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Posts posted by samurai.rukasu


    No hay manera si lo has encriptado con secure grf, si lo has encriptado con GRF Editor ya es diferente



    Necesitarás la clave  para el desencriptado


    No existia ese programa antes para desencriptar los GRF aun si tenias la clave, paso mucho tiempo hasta que alguien se dispuso a desarrollar una herramienta para eso, fijate que el programa fue posteado en mayo y no antes.

  2. I can not load mobs and npcs, maps load without any problem, but when i try to load mobs and npc uploading the zip, error appear "action denied, contact to adminitrator".

    Inside the root folder, the zip of mob or npc that you try to upload start to unzip and when it finish then the error appear.


    U will not be hacked if u learn to protect your web sites against sql inyection, too many webs and Ragnarok CP are bulnerables to that U_U

    Yeah, because no major company ever got hacked.

    And the last part of your sentence is exactly why there should be better encryption, AND IT SHOULD BE ENABLED BY DEFAULT.


    No need to, only learn how to protect your web pages and CP with anti sql injection, xss, etc embedded inside the code. That's the difference between a good programmer and a novice.




    Forgive me if this isn't the right place to post this issue.

    I have encountered 2 crash issues after using the new client 2014-10-22.

    1.- Crash when changing color to the new Palettes, but this only happens on some classes such as Kagerou, Rebellion and when a Crusader changes its color while riding a Peco. Without a Peco there is no issue. ¿Does this means the Client does not supports some colors on the Palette? I am unable to select the 'Ignore Missing Palette Error' (Ignore Missing Palette Error: Failed in part 1). Using NEMO.

    Crash happens to everyone looking at the user changing to that palette as well.

    2.- When a user tries to feed a Poring pet, there's no problem. But if the Poring has a cute pet armor equipped (Backpack), the user's Client crashes.

    I am thinking these issues only happen with the new Client, please correct me if I'm wrong.

    Thanks in advance.




    I tested the problem only happens if you have more than one food for the pet in inventory ... if you have only one not of crash, but displays the following message from msgstringtable.txt:










    To fix open your msgstringtable.txt, and change the line:

    Feeding the pet. %d '%s' remaining#


    Feeding the pet. %s %d remaining#









    *** *** BUGs found hexed 10/22/2014 :

    - When feeding the pet is generating error and the game closes . (Solved)

    - By wearing wedding outfit the sprite does not appear.

    - When using mount with the item rein id : 12622 generates error and the game closes .

    - @go command generates error.(To test type :@go).

    - Enter job command generates error and exits the game (To test type :@job).


    - By wearing wedding outfit the sprite does not appear. ---- Unable to reproduce the issue.

    - When using mount with the item rein id : 12622 generates error and the game closes ---- Unable to reproduce the issue.

    - @go command generates error.(To test type :@go). ---- Unable to reproduce the issue.

    - Enter job command generates error and exits the game (To test type :@job). ---- Unable to reproduce the issue.


    There is no issue with that problems that u report. The client works as shuld be.

  5. Disculpa la tardanza el tema ya esta solucionado y corre con el  2013-08-07, Una duda habilite en el emulador que mostrara el HP los mobs y no lo muestran eso debe de ser por el cliente.?

    La barra de vida de los mobs depende si tienes habilitado el /showname o no. En el unico formato que en que aparece la barra de % vida del mob es seteando el /showname (tipo 2), por defecto el cliente esta habilitado, pero como tipo 1.

    Para cambiarlo ingresas al juego y luego escribe el comando /showname y este será seteado como tipo 2 directamente y listo.


    With this update, max storage limit size can be updated more than 850???

    No, not item storage. I meant the overall size/storage that variables take up in memory. Technically, right now, from what I've tested before is that rAthena supports a little over 1000 for player storage sizes (pertaining to your actual question).



    Thats is great! I never test it up of 850 since i was config to that limit almost year ago when the item limit was downgraded.


    I made some test and for now i changed to 1250 and it works well to that limit, i dont want change it up of that just in case.


    If some one try to test more of 1250 and no issues appears, share your testings.

  7. TIenes los packets para ese exe en el db/packet_db.txt?

    packet_ver: 45
    //0x363,8 // CZ_JOIN_BATTLE_FIELD
    //0x436,4 // CZ_GANGSI_RANK
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