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  1. juanfu's post in Guild emblem was marked as the answer   
    i had to remove white color but i think it look fine (using paint)
  2. juanfu's post in Potion of Invulnerability was marked as the answer   
    { sc_start SC_INVINCIBLE,5000,1; } itemDB id,nameA,NameB,11,0,,10,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,,,,,,{ specialeffect2 EF_GUARD; sc_start SC_INVINCIBLE,5000,1; },{},{} item type 11 = will not be consumed, if you will carry more than 1 and want them consume change to 2
    id,600000//you custom potion with invincible all damage will be 1 or miss
    itemdelay 600000=10min
  3. juanfu's post in Is not deleting the pet egg was marked as the answer   
    for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .@size; .@i += 2 ) { delitem getd( ".petr"+ .@pet_class[.@s] +"["+ .@i +"]" ), getd( ".petr"+ .@pet_class[.@s] +"["+( .@i +1 )+"]" ); //here is deleting items } } // but there is not any other delitem deleting the egg it shoud be here // no veo ningun otro delitem asi que deberia ir aqui antes de entregar el nuevo pet makepet .@get_pet_id = getd( ".pet"+ .@pet_class[.@s] +"["+ rand( getarraysize( getd( ".pet"+ .@pet_class[.@s] ) ) ) +"]" ); mes "your "+ .@pet_name$[.@c] +" has reborn into "+ getmonsterinfo( .@get_pet_id, 0 ); mes "please rename your pet ~"; close; also in the post they say
    add in request same egg item for Evolution to delete egg , so you can add a second delete or add the egg in the required items
  4. juanfu's post in Incorrect use of 'close' command - Gold Room was marked as the answer   
    OnNPCKillEvent: if (getmapxy(@mapname$,@mapx,@mapy,0) == -1) goto L_Finish; ​L_Finish: close; change to end; instead close;
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