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Everything posted by Oxxy

  1. Why check for Variable named "[b]healed[/b]" for dispay the Message? isnt that quite useless ? coz..it is still healing your character..... It won't heal you because above the message there's END; attachrid(0); Sry, i didn't updated the script; Now it's correct. pvp_n_1-1,102,182,6 script BattlePortal 45,3,3,{ No, you not need to do OnTouch... I tested the script it working perfectly. Perhaps there cant receive the Prize/ Items next time... ? coz you didnt Remove the Variable for Future Item gaining... i only found 2 of the variable access here.. Yeah, thanks. I'll fix that. Edit: Perhaps there cant receive the Prize/ Items next time... ? coz you didnt Remove the Variable for Future Item gaining... i only found 2 of the variable access here.. Fixed; When you'll Logout or Login it will check, if variable $BattleStarted==0 it will set variable vzjal,0; if $BattleStarted==1 then end;
  2. Nah... Hi all! That's my first release to public... I released my mini-woe event. Sorry for my bad English. I'm Russian. Attachment files is always last version. Features: 1.) There're 3 Doctors to help you. You can get heal only 1 time per death... 2.) There're 2 Defending Crystals that you need to break to go to the portal [img=http://www.eathena.ws/board/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif] 3.) There're 30 Guardians that will disturb you =) 4.) You can get 250 yggs from Armsman 5.) There's BFC Guild Rating 6.) And last... This is PVP Guild Event with much pvp kiils ... ) How to play this event: 1.) You need guild to play this event. 2.) You won't PVP in Guild on these maps. 3.) You need to destroy 2 Crystalls(red) to open passage to the Blue Crystall. 4.) When you destroy these red Crystalls, you need to run or kill 30 Guardians (Bow, Sword etc guards.) 5.) Then you'll need to destroy blue crystall. 6.) Then event repeating =) 7.) Event has a timer. When timer has 20 mins event stopping, and will be announce that event completed. How to start event: Whisper on nick npc:BattleAnnounce Whisper what - StartBattle How to install event: Save script in any txt file. Upload sql file in your SQL base. Open .../eathena/npc/custom folder and put txt file in this folder. Open .../eathena/npc/scripts_custom.conf And add this line: npc: npc/custom/yourname.txt (YOURNAME.txt CHANGE TO NAME THAT YOU USED TO CREATE TXT FILE ) SQL File to work Guild Counter ALTER TABLE `guild` ADD `guildwinscount` INT( 255 ) NOT NULL Script: // Battle for Crystal event. \\ // Made by Oxxy(FreakyL0L / Freaky) \\ // Idea by Shushei \\ // Version : 1.1.3 \\ // sleep 10000; // 10 Secs \\ // sleep 60000; // 60 Secs == 1 min \\ // sleep 600000; // 600 secs == 10 min \\ // sleep 1200000; // 1200 Secs == 20 mins \\ // 1 == ON || 0 == OFF \\ // END OF COPYRIGHTS \\ // Finded a little bugs. Thanks Melody. \\ // UPD: Added SQL file \\ // UPD: Trying to create Guild Rating for BFC \\ // MAPFLAGS \\ guild_vs4 mapflag pvp on guild_vs4 mapflag nowarp guild_vs4 mapflag nowarpto guild_vs4 mapflag nogo guild_vs4 mapflag noloot guild_vs4 mapflag noicewall pvp_n_1-1 mapflag noloot pvp_n_1-1 mapflag nowarp pvp_n_1-1 mapflag nogo pvp_n_1-1 mapflag nowarpto pvp_n_1-1 mapflag noicewall // END OF MAPFLAGS \\ - script BattleMobs -1,{ // GUARDIANS \\ OnGuardians: monster "pvp_n_1-1",106,93,"Guardian",1830,5; monster "pvp_n_1-1",107,121,"Guardian",1830,5; monster "pvp_n_1-1",104,116,"Guardian",1286,5; monster "pvp_n_1-1",103,108,"Guardian",1286,5; monster "pvp_n_1-1",108,95,"Guardian",1829,5; monster "pvp_n_1-1",104,67,"Guardian",1829,5; // END OF GUARDIANS \\ // CRYSTALS \\ monster "pvp_n_1-1",102,71,"Defending Crystal",1915,1,"Crystals::OnKill"; monster "pvp_n_1-1",109,71,"Defending Crystal",1915,1,"Crystals::OnKill"; // END OF CRYSTALS \\ } - script Crystals -1,{ OnClose: setcell "pvp_n_1-1",103,71,108,71,cell_walkable,0; end; OnKill: set $killed,$killed+1; if($killed==1) { announce "First Defending Crystal was defeated!",0; } if($killed==2) { announce "Second Defending Crystal was defeated!",0; sleep 1000; announce "Passage to portal has open!",0; setcell "pvp_n_1-1",103,71,108,71,cell_walkable,1; } end; } - script BattleOptions -1,{ // OPTIONS NPC. OnInit: disablenpc "Crystal Defender"; disablenpc "Armsman"; disablenpc "Doctor#1-1"; disablenpc "Doctor#1-2"; disablenpc "Doctor#1-3"; disablenpc "BattlePortal"; disablenpc "BattleComplete"; set $BattleStarted,0; set $killed,0; set $announce,1; // If set 1 npc Doctor will announce every player that dies } - script BattleAnnounce -1,{ OnWhisperGlobal: if(@whispervar0$=="StartBattle") { set $BattleStarted,1; enablenpc "Armsman"; enablenpc "Doctor#1-1"; enablenpc "Doctor#1-2"; enablenpc "Doctor#1-3"; enablenpc "BattlePortal"; announce "[Armsman]: Battle will begin in 10 minutes! We advise all fighters get ready!",0; //sleep 600000; // NORMAL | 10 MINS TO START. sleep 1000; // FOR TEST | 1 SEC TO FAST START set $BattleStart,1; donpcevent "BattleMobs::OnGuardians"; donpcevent "Crystals::OnClose"; announce "[Armsman]: Battle for Crystal started! Break the Crystal as fast as you can!",0; monster "guild_vs4",49,49,"Crystal",1914,1,"BattleComplete::OnCrystal"; initnpctimer; end; OnTimer1200000: stopnpctimer; set $BattleStarted,0; disablenpc "Armsman"; disablenpc "Doctor#1-1"; disablenpc "Doctor#1-2"; disablenpc "Doctor#1-3"; disablenpc "BattlePortal"; donpcevent "BattleComplete::OnComplete"; enablenpc "Crystal Defender"; end; } } izlude,97,122,6 script Armsman 420,{ if($BattleStarted==0) { mes "[Armsman]"; mes "Don't disturb me..."; close; } set .@guild, getcharid(2); if(.@guild<1){ mes "[Armsman]"; mes "You are not in guild."; close;} mes "[Armsman]"; mes "Hey oh! What would you do?"; switch(select("Take part in Battle","Get equipment","Just a crazy man...","What is 'Battle for Crystal'?")) { case 1: if($BattleStart==0) { mes "I still can not teleport you!"; close; } next; mes "[Armsman]"; mes "You - brave warrior!"; warp "pvp_n_1-1",96,15; close; case 2: if(vzjal==1) { next; mes "[Armsman]"; mes "You already have your stuff!"; close; } next; mes "[Armsman]"; mes "Do you want to arm for the Battle for Crystal?"; if(select("Yeap!","Warriors need it more...") ==2) { next; mes "[Armsman]"; mes "Get out of there!"; percentheal -25,0; close; } next; if(checkweight(607,250) == 0) { next; mes "[Armsman]"; mes "You don't have enough weight!"; close; } mes "[Armsman]"; mes "Here your stuff!"; set vzjal,1; getitem 607,250; mes "Now, go and kill somebody!"; close; case 3: next; mes "[Armsman]"; mes "Who crazy? I'm?!"; mes "I'll show you!"; percentheal -100,0; close; case 4: next; mes "[Armsman]"; mes "Your mission - break the Crystal."; mes "You must to be in Guild to join this battle."; mes "Battle longs for 20 minutes. Last guild that break Crystal wins."; close; } } - script BattleComplete -1,{ OnComplete: set $BattleStarted,0; set $BattleStart,0; set $killed,0; announce "[Armsman]: Battle for Crystal ended!",0; enablenpc "Crystal Defender"; sleep 300000; mapwarp "guild_vs4","SavePoint",0,0; end; OnCrystal: set .@guild, getcharid(2); query_sql("UPDATE `guild` SET guildwinscount = (guildwinscount+1) WHERE guild_id = " + getcharid(2) +";"); set razruwilpers,razruwilpers+1; getitem 7227,1; announce "Character ["+strcharinfo(0)+"] from guild ["+getguildname(.@guild)+"] broke the Crystal!",0; killmonsterall "guild_vs4"; killmonsterall "pvp_n_1-1"; donpcevent "BattleMobs::OnGuardians"; donpcevent "Crystals::OnClose"; monster "guild_vs4",49,49,"Crystal",1914,1,"BattleComplete::OnCrystal"; announce "New Crystal appeared!",0; mapwarp "guild_vs4","pvp_n_1-1",96,15; end; OnPcLogoutEvent: OnPcLoginEvent: attachrid(getcharid(3)); query_sql("UPDATE `guild` SET guildwinscount = guildwinscount WHERE guild_id = "+getcharid(2)+";"); if($BattleStarted==1) { end; } if($BattleStarted==0) { set vzjal,0; } detachrid; } pvp_n_1-1,102,182,6 script BattlePortal 45,3,3,{ set @rand,rand(1,4); if(@rand==1) { warp "guild_vs4",49,7; } if(@rand==2) { warp "guild_vs4",91,49; } if(@rand==3) { warp "guild_vs4",50,91; } if(@rand==4) { warp "guild_vs4",8,50; } } pvp_n_1-1,87,41,6 script Doctor#1-1 100,{ if(healed==1) { message strcharinfo(0),"You healed!"; end; } set healed,1; percentheal 100,100; end; OnPcDieEvent: attachrid(getcharid(3)); getmapxy .@eventmap$,.@x,.@y,0; if(.@eventmap$ == "pvp_n_1-1" || .@eventmap$ == "guild_vs4"){ set healed,0; if($announce==1) { announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+" died!",0; } end; } } pvp_n_1-1,82,153,6 duplicate(Doctor#1-1) Doctor#1-2 111 guild_vs4,55,44,6 duplicate(Doctor#1-1) Doctor#1-3 111 guild_vs4,51,50,6 script Crystal Defender 413,{ query_sql "SELECT guildwinscount FROM guild WHERE guild_id='"+getcharid(2)+"'", .@count$; mes "[Crystal Defender]"; mes "You broke the Crystal "+razruwilpers+" times..."; mes "You guild broke the Crystal "+.@count$+" times..."; mes "Do you want to go home?"; if(select("Yes","No") ==2) { next; mes "[Crystal Defender]"; mes "..."; close; } next; warp "SavePoint",0,0; close; } prontera,152,184,6 script BFC Guild Rating 857,{ mes "[Top 5 Guilds]"; mes "Do you want to see Top 5 guild winners?"; if(select("Yes","No") ==2) close; next; query_sql "SELECT `name`,`guildwinscount` FROM guild ORDER BY `guildwinscount` DESC LIMIT 5", .@gn$, .@counts$; mes "[Top 5 Guilds]"; for (set .@i,0; .@i<5; set .@i,.@i+1) { if (.@gn$[.@i] == "") mes "None"; else mes ""+(.@i+1)+". Guild "+.@gn$[.@i]+" broke: "+.@counts$[.@i]+" Crystals"; } close; OnInit: delwaitingroom; waitingroom "BFC Guild Rating",0; }[/codeBOX] [/indent] [indent=1][font=Comic Sans MS][size=5]Don't forget to post your suggestion and bugs that you'll find ! [/size][/font] [color=#9ACD32][u][b]Version 1.1: First fixes. Thanks to Melody. Added file to Attachment[/b][/u][/color] [color=#9ACD32][u][b]Version 1.1.1: Trying to add BFC guild rating. Some fixes. UPDATED script. BFC Guild Rating not working... So don't try Now I'm fixing it.[/b][/u][/color][/indent] [indent=1][color=#9ACD32][u][b]Version 1.1.2: Added BFC Guild rating! =)[/b][/u][/color] [color=#9ACD32][u][b]Version 1.1.3: Some fixes[/b][/u][/color][/indent] bfc.sql bfc.txt
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