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Posts posted by Nana

  1. This is the src mod =)

    * Sleep (@sleep)
    int atcommand_sleep(const int fd, struct map_session_data* sd, const char* command, const char* message)
       if (agit_flag) // skill not useable in WOE [A17kaliva]
        clif_displaymessage(fd, "Cannot use this command during WOE.");
        return -1;
       if(!battle_config.prevent_logout || DIFF_TICK(gettick(), sd->canlog_tick) > 10) {
       if(sd->sc.opt1 != 0 && sd->sc.opt1 != OPT1_SLEEP){
        clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_txt(807));
    	    return -1;
       if(sd->sc.opt1 != OPT1_SLEEP){
        sc_start(&sd->bl, SC_TRICKDEAD, 100, 1, 1000);
        sd->sc.opt1 = OPT1_SLEEP;
        clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_txt(805));
       } else {
        sd->sc.opt1 = 0;
        status_change_end(&sd->bl, SC_TRICKDEAD, -1);
        clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_txt(806));
    	    return 0;
        clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_txt(807));
    	    return -1;

    I suggest that change my displaymessages n_nU cause the newest versions have that messages busy n_nU ~~

    • Upvote 3
  2. Another way to do that MAYBE .. is that you chose wich weapons do you like that have effect and wich effect (like Sword2)

    so, if you have a weapon +11 and you refine it the NPC instead give you your original weapon(example ID 1234) giveyou a custom one (ID 4321) wich have an effect or animation .

    I think this way could be easier to implement if you have an spriter or have time to learn it, that move the src and client (cause i suppouse include come HEX mods in the exe)

  3. Just set a new var, #define CREATE_NAME_LENGTH

    In Src/char/char.c search this

    int make_new_char(struct char_session_data* sd, char* name_, int str, int agi, int vit, int int_, int dex, int luk, int slot, int hair_color, int hair_style)


    char name[NAME_LENGTH];

    int i;

    safestrncpy(name, name_, NAME_LENGTH);


    // check length of character name

    if( name[0] == '\0' )

    return -2; // empty character name

    // check content of character name

    if( remove_control_chars(name) )

    return -2; // control chars in name

    // check for reserved names

    if( strcmpi(name, main_chat_nick) == 0 || strcmpi(name, wisp_server_name) == 0 || strcmpi(name, ally_chat_nick) == 0 )

    return -1; // nick reserved for internal server messages

    // Check Authorised letters/symbols in the name of the character

    if( char_name_option == 1 ) { // only letters/symbols in char_name_letters are authorised

    for( i = 0; i < NAME_LENGTH && name; i++ )

    if( strchr(char_name_letters, name) == NULL )

    return -2;

    } else

    if( char_name_option == 2 ) { // letters/symbols in char_name_letters are forbidden

    for( i = 0; i < NAME_LENGTH && name; i++ )

    if( strchr(char_name_letters, name) != NULL )

    return -2;

    } // else, all letters/symbols are authorised (except control char removed before)

    // check name (already in use?)

    ARR_FIND( 0, char_num, i,

    (name_ignoring_case && strncmp(char_dat.status.name, name, NAME_LENGTH) == 0) ||

    (!name_ignoring_case && strncmpi(char_dat.status.name, name, NAME_LENGTH) == 0) );

    if( i < char_num )

    return -1; // name already exists

    //check other inputs

    if((slot >= MAX_CHARS) // slots

    || (hair_style >= 24) // hair style

    || (hair_color >= 9) // hair color

    || (str + agi + vit + int_ + dex + luk != 6*5 ) // stats

    || (str < 1 || str > 9 || agi < 1 || agi > 9 || vit < 1 || vit > 9 || int_ < 1 || int_ > 9 || dex < 1 || dex > 9 || luk < 1 || luk > 9) // individual stat values

    || (str + int_ != 10 || agi + luk != 10 || vit + dex != 10) ) // pairs

    return -2; // invalid input

    // check char slot

    ARR_FIND( 0, char_num, i, char_dat.status.account_id == sd->account_id && char_dat.status.slot == slot );

    if( i < char_num )

    return -2; // slot already in use

    if (char_num >= char_max) {

    char_max += 256;

    RECREATE(char_dat, struct character_data, char_max);

    if (!char_dat) {

    ShowFatalError("Out of memory: make_new_char (realloc of char_dat).\n");

    char_log("Out of memory: make_new_char (realloc of char_dat).\n");




    // validation success, log result

    char_log("make new char: account: %d, slot %d, name: %s, stats: %d/%d/%d/%d/%d/%d, hair: %d, hair color: %d.\n",

    sd->account_id, slot, name, str, agi, vit, int_, dex, luk, hair_style, hair_color);

    i = char_num;

    memset(&char_dat, 0, sizeof(struct character_data));

    char_dat.status.char_id = char_id_count++;

    char_dat.status.account_id = sd->account_id;

    char_dat.status.slot = slot;


    char_dat.status.class_ = 0;

    char_dat.status.base_level = 1;

    char_dat.status.job_level = 1;

    char_dat.status.base_exp = 0;

    char_dat.status.job_exp = 0;

    char_dat.status.zeny = start_zeny;

    char_dat.status.str = str;

    char_dat.status.agi = agi;

    char_dat.status.vit = vit;

    char_dat.status.int_ = int_;

    char_dat.status.dex = dex;

    char_dat.status.luk = luk;

    char_dat.status.max_hp = 40 * (100 + char_dat.status.vit) / 100;

    char_dat.status.max_sp = 11 * (100 + char_dat.status.int_) / 100;

    char_dat.status.hp = char_dat.status.max_hp;

    char_dat.status.sp = char_dat.status.max_sp;

    char_dat.status.status_point = 0;

    char_dat.status.skill_point = 0;

    char_dat.status.option = 0;

    char_dat.status.karma = 0;

    char_dat.status.manner = 0;

    char_dat.status.party_id = 0;

    char_dat.status.guild_id = 0;

    char_dat.status.hair = hair_style;

    char_dat.status.hair_color = hair_color;

    char_dat.status.clothes_color = 0;

    char_dat.status.inventory[0].nameid = start_weapon; // Knife

    char_dat.status.inventory[0].amount = 1;

    char_dat.status.inventory[0].identify = 1;

    char_dat.status.inventory[1].nameid = start_armor; // Cotton Shirt

    char_dat.status.inventory[1].amount = 1;

    char_dat.status.inventory[1].identify = 1;

    char_dat.status.weapon = 0; // W_FIST

    char_dat.status.shield = 0;

    char_dat.status.head_top = 0;

    char_dat.status.head_mid = 0;

    char_dat.status.head_bottom = 0;

    memcpy(&char_dat.status.last_point, &start_point, sizeof(start_point));

    memcpy(&char_dat.status.save_point, &start_point, sizeof(start_point));


    ShowInfo("Created char: account: %d, char: %d, slot: %d, name: %s\n", sd->account_id, i, slot, name);


    return i;


    Then change the variable, example

    int make_new_char(struct char_session_data* sd, char* name_, int str, int agi, int vit, int int_, int dex, int luk, int slot, int hair_color, int hair_style)


    char name[CREATE_NAME_LENGTH];

    int i;

    safestrncpy(name, name_, CREATE_NAME_LENGTH);

    in all the function (cause it is only the create char function)

    recomplire and.. i think this should work :S

    If you have any error plz post and i helpyou n_n ~

  4. Hi, is just a question

    For example if I want that any job need to do one ques for skill (example if you have Owl's Eye lvl 3 it suppose that you get Vulture's Eye), i want that you need owl's Eyes lvl 3 plus make a little quest, for example have the questvultule == 1

    How can I do that? is this possible? or just can with items in require db?

  5. You have to use something like this

    query_sql "SELECT `str` FROM global_reg_value WHERE account_id = " +.@idcuenta[0], .@array$[0]; // check cash points

    if (.@array$[0] != "#CASHPOINTS") { // if not then null

    query_sql "INSERT INTO `global_reg_value` (`char_id`,`str`,`value`,`type`,`account_id`) VALUES ('0','#CASHPOINTS','" +.@cantidad +"','2','" +.@idcuenta[0] +"')"; // Create cash points SQL

    } else { // Cash exist

    // update

    } // End if

    this is just an example of Rokimoki's guide n_n ~

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