zeny + (100000000*.@mamount)) > 2000000000 ) { mes "You cannot hold more than 2b Zeny"; close; }
  19. Joseph's post in please read: a personal appeal from snoop dog and dr. dre was marked as the answer   
    There you go.

    // Edited version by painisinsane/Eclipse. // Creator of EclipseRO // Please dont remove Credits! // Credits: [url="http://www.paste-it.net/public/a5d2cd4/"]http://www.paste-it....public/a5d2cd4/[/url] quiz_01 mapflag nowarpto quiz_01 mapflag nowarp quiz_01 mapflag noteleport quiz_01 mapflag nomemo quiz_01 mapflag nosave SavePoint quiz_01 mapflag nobranch quiz_01 mapflag noicewall quiz_01 mapflag nopenalty quiz_01 mapflag nobranch quiz_01 mapflag noexp quiz_01 mapflag noreturn quiz_01 mapflag pvp_noparty quiz_01 mapflag restricted 1 - script RFYL#disable -1,{ OnInit: disablenpc "Zombie Master"; disablenpc "Present For You"; } yuno_pre,32,95,4 script Zombie Minion 1015,{ if (getgmlevel() >= 40) goto LMS_Admin; mes "[Minion]"; mes "Hello " + strcharinfo(0) + ", my master is busy."; mes "*sigh*"; close; LMS_Admin: mes "[Minion]"; mes "Hello " + strcharinfo(0) + ", would you like me to call my Boss?"; mes "He is the only one who can start it!"; menu "Start Event",RFYL,"Spectate",M_warp,"End Event",M_EndEvent,"No Thanks",leave; RFYL: next; mes "[Minion]"; mes "Ok, I'll call him this instant."; close2; set $@offvar,1; goto StartEvent; M_warp: mes "[Minion]"; mes "Very well, I will warp you to the map!"; warp "quiz_01",42,369; close; leave: next; mes "[Minion]"; mes "Ok " + strcharinfo(0) +", nice seeing you."; close; M_EndEvent: mes "[Minion]"; mes "Ok master, I will stop the event for you right away!"; next; set $@offvar,1; disablenpc "Zombie Master"; disablenpc "Present For You"; killmonsterall "quiz_01"; areawarp "quiz_01",10,10,450,450,"rachel",120,135; stopnpctimer; disablenpc "Zombie Minion"; warp "rachel",120,135; sleep 180000; enablenpc "Zombie Minion"; OnMinute00: StartEvent: announce "Zombie Vs. Novice event Will begin in 3 minutes. Proceed to the Event Area.",0; killmonsterall "quiz_01"; sleep 55000; announce "Zombie Vs. Novice event will begin in 2 minutes! proceed to the Event Area.",0; sleep 5000; announce "Zombie Master: I have now appeared in poring_c01!",0; enablenpc "Zombie Master"; sleep 60000; announce "Zombie Vs. Novice event will begin in 1 minute!",0; sleep 30000; mapannounce "quiz_01","In 30 seconds the zombies will spawn!",0; sleep 25000; announce "Zombie Vs. Novice event will begin in ~5~",0; sleep 1000; announce "Zombie Vs. Novice event will begin in ~4~",0; sleep 1000; announce "Zombie Vs. Novice event will begin in ~3~",0; sleep 1000; announce "Zombie Vs. Novice event will begin in ~2~",0; sleep 1000; announce "Zombie Vs. Novice event will begin in ~1~",0; sleep 1000; announce "Zombie Vs. Novice event has now begun!!",0,0x00FF00; disablenpc "Zombie Master"; disablenpc "Present For You"; sleep 10000; monster "quiz_01",42,369,"Zombie",1015,1; sleep 10000; monster "quiz_01",42,369,"Zombie-2",1015,1; sleep 10000; monster "quiz_01",42,369,"Zombie-3",1015,1; sleep 10000; monster "quiz_01",42,369,"Zombie-4",1015,1; sleep 55000; mapannounce "quiz_01","Round 2!",0; sleep 10000; monster "quiz_01",42,369,"Zombie-4",1015,1; sleep 55000; monster "quiz_01",42,369,"Zombie-4",1015,1; mapannounce "quiz_01","Round 3!",0; sleep 10000; monster "quiz_01",42,369,"Zombie-4",1015,1; sleep 55000; monster "quiz_01",42,369,"Zombie-4",1015,1; mapannounce "quiz_01","Round 4!",0; sleep 10000; monster "quiz_01",42,369,"Zombie-4",1015,1; sleep 10000; monster "quiz_01",42,369,"Zombie-4",1015,1; sleep 55000; monster "quiz_01",42,369,"Zombie-4",1015,1; mapannounce "quiz_01","Round 5!",0; sleep 10000; monster "quiz_01",42,369,"Zombie-4",1015,1; sleep 55000; monster "quiz_01",42,369,"Zombie-4",1015,1; mapannounce "quiz_01","Round 6!",0; sleep 10000; monster "quiz_01",42,369,"Zombie-4",1015,1; sleep 55000; monster "quiz_01",42,369,"Zombie-4",1015,1; mapannounce "quiz_01","Round 7! Final Round!",0; sleep 10000; monster "quiz_01",42,369,"Zombie-4",1015,1; sleep 20000; monster "quiz_01",42,369,"Zombie-4",1015,1; sleep 30000; monster "quiz_01",42,369,"Zombie-4",1015,1; sleep 40000; monster "quiz_01",42,369,"Zombie-4",1036,1; sleep 50000; monster "quiz_01",42,369,"Zombie-4",1036,1; sleep 60000; monster "quiz_01",42,369,"Zombie-4",1015,1; initnpctimer; end; OnTimer0500: if ( getmapusers("quiz_01") == 0 ) { killmonsterall "quiz_01"; announce "'Zombie Vs. Novice' event has ended. No one joined.",0; stopnpctimer; end; } else if ( getmapusers("quiz_01") > 1 ) { mapannounce "quiz_01",getmapusers("quiz_01") +"has survived the event.",0,0x00FF00;; initnpctimer; end; } initnpctimer; end; OnPCDieEvent: getmapxy .@mapnvz$,.@xnvz,.@ynvz,0; if ( .@mapnvz$ == "quiz_01") { sleep2 1; warp "prontera",142,179; atcommand "@alive "+ strcharinfo(0); dispbottom "you have lost..."; } sleep2 0500; if ( .@mapnvz$ == "quiz_01" && getmapusers("quiz_01") == 1 ) { killmonsterall "quiz_01"; mapannounce "quiz_01","You have won, approach the Present For You Npc please.",0; enablenpc "Present For You"; stopnpctimer; end; } end; } quiz_01,42,378,3 script Present For You 72,{ mes "[Present For You]"; mes "Please tell me your name."; next; input .@name$; if(.@name$ != strcharinfo(0)) { mes "[Present For You]"; mes "Are you sure that is your name?"; close; } mes "[Present For You]"; mes "Congrats. You've won."; close2; announce "Present For You: We have a winner! "+.@name$+" has won the Novice vs Zombie event!",0; getitem 7227, 3; // Change This item id to what ever you want warp "prontera",142,179; disablenpc "Present For You"; end; } poring_c01,110,95,4 script Zombie Master 999,{ if (BaseLevel > 1) goto NO; if (class == 0) goto event; if (class > 0) goto NO; event: mes "[^0000FFZombie Master^000000]"; mes "You wish to participate the Zombie Vs. Novice event?"; next; switch(select("Yes","No")) { case 1: sc_end SC_ALL; sc_start SC_DECREASEAGI,1200000,10; percentheal 100,100; sc_start SC_STRIPSHIELD,1200000,5; sc_start SC_STRIPWEAPON,1200000,5; sc_start SC_STRIPARMOR,1200000,5; sc_start SC_STRIPHELM,1200000,5; statusup2 bStr,-999; statusup2 bAgi,-999; statusup2 bVit,-999; statusup2 bInt,-999; statusup2 bDex,-999; statusup2 bLuk,-999; warp "quiz_01",42,369; end; break; case 2: mes "[^0000FFZombie Master^000000]"; mes "Come back when your ready."; close; break; NO: mes "[^0000FFZombie Master^000000]"; mes "You are not a Novice, level 1."; close; } OnInit: disablenpc "Zombie Master"; disablenpc "Present For You"; end; }
  20. Joseph's post in PVp annoucement was marked as the answer   
    announce "message",0,0x81DAF5;
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