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Everything posted by Slowbro

  1. how do you add pet clones?
  2. Do i need to do something from eAmod to rA?
  3. Good day rA, Im not sure if this is the right section for this but, where can i find custom auras? I cant seem to find anything about it here when i do a search. Plus, is there a pre defined script for the @aura command? Thanks,
  4. BUMP!! can we re open the thread? seems that Ms. Annie is busy.
  5. @Poporing - yea, thaks for that. @AnnieRuru - that was lovely! much thanks to you!! please close this thread! <3 Hi Annie! Here's how the NPC works. (I think the Dynamic Menu is fine) An NPC that sells, for example +10 (Headgears/Custom Sets). On the same menu (below the +10 items/same NPC), i can include +0 of the same items, the headgears and sets stuff. So its like in one/same NPC, an option to sell +10 items and a +0 items at the same time/menu list. And these items can be bought by a coin (for example) with a given amount. I would like to add a welcome message too and a short message if they don't have the desired amount to buy the items. Can we also put @effect, once they successfully purchased an item? And lastly, can we add a Preview on the items that are sold by the NPC? Thanks in advance!!
  6. Good day rA! i cant seem to get to work the item2 from the item npc that i have. I am trying to create an NPC that sells +10 Refined items(armors, weapons,shields etc...) for a specific item like a Coin. Anybody has a script for this one? I know its simple but i cant seem to make it work. Thanks in advance.
  7. Thanks for this!! appreciate it!! much thanks to rAthena boards and staff!
  8. sorry. ^^ here it is.. //===== rAthena Script ======================================= //= tr0n's Questboard //===== By: ================================================== //= tr0n //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.4.4 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= rAthena SVN //===== Description: ========================================= //= Easily add collection and hunting quests. //===== Additional Comments: ================================= // 1.0.0 Release // 1.1.0 Added zeny reward // 1.2.0 Rewrote checkmob and killcounter // 1.3.1 Added level restriction // 1.3.4 Added Reward Item Amount // 1.4.4 Added Quest delay //============================================================ prontera,129,215,5 script Questboard 857,{ if(c_run==1){ mes "[^FF7700Questboard^000000]"; mes "^0000FF"+getd("." + currentquest$ + "_collectionname$")+"^000000"; mes "--------------------------------"; for( set .@j, 0; .@j < getarraysize(getd("."+ currentquest$ + "_collectionitem")); set .@j,.@j+2) { mes "^FF0000"+getitemname(getd("."+currentquest$+"_collectionitem["+.@j+"]"))+" - "+countitem(getd("."+currentquest$+"_collectionitem["+.@j+"]"))+"/"+getd("."+currentquest$+"_collectionitem["+(.@j+1)+"]")+" ea.^000000"; } mes "--------------------------------"; mes "[Reward]"; mes "Item: ^0000FF"+((getd("." +currentquest$+"_collectionprize"))?getitemname(getd("." +currentquest$+"_collectionprize"))+" - "+getd("." +currentquest$+"_collectionamount")+" ea.^000000":"Nothing^000000"); mes "Zeny: ^0000FF"+getd("." +currentquest$+"_collectionzeny")+"^000000"; mes "Base EXP: ^0000FF"+getd("." +currentquest$+"_collectionexp["+0+"]")+"^000000"; mes "Job EXP: ^0000FF"+getd("." +currentquest$+"_collectionexp["+1+"]")+"^000000"; next; if(select("Finish:Abort") == 2){ mes "[^FF7700Questboard^000000]"; mes "Quest aborted."; set currentquest$, ""; set c_run, 0; close; } goto L_checkitems; } if(h_run==1){ mes "[^FF7700Questboard^000000]"; mes "^0000FF"+getd("." + currentquest$ + "_huntingname$")+"^000000"; mes "--------------------------------"; for( set .@j, 0; .@j < getarraysize(getd("."+ currentquest$ + "_huntingmob")); set .@j,.@j+2) { set .@currentmob, getd("."+currentquest$+"_huntingmob["+(.@j)+"]"); mes "^FF0000"+strmobinfo(1,getd("."+currentquest$+"_huntingmob["+.@j+"]"))+" - "+getd(currentquest$+"_"+.@currentmob+"_"+(.@j+1)+"_killcount")+"/"+getd("."+currentquest$+"_huntingmob["+(.@j+1)+"]")+" ea.^000000"; } mes "--------------------------------"; mes "[Reward]"; mes "Item: ^0000FF"+((getd("." +currentquest$+"_huntingprize"))?getitemname(getd("." +currentquest$+"_huntingprize"))+" - "+getd("." +currentquest$+"_huntingamount")+" ea.^000000":"Nothing^000000"); mes "Zeny: ^0000FF"+getd("." +currentquest$+"_huntingzeny")+"^000000"; mes "Base EXP: ^0000FF"+getd("." +currentquest$+"_huntingexp["+0+"]")+"^000000"; mes "Job EXP: ^0000FF"+getd("." +currentquest$+"_huntingexp["+1+"]")+"^000000"; next; if(select("Finish:Abort") == 2){ mes "[^FF7700Questboard^000000]"; mes "Quest aborted."; for(set .@x, 1; .@x < getarraysize(getd("."+currentquest$+"_huntingmob")); set .@x,.@x+2){ set .@currentmob, getd("."+currentquest$+"_huntingmob["+(.@x-1)+"]"); setd(currentquest$+"_"+.@currentmob+"_"+.@x+"_killcount", 0); } set currentquest$, ""; set h_run, 0; close; } goto L_checkmobs; } L_questmenu: mes "[^FF7700Questboard^000000]"; mes "Select category:"; next; switch(select((.collection)?"Collection Quests":"", (.hunting)?"Hunting Quests":"", "Exit")) { case 1: set .@collectmenu$, ""; for( set .@i,0; .@i < .collectionquestcount; set .@i,.@i+1) { if (.@i) set .@collectmenu$,.@collectmenu$+":"; set .@collectmenu$, .@collectmenu$ + "[" + getd("." +(.@i+1)+"_collectionmin") + " - " + getd("." +(.@i+1)+"_collectionmax") + "] " + getd("." + (.@i+1) + "_collectionname$"); } set .@selection,select(.@collectmenu$); if(gettimetick(2) < getd(.@selection + "_collection_delay")){ set .@time_left, getd(.@selection + "_collection_delay")-gettimetick(2); mes "[^FF7700Questboard^000000]"; if(.@time_left < 60) mes "You have to wait ^0000FF"+.@time_left+" seconds^000000 to do this quest again."; if(.@time_left < 3600) mes "You have to wait ^0000FF"+.@time_left/60+" minutes^000000 to do this quest again."; mes "You have to wait ^0000FF"+.@time_left/60/60+" hours^000000 to do this quest again."; close; } mes "[^FF7700Questboard^000000]"; mes "^0000FF"+getd("." + .@selection + "_collectionname$")+"^000000"; mes "--------------------------------"; for( set .@j, 0; .@j < getarraysize(getd("."+ .@selection + "_collectionitem")); set .@j,.@j+2) { mes "^FF0000"+getitemname(getd("."+.@selection+"_collectionitem["+.@j+"]"))+" - "+getd("."+.@selection+"_collectionitem["+(.@j+1)+"]")+" ea.^000000"; } mes "--------------------------------"; mes "[Reward]"; mes "Item: ^0000FF"+((getd("." +.@selection+"_collectionprize"))?getitemname(getd("." +.@selection+"_collectionprize"))+" - "+getd("." +.@selection+"_collectionamount")+" ea.^000000":"Nothing^000000"); mes "Zeny: ^0000FF"+getd("." +.@selection+"_collectionzeny")+"^000000"; mes "Base EXP: ^0000FF"+getd("." +.@selection+"_collectionexp["+0+"]")+"^000000"; mes "Job EXP: ^0000FF"+getd("." +.@selection+"_collectionexp["+1+"]")+"^000000"; next; if(select("Accept:Decline") == 2){ close; } if(BaseLevel >= getd("." +.@selection+"_collectionmin") && BaseLevel <= getd("." +.@selection+"_collectionmax")) { mes "[^FF7700Questboard^000000]"; mes "Quest accepted."; set c_run, 1; set currentquest$, .@selection; close; } else { mes "[^FF7700Questboard^000000]"; mes "You don't have the required"; mes "level to do this quest."; close; } case 2: set .@huntmenu$, ""; for( set .@i,0; .@i < .huntingquestcount; set .@i,.@i+1) { if (.@i) set .@huntmenu$,.@huntmenu$+":"; set .@huntmenu$, .@huntmenu$ + "[" + getd("." +(.@i+1)+"_huntingmin") + " - " + getd("." +(.@i+1)+"_huntingmax") + "] " + getd("." + (.@i+1) + "_huntingname$"); } set .@selection,select(.@huntmenu$); if(gettimetick(2) < getd(.@selection + "_hunting_delay")){ set .@time_left, getd(.@selection + "_hunting_delay")-gettimetick(2); mes "[^FF7700Questboard^000000]"; if(.@time_left < 60) mes "You have to wait ^0000FF"+.@time_left+" seconds^000000 to do this quest again."; if(.@time_left < 3600) mes "You have to wait ^0000FF"+.@time_left/60+" minutes^000000 to do this quest again."; mes "You have to wait ^0000FF"+.@time_left/60/60+" hours^000000 to do this quest again."; close; } mes "[^FF7700Questboard^000000]"; mes "^0000FF"+getd("." + .@selection + "_huntingname$")+"^000000"; mes "--------------------------------"; for( set .@j, 0; .@j < getarraysize(getd("."+ .@selection + "_huntingmob")); set .@j,.@j+2) { mes "^FF0000"+strmobinfo(1,getd("."+.@selection+"_huntingmob["+.@j+"]"))+" - "+getd("."+.@selection+"_huntingmob["+(.@j+1)+"]")+" ea.^000000"; } mes "--------------------------------"; mes "[Reward]"; mes "Item: ^0000FF"+((getd("." +.@selection+"_huntingprize"))?getitemname(getd("." +.@selection+"_huntingprize"))+" - "+getd("." +.@selection+"_huntingamount")+" ea.^000000":"Nothing^000000"); mes "Zeny: ^0000FF"+getd("." +.@selection+"_huntingzeny")+"^000000"; mes "Base EXP: ^0000FF"+getd("." +.@selection+"_huntingexp["+0+"]")+"^000000"; mes "Job EXP: ^0000FF"+getd("." +.@selection+"_huntingexp["+1+"]")+"^000000"; next; if(select("Accept:Decline") == 2){ close; } if(BaseLevel >= getd("." +.@selection+"_huntingmin") && BaseLevel <= getd("." +.@selection+"_huntingmax")) { mes "[^FF7700Questboard^000000]"; mes "Quest accepted."; set h_run, 1; set currentquest$, .@selection; close; } else { mes "[^FF7700Questboard^000000]"; mes "You don't have the required"; mes "level to do this quest."; close; } case 3: close; } L_checkitems: for( set .@k,0; .@k < getarraysize(getd("."+currentquest$+"_collectionitem")); set .@k,.@k+2) { if(countitem(getd("."+currentquest$+"_collectionitem["+.@k+"]"))>=getd("."+currentquest$+"_collectionitem["+(.@k+1)+"]")){ set .@checkitem,.@checkitem+2; } } if(.@checkitem<getarraysize(getd("."+currentquest$+"_collectionitem"))){ mes "[^FF7700Questboard^000000]"; mes "You don't have everything."; close; } for( set .@delcount,0; .@delcount < getarraysize(getd("."+currentquest$+"_collectionitem")); set .@delcount,.@delcount+2) { delitem getd("."+currentquest$+"_collectionitem["+.@delcount+"]"),getd("."+currentquest$+"_collectionitem["+(.@delcount+1)+"]"); } mes "[^FF7700Questboard^000000]"; mes "Congratulation! Here is your Reward."; if(getd("." +currentquest$+"_collectionprize")!=0) getitem(getd("." +currentquest$+"_collectionprize"),getd("." +currentquest$+"_collectionamount")); set Zeny,Zeny+getd("." +currentquest$+"_collectionzeny"); getexp getd("." +currentquest$+"_collectionexp["+0+"]"),getd("." +currentquest$+"_collectionexp["+1+"]"); setd(currentquest$ + "_collection_delay"),gettimetick(2)+.quest_delay; set currentquest$, ""; set c_run, 0; close; L_checkmobs: set .@goal, (getarraysize(getd("."+currentquest$+"_huntingmob"))/2); for(set .@i, 1; .@i < getarraysize(getd("."+currentquest$+"_huntingmob")); set .@i,.@i+2){ set .@currentmob, getd("."+currentquest$+"_huntingmob["+(.@i-1)+"]"); if(getd(currentquest$+"_"+.@currentmob+"_"+.@i+"_killcount")==getd("."+currentquest$+"_huntingmob["+.@i+"]")){ set .@checkmonster, .@checkmonster+1; if(.@checkmonster==.@goal){ goto L_checkmobs2; } continue; } goto L_checkmobs2; } L_checkmobs2: if(.@checkmonster<.@goal){ mes "[^FF7700Questboard^000000]"; mes "You didn't kill everything."; close; } mes "[^FF7700Questboard^000000]"; mes "Congratulation! Here is your Reward."; for(set .@x, 1; .@x < getarraysize(getd("."+currentquest$+"_huntingmob")); set .@x,.@x+2){ set .@currentmob, getd("."+currentquest$+"_huntingmob["+(.@x-1)+"]"); setd(currentquest$+"_"+.@currentmob+"_"+.@x+"_killcount", 0); } if(getd("." +currentquest$+"_huntingprize")!=0) getitem(getd("." +currentquest$+"_huntingprize"),getd("." +currentquest$+"_huntingamount")); set Zeny, Zeny+getd("." +currentquest$+"_huntingzeny"); getexp getd("." +currentquest$+"_huntingexp["+0+"]"),getd("." +currentquest$+"_huntingexp["+1+"]"); setd(currentquest$ + "_hunting_delay"),gettimetick(2)+.quest_delay; set currentquest$, ""; set h_run, 0; close; OnNPCKillEvent: if(h_run!=1) end; for(set .@i, 1; .@i < getarraysize(getd("."+currentquest$+"_huntingmob")); set .@i,.@i+2){ if(killedrid==getd("."+currentquest$+"_huntingmob["+(.@i-1)+"]")){ set .@currentmob, getd("."+currentquest$+"_huntingmob["+(.@i-1)+"]"); if(getd(currentquest$+"_"+.@currentmob+"_"+.@i+"_killcount")>=getd("."+currentquest$+"_huntingmob["+.@i+"]")) end; setd(currentquest$+"_"+.@currentmob+"_"+.@i+"_killcount", getd(currentquest$+"_"+.@currentmob+"_"+.@i+"_killcount")+1); dispbottom getd("."+currentquest$+"_huntingname$")+": ["+strmobinfo(1,.@currentmob)+"] ("+ getd(currentquest$+"_"+.@currentmob+"_"+.@i+"_killcount")+"/"+getd("."+currentquest$+"_huntingmob["+.@i+"]")+")"; end; } continue; } end; OnInit: function AddCollection; function AddHunting; //Activate/Deactive quest categories here set .collection, 1; set .hunting, 1; //Quest Delay (seconds) //24 hours = 86400 seconds set .quest_delay, 0; //Checks if quests are loaded (prevents out of index) if(.questsloaded==1) end; set .questsloaded, 1; //Add Collection Quests here //AddCollection("<Quest Name>",<Min Lvl>,<Max Lvl>,<Reward|Item ID>,<Reward|Item Amount>,<Zeny Reward>,<Base EXP>,<Job EXP>,<Item ID>,<Item Amount>,...); //Add Hunting Quests here //AddHunting("<Quest Name>",<Min Lvl>,<Max Lvl>,<Reward|Item ID>,<Reward|Item Amount>,<Zeny Reward>,<Base EXP>,<Job EXP>,<Monster ID>,<Monster Amount>,...); end; function AddCollection { set .collectionquestcount,.collectionquestcount+1; setd ("." +.collectionquestcount+"_collectionname$", getarg(0)); setd ("." +.collectionquestcount+"_collectionmin", getarg(1)); setd ("." +.collectionquestcount+"_collectionmax", getarg(2)); setd ("." +.collectionquestcount+"_collectionprize", getarg(3)); setd ("." +.collectionquestcount+"_collectionamount", getarg(4)); setd ("." +.collectionquestcount+"_collectionzeny", getarg(5)); set .@argcount, 6; set .@size, getarraysize(getd("."+ .collectionquestcount + "_collectionexp")); setd ("." +.collectionquestcount+"_collectionexp["+.@size+"]",getarg(.@argcount)); setd ("." +.collectionquestcount+"_collectionexp["+(.@size+1)+"]",getarg(.@argcount+1)); set .@argcount, .@argcount+2; while(getarg(.@argcount,-1)!=-1 && getarg(.@argcount+1,-1)!=-1) { set .@size, getarraysize(getd("."+ .collectionquestcount + "_collectionitem")); setd ("."+.collectionquestcount+"_collectionitem["+.@size+"]",getarg(.@argcount)); setd ("."+.collectionquestcount+"_collectionitem["+(.@size+1)+"]",getarg(.@argcount+1)); set .@argcount,.@argcount+2; } return; } function AddHunting { set .huntingquestcount,.huntingquestcount+1; setd ("." +.huntingquestcount+"_huntingname$", getarg(0)); setd ("." +.huntingquestcount+"_huntingmin", getarg(1)); setd ("." +.huntingquestcount+"_huntingmax", getarg(2)); setd ("." +.huntingquestcount+"_huntingprize", getarg(3)); setd ("." +.huntingquestcount+"_huntingamount", getarg(4)); setd ("." +.huntingquestcount+"_huntingzeny", getarg(5)); set .@size, getarraysize(getd("."+ .huntingquestcount + "_huntingexp")); set .@argcount, 6; setd ("." +.huntingquestcount+"_huntingexp["+.@size+"]",getarg(.@argcount)); setd ("." +.huntingquestcount+"_huntingexp["+(.@size+1)+"]",getarg(.@argcount+1)); set .@argcount, .@argcount+2; while(getarg(.@argcount,-1)!=-1 && getarg(.@argcount+1,-1)!=-1) { set .@size, getarraysize(getd("."+ .huntingquestcount + "_huntingmob")); setd ("."+.huntingquestcount+"_huntingmob["+.@size+"]",getarg(.@argcount)); setd ("."+.huntingquestcount+"_huntingmob["+(.@size+1)+"]",getarg(.@argcount+1)); set .@argcount, .@argcount+2; } return; } }
  9. this is actually the one that i am using to add the quest. AddCollection("<Quest Name>",<Min Lvl>,<Max Lvl>,<Reward|Item ID>,<Reward|Item Amount>,<Zeny Reward>,<Base EXP>,<Job EXP>,<Item ID>,<Item Amount>,...); where can i use the getitem2? do i need to put it on a seperate sheet or insert it in the whole script?
  10. This is my 2nd request and i thank Euphy and the other one (forgot the name) for helping me on my 1st req. Well actually, im using tron's questboard script and im thinking of giving a +10 item as a Reward after completing the quest. Do i need to create an array/id for the +10 refined item? Sample reward is +10 Armor/Shield/etc. I will also use it and plan to have NPC for +10 Refine Items that can be bought by a certain amount. Thanks.
  11. oh yea. >,< ill look into it! thanks Euphy , Hendra. close this thread please. thanks
  12. is there a way that i can add a +10 Item Reward?
  13. There's nothing we can do about it.

  14. Hi! anyone has the script for card remover? Works like, a player will have to choose an equip (upper, lower, mid, left hand, right hand, shoes, garment, armor, accessory 1, accessory 2) to remove the cards. And id like to put an amount per removal. So an amount with 1 removal/instance. Thanks in advance! - Jah Peace!
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