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Posts posted by luisdgs19

  1. Hi rathena members, i'm starting a new server something serious and i want anyone interested in helping me with the server help me. I will handle all the funding, vps, domains, host, advertising, everything!


    So anyone who thinks that can contribute to make a really cool server please pm me or email me at [email protected]

  2. I have my server Up and running and it's really good. Now i just posted it to rms and i have around 5~10 players online average, the server has only been up for 2 weeks and well, i was wondering what other places other than RMS and rAthena do you Post your servers to get players?

  3. Hello, i have my rathena server up and working the problem is, i dont know which client files should i use. the ones that i have in the moment aren't good people keep getting disconected from server after a while playing and it's getting annoying.

    any help choosing right data folder and client? according to my svn version

  4. I have an instance that is working perfectly, my only problem is that when i do instance_warpall "map",x,y; it doesn't work and the players have to manually warp there. Is there any problem with my code heres a part of it..

    if (getcharid(1) != 0 )
     set .@instance, instance_create("Lunette Storyline", getcharid(1));
     if (.@instance < 0)
      mes "Failed to create instance, contact Admin Player";
     if (instance_attachmap("wald_in", .@instance, 1) == "")
      mes "Failed to create instance, contact Admin Player";
     if (instance_check_party(getcharid(1), 1, 69, 150))
     instance_set_timeout(3600, 300, .@instance);
     instance_warpall "wald_in",47,49;
     else {........................

    if i change instance_warpall to warp it works perfectly but only the player who talked to the npc is warped.

  5. at the moment i'm creating an instanced quest, so the thing is that the instance works just fine but when someone else tries to create another instance they crash and get the error that aev_fil.rsw is not found but the map is actually called aev_fild01 so what's wrong?

  6. I'm trying to make a script that each time you kill the monster with the id 1769 on the map aev_fild01 the server adds the amount of kills to a character variable.I tried doing it this way.


    But it doesn't work, could you guys help me

  7. Hello guys i'm currently on the development of a new CP for now it's in its early stage.

    It's called DGS User Center for more information you can go to the projects section of the forum.

    I'm currently developing on a mac and atm i cannot host a server myself or run the client, so if someone could provide me with a .sql file of a database with some accounts characters guilds etc so i could test scripts on it. Only send me the db if you're not using it! otherwise don't!

  8. Hello rAthena, today i'd like to introduce what i call User Center. Maybe you've seen my topic about the CP http://rathena.org/board/topic/76307-a-new-control-panel-is-coming/ this is the official introductory with the name and everything + a preview.

    Why the term user center?

    Right now if you hear the term control panel, what comes to your mind?

    Well, if you've been playing RO servers since your childhood like me you'll think of the place you register and manage your account settings and that might be true but, how about new players?

    Well the term control panel sounds so mechanic and that's when i thought of the term User Center, with a more user-friendly interface in an elegant and modern way.

    What are the biggest features it will have ?

    • Ajax based navigation, if you don't know what this mean, it means that you won't need to lead a new page with every link you click or every action you do. The website communicates with the server using a technology that is called Ajax that stands for Asynchronous Javascript And XML. Pages will load faster and it just looks beautiful.\
    • You will be able to use the DGSUC API which is optimized and secured in a very high level to integrate User Center functions to your website natively
    • Ticket System

    When will DGS User Center be released?

    Well my friend, this project started 2 days ago and the development is on the very beginning.

    Is there any preview?

    Yes there's a live preview where you can get a feel for what the user center will be like ( Basically is just a Control Panel but with new features and in a beautiful smooth way )

    The link for the preview is :


    Note: This is just a preview and the development of the CP has just started, this is just so you get the look of it and expect many many more features other than those it shows.

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