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Posts posted by samurai.rukasu

  1. Is was almost a year since RagExes change its structure, in mostly part alot of new implementations was made, some nice other neh, but the issue its not the RagExe projects like NEMO or xDiffGen in this case, is server side support.


    Since the new 2014 RagExe appear, the support in the server side for a lot of users can test them is almost no one. The best we can use, stable is 2013-08-07 and 2013-12-23 exes so far.


    Guys, we need try to step up to date, we cann´t stay a year without support them, im not saying updated for the last exe like 2014-10-22, but perhaps for low or same 2014-06 exes, give some server side support 2014 exes, at least one of them.


    By another thing is the server optimization, for example Hercules Project its more optimized, specially in charge, speed and memory use, WPE protection, and another implementation that can be VERY usefully for the entire Rathena.  


    I know its not EASY, but the community need it if Rathena still want to be one of the best Ro server emulator, and not a shadow of others project.



  2. That fix was for the web can recognize witch item database re u using when the system is based in renewal or pre-renewal.




    i've checked the application.php but i can't see the


    here's my application.php


    'MenuItems' => array(

            'Main Menu'   => array(

                'Home'          => array('module' => 'main'),

                //'Forums'        => array('exturl' => 'http://www.fluxro.com/community'),




    That is part of a addon from http://rathena.org/board/topic/59488-flux-cp-cms-addon/

  3. Hello guys!

    I came here to bring to u a fix for the problem of Viewing from "List Items" from database menu.

    The issue its a table corruption the CP database ONLY, nothing came from php files. In Some point with the update/install function when u make some addons instalations or modifications to your CP, tables of the database corrupt, something update wrong or another thing happen, don´t ask, its a complete suposition, not 100% complete sure, but very possible.

    I see others watch how theirs "List Items" from no where suddenly stop functioning, showing no items at all, then when it was happend to me, i start to indagate posibles problems. Like some others, re-install everything from the beginning, delete tables, nothing works, BUT i like make database and tables backup like a madman, seriously guys, TAKE NOTE, make backups from all when u can all the time jajajaja

    For FIX the problem:

    1º Make a backup of the CP tables: News, Pages, etc. NOT all in one single file, make it for each table.

    2º Delete all files inside of the folder "flux_root\data\tmp" > This step its just in case, not really necesary, but who knows?

    3º Delete all the tables of the CP.

    4º Download "CP_FIX.SQL" i attach in this post.

    5º Execute CP_FIX.SQL into your database (same where CP tables has been)

    6º TEST "List Items"

    7º At last, restore your tables, one by one of your backup News, Pages, etc. For each restore make a TEST AGAIN of "List Items", this step will make sure u if there is any corrupted table u can detect wich one is making all the caos in the database reading.

    The File "CP_FIX.sql" its a clean instalation of all tables of the CP.



  4. Everything is fine in game, except for after 40 mins of playing, the client of ALL the players freezes/crashes (depending of the version of windows) and stops working, the user needs to re-login every 40-30 minutes of gaming.

    The map-server don't shows anything, no stop, nothing, only crashes every player inside at the same time.

    Here's the bug track:

    Debugged with VS2010


    Unhandled exception at 0x006e5b09 in client.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x00000018.

    006E5B09 cmp dword ptr [eax+18h],ebx



    006E5AB7 mov dword ptr [edi+32Ch],eax

    006E5ABD call 0052A7A0

    006E5AC2 mov eax,dword ptr [edi+32Ch]

    006E5AC8 push eax

    006E5AC9 mov ecx,885DF0h

    006E5ACE call 0053DBD0

    006E5AD3 mov dword ptr [esp+28h],ebp

    006E5AD7 mov dword ptr [esp+2Ch],ebp

    006E5ADB mov dword ptr [esp+30h],ebp

    006E5ADF mov byte ptr [esp+0C84h],2

    006E5AE7 mov eax,dword ptr [esp+3Ch]

    006E5AEB cmp dword ptr [esp+50h],ebx

    006E5AEF jae 006E5AF5

    006E5AF1 lea eax,[esp+3Ch]

    006E5AF5 push 48h

    006E5AF7 lea ecx,[esp+28h]

    006E5AFB push ecx

    006E5AFC push eax

    006E5AFD call 00527150

    006E5B02 mov eax,dword ptr [esp+34h]

    006E5B06 add esp,0Ch

    006E5B09 cmp dword ptr [eax+18h],ebx

    006E5B0C jb 006E5B13

    006E5B0E mov eax,dword ptr [eax+4]

    006E5B11 jmp 006E5B16

    006E5B13 add eax,4

    006E5B16 mov edx,dword ptr [esp+1Ch]

    006E5B1A push edx

    006E5B1B push eax

    006E5B1C mov eax,dword ptr [esp+28h]

    006E5B20 mov ecx,dword ptr [eax+32Ch]

    006E5B26 call 004557A0

    006E5B2B mov ecx,dword ptr [esp+2Ch]

    006E5B2F mov esi,dword ptr [esp+28h]

    006E5B33 sub ecx,esi

    006E5B35 mov eax,92492493h

    006E5B3A imul ecx

    006E5B3C add edx,ecx

    006E5B3E sar edx,4

    006E5B41 mov ecx,edx

    006E5B43 shr ecx,1Fh

    006E5B46 mov edi,1

    006E5B4B add ecx,edx

    006E5B4D cmp ecx,edi

    006E5B4F jbe 006E5BA0

    This all i get... maybe the debugging way is not all correct but, at least I get that packets but i can't understand the language....

    Lua's and msgstringtable.txt is all fine. Up to date, tried with the latest packet_db

    This append with clients 2012-03-28 and 2012-04-10 to

  5. I think its 2012-2-27+ that use luafiles514;

    My client is 2012-03-07 and they need to be in luafiles514

    Trust me...it confused me at first too

    Ok, so i must change the route of the file or i must create another file with the new name and delete the old one?

  6. The change happened sometime in the middle of 2011 when they gave Tetra Vortex's 4 sub ID's a animation. Each of the 4 has the same animation, but the beam's color depends on the ID. For example the fire ID uses a red beam, water uses blue beam, wind uses yellowish pink (supposed to be full yellow?), and earth uses green. The main ID used by the player to cast the skill isnt supposed to be used for damage dealing anymore. Only reason your seeing it do that is because the skill is currently programed all funky and needs to be recoded to use the 4 sub ID's again.

    So, devs will make a pach or diff to fix this in Rathena and 3ceam?

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