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Everything posted by Hybrid

  1. Trying again? (By Psychogengar on DeviantArt)
  2. Is I doing this right? (By KarasuTenshi on DeviantArt)
  3. //id,range,hit,inf,element,nk,splash,max,list_num,castcancel,cast_defence_rate,inf2,maxcount,skill_type,blow_count,name,description // 01 ID // 02 range (combo skills do not check for range when used, // if range is < 5, the skill is considered melee-range) // 03 hit (8- repeated hitting, 6- single-hit) // 04 inf (0- passive, 1- enemy, 2- place, 4- self, 16- friend, 32- trap) // 05 element (0 - neutral, 1 - water, 2 - earth, 3 - fire, 4 - wind, 5 - poison, // 6 - holy, 7 - dark, 8 - ghost, 9 - undead, -1 - use weapon element // -2 - use endowed element, -3 - use random element.) // 06 nk (skill damage properties): // 0x01 - No damage skill // 0x02 - Has splash area // 0x04 - Damage should be split among targets // 0x08 - Skill ignores caster's % damage cards (misc type always ignores) // 0x10 - Skill ignores elemental adjustments // 0x20 - Skill ignores target's defense (misc type always ignores) // 0x40 - Skill ignores target's flee (magic type always ignores) // 0x80 - Skill ignores target's def cards // 07 splash/effect range (-1 for screen-wide) // 08 MaxLv // 09 Number of hits (when positive, damage is increased by hits, // negative values just show number of hits without increasing total damage) // 10 Cast interrupted when hit? // 11 defense-reduction rate during cast. // 12 inf2 (skill information 2): // 0x0001- quest skill // 0x0002- npc skill // 0x0004- wedding skill // 0x0008- spirit skill // 0x0010- guild skill // 0x0020- song/dance // 0x0040- ensemble skill // 0x0080- trap // 0x0100- skill that damages/targets yourself // 0x0200- cannot be casted on self (if inf = 4, auto-select target skill) // 0x0400- usable only on party-members (and enemies if skill is offensive) // 0x0800- usable only on guild-mates (and enemies if skill is offensive) // 0x1000- disable usage on enemies (for non-offensive skills). // 0x2000- skill ignores land protector (e.g. arrow shower) // 0x4000- chorus skill // 13 maxcount: max amount of skill instances to place on the ground when // player_land_skill_limit/monster_land_skill_limit is enabled. For skills // that attack using a path, this is the path length to be used. // 14 attack type (none, weapon, magic, misc) // 15 Blowcount (amount of tiles skill knockbacks) // 16 Name // 17 Description It would be more useful though, if you could tell us the code you did for the skill itself, as opposed to just the skill_db entry
  4. -translated changelog- 15/07/12 - VipLib v1.0.1b.ra [Rafael] * Updated cash_refresh function (@adjgmlvl to @adjgroup) - Thanks to frozenfox's report. 10/03/12 - CashLib v1.0.1b [Rafael] * Fixed bug: multiple calls to cash_globalize without cash_update between them - Emulator was executing events twice in a row 11/01/12 - VipManager v1.0b [Rafael] * Minor changes [Rafael] - The documentation already foretold these changes, I just never realized it - Overrode the versions, since they should have come modified as such in the first version (** translator comment: I think he means that he properly wrote out the version names, though I could be wrong **) 11/01/12 - VipLib v1.0.1b * Function optimization [Rafael] 11/12/11 - VipManager v1.0b * Script developed from VipAdmin v1.0a [Rafael] - Possesses the main function: controlar o VIP (remove when necessary) 10/12/11 - VipLib v1.0b * Script developed [Rafael] - Continuation of CashAdminLib (now divided as CashLib and VipLib). - Esta versão traz suporte a vários níveis VIP e o fim da divisão entre TXT e SQL. - Com vários níveis, as pesquisas ao banco de dados tornariam-se mais pesadas. - A melhor solução foi utilizar o mesmo algorítmo para ambos os scripts. 10/12/11 - CashLib v1.0b * Script developed [Rafael] - CashAdminLib continuation. * <aid> will always be the last argument of the functions (Math3us's suggestion) [Rafael] - <aid> will be optional (standard: getcharid(3)); I preferred to not change versions, since I won't be maintaining the older version
  5. Hybrid

    New GM System

    Sounds like a plan For the GM configurations, such as "What level GM can trade", etc etc, then how about making it so the admin will define groups in which trading is allowed/disallowed. That way, there wouldn't really need to be a root GM group which is allowed to trade, and it might simplify coding, though I might just be sorely mistaken on the matter
  6. I'm trying to get it to drain SP. I checked the syntax for it, it was status_zap(bl, hp, sp). I have it status_zap(bl, 0, 7);, and it's draining HP Edit: Something ended up being wrong with my const.txt, it caused the effect Burn instead of my effect
  7. I have, it's empty. I'm using a level 99 GM Edit: Xantara fixed it. I had a space too much, apparently
  8. Pardon the spelling error =P The mapserver says this: [Error]: AtCommand configuration file not found: conf/import/atcommand_conf.txt In-game, @ commands do nothing, just displayed like normal text
  9. Pretty self explanatory, I think. Something wrong with my conf/import/atcommand_conf.txt according to my mapserver
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