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  1. Is it possible to add a code to set a limit to how many times you broadcast a day? and if so can someone help add the code to it? For example every player can do a maximum of 3 broadcasts a day Appreciate it!
  2. Edit: Ah, after looking at the scripts, it looks like this is more complicated than I'd thought. There's no way (with scripts, at least) to obtain lists of players in an area, as all the waitingrooms are on the same map. An easy alternative is to check when a player warps to bat_room if a dual-client is on any Battlegrounds map (either a match or bat_room), and kick them appropriately. That script you would only need to add once: - script BG_Check_IP -1,{ OnInit: setmapflag "bat_room", mf_loadevent; end; // Trigger when a player enters a map with "loadevent" mapflag. OnPCLoadMapEvent: // Only run for map "bat_room". if (strcharinfo(3) != "bat_room") end; // Get list of accounts with attached character's IP address. set .@size, query_sql("SELECT `account_id` FROM `login` WHERE `last_ip` = '"+getcharip()+"'",.@aid); // Passed check if only the attached player is returned. if (.@size < 2) end; // Check all online characters using the IP address if they are on a Battlegrounds map. set .@self, getcharid(3); for(set .@i,0; .@i<.@size; set .@i,.@i+1) { if (.@aid[.@i] == .@self) continue; if (attachrid(.@aid[.@i])) { if (compare(strcharinfo(3),"bat_")) { set .@name$, strcharinfo(0); attachrid(.@self); message strcharinfo(0),"Character "+.@name$+" is already logged into Battlegrounds with your IP."; sleep2 2000; warp "SavePoint",0,0; end; } } } // Passed check. end; } It works great! Appreciate the help! Thank you again Euphy !
  3. Hey Euphy, Would I need to restart the server? I just loaded the script and tried KVM BG, i could dual client, It didnt tell me that my character is logged in from another IP.
  4. I will try it tonight then, thank you very much!
  5. Appreciate your help Euphy, thank you very much! To add the script, should i add it like a normal custom script? or does it have any special way of adding it.
  6. That would give restriction to dual clienting which is something i want enabled.
  7. Ok, so simply saying I would like to add an IP checker for Battlegrounds (the one already included in rAthena's SVN) to prevent people from dual clienting while using battlegrounds. I know it should be a simple code but I got no clue on how to start writing it(or even write it fully for that matter) and I'm guessing that script would be general and can be implemented in any event/npc/map? Thank you ~
  8. So I have seen this topic going on a few times but with no one replying for a solution so I might as well try maybe someone in the source support department might have a solution. So here is the case, the homunculus sometimes is getting exp but at some other times it doesnt. so far on my server only one person reached 99(he says it stopped leveling and then suddenly went back to working) and others are stuck on either level 24 some at level 10 and some even at lower levels or higher. I figured it might be from the exp table, did a few testing around but it wasn't that. So in the end I thought it might be in the src files but after a look(i'm not expert nor even good at these codes) I couldn't find anything to lead me into a fix for this. Would anyone be able to at least have a look at it? or share their homunculs codes in the src file and i can compare it to mine? i'm using rAthena SVN 17033. Thank you ~
  9. I see, thanks Zopokx. I did few testing and figured this out as I was coming here to say that this might be the case.
  10. Thanks and you could've messaged me rather than posting it here
  11. I didnt acquire any castle before opening the server and I was just thinking about it and noticed that when the other guilds took teh castle and I turned off WOE the emperium disappeared..that got me thinking that i maybe need to acquire all castles first on my own then reset all guild castle flags and to answer your question more straightforward the castle was unoccupied when they tried it(its the first time ever to acquire a castle) and i'm using the one provided with the SVN //===== rAthena Script ======================================= //= Euphy's WOE Controller //===== By: ================================================== //= Euphy //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.4 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= rAthena SVN r16571+ //===== Description: ========================================= //= A controller for War of Emperium designed for //= simplicity and ease of use. //= Many concepts taken from ToastOfDoom's script, //= and "rewards" function originally by Goddameit. //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= Be sure to disable the default agit controllers! //== npc\guild\agit_controller.txt //== npc\guild2\agit_start_se.txt //============================================================ prontera,149,193,4 script WOE Information 835,{ doevent "WOE_CONTROL::OnMenu"; end; OnAgitStart: while(agitcheck()) { misceffect 58; sleep 425; } end; } - script WOE_CONTROL -1,{ function Disp_Owner; function Add_Zero; OnInit: // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set .CastleWarp,0; // 1: Always enable all castle warps. | 0: Warp only to active castles. set .AutoKick,1; // Automatically kick players from inactive castles during WOE? (1:yes / 0:no) set .NoOwner,0; // Automatically kick players from unconquered castles outside of WOE? (1:yes / 0:no) set .ExitWarp,0; // Warp all players from castles when WOE ends? (1:yes / 0:no) set .GMAccess,99; // GM level required to access Session Manager. setarray .Reward[0],14001,1; // Reward for all members of conquering guilds, per castle: <ID>,<Count>{,...} (0 to disable) // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set .Size, getarraysize($WOE_CONTROL); setarray .Castles$[0], "prtg_cas01","prtg_cas02","prtg_cas03","prtg_cas04","prtg_cas05", "payg_cas01","payg_cas02","payg_cas03","payg_cas04","payg_cas05", "gefg_cas01","gefg_cas02","gefg_cas03","gefg_cas04","gefg_cas05", "aldeg_cas01","aldeg_cas02","aldeg_cas03","aldeg_cas04","aldeg_cas05", "arug_cas01","arug_cas02","arug_cas03","arug_cas04","arug_cas05", "schg_cas01","schg_cas02","schg_cas03","schg_cas04","schg_cas05"; setarray .EndLabel$[0],"ar01","ar02","ar03","ar04","ar05","sc01","sc02","sc03","sc04","sc05"; setarray .Days$[0],"Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday"; setarray .Regions$[0],"Prontera","Payon","Geffen","Aldebaran","Arunafeltz","Schwaltzvalt"; setarray .Map$[0],"prt_gld","pay_gld","gef_fild13","alde_gld","aru_gld","sch_gld"; setarray .MapX[0],134,240,153,111,208,121,295,317,140,204,214,308,143,193,305,48, 95,142,239,264,158,83, 68,299,292,293,288, 97,137, 71; setarray .MapY[0], 65,128,137,240,240,233,116,293,160,266, 75,240,240,278, 87,83,249, 85,242, 90,272,47,155,345,107,100,252,196, 90,315; if (.AutoKick || .NoOwner) for(set .@i,0; .@i<30; set .@i,.@i+1) { setmapflag .Castles$[.@i], mf_loadevent; setd "."+.Castles$[.@i], .@i; } if (!agitcheck() && !agitcheck2()) sleep 4000; set .Init,1; OnMinute00: freeloop(1); if (agitcheck() || agitcheck2()) { for(set .@i,0; .@i<.Size; set .@i,.@i+4) if (gettime(4) == $WOE_CONTROL[.@i] && gettime(3) == $WOE_CONTROL[.@i+2]) { OnWOEEnd: announce "The War Of Emperium is over!",bc_all|bc_woe; AgitEnd; AgitEnd2; sleep 1000; for(set .@j,0; .@j<30; set .@j,.@j+1) { if (.Active[0]&(1<<.@j)) Disp_Owner(.Castles$[.@j],1); if (.ExitWarp) maprespawnguildid .Castles$[.@j],0,3; } if (.Reward[0] && .Active[0] && .ForceEnd != 2) callsub OnReward, .Active[0]; deletearray .Active[0],2; if (.ForceEnd) { set .ForceEnd,0; end; } break; } } if ((!agitcheck() && !agitcheck2()) || .Init) { if (!agitcheck() && !agitcheck2()) set .Init,0; for(set .@i,0; .@i<.Size; set .@i,.@i+4) if (gettime(4) == $WOE_CONTROL[.@i] && gettime(3) >= $WOE_CONTROL[.@i+1] && gettime(3) < $WOE_CONTROL[.@i+2]) { deletearray .Active[0],2; set .Active[0], $WOE_CONTROL[.@i+3]; if (.Init) { AgitEnd; AgitEnd2; } else announce "The War Of Emperium has begun!",bc_all|bc_woe; sleep 1000; AgitStart; AgitStart2; for(set .@j,0; .@j<30; set .@j,.@j+1) { if (.Active[0]&(1<<.@j)) { if (!.Init) Disp_Owner(.Castles$[.@j],0); set .Active[1], .Active[1] | (1<<((.@j/5)+1)); } else { if (.@j<20) { donpcevent "Agit#"+.Castles$[.@j]+"::OnAgitEnd"; killmonster .Castles$[.@j], "Agit#"+.Castles$[.@j]+"::OnAgitBreak"; } else { donpcevent "Manager#"+.Castles$[.@j]+"::OnAgitEnd2"; killmonster .Castles$[.@j], "Steward#"+.EndLabel$[.@j-20]+"::OnStartArena"; } } } break; } } set .Init,0; freeloop(0); end; function Disp_Owner { set .@o, getcastledata(getarg(0),1); if (.@o) announce "The ["+getcastlename(getarg(0))+"] castle "+((getarg(1))?"has been conquered":"is currently held")+" by the ["+getguildname(.@o)+"] guild.",bc_all|bc_woe; else announce "The ["+getcastlename(getarg(0))+"] castle is currently unoccupied.",bc_all|bc_woe; return; } function Add_Zero { return ((getarg(0)<10)?"0":"")+getarg(0)+(getarg(1,0)?".":":")+"00"; } OnReward: for(set .@i,0; .@i<30; set .@i,.@i+1) if (getarg(0)&(1<<.@i)) { set .@guild, getcastledata(.Castles$[.@i],1); if (.@guild) { deletearray .@acc[0], getarraysize(.@acc); deletearray .@char[0], getarraysize(.@char); query_sql("SELECT account_id,char_id FROM `guild_member` WHERE guild_id = '"+.@guild+"'", .@acc, .@char); for(set .@j,0; .@j<getarraysize(.@acc); set .@j,.@j+1) if (isloggedin(.@acc[.@j],.@char[.@j])) { for(set .@k,0; .@k<getarraysize(.Reward); set .@k,.@k+2) getitem .Reward[.@k], .Reward[.@k+1], .@acc[.@j]; message rid2name(.@acc[.@j]),"You have been rewarded for conquering "+getcastlename(.Castles$[.@i])+"."; } } } return; OnPCLoadMapEvent: if (!compare(strcharinfo(3),"g_cas")) end; if (((.AutoKick && .Active[0]) || (.NoOwner && !getcastledata(strcharinfo(3),1))) && !(.Active[0]&(1<<getd("."+strcharinfo(3))))) { if (getcharid(2) && getcastledata(strcharinfo(3),1) == getcharid(2)) end; sleep2 1000; message strcharinfo(0), getcastlename(strcharinfo(3))+" is currently inactive."; sleep2 5000; if (compare(strcharinfo(3),"g_cas")) warp "SavePoint",0,0; } end; OnMenu: while(1) { mes "[WOE Information]"; if (agitcheck() || agitcheck2()) { if (!.Size) mes "The War of Emperium is ^0055FFactive^000000."; else { for(set .@i,0; .@i<.Size; set .@i,.@i+4) if (gettime(4) == $WOE_CONTROL[.@i] && gettime(3) >= $WOE_CONTROL[.@i+1] && gettime(3) < $WOE_CONTROL[.@i+2]) { set .@i, $WOE_CONTROL[.@i+2]; break; } mes "The War of Emperium is ^0055FFactive^000000 until ^FF0000"+Add_Zero(.@i)+"^000000 in the following regions:"; mes " "; for(set .@i,0; .@i<6; set .@i,.@i+1) if (.Active[1]&(1<<(.@i+1))) mes " > ^777777"+.Regions$[.@i]+"^000000"; } } else { set .@j,0; set .@k,0; for(set .@i,0; .@i<.Size; set .@i,.@i+4) if ((gettime(4) == $WOE_CONTROL[.@i] && gettime(3) <= $WOE_CONTROL[.@i+1]) || gettime(4) < $WOE_CONTROL[.@i]) { set .@j, $WOE_CONTROL[.@i]; set .@k, $WOE_CONTROL[.@i+1]; break; } if (!.@j && !.@k) { set .@j, $WOE_CONTROL[0]; set .@k, $WOE_CONTROL[1]; } mes "The War of Emperium is ^777777inactive^000000."; if (.Size) { mes " "; mes "The next session will begin"; mes "on ^0055FF"+.Days$[.@j]+"^000000 at "+Add_Zero(.@k)+"^000000."; } } next; switch(select(""+((.CastleWarp || .Active[1])?" ~ Warp to castles...":"")+": ~ Check schedule...: ~ View castle owners...:"+((getgmlevel()<.GMAccess || !getgmlevel())?"":" ~ Manage sessions...")+": ~ ^777777Cancel^000000")) { case 1: set .@menu$,""; for(set .@i,0; .@i<6; set .@i,.@i+1) { if (.CastleWarp || .Active[1]&(1<<(.@i+1))) set .@menu$, .@menu$+" ~ "+((.Active[1]&(1<<(.@i+1)))?"^0055FF":"^777777")+.Regions$[.@i]+" Castles^000000"; set .@menu$, .@menu$+":"; } set .@i, select(.@menu$)-1; set .@menu$,""; for(set .@j,.@i*5; .@j<(.@i*5)+5; set .@j,.@j+1) { if (.CastleWarp || .Active[0]&(1<<.@j)) set .@menu$, .@menu$+" ~ "+((.Active[0]&(1<<.@j))?"^0055FF":"^777777")+getcastlename(.Castles$[.@j])+"^000000"; set .@menu$, .@menu$+":"; } set .@j, select(.@menu$)-1; warp .Map$[.@i],.MapX[(.@i*5)+.@j],.MapY[(.@i*5)+.@j]; close; case 2: mes "[schedule]"; if (.Size) { freeloop(1); for(set .@i,0; .@i<.Size; set .@i,.@i+4) { mes "> ^FF0000"+.Days$[$WOE_CONTROL[.@i]]+" ("+Add_Zero($WOE_CONTROL[.@i+1])+"-"+Add_Zero($WOE_CONTROL[.@i+2])+")^000000"; for(set .@j,0; .@j<30; set .@j,.@j+1) if ($WOE_CONTROL[.@i+3]&(1<<.@j)) mes " ~ "+getcastlename(.Castles$[.@j])+" ^777777("+.Castles$[.@j]+")^000000"; if (.@i+4 < .Size) mes " "; } freeloop(0); } else mes "No times are configured."; next; break; case 3: mes "[Castle Ownership]"; for(set .@i,0; .@i<6; set .@i,.@i+1) { set .@k, .@i*5; mes "> ^FF0000"+.Regions$[.@i]+"^000000"; for(set .@j,.@k; .@j<(.@k+5); set .@j,.@j+1) { set .@t, getcastledata(.Castles$[.@j],1); mes " ~ "+getcastlename(.Castles$[.@j])+": "+((.@t)?"^0055FF"+getguildname(.@t):"^777777unoccupied")+"^000000"; } if (.@i < 5) mes " "; } next; break; case 4: while(1) { mes "[session Manager]"; mes "There are ^0055FF"+(.Size/4)+" session(s)^000000 configured."; mes "What would you like to do?"; next; switch(select(" ~ Add a session...: ~ Delete a session...: ~ Reload settings...:"+((agitcheck() || agitcheck2())?" ~ End WOE session...":"")+": ~ ^777777Go back^000000")) { case 1: mes "[New Session]"; if (.Size > 127) { mes "You have already reached the maximum of 32 sessions."; next; break; } mes "Select a day."; next; set .@Day, select(" ~ "+implode(.Days$,": ~ "))-1; mes "[New Session]"; mes "Select a start time for ^0055FF"+.Days$[.@Day]+"^000000."; next; set .@menu$,""; for(set .@i,0; .@i<23; set .@i,.@i+1) set .@menu$, .@menu$+" ~ "+Add_Zero(.@i,1)+":"; set .@Start, select(.@menu$)-1; mes "[New Session]"; mes "Select an end time for ^0055FF"+.Days$[.@Day]+"^000000."; next; set .@menu$,""; for(set .@i,.@Start+1; .@i<24; set.@i,.@i+1) set .@menu$, .@menu$+" ~ "+Add_Zero(.@i,1)+":"; set .@End, select(.@menu$)+.@Start; for(set .@i,0; .@i<.Size; set .@i,.@i+4) if (.@Day == $WOE_CONTROL[.@i] && ((.@Start >= $WOE_CONTROL[.@i+1] && .@Start < $WOE_CONTROL[.@i+2]) || (.@End > $WOE_CONTROL[.@i+1] && .@End <= $WOE_CONTROL[.@i+2]) || (.@Start <= $WOE_CONTROL[.@i+1] && .@End >= $WOE_CONTROL[.@i+2]))) { mes "[New Session]"; mes "The chosen times overlap with an existing session."; next; set .@d,1; break; } if (.@d) { set .@d,0; break; } set .@Castle,0; while(1) { mes "[New Session]"; mes "^0055FF"+.Days$[.@Day]+" ("+Add_Zero(.@Start)+"-"+Add_Zero(.@End)+")^000000"; mes " > Castles:"; if (!.@Castle) mes " ~ ^777777(none selected)^000000"; else for(set .@i,0; .@i<30; set .@i,.@i+1) if (.@Castle&(1<<.@i)) mes " ~ "+getcastlename(.Castles$[.@i])+" ("+.Castles$[.@i]+")"; next; set .@menu$,((.@Castle)?" ~ ^FF0000Finished...^000000":"")+":"; for(set .@i,0; .@i<30; set .@i,.@i+1) set .@menu$, .@menu$+" ~ "+((.@Castle&(1<<.@i))?"^0055FF":"")+getcastlename(.Castles$[.@i])+" ("+.Castles$[.@i]+")^000000:"; set .@i, select(.@menu$)-1; if (.@i) set .@Castle, .@Castle^(1<<(.@i-1)); else { mes "[New Session]"; mes "Are you sure?"; next; switch(select(" ~ ^0055FFAdd session...^000000: ~ Continue selecting castles...: ~ ^777777Cancel^000000")) { case 1: for(set .@i,0; .@i<.Size; set .@i,.@i+4) if ((.@Day == $WOE_CONTROL[.@i] && .@End <= $WOE_CONTROL[.@i+1]) || .@Day < $WOE_CONTROL[.@i]) { set .@d,1; break; } if (!.@d) { set .@d,1; set .@i,.Size; } copyarray $WOE_CONTROL[.@i+4], $WOE_CONTROL[.@i], .Size-.@i; setarray $WOE_CONTROL[.@i], .@Day, .@Start, .@End, .@Castle; set .Size, getarraysize($WOE_CONTROL); case 3: mes "[New Session]"; mes ((.@d)?"Session added.":"Cancelled."); next; set .@d,1; case 2: break; } if (.@d) { set .@d,0; break; } } } break; case 2: mes "[Remove Session]"; if (!.Size) { mes "There are no sessions configured."; next; break; } mes "Select a session to remove."; next; set .@menu$,""; for(set .@i,0; .@i<.Size; set .@i,.@i+4) set .@menu$, .@menu$+" ~ "+.Days$[$WOE_CONTROL[.@i]]+" ("+Add_Zero($WOE_CONTROL[.@i+1],1)+"-"+Add_Zero($WOE_CONTROL[.@i+2],1)+"):"; set .@menu$, .@menu$+" ~ ^777777Cancel^000000"; set .@i, select(.@menu$)-1; if (.@i == (.Size/4)) break; mes "[Remove Session]"; mes "Delete ^0055FF"+.Days$[$WOE_CONTROL[.@i*4]]+"'s^000000 session?"; mes "This action cannot be undone."; next; set .@j, select(" ~ ^FF0000Delete session...^000000: ~ ^777777Cancel^000000"); mes "[Remove Session]"; if (.@j == 2) mes "Cancelled."; else { deletearray $WOE_CONTROL[.@i*4],4; set .Size, getarraysize($WOE_CONTROL); mes "Session deleted."; } next; break; case 3: mes "[Reload Settings]"; mes "This will trigger all events related to new session configurations, if any."; if (agitcheck() || agitcheck2()) { mes " "; mes "Be aware that this will disrupt the current WOE session."; } next; set .@i, select(" ~ ^0055FFReload settings...^000000: ~ ^777777Cancel^000000"); mes "[Reload Settings]"; if (.@i == 2) mes "Cancelled."; else { set .Init,1; donpcevent "WOE_CONTROL::OnMinute00"; mes "Variables have been re-initialized."; } next; break; case 4: mes "[Force Agit End]"; if (!agitcheck() && !agitcheck2()) { mes "WOE has already ended."; next; break; } mes "This command will safely execute all AgitEnd events."; mes " "; mes "Kill the current WOE session?"; next; set .@i, select(" ~ ^FF0000End session...^000000:"+((.Reward[0])?" ~ ^FF0000End session without rewards...^000000":"")+": ~ ^777777Cancel^000000"); mes "[Force Agit End]"; if (.@i == 3) mes "Cancelled."; else { set .ForceEnd, .@i; donpcevent "WOE_CONTROL::OnWOEEnd"; mes "WOE session terminated."; } next; break; case 5: set .@d,1; break; } if (.@d) { set .@d,0; break; } } break; case 5: close; } } } However I did turn it off and discovered that there is another one in the guild folder and here is its code //===== rAthena Script ======================================= //= War of Emperium - WoE Auto-Start //===== By: ================================================== //= kalen (1.0) //= 1.1 by Akaru and ho|yAnge| //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 2.0 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= rAthena SVN; RO Episode 4+ //===== Description: ========================================= //= Auto Start for War of Emperium //============================================= //= gettime(3): Gets hour (24 hour time) //= gettime(4): Gets day of week 1=Monday, 2=Tuesday, //= 3=Wednesday, 4=Thursday, etc. //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= v1.1a changed OnInit to OnAgitInit.[kobra_k88] //= v1.2 added gettime checks. removed $AgitStarted var.[kobra_k88] //= v1.3 Moved treasure spawn time here.[kobra_k88] //= v1.3a Implemented Shadowlady's idea to allow for different //= start/stop times on different days.[kobra_k88] //= 1.4 Fixed treasure chests spawn! We had to unroll some loops //= Now they appear in castles from 00:01 to 00:24. [Lupus] //= 1.5 Fixed WOE end messages on non-WOE days, by Avaj //= 1.5a missing tabs [KarLaeda] //= 1.6 Corrected multiple "WoE has begun" announces [ultramage] //= 1.7 Commented out the WoE start and end announces. [L0ne_W0lf] //= 1.8 Castle owners displayed when WoE starts and finished. [L0ne_W0lf] //= 1.8a Will now report unoccupied castles at start/end. [L0ne_W0lf] //= 1.8b Whoops. Fixed a mistake [L0ne_W0lf] //= 1.9 Rearranged the time-checks so they no longer use goto. [L0ne_W0lf] //= Removed treasure spawning function calls. (No longer needed) //= 2.0 Added WoE Battle Log support for broadcasts. [L0ne_W0lf] //============================================================ //| To know how to set up WoE times, go to doc\woe_time_explanation.txt // WoE Start/Stop times //====================================== - script Agit_Event -1,{ end; OnClock2100: //start time for Tues(2), Thurs(4) OnClock2300: //end time for Tues(2), Thurs(4) OnClock1600: //start time for Sat(6) OnClock1800: //end time for Sat(6) OnAgitInit: // starting time checks if((gettime(4)==2) && (gettime(3)>=21 && gettime(3)<23) || (gettime(4)==4) && (gettime(3)>=21 && gettime(3)<23) || (gettime(4)==6) && (gettime(3)>=16 && gettime(3)<18)) { if (!agitcheck()) { AgitStart; callsub S_DisplayOwners; } end; } // end time checks if ((gettime(4)==2) && (gettime(3)==23) || (gettime(4)==4) && (gettime(3)==23) || (gettime(4)==6) && (gettime(3)==18)) { if (agitcheck()) { AgitEnd; callsub S_DisplayOwners; } end; } end; S_DisplayOwners: setarray .@maps$[0],"aldeg_cas01","aldeg_cas02","aldeg_cas03","aldeg_cas04","aldeg_cas05"; setarray .@maps$[5],"gefg_cas01","gefg_cas02","gefg_cas03","gefg_cas04","gefg_cas05"; setarray .@maps$[10],"payg_cas01","payg_cas02","payg_cas03","payg_cas04","payg_cas05"; setarray .@maps$[15],"prtg_cas01","prtg_cas02","prtg_cas03","prtg_cas04","prtg_cas05"; for( set .@i, 0; .@i <= 19; set .@i, .@i+1 ) { if (GetCastleData(.@maps$[.@i],1)) { Announce "The [" + GetCastleName(.@maps$[.@i]) + "] castle has been conquered by the [" + GetGuildName(GetCastleData(.@maps$[.@i],1)) + "] guild.",bc_all|bc_woe; } else { Announce "The [" + GetCastleName(.@maps$[.@i]) + "] castle is currently unoccupied.",bc_all|bc_woe; } } end; } called agit_controller.txt
  12. Hello rAthena. I have noticed today that the war of emperium on my 17033 SVN is always on, it doesnt matter if I @agitstart or @agitend players can simply go in and break the emp. I tried removing the agit starter in npc/pre-re/guild and woe controller but that doesnt really make a difference since @agitend didnt even do a thing. Does anyone know how to make it go back to normal? default off and always off unless I or and an NPC did an @gitstart command? Currently i disabled warping to any castle(luckily WoE hasn't started on my server yet and i found this problem) Thank you~
  13. Does that mean we will have to wait for new SVNs to fix it? or someone could probably give us the fix(since it doesnt gain exp it might be from the source files?)
  14. I am having the same problem. One of my players got his creator to 99 and then made a homunculus and the homunculus refuses to gain any drop of exp. I did some testing around and also remade his character and asked him to change the slot of the char in the account. Now he reached level 24 before it froze up again halfway and wouldn't gain anymore exp. Would love if someone knows the fix to this. (I tried deleting the last line/blank as QQfoolsorellina suggested but it didnt do anything)
  15. Hello. I remember that it is possible to change the colour of a players name and the colour of what they type. that is helpful in defining admins from GM's from normal players. An admin sprite has a yellow name and yellow typing colour. I would like to set my other GM's as blue colour, how is that possible? I checked the files of my server but I still got no clue. Thank you.
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