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  1. A EasyCore não oferece suporte aos seus sistemas BG, conforme indicado em seu site, com suporte até sha ou datado: 12 de fevereiro de 2023 Ou seja, mais de 1 ano sem atualização, então não sei até que ponto é “recomendado” comprá-lo se você estiver usando a versão mais recente do rathena. Também indica que: Nenhum reembolso após adquirir o produto. É sua responsabilidade garantir que funcione corretamente no seu emulador, hash ou data do cliente.
  2. I've been checking one by one all font diffs I had, and it was "Customize Font Height Character", the one it causes issue. Thanks for help!
  3. Hello I've downloaded the froggo files, applied the same YML file but only changing to only read GRF instead data folder, and I noticed the size on the text of the mapnames (the one appears when access a map). I thought maybe was realted to the data and system folders, not being read in the GRF, so I added those to a custom GRF and added that GRF to DATA.ini file, but still the font size is not the same than with read-data-first. Does anybody have any clue what could be happening? This is a screenshot once the READ GRF is enabled: Here's the original one, notice the "Morroc" text is bigger than the 1st one.
  4. Las armas las tienes en item_db_equip.yml, y lo que tienes que hacer tu, es ponerlas en mob-db.yml en el loot del mob que quieres, en este caso los bufalos. Para ello, busca las ids de las armas, y las ids de los mobs. Buscalos luego en tus archivos YML y en el apartado de drops, añade lo que necesites.
  5. I think, what you're looking for is the location "Shadow_Weapon". - Id: 24500 AegisName: arma_1 Name: Arma 1 Locations: Costume_Head_Top: true ArmorLevel: 1 EquipLevelMin: 1 View: 24500 Type: Shadowgear Locations: Shadow_Weapon: true Upvote if that helped you :D
  6. Hello, I'm having some issues with one skill in particular (Sonic Wave) from Rune Knights. Some information: - Pre-renewal (tried with renewal server too) - Client 2019-06-05 with recommended patches / tried with another one with some other patches. - Client data files, I tried with the latest one (using the updater) and another one clean from 2020-03-04 (and the same issue). The issue is that, when I cast the skill, it does the damage/effect, etc, however, it does not have the correct str (I believe are these files). Supposedly should look like in this video: https://youtu.be/3lBl-W4zyok?t=187 But, here's how looks like to me: How could I fix this issue? Thank you in advance!
  7. @Rynbef Sorry, I didn't explained myself correctly, hopefully you can understand now. I have several PVP rooms where I have set a mapflag to activate PVP: pvp_n_7-5 mapflag pvp guild_vs3 mapflag pvp guild_vs4 mapflag pvp guild_vs2-1 mapflag pvp When I have this mapflag active, and I try to target the homunculus, the cursor appears similar to what "YoshidaKobayashi" posted instead of the typical sword cursor. This also happens to me on maps where I have PVP activated when the MVP is alive (check photos I provided). During testing, I removed the lines from my PVP rooms that refer to the mapflag, and suddenly, the cursor is correct (the one of a sword). I have tested with players in different guilds or without guilds, and not being in a party, and something similar occurs, the cursor is not the sword one, but the "taming pet" one. I have tested on GVG maps and the cursor is correct (sword). Therefore, my suspicion is that it may be the PVP mapflag that causes this, I will be trying tomorrow in a fresh rathena without the PVP in MVP Maps and check it too.. I hope this time I have explained myself correctly, at the same time I will put several images, where you can see the same PVP room, with the "mapflag pvp" and without the PVP mapflag. Also in a map of an MVP (gef_fild10) with PVP active when the MVP is alive. And also a GVG map that I use for KOE. EDIT: Added some pictures, so it can be easier to understand. EDIT2: I tried on a clean and fresh rathena, the issue is still in there, when I visit a map with the pvp mapflag, the arrow-cursor is not the correct one. Here I'm on a GVG Map, and the cursor is the correct one: Here, I'm in gef_fild10 map, where MVP is alive so PVP is ON, and the cursor is the "taming pet", so incorrect one. When I enable the mapflag PVP in my pvp-room, this "taming pet" cursor appears again, instead of the "sword". Note if I go hover other player, the cursor is correct (sword). Here, once again the same PVP-Map, but this time with the PVP mapflag disabled, so the cursor is the correct one:
  8. I tried diferent AI, with and without /ns. When I remove the mapflag: pvp_map mapflag pvp Then if the map is already PVP, it shows the correct cursor (but not the player counter in the bottom right). So it seems is coming from this mapflag..
  9. @YoshidaKobayashi Could you fix this issue? I have the same issue in PVP Maps, where the cursor is same than Pet tame. However in other maps / gvg cursor is the correct one..
  10. Thank you, I tried this approach for some MVPs like bio/custom Nyd and works great. However for the thing I mentioned, I could manage to spam the MVP/tomb through the source code using the current mvp_log. Also the respawn will continue correctly, and convex is working with no issues after reload my server.
  11. Hello, I'm trying to not respawn all MVPS that were killed (normal MVPS, no branches), so whenever I reload my scripts or restart the server, the tomb will remain there, and MVPS will be waiting the same respawn as they had when they were killed. I've also used a top 3 of people with more damage on the tomb, maybe I could keep that too somehow? I tried with some scripts (like spawning the MVP manually) but had no success at all because the convex mirror would not work as intended. So I tried editing the source code manually (which I don't know would be correct for this scenario) - but I have something working like: - Use the custom MVP logs to save in DB info about who did/how much damage, the killer, and some other info like the respawn time. - Then when I spawn the mobs in mob.cpp I check only for bosses through SQL if the mob is in respawn or not, in case is in respawn -> spawn the tomb with the data I mentioned, if should be already out -> spawn the normal mvp. For that, I had to use some customized functions based on the original ones, like adding more parameters or skipping some behavior on those ones (like unnecessary checks) + set the correct respawn timer. The question is, is there any better approach to do this? - Is it fine the approach I did to update the source code?.. I checked many posts about it but I got no success with them yet. Thank so much in advance!!
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