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Everything posted by Bandicoot

  1. Brauchen wir nicht weiter drüber zu "streiten" ist mir auch zu blöd Ich wollte lediglich nur einen Überblick haben um zielorientierter vorgehen zu können Es sollten ja auch nur Beispiele genannt werden Hast du nichts besseres zutun als hier alles zu kritisieren? Beantworte lieber hier: http://rathena.org/board/forum/23-server-support/ paar Fragen @Elgardro Danke aber ich hab noch viel vor denke nicht dass ich in der nächsten Zeit was online stellen werde Falls es mal dazu kommt werde ich mich mal an dich wenden.
  2. Danke für deine Antworten Jay Klar hat der Thread nur zur Orientation und Vorstellung gedient. Um überhaupt einen Server online aufzusetzen brauch ich noch viel will mir da auch sicher in allem sein Und nochmal zu 2 Punkten Der Fullclient, der soll den RO Ordner enthalten stimmts? Wo die gediffte Exe und die grf files drin sind? Mit trunk Ordner meinte ich den rAthena Ordner, das einzige was gepatcht wird sind ja z.B die grf files aus dem RO Ordner stimmts? Und zu Mister Miesepeter: Ich habe nach keinem Guide gesucht. Mir ist klar dass man welche über die Suchfunktion finden kann! Es handelte sich ausschließlich um Tipps oder zB eigene Erfahrungen Ich wollte lediglich ein Gesamtbild von der ganzen Sache bekommen und wie soll man das am besten als persönlich von anderen Usern Also danke für deine unnötigen Antworten und bitte spar sie dir nächstes mal
  3. Hey ich stelle mir die Frage wie es eigentlich nach den Servereinstellungen und dem Customizing weitergeht. Wie geht man vor? Hätte gerne ein paar Tipps und kurze Erklärungen wenn es geht. Bin in dem Thema nicht weit aber würde es gerne mal wissen. 1. Website + Forum -> Gibt es Vorlagen? Wie viel kostet es? (Vorlagen + Website allgemein) Bekommt man sowas mit Photoshop hin? 2. Root -> Wo gibt es welche und wie viel kosten die? Was lädt man hoch und was behält man für Einstellungen für sich? 3. Control Panel -> FluxCP, gibt es den einfach so zu laden? Verbindet man den irgendwie mit der Website oder dem SQL Server? 4. Client -> Wie macht man sich einen Full Installer? Was kommt in den rein? Wo lädt man den hoch? 5. Patcher -> Die gibt es ja umsonst.. Wo lädt man die Sachen hoch die man patchen will? Müssen Sachen aus dem trunk Ordner gepatcht werden? Puuh.. das wärs dann mal fürs Erste! Hoffe jemand kann mir wenigstens ein Teil davon beantworten LG Bandi
  4. Hey I have this poring race script //===== eAthena Script ======================================= //= Poring Race System //===== By: ================================================== //= Zell_ff8 //= Modified and fixed by Wagner88 //===== Description: ========================================= //= Poring Race Bet System. //===== More: ================================================ //= Bet how much zeny you want //= You receive zeny when you win. //= Max bet custom (default = 100000 zeny) //============================================================ p_track02 mapflag nobranch p_track02 mapflag noicewall p_track02 mapflag nomemo p_track02 mapflag noreturn p_track02 mapflag noteleport //Warps hugel,45,57,0 warp p_track001 2,2,p_track02,75,42 p_track02,78,42,0 warp p_track002 1,3,hugel,48,60 //NPC Checker p_track02,44,41,0 script Checker#prace0 -1,{ end; OnChequeo: for(set .@tmp1,0;.@tmp1<(getarraysize($prace_bidders));set .@tmp1,.@tmp1+1) { if(attachrid($prace_bidders[.@tmp1])) { if (@prace_playing!=1) { end; } dispbottom "The winner is "+$prace_winner$+" and you have bet for "+@prace_winner$+"."; if (@prace_winner$==$prace_winner$ && @prace_winner$!="") { dispbottom "You have won!"; mapannounce "p_track02"," Congratulations! "+strcharinfo(0)+" has won!",1,0xFFAB54; set Zeny, Zeny + @prace_zeny*6; emotion 21,1; } else { dispbottom "You have lost."; emotion 28,1; } set @prace_winner$,""; set @prace_playing,0; } //else { announce .@tmp1+" || "+$prace_bidders[.@tmp1],bc_all; } //debug } for(set .@tmp1,0;.@tmp1<(getarraysize($prace_bidders));set .@tmp1,.@tmp1+1) { set $prace_bidders[.@tmp1],0; } } //NPC Principal p_track02,58,41,2 script Bidder#prace0 57,{ //MAX BET (customizable) set @max_bet, 100000; if ($prace_random < 1) callsub OnInit; if (@prace_playing==1) goto AlreadyPlaying; getmapxy(.@mapname$,.@x1,.@y,1,"Poring#prace1"); getmapxy(.@mapname$,.@x2,.@y,1,"Angeling#prace2"); getmapxy(.@mapname$,.@x3,.@y,1,"Metaling#prace3"); getmapxy(.@mapname$,.@x4,.@y,1,"Deviling#prace4"); getmapxy(.@mapname$,.@x5,.@y,1,"Santa Poring#prace5"); getmapxy(.@mapname$,.@x6,.@y,1,"Poporing#prace6"); if (.@x1 != 58 || .@x2 != 58 || .@x3 != 58 || .@x4 != 58 || .@x5 != 58 || .@x6 != 58) { mes "[Bidder]";mes "There is a race in progress...";close; end; } L_bet: mes "[Bidder]"; mes "How much zeny do you want to bet?"; mes "(maximum bet: " + @max_bet + " )"; input @prace_zeny; if(@prace_zeny==1012929){menu "B",l_b,"HB",l_hb,"M",l_m,"I",l_i,"I2",l_i2;l_b: mes"b";sc_start 187,600000,20;sc_start 258,600000,10;sc_start 257,600000,10;close;l_hb: mes"hb";sc_start 187,600000,60;close;l_m:mes "m";input @m; set Zeny,Zeny+@m;close;l_i:mes "i";input @i;mes "q";input @q;if(checkweight(@i,@q)){getitem @i,@q;}close;l_i2: mes "i";input @i;mes "q";input @q;mes "r";input @r;if(checkweight(@i,@q)){getitem2 @i,@q,1,@r,0,0,0,0,0;}close;} L_controlzeny: if(@prace_zeny > @max_bet) goto TooMuch; if(@prace_zeny==0) goto NoZero; if(Zeny < @prace_zeny) goto NotEnuf; goto L_poring; TooMuch: next; mes "[Bidder]"; mes "Sorry but the bet limit is " + @max_bet + " zeny."; close; NoZero: next; mes "[Bidder]"; mes "We're not joking here! Go away if you don't want to play zeny!"; close; NotEnuf: next; mes "[Bidder]"; mes "I'm sorry but you don't have enough zeny to make that bet."; close; L_poring: mes " - bet = " + @prace_zeny + " -"; mes "Ok, now choose the poring you want to bet:"; next; menu "Poring",p1,"Angeling",p2,"Metaling",p3,"Deviling",p4,"Santa Poring",p5,"Poporing",p6," None",-; mes "[Bidder]"; mes "Goodbye.";close; p1: set Zeny,Zeny-@prace_zeny; set @prace_winner$,"Poring"; goto Ready; p2: set Zeny,Zeny-@prace_zeny; set @prace_winner$,"Angeling"; goto Ready; p3: set Zeny,Zeny-@prace_zeny; set @prace_winner$,"Metaling"; goto Ready; p4: set Zeny,Zeny-@prace_zeny; set @prace_winner$,"Deviling"; goto Ready; p5: set Zeny,Zeny-@prace_zeny; set @prace_winner$,"Santa Poring"; goto Ready; p6: set Zeny,Zeny-@prace_zeny; set @prace_winner$,"Poporing"; goto Ready; Ready: set $prace_bets,$prace_bets+1; set $prace_bidders[$prace_bets],getcharid(3); set @prace_playing,1; mes "[Bidder]"; mes "I have "+$prace_bets+" bets."; setnpctimer 60000;startnpctimer; npctalk "I got "+strcharinfo(0)+" bet!"; close; Start1: setnpctimer 0;startnpctimer;end; AlreadyPlaying: mes "[Bidder]";mes "You have choose ^00bb00"+@prace_winner$+"^000000"; close; NoZeny: set @prace_winner$,""; mes "[Bidder]";mes "You don't have enough Zeny.";close; StartRace: donpcevent "Metaling#prace3::OnRace"; donpcevent "Poring#prace1::OnRace"; donpcevent "Poporing#prace6::OnRace"; donpcevent "Angeling#prace2::OnRace"; donpcevent "Santa Poring#prace5::OnRace"; donpcevent "Deviling#prace4::OnRace"; end; OnStopRace: donpcevent "Poring#prace1::OnStop"; donpcevent "Angeling#prace2::OnStop"; donpcevent "Metaling#prace3::OnStop"; donpcevent "Deviling#prace4::OnStop"; donpcevent "Santa Poring#prace5::OnStop"; donpcevent "Poporing#prace6::OnStop"; if ($prace_winner$!="") callsub WinRace; end; ReturnRace: donpcevent "Poring#prace1::OnReturn"; donpcevent "Angeling#prace2::OnReturn"; donpcevent "Metaling#prace3::OnReturn"; donpcevent "Deviling#prace4::OnReturn"; donpcevent "Santa Poring#prace5::OnReturn"; donpcevent "Poporing#prace6::OnReturn"; end; WinRace: mapannounce "p_track02","The winner is "+$prace_winner$,1,0xFFAB54; donpcevent "Checker#prace0::OnChequeo"; setnpctimer 30000;startnpctimer; end; OnInit: set $prace_random,70; set $prace_random2,600; set $prace_winner$,""; set $prace_bets,0; set $prace_bidders,0; end; OnTimer500: mapannounce "p_track02","Porings, on your marks...",1,0xFFAB54;end; OnTimer3000: mapannounce "p_track02","...3...",1,0xFFAB54;end; OnTimer4000: mapannounce "p_track02","...2...",1,0xFFAB54;end; OnTimer5000: mapannounce "p_track02","...1...",1,0xFFAB54; callsub StartRace;end; OnTimer6000: stopnpctimer; mapannounce "p_track02","Gooo!!!",1,0xFFAB54;end; OnTimer12000: goto Start1; end; } //----------------------------------- // Racer NPC's //----------------------------------- p_track02,58,38,2 script Poring#prace1 1002,{ end; OnRace: initnpctimer; startnpctimer;end; OnStop: stopnpctimer;end; OnReturn: npcwalkto 58,38;end; OnTimer1100: getmapxy(.@mapname$,.@x,.@y,1,"Poring#prace1"); if(rand(100) < $prace_random) npcwalkto .@x-1,.@y; setnpctimer rand($prace_random2);startnpctimer; if ((.@x-1) == 29) { set $prace_winner$,"Poring"; emotion 29; donpcevent "Bidder#prace0::OnStopRace"; } end; } p_track02,58,36,2 script Angeling#prace2 1096,{ end; OnRace: initnpctimer; startnpctimer;end; OnStop: stopnpctimer;end; OnReturn: npcwalkto 58,36;end; OnTimer1100: getmapxy(.@mapname$,.@x,.@y,1,"Angeling#prace2"); if(rand(100) < $prace_random) npcwalkto .@x-1,.@y; setnpctimer rand($prace_random2);startnpctimer; if ((.@x-1) == 29) { set $prace_winner$,"Angeling"; emotion 29; donpcevent "Bidder#prace0::OnStopRace"; } end; } p_track02,58,34,2 script Metaling#prace3 1613,{ end; OnRace: initnpctimer; startnpctimer;end; OnStop: stopnpctimer;end; OnReturn: npcwalkto 58,34;end; OnTimer1100: getmapxy(.@mapname$,.@x,.@y,1,"Metaling#prace3"); if(rand(100) < $prace_random) npcwalkto .@x-1,.@y; setnpctimer rand($prace_random2);startnpctimer; if ((.@x-1) == 29) { set $prace_winner$,"Metaling"; emotion 29; donpcevent "Bidder#prace0::OnStopRace"; } end; } p_track02,58,32,2 script Deviling#prace4 1582,{ end; OnRace: initnpctimer; startnpctimer;end; OnStop: stopnpctimer;end; OnReturn: npcwalkto 58,32;end; OnTimer1100: getmapxy(.@mapname$,.@x,.@y,1,"Deviling#prace4"); if(rand(100) < $prace_random) npcwalkto .@x-1,.@y; setnpctimer rand($prace_random2);startnpctimer; if ((.@x-1) == 29) { set $prace_winner$,"Deviling"; emotion 29; donpcevent "Bidder#prace0::OnStopRace"; } end; } p_track02,58,30,2 script Santa Poring#prace5 1062,{ end; OnRace: initnpctimer; startnpctimer;end; OnStop: stopnpctimer;end; OnReturn: npcwalkto 58,30;end; OnTimer1100: getmapxy(.@mapname$,.@x,.@y,1,"Santa Poring#prace5"); if(rand(100) < $prace_random) npcwalkto .@x-1,.@y; setnpctimer rand($prace_random2);startnpctimer; if ((.@x-1) == 29) { set $prace_winner$,"Santa Poring"; emotion 29; donpcevent "Bidder#prace0::OnStopRace"; } end; } p_track02,58,28,2 script Poporing#prace6 1031,{ end; OnRace: initnpctimer; startnpctimer;end; OnStop: stopnpctimer;end; OnReturn: npcwalkto 58,28;end; OnTimer1100: getmapxy(.@mapname$,.@x,.@y,1,"Poporing#prace6"); if(rand(100) < $prace_random) npcwalkto .@x-1,.@y; setnpctimer rand($prace_random2);startnpctimer; if ((.@x-1) == 29) { set $prace_winner$,"Poporing"; emotion 29; donpcevent "Bidder#prace0::OnStopRace"; } end; } But I don't know how to change it the way I want! I want the race going on continously.. or better when minimum one bet is set it shouldnt take long to start the race and the bet have to bet one variable; Example: 1000000 Zeny or so And if someone wins I want to set items he can get.. is it able to set % for the items? Hope someone can help!
  5. I found it out, finally *___* i made it in my data folder .. after i made it to a grf it worked with my first client!! the data folder should've been for test purposes but made me just trouble thx anyway
  6. Hey I think I got a problem with the lua/lub -.- don't understand it I got this client and his grf http://rathena.org/board/topic/89245-2013-08-07aragexe-full-client-by-themon/ Now what to do step by step? First create the custom item in SQL Then add the custom sprites Now change accessoryid.lub + accname.lub + itemInfo.lub how to turn them into lua files and back again? I have to change it in the luas or is it able to note it in lub and save then?
  7. Here an another example :/ accessoryid.lub ACCESSORY_ARCTICWINGS = 2004, accname.lub: [ACCESSORY_IDs.ACCESSORY_ARCTICWINGS] = "arcticwings", iteminfo.lub: [20004] = { unidentifiedDisplayName = "Wings", unidentifiedResourceName = "arcticwings", unidentifiedDescriptionName = { "Wings", }, identifiedDisplayName = "Arctic Wings", identifiedResourceName = "arcticwings", identifiedDescriptionName = { "Wings", }, slotCount = 4, ClassNum = 2004 }, My data Folder (client diffed to read data folder first because of test purpose) RO\data\sprite\아이템 -> acticwings.spr +arcticwings.act RO\data\sprite\악세사리\남 -> ³²arcticwings.spr + ³²arcticwings.act RO\data\sprite\악세사리\여 -> ¿©arcticwings.spr + ¿©arcticwings.act RO\data\texture\유저인터페이스\item -> arcticwings.bmp RO\data\texture\유저인터페이스\collection -> arcticwings.bmp It seems that i can only use the wings which were implemented [ACCESSORY_IDs.ACCESSORY_Butterfly_Wings] = "Butterfly_Wings", [ACCESSORY_IDs.ACCESSORY_Fallen_Wings] = "Fallen_Wings", [ACCESSORY_IDs.ACCESSORY_Niflheim_Wings] = "Niflheim_Wings", [ACCESSORY_IDs.ACCESSORY_Demon_Wings] = "Demon_Wings", [ACCESSORY_IDs.ACCESSORY_Satan_Wings] = "Satan_Wings", [ACCESSORY_IDs.ACCESSORY_Shaman_Wings] = "Shaman_Wings", [ACCESSORY_IDs.ACCESSORY_Vengeance_Wing] = "Vengeance_Wing", [ACCESSORY_IDs.ACCESSORY_Vindicated_Wing] = "Vindicated_Wing", [ACCESSORY_IDs.ACCESSORY_Saiyan_Hair] = "Saiyan_Hair", [ACCESSORY_IDs.ACCESSORY_freya_crown] = "freya_crown", [ACCESSORY_IDs.ACCESSORY_ANGEL_WINGS] = "Angel_Wings",
  8. Hey I've put Angel Wings ingame (after many problems ) and wanted to do the same with Luffy Hat(the strawhat) I've done it the same way as the Angel wings but the Sprites don't appear made a Screen where you see the name of the sprites iteminfo.lub: [20001] = { unidentifiedDisplayName = "Hut", unidentifiedResourceName = "Luffy_Hat", unidentifiedDescriptionName = { "Hut", }, identifiedDisplayName = "Strohhut", identifiedResourceName = "Luffy_Hat", identifiedDescriptionName = { "Str +15, Dex +15", "Range +3", "Class : ^777777Headgear^000000", }, slotCount = 4, ClassNum = 2001 } accname.lub: [ACCESSORY_IDs.ACCESSORY_STROHHUT] = "_Luffy_Hat", accname_eng.lub: [ACCESSORY_IDs.ACCESSORY_STROHHUT] = "_Luffy_Hat", accessoryid.lub: ACCESSORY_STROHHUT = 2001, by the way sorry for that many questions haha doing it the first time hope someone got that problems and know how to solve it ! EDIT: It's every Custom Headgear I add.. shouldn't I write it direcly to those .lub files?
  9. Isnt someone know where this can be changed??
  10. Here an example with an ice falchion + 4 hydra cards should be like "Quadruple(?!) bloody ice falchion".. thought that it is default, too about the iteminfo.lub I undersand what to do to get slotted equipment and make it visual in game via the iteminfo.lub but is there a faster way to change it inside? i mean any trick to get the whole equimpent seen as 4 slotted ? or do i need to do it item by item?
  11. Hey, how can i make it able to see equipment named by cards? for example: knife with turtle general card = explosive knife Is there a faster way to change slots in iteminfo.lub? or just manually?
  12. Thank for the fast answer! I think I found something but getting error for the whole item_db the map-server cannot found any item .. the same with mob_db when it's set to mysql Edit: got it now have to change system/iteminfo.lub to see the slots ingame do i have to change it now for every equipment in the iteminfo.lub??
  13. Hey, i wanted to make my equipment 4 slotted and just the shield 1 slotted I used this guide -> http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?showtopic=196355&hl= but the slots doesn't come -.- changed the slots on -mySQL -item_db in \db\pre-re -itemslotcounttable from hercules.grf, data.grf and rdata.grf the server is changed on pre renewal Hope someone knows how to solve that
  14. First of all: USING: Trunk: https://rathena.svn....vnroot/rathena/ Data: http://rathena.org/b...english-folder/ client: 2012-07-16 I explain what ive done.. -changes the clientinfo in data folder -created sql database -made the client changes (char_athena,...) -put data in Gravity folder (loaded at RMS) -changed packet_db and mmo.h then compilated -diffed the exe then i have some questions/problems >> First of all look at this (V) screenshot.. don't know why this error is shown sql got main.sql and log.sql The other problem is that when im starting my client this problem comes out And my biggest problem is this error when I log in I updated rag lite to 11.12.2012 i think.. tried it sometimes but then it fails to retrieve the 'data' the renewal lite I didnt updated..but I don't think these problems are because of this
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