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Posts posted by Earthlingz

  1. are other skills already translated?

    if not mistaken i have not yet finished translating KO/OB skill names/desc since im waiting for a proper english (iRO & pRO) translation of these skills.

    if it is about every skills then something is wrong with the luas in /skillinfoz/ folder.

  2. look at your gravity error timestamp it says

    ModuleName: D:GamesLifestyleROLifestyleRO.exe

    TimeStamp:0x4d7f06a5-Tue Mar 15 14:26:45 2011

    that means you are clearly using 2011-03-15 instead of 2011-11-16.

  3. It says an error occured when you were fighting a Bakonawa Boss monster.

    you cannot use 03-15 client for malaya monster specifically bakonawa you will need a client that actually supports it (the client where Malaya port was implemented)

  4. I think i have asked Jman about this too this was the response

    [2012 March 13 06:50:55] <Waeyan> [Jman]-> why is the forum eating so much memory?
    [2012 March 13 06:51:39] <~Jman> Er?
    [2012 March 13 06:51:54] <~Jman> how do you know?
    [2012 March 13 06:51:56] <~Jman> o.O
    [2012 March 13 06:53:52] <Waeyan> when i idle on the forum for too long the memory it is taking to me goes up now it is around 600MB
    [2012 March 13 06:54:02] <Waeyan> chrome task manager
    [2012 March 13 06:54:12] <~Jman> Er, that's a browser issue, Chrome is known to do that
    [2012 March 13 06:54:27] <~Jman> the longer you keep a tab open, the more memory it seems to consume
    [2012 March 13 06:54:31] <Waeyan> well it only happens on the forum
    [2012 March 13 06:54:36] <~Jman> I have the same issue with pages not rAthena
    [2012 March 13 06:55:11] <Waeyan> i have lots of pages open , but only rA goes up like this
    [2012 March 13 06:55:39] <Waeyan> ill try firefox
    [2012 March 13 06:55:40] <~Jman> Well, that would be explained by the ajax on the page, and google Chrome
    [2012 March 13 06:55:56] <~Jman> ajax causes the page to be refreshed, I believe, every so often
    [2012 March 13 06:56:12] <~Jman> Everytime the page is refreshed, Chrome uses more memory
    [2012 March 13 07:06:24] <+O> all browsers suck dick
    [2012 March 13 07:06:31] <+O> IE being the worst
    [2012 March 13 07:06:39] <+O> its a tie with chrome and FF
    [2012 March 13 07:06:47] <+O> cause they both suck too
    [2012 March 13 07:06:47] <Waeyan> lol
    [2012 March 13 07:07:01] <+O> trust me, both of them crash
    [2012 March 13 07:07:05] <+O> and have fucked up problems
    [2012 March 13 07:07:12] <+O> I've had with both of them
    [2012 March 13 07:07:19] <Waeyan> ok from now on ill be using netscape navigator
    [2012 March 13 07:07:32] <+O> And I use BOTH of them everyday, always have 2chrome windows open with many tabs, same with FF
    [2012 March 13 07:07:37] <+O> So i know
    [2012 March 13 07:07:57] <+O> I switch back and forth for different sites
    [2012 March 13 07:10:55] <@trojal-at-work> Waeyan: Probably the ajax calls are creating variables in the global scope
    [2012 March 13 07:11:03] <@trojal-at-work> and leaving them there

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