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Posts posted by Akbare-2nd

  1. 6 hours ago, Gidz Cross said:

    I've added custom job but there is this problem with the garment.

    As you can see, it is also displaying in front. Now  I know that i need to edit some lub files and perhaps add the job id but i don't know where to start. Any help would be appreciated.



    How to fixed ?

  2. -	script	mallroom	-,{
    		announce strcharinfo(0)+" has entering Mall Room!",bc_all;
    		warp "yourmap",64,45;
    		message strcharinfo(0),"you have to be in town to use this command";
    	bindatcmd "mall",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnEnter";


  3. On 10/21/2023 at 7:31 PM, Sehrentos said:


    I tried installing and compiling the project solution in visual studio, by following guides found in the forums, since the installation guidelines in the github also did not work.

    Problem is after successful compile, the map-server stops and report about missing msvcr110.dll and after finding the right dll file, then it crashes in 0xc000007b error.

    The project was rebuild in release mode x64.

    Windows 11 environment.

    try to install : https://www.mediafire.com/file/xb1pjxpsjipaqyq/Visual-C-Runtimes-All-in-One-Jul-2021.zip/file

  4. On 11/7/2023 at 12:19 AM, Alexandrite said:

    example as if I was knight is there a way to make an equip costume that make me look like a Lord Knight or another class?

    for example

    30000,2nd Class Costume,2nd Class Costume,12,10,,0,,2,,0,0xFFFFFFFE,2,2,1048576,,0,0,0,{},{ if(roclass(eaclass()|EAJL_UPPER)) changebase BaseJob; },{ changebase Class; }


  5. sir,

    I found this error, can you help?


    Full Script

    function	script	func_CreateCampFire	{
    	.@cid = getcharid(3);
    	.@range = getarg(0, 3); 	// Heal Range
    	.@duration = getarg(1, 60); // Duration
    	.@rate = getarg(2, 1); 		// Heal Rate
    	getmapxy(.@map$, .@mapx, .@mapy, BL_PC);
    	if(getmapxy(.@npc_map$, .@x, .@y, BL_NPC, sprintf("Camp Fire#CF_%d",.@cid)) == 0)
    		donpcevent "Camp Fire#" + sprintf("CF_%d", .@cid) + "::OnCampFireEnd";
    	showscript "Starting a Camp Fire...";
    	specialeffect(EF_FIREWALL2, AREA, convertpcinfo(.@cid,CPC_NAME));
    	progressbar "0xFFFFFF", 1;
    	duplicatenpc("cf_main", "Camp Fire", sprintf("CF_%d", .@cid), .@map$, .@mapx, (.@mapy - 1), DIR_SOUTH, 10252, .@range, .@range);
    	set(getvariableofnpc(getd(sprintf(".CF_%d_range", .@cid)), "Camp Fire#" + sprintf("CF_%d", .@cid)), .@range);
    	set(getvariableofnpc(getd(sprintf(".CF_%d_duration", .@cid)), "Camp Fire#" + sprintf("CF_%d", .@cid)), .@duration);
    	set(getvariableofnpc(getd(sprintf(".CF_%d_healrate", .@cid)), "Camp Fire#" + sprintf("CF_%d", .@cid)), .@rate);
    	donpcevent "Camp Fire#" + sprintf("CF_%d", .@cid) + "::OnCampFireStart";
    function	script	func_UpdateCampFire	{
    	.@cid = getcharid(3);
    	.@range = getarg(0, 3); 	// Heal Range
    	.@duration = getarg(1, 60); // Duration
    	.@rate = getarg(2, 1); 		// Heal Rate
    	getmapxy(.@map$, .@mapx, .@mapy, BL_PC);
    	if(getmapxy(.@npc_map$, .@x, .@y, BL_NPC, sprintf("Camp Fire#CF_%d",.@cid)) == 0) {
    		if (.@npc_map$ != .@map$ || distance(.@mapx, .@mapy, .@x, .@y) > 5) {
    			dispbottom "<Camp Fire> You're too far away from the Campfire.";
    		else {
    			showscript "!!";
    			specialeffect(EF_FIREWALL2, AREA, "Camp Fire#" + sprintf("CF_%d", .@cid));
    			.@range = min(8, getvariableofnpc(getd(sprintf(".CF_%d_range", .@cid)), "Camp Fire#" + sprintf("CF_%d", .@cid)) + .@range);
    			.@duration = min(300, getvariableofnpc(getd(sprintf(".CF_%d_duration", .@cid)), "Camp Fire#" + sprintf("CF_%d", .@cid)) + .@duration);
    			.@rate = min(15, getvariableofnpc(getd(sprintf(".CF_%d_healrate", .@cid)), "Camp Fire#" + sprintf("CF_%d", .@cid)) + .@rate);
    			set(getvariableofnpc(getd(sprintf(".CF_%d_range", .@cid)), "Camp Fire#" + sprintf("CF_%d", .@cid)), .@range);
    			set(getvariableofnpc(getd(sprintf(".CF_%d_duration", .@cid)), "Camp Fire#" + sprintf("CF_%d", .@cid)), .@duration);
    			set(getvariableofnpc(getd(sprintf(".CF_%d_healrate", .@cid)), "Camp Fire#" + sprintf("CF_%d", .@cid)), .@rate);
    	else {
    		dispbottom "<Camp Fire> Start a Campfire...";
    -	script	Camp Fire::cf_main	FAKE_NPC,{
    	getmapxy(.@map$, .@x, .@y, BL_NPC);
    	.@npcname$ = strnpcinfo(2);
    	do {
    		.@range = getd(sprintf(".%s_range", .@npcname$));
    		.@healrate = getd(sprintf(".%s_healrate", .@npcname$));
    		specialeffect EF_DRAGONSMOKE, AREA;
    		showscript "HEAL: "+.@healrate+"% | AREA:"+.@range+" | TIME: "+getd(sprintf(".%s_duration", .@npcname$));
    		setd(sprintf(".%s_duration", .@npcname$)), getd(sprintf(".%s_duration", .@npcname$)) - 1;
    		areapercentheal(.@map$, (.@x - .@range), (.@y - .@range), (.@x + .@range), (.@y + .@range), .@healrate, .@healrate);
    		sleep 1000;
    		if (.@counter > 0 && .@counter % 10 == 0 && .@healrate > 1) // every 10 seconds reduce heal rate
    			setd(sprintf(".%s_healrate", .@npcname$), getd(sprintf(".%s_healrate", .@npcname$)) - 1);
    		if (.@counter > 0 && .@counter % 30 == 0 && .@range > 1) // every 30 seconds reduce range
    			setd(sprintf(".%s_range", .@npcname$), getd(sprintf(".%s_range", .@npcname$)) - 1); 
    	} while (getd(sprintf(".%s_duration", .@npcname$)) > 0);
    	setd(sprintf(".%s_range", .@npcname$), 0);
    	setd(sprintf(".%s_duration", .@npcname$), 0);
    	setd(sprintf(".%s_healrate", .@npcname$), 0);
    	.@npcname$ = strnpcinfo(2);
    	setd(sprintf(".%s_duration", .@npcname$), 0);
    	awake strnpcinfo(3);
    	specialeffect(EF_HEAL, AREA, strcharinfo(0));
    	dispbottom("You are feeling warm and cozy.");


    when the npc is gone an error appears like this


    thx for advanced

  6. 22 hours ago, nekoyarou said:

    Hi rAthena,

    so i have a problem with izlude map, there are some unwalkable tiles and the warp portal is in the wrong place.


    i have tried searching the forums for fix but everyone suggests using weepmapcache (which no longer exists or whatever idk, i cant open all of the link provided) or using mapcache editor but don't really specify what should i do when using it.

    can anyone help me to fix this.

    thanks in advance.

    this seems to be a pre-renewal, repack the pre-re mapchace with the existing map file and make sure the npc script used matches the map used.

  7. 1 hour ago, Gabs said:

    I dont know why, but when I use Boarding Halter ou @mount2, the sprite of the mount doesn't appear.

    I need to use @refresh or go to another map and then the sprite appears.

    Can anyone help me?

    try checking the packetver server and hexed they must be the same

  8. 1 hour ago, Finale said:

    Hi Guys!

    I have this issue in my server wherein every time you change job into Trans class the character will have a visual bug on their clothes. Now, this can be fixed by @refresh command or by just simply relog. But its kinda weird having this kind of bug after a job change. Can anyone knows how to fix this?




    Check your default shirt in data.grf or you might be using a custom shirt color. [palette]

  9. Is the evolutions feature already on?


    // Pet evolution (Note 1)
    // Requires: 2014-10-08aRagexe or later
    feature.petevolution: on

    and what is the error message on the client side?

  10. On 6/19/2023 at 2:11 PM, nekoyarou said:

    Hi, Thanks @Chaos92 & @RinduSajak for the answer.

    i tried using unedited iteminfo.lub and everything went normal, turns out because i unchecked "Read Data Folder First" when diffing my client, i forgot to add the translation lub to my data.grf.

    but then another problem come, whenever i edited my iteminfo_EN.lua to add my custom item, every item texture went missing again.

    is there any step i'm missing when adding a custom item?.

    Edit: I already tried to edit my iteminfo_EN.lua using EUC-KR encoding, but then all of my item turned into unknown item with apple icon lol

    use notepad to open the iteminfo.lub to avoid writing mistakes

  11. Try it

    function	script	FreebieFuns	{
    if(##FreebiesPackageRapierLatest== 1){
    mes "You already claimed your Freebies Package.";
    dispbottom "You already claimed your Freebies Package!";
    goto gpack;
    mes "[Freebies Package]";
        mes "Please choose a 1 Headgear";
            switch(select("[White Saiyan Aura] White Saiyan Aura[0]:[Red Saiyan Aura] Red Saiyan Aura[0]:[Black Saiyan Aura] Black Saiyan Aura[0]:[God Saiyan Aura] God Saiyan Aura[0]:[Yellow Saiyan Aura] Yellow Saiyan Aura[0]"))
                case 1:
                    setarray .@RORGWeap[0],50367;
                case 2:
                    setarray .@RORGWeap[0],50364;
                case 3:
                    setarray .@RORGWeap[0],50359;
                case 4:
                    setarray .@RORGWeap[0],50361;
                case 5:
                    setarray .@RORGWeap[0],50368;
        mes "[Freebies Package]";
        mes "Here are your supplies!";
        set .@itemsrecieved$,"You recieved the items : ";
        for ( set .@i,0; .@i != getarraysize(.@RORGWeap); )
            getitembound2 .@RORGWeap,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,Bound_Account;
            set .@itemsrecieved$, .@itemsrecieved$ + .@RORGWeap[.@i] + ", ";
            set .@i, .@i + 1;
            //set .@itemsrecieved$, .@valkyriehelm$ + .@middlegear+ ", " + .@lowergear + .@weapon;
            dispbottom "You succesfully claimed your Freebies Package";
            specialeffect2 248;
            set ##FreebiesPackageRapierLatest,1;
            delitem 38816,1;


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