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Everything posted by Unknow

  1. Sorry, maybe I wasn't clear, my English is terrible. The script works, my problem is in being able to transform any character with 3rd appearance. When I apply this script, it transforms into the appearance of the 4th and not the 3rd as I would like
  2. I'm creating items to change the appearance of job when equipped. But I'm having a problem when trying to set the appearance of a 3rd, because it always ends up with the appearance of a 4th. Script: | changebase roclass(eaclass()|EAJL_THIRD); // this set 4th appearance
  3. I want to create a command to count how many monsters I killed with a specific skill, for example "Cart Termination". I looked for something in script_commands, but I didn't find anything that I could use for this, does anyone have any insight into how I could create something like this? @killcountwith <skill_id>/<skill_name>
  4. but how do you think about dealing with items that ignore defense? I think of something along those lines but before this approach, I made the post to find out if there was any variable
  5. Is there a way to change the emulator's overall damage? Any variables used in calculating overall damage?
  6. I'm trying to create a color palette for my classes, however, the colors of some classes are different in play this is my creation this is the same palette, but in game I only have the data.grf and my palette grf in Data.ini
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