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Everything posted by KyleZ

  1. just qualified! xd

  2. Hello, rAthena. As a new feature, the native navigation system is very handy, especially for those who need to find a NPC but don't know where to find it. For now the system works for all official NPCs/Mobs/Maps. But how to make it also applicable for custom NPCs/Mobs/Maps? I might have a clue, but I'm not sure about it. Take NPCs for example: Say, I already have a custom NPC script Hank(cord. 100,100 in Hugel). But currently I can't find him in the navigation system, probably because it hasn't been indexed. So, please tell me, what to do next. Adding Hank's script to rathena\npc\cities\hugel? What about Maps & Mobs? I hope I made myself clear, and I appreciate your help very much.
  3. I didn't realize I'm a limited member, until I tried to change my settings..silly me~ until then, i had posted dozens of issues in Bug Tracker.. Because this is basically what i signed in for, to report bugs - -. and i want to appreciate the Admins and developers to make this community a better place. thank you!
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