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Everything posted by monkie

  1. hmm.. it looks the same to me. ): i must be blind or something, lol! Edit: Oh, nevermind.. I see it now! I'm so blind.. I'll change it right now and I'll see what happens next.. thank you Alright, so far so good. I get no errors now. So now, I need to figure out what to install in order to play by Ragnarok by myself.. =\
  2. Hello everyone! For the past day or so, I've been trying to make an offline server. Pretty much like a test server where only I can play without internet or maybe LAN? I don't know if offline is possible or not, but I've been searching all around the forums for help. I've been watching Sharpienero's video tutorial and I'm barely on part one of the video. I fixed all of the previous problems I had before, such as the MySQL password bugs, the bad connection, etc. After fixing all those problems, another error popped up. I think I've been trying to fix this for 4 hours now, so up until now, I finally gave in and decided to ask for help lol. Here's what I have so far, and you can see the error here... So far, this is what I've done: - Opened the required ports - changed the username/password - changed the username/password in MySQL - password for MySQL - & whatever Sharpienero said to do in part 1 of his video. *Unfortunately, I'm very new with MySQL and rAthena, so please bare with me* *On a side note, I was also looking at Alexandria's guide and downloaded the 3.0 data. I don't know if this matters or not, hahaha! Earlier, I installed Ragnarok and followed her guide. I patched it and did everything she said to do. When I tried to open the Renewal.exe, it took me to the Ragnarok site. I'm not sure if I did something wrong or not. It's been about 4-5 years since I've last played. So if possible, can somebody give me an idea of what I should do & download? * +Thank you guys in advance. Also, I won't be able to respond right away because I have class soon until 10pm PST. I'll be sure to post when I get back.. Once again, thank you guys.
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