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Everything posted by Deltaformming

  1. Hello. client 4Cram i have already run start server. set char_name_option: 2 and in sclientinfo.xml already set to thai. can typing other language. i can create other language. but when i creating other language ragexe seem to be stuck. i have to exit and login again. so i can play in other char name language. how ever in english char name. it normal create. but in other no. Thanks in advance.
  2. i've already start server.bat (map,login,char) in online. everything good. can play can do the same in localhost server. but. if i haven't play around 1 day. ( Server It seem to be sleep. ) i can login ID,password and client show the name of server that i seted ...but can't show something more ...can't show charactor it's seem connection failed. in server login show ([Info]: Closed connection from....my ip address) in server map show (Pinging SQL server to keep connection alive... in server char not show anything....... (if normal it'll show request connect ID........2000010) Everything will normal if i close all server.bat and start again. but if no one login or no one play in 1 day it's still as it was.
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