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Posts posted by Nokia

  1. tried that, but not working at all.. i think it does not work without reloading scripts..

    prontera,155,178,4 script Double Monster 727,{
    mes "[Monster Spawn]";
    mes "Hello! What would you like to do?";
    switch(select("Start the Event:Stop Event:")){
    case 1:
    announce "Monster Spawn has been increased to 200% for 1 hour!",bc_all,"0x70dbdb";
    setbattleflag "mob_count_rate",200;
    atcommand "@reloadbattleconf";
    case 2:
    goto L_STOP;
    OnTimer3600000: // After 1 hour
    setbattleflag "mob_count_rate",100;
    announce "Double Monster Spawn Event has ended.",bc_all,"0x70dbdb";
    atcommand "@reloadbattleconf";
    setbattleflag "mob_count_rate",100;

  2. Hello, can someone help me to create a simple script based happy script for my battleground? i know eamod already got this, but it should be possible with scripts, i just dont got enough script knowledge to create it. but as far i know, thats what i think how it can work:


    set .bghour,1;

    announce happy hour started

    battleground script reward:

    if .bghour == 1

    getitem, higher amount


    geitem, normal amount

    would it work like this? and well.. no clue about how to stop the happy hour after 1 hour..

  3. OnStart:
    set .game,1;
    set .join,0;
    set .ctf_tn1,0;
    set .ctf_tn2,0;
    set .ctf_tp1,0;
    set .ctf_tp2,0;
    set .game,2;
    setmapflag "prt_maze02",mf_pvp;
    announce "[CTF]!!!",0;
    for(set .@io,0;.@io<=.join;set .@io,.@io+1)
      warp "prt_maze02",bx(@ctf_tid*3),by(@ctf_tid*3);

    how can i change the player limit there? like only warp when 4 players joined

    and why i cant attack my own guild member on this map?

  4. Hi, i just wanna ask an easy way to make the monster spawn via npc 2x / 3x etc, the spawn should be turn back normal after a hour or something, example:

    menu "start double spawn" / "end double spawn"

    maybe for regions, like start double spawn in morroc region etc. is this possible? if yes, how?


  5. Hello, i saw it on some servers, its very simple:

    every monster kill, will be saved and can be displayed into the homepage (php i guess) and npc.


    Poring / Kills: 5

    Drops / Kills: 0

    maybe some reward can be given, like if you killed every mob or 100 porings etc.

    i would do it by myself if i know how..

  6. hmm.. what about an login count ladder? like top 3 login accounts?

    probably it should show charnames instead of accnames

    Top 3 Logins:

    Playername / Logins: xxxx

    Playername / Logins: xxxx

    Playername / Logins: xxxx

    this would be nice i guess.

  7. I see, thats nice.. but i thought like an npc for this:

    [acc infos]

    mes "overall playtime xx:xx hours/days";

    mes "playtime today: xx:xx";

    mes "login count: xxx";


    more like this x_x

  8. How can i add an delay for NPCs? Example the warper, i want to add an delay for 1 minute, the player cant warp again till the 1 minute is gone. would be nice if its playerbased and not an delay for the whole npc.

  9. Hello, i wonder how the renewal exp is working.. iro wiki says:

    You only gain full experience of a monster if your level is about the same or up to five levels higher than the monster.

    If your level is lower than the monster you will get additional experience for killing that monster, however if the monster level is too high (more than 10 levels higher than you) you will get only 40% experience.

    Also, if the monster is lower than you you will get less experience.

    For best experience points you should hunt monsters that are the same level as you or up to ten levels higher.


    well, i tried that on rathena but it seems like not working as it should.

    example: I am lvl 46 and killing seals (seal are lvl 47), i should get the same exp as lvl 47?

    if i kill a seal with lvl 46, im getting 6.43%

    if i kill a seal with lvl 47 im getting 6.12%

    if i kill a seal with lvl 48 im getting 5.78

    im getting more exp if my lvl is lower then the monster, should it be more exp if i am at the same level? is there something wrong or i missed something? RENEWAL_EXP is also enabled.

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