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Posts posted by RoxasV

  1. On 11/4/2018 at 10:44 PM, sader1992 said:

    last stable rathena is the last rathena in my opinion :P 

    for the client well it's depend on what you want

    the newer the client the more features

    i suggest you start from 2015/11/04 the less features more stable from the clients before it

    and move up for more features :P


    thanks a lot !

  2. Es posible, de hecho bajo tu propia mano. Solo investiga un poco sobre que mobs/items habia y que mapas no estaban etc.
    Conozco personas que lanzaron sus servidores ancient pero dudo que quieran dar su trabajo gratis aunque no se, te puedo pasar el contacto si gustas


    I want to try Gepard shield, but i was wondering, how do i unninstall Harmony? it doesn't have an unninstall exe and in his website there is no information about that.

    I just have to delete all the files? or is there a command on the console? 



    Hello! I can help you with it.


    That would be awesome bro, it's included on the payment for the license?

  4. Harmony Vanguard has both source and client modifications, badly hard to get them out without having the proper Harmony installation files, or even, the files from before the changes.

    My advice would be, actually, rebuild your emulator, but you can try to see the .diff from the installation files and revert all the changes file by file.

    Thanks m8. Actually all i care is the emu, i can make another exe but make another emulator without it well it could be a pain in the ass xD.

    Anyway, thanks for the advice m8

  5. I want to try Gepard shield, but i was wondering, how do i unninstall Harmony? it doesn't have an unninstall exe and in his website there is no information about that.
    I just have to delete all the files? or is there a command on the console? 



    I don't really understand your question m8.

    I mean, what do you want to test? a script to avoid DL by MAC?


    People enter to Bg with autofollow. So is just one guy using other pc.

    What i want is a script how test if there real people playing.

    Something like, you have 10 seconds to answer or do something. 


    IMO that is a little hard. Not the script itself but  it would be annoying for the users.

    Also you cannot put an anti DL IP script because there is a lot of people who play with their brother/sister/girlfriend/friend etc.

    I suggest you to put a anti DL by MAC and if you find people doing that shit just kick/jail/ban them. 

    Kick by MAC using harmony:


    - script dual_mac_5 -1,{
             if(.@amap$!="bat_room") end; 
             set .@name$,strcharinfo(0);
             query_sql("SELECT last_hwid FROM `login` WHERE account_id = "+getcharid(3)+"", .@LastMac$);
             query_sql("SELECT account_id FROM `login` WHERE last_hwid = '"+.@LastMac$+"'", .@AccountId);
             set .@aidtemp,getcharid(3,strcharinfo(0));
             for(set .@i ,0;.@i<getarraysize(.@AccountId);set .@i,.@i+1)
                     if (.@qmap$== .@amap$) {
    logmes "[ "+ .@name$ +" - "+.@aidtemp+" ] es DL de [ "+ strcharinfo(0) +" - "+ .@AccountId[.@i] +" ] - HWID [ "+ .@LastMac$ +" ]";
    set .@j,.@j+1;
             attachrid .@aidtemp;
             //if(.@j > $@MaxWimdows) {
                //dispbottom "Prohibited Double Login in this map...";
                  //warp "prontera",156,179;   
       //set $@MaxWimdows,1;
       //------Enable map OnPCLoadMapEvent-------------------
    bat_room mapflag loadevent
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