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Everything posted by johnblend

  1. prontera,152,187,6 script 4thJob Expanded 871,{ set .npcname$,"[ ^0000FF Class Helper ^000000 ]"; set .InfoMenu,0; // Classes Informations Option [ 0 - Disable / 1 - Enable ] set .ExpandedClassMenu,1; // Expanded Class Option [ 0 - Disable / 1 - Enable ] set .Allskills,0; // Complete Skills Option [ 0 - Disable / 1 - Enable ] // -- Usable for Only 1 Time set .Based,1; // [ 0 - Account Based / 1 - Character Based ] if( ClassHelper == 0 || .ClassHelper == 1 ) end; Main_Menu: mes .npcname$; mes "I am the Job Class Helper..."; mes "I am here to help you."; mes " ^FF0000________________________________^000000"; mes "Do you wish to become Stronger ?"; mes " ^FF0000________________________________^000000"; next; mes .npcname$; mes "Do you admire those who have a great power ? Do you wish to become a part of them ? If yes , then which classes that you admire the most ?"; next; switch(select(( .InfoMenu == 0 )?"":"^4EEE94Classes Information^000000", ( .ExpandedClassMenu == 0 )?"":"^0000FFExpanded Job Classes^000000", "^FF0000Sorry, i admire nobody....^000000")) { case 1: goto Classes_info; case 2: goto ExpandedJob_Classes; case 3: if ( .Based == 0 ){ set .ClassHelper,1; } if ( .Based == 1 ){ set ClassHelper,1; } close; } ExpandedJob_Classes: mes .npcname$; mes "So, i give you a chance now. Which Classes will you choose to join ? Tell me your desired Classes."; next; switch(select("^0000ffSky Emperor^000000", "^0000ffSoul Ascetic^000000", "^0000ffShinkiro^000000", "^0000ffShiranui^000000", "^0000ffNight Watch^000000", "^0000ffHyper Novice^000000", "^0000ffSpirit Handler^000000", "^FF0000Back^000000")) { case 1: callsub Job_Changing,4302,200,1,149,"All"; case 2: callsub Job_Changing,4303,200,1,149,"All"; case 3: callsub Job_Changing,4304,200,1,149,"All"; case 4: callsub Job_Changing,4305,200,1,149,"All"; case 5: callsub Job_Changing,4306,200,1,149,"All"; case 6: callsub Job_Changing,4307,200,1,149,"All"; case 7: callsub Job_Changing,4308,200,1,149,"All"; case 8: goto Main_Menu; } Job_Changing: mes .npcname$; mes "You are now a part of ^FF0000"+jobname(getarg(0))+"^000000."; if (compare(getarg(4),"All")){ announce "[ "+strcharinfo(0)+" ] has changed to [ "+jobname(getarg(0))+" ].",bc_all,0x76EE00; } if (compare(getarg(4),"Map")){ announce "[ "+strcharinfo(0)+" ] has changed to [ "+jobname(getarg(0))+" ].",bc_map,0x76EE00; } if (compare(getarg(4),"Area")){ announce "[ "+strcharinfo(0)+" ] has changed to [ "+jobname(getarg(0))+" ].",bc_area,0x76EE00; } if (compare(getarg(4),"Self")){ announce "[ "+strcharinfo(0)+" ] has changed to [ "+jobname(getarg(0))+" ].",bc_self,0x76EE00; } jobchange getarg(0); set BaseLevel,getarg(1); set JobLevel,getarg(2); resetskill; resetstatus; set SkillPoint,getarg(3); if ( .Allskills == 1 ){ atcommand "@allskills"; set SkillPoint,0; } percentheal 100,100; if ( .Based == 0 ){ set .ClassHelper,1; } if ( .Based == 1 ){ set ClassHelper,1; } close; goto Main_Menu; OnInit: waitingroom " Job Changer",0; end; } Hi , I want to request 4th job expanded class into job master , This is my custom script but its this is just like atcommand to change the job , how do I specific only the chosen class can change their own job and not to reset all skill and make the function like job master .
  2. Thank you for your help but its seem not fully instance for challenge old glast heim , it is just normal glast heim with add ons himmelmez on normal old glast heim . i already search whole day for but still missing content in rathena . https://github.com/rathena/rathena/issues/6467
  3. Anyone who has the script for old glast heim challenge please let me know , or mob db for himmelmez,etc . Thank you so much !
  4. Hi . Anyone know where can I get script NPC to using this ticket ?
  5. Hi , Can someone write my a code that can bulky gacha at one time , This is example code if can implement together , Example : 100x at once lotti.txt
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