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  1. LuLu's post in Drops.conf problem with items and items that shouldnt be affected was marked as the answer   
    Add it in "db\mob_item_ratio.txt"
    // Specific Item Drop Ratio Database // Overrides for global item_rate* values from conf/battle/drops.conf // // Structure of Database: // ItemID,Ratio{,MonsterID1,...,MonsterID10} // // Result: // ItemID base drop rates defined in mob_db will not get multiplied // by global item_rate* values (aka drop rates) from // conf/battle/drops.conf. Instead Ratio will be used (100 = 1x). // If no MonsterID is specified, all monsters will be affected, // otherwise only listed ones. // // Examples: // 909,100 // Jellopies from monsters will drop with 1x drop rate regardless of global drop rate // 909,1000 // Jellopies from monsters will drop with 10x drop rate regardless of global drop rate // 909,100,1002 // Jellopies from Porings will drop with 1x drop rate. Other monsters that drop Jellopies are unaffected (use global drop rate). // // Notes: // - By default you can list up to 10 MonsterIDs per ItemID. // It can be changed in src/map/mob.c by adjusting MAX_ITEMRATIO_MOBS. // - Only ItemIDs up to MAX_ITEMDB are supported (default: 32768). // - Does not override item_drop_*_min/max settings. // - Does not affect card/item-granted drops. To adjust card/item-granted // drops, edit them in item_db. // - Does affect MVP prizes and Treasure Boxes. // - You can add only ONE line per ItemID. If you need various ratios // for different monsters, override drop rate with Ratio=100 and edit // base drop rates in mob_db. // - This file is reloaded by @reloadmobdb.  
  2. LuLu's post in MVP with BIG HP BAR was marked as the answer   
    Under NEMO Patcher, use this.

  3. LuLu's post in Translation Fails was marked as the answer   
    check your patches and iteminfo carefully. Make sure they are properly placed in the right paths

    Ragnarok System Folder

    Check the iteminfo. Name must match with your patch

    Here's what my iteminfo looks like

    I think your GRFs are fine now. If only items are not translated, then it is more likely an iteminfo problem (No need to edit data files from GRFs)
  4. LuLu's post in how disable limit chat repetitions? was marked as the answer   
  5. LuLu's post in Bubble gum item buff problem was marked as the answer   
    update your msgstringtable.txt. newer clients read a new line for bubblegum.
  6. LuLu's post in Gibberish Button in Inventory was marked as the answer   
    maybe update your msgstringtable.txt first or use/apply a diff/patch for that. Depending on the client date.
  7. LuLu's post in Duplicated item wrong sprite need HELP was marked as the answer   
    check this
    check The ID part.
  8. LuLu's post in Date and time was marked as the answer   
    you must chance the time zone, not the date or time
    ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Chicago /etc/localtime try to browse the folder to find you region and location.
  9. LuLu's post in Warper Help was marked as the answer   
    i think you can try to edit the coordinates to "0" so that it will still be configurable
    T1: Go("prontera",0,0); if you want less work you can do this but will make coordinates useless.
    function Pick { if(getarg(0)=="") { set .@i, select(@menu$); specialeffect2 501; sleep2 1000; specialeffect2 445; sleep2 1000; warp getarg(.@i),0,0; //change coordinates to 0,0 } else { set .@i, select(@menu$)-getarg(1,0); specialeffect2 501; sleep2 1000; specialeffect2 445; sleep2 1000; warp getarg(0)+((.@i<10)?"0":"")+.@i,0,0; //change coordinates to 0,0 }         getmapxy(lastwarp$,lastwarpx,lastwarpy,0); close2; } I don't know if I miss anything.
    EDIT: missed this
    function Go { specialeffect2 501; sleep2 1000; specialeffect2 445; sleep2 1000; warp getarg(0),0,0; //change coordinates to 0,0 getmapxy(lastwarp$,lastwarpx,lastwarpy,0); close2; }
  10. LuLu's post in Help please! I'm newbie here was marked as the answer   
    I'm not stapo. xD what's wrong with the second picture? you can put stats inside the game. You have status points to spend unlike the old type which is the pentagram thing. xD
  11. LuLu's post in this hourly reward is not working ): was marked as the answer   
    check you script. there is a "?" in line 2.
    here. I removed it
    //================================= //= Created by -SkittleNugget- //= Email : [email protected] //================================= //= Hourly Points Script. //================================= //= Version 1.2 //================================= //= Notes: //= 1.0 - Initial Working Script. //- 1.1 - Removed messages. //- 1.2 - Added Easy Changeable Options as Requested by "Lil Troll~" (rAthena) //================================= - script Hour_Reward_Points -1,{ OnInit: set .TimeInMinutes,5; //Check at 5 Minutes set .WhatRewardHour,1; //Reward at 1 Hour set .ItemIDReward,12103; //Reward ID, 5012 set .ItemRewardAmount,1; //Reward Amount end; OnPCLoginEvent: dispbottom "Premio por Hora Online inicia, no te pognas AFK."; while(1) //Must Leave it run constantly. { sleep2 60000*.TimeInMinutes; //5 Minutes == Will Check Players activity after this time in milliseconds. if ( checkidle() > 300) //Check if player has been active or not. { if ( checkvending() == 2 ) end; //Check if Auto Vending. while ( checkidle() > 1 ) //Pause count while player is inactive, also checks for activity. sleep2 1000; } else { set .@ActiveTime, .@ActiveTime + .TimeInMinutes; //Count Total Time Active Within the hour. if ( .@ActiveTime == .WhatRewardHour ) //Player has been active for .WhatRewardHour throughout the login time. { mes "Por jugar mas de una hora continua has ganado un premio!."; close2; getitem .ItemIDReward,.ItemRewardAmount; //When Player has been active for One Hour set .@ActiveTime,0; //Reset Time Active. } } } OnPCLogoutEvent: end; }
  12. LuLu's post in Can i request for a script of this effects please :( was marked as the answer   
    try this:
    { bonus bStr,readparam(bStr)/5; } just edit it for other values.
  13. LuLu's post in Recreate Server was marked as the answer   
    like i said.drop those old schema at mysql. make a new schema and run those main.sql and logs.sql if i'm not mistaken.
    after that. you need to reconfigure "inter-server.conf" for hercules or "inter_athena.conf" for rAthena. and the login table username and password must must those in the "char_athena.conf" and "map_athena.conf" for rAthena ("char-server.conf" and "map-server.conf" for hercules). think of it as you'll setup the emulator from the start.
  14. LuLu's post in Already has a chat room was marked as the answer   
    there no end; so it will continue and process the whole waitingroom again.
    //Quest Warper prontera,164,162,4 script Questing Warper 790,{     warp "que_temsky" ,99,141;     end; //NO END OnInit: waitingroom "[ Questing Room ]",0; end; }
  15. LuLu's post in Help . Cant Compile was marked as the answer   
    try downloading a fresh svn/git?
  16. LuLu's post in Auto start? was marked as the answer   
    OnMinute00: //means every start of the clock at 00 ex. 10:00AM, 11:00AM
    OnMinute01: //means every start of the clock at 01 ex. 10:01AM, 11:01AM
    OnMinute02: //means every start of the clock at 02 ex. 10:02AM, 11:02AM
  17. LuLu's post in How to Configure A Custom Skin As a Default Skin was marked as the answer   
    you must add it inside the grf with the right path.try my skin at my signature to make one.just pack it inside a grf
  18. LuLu's post in healer problem was marked as the answer   
    try this
    Askydun,84,109,4 script Healer#Askydun 950,{ percentheal 100,100; if (countitem(7139) > 0) { //7139 - Glistening Coat skilleffect 479,0; sc_start SC_FULLPROTECTION,360000,5; delitem 7139,1; //Delete 1 Glistening Coat } end; }
  19. LuLu's post in Need help was marked as the answer   
    they are inside your own grf or they are in the data forlder you downloaded.
    try this. this data folder contains them
  20. LuLu's post in [Error] Unsupported Packet? was marked as the answer   
    //2012-04-10aRagexeRE packet_ver: 30 0x01fd,15,repairitem,2:4:6:7:9:11:13 0x089c,26,friendslistadd,2 0x0885,5,hommenu,2:4 0x0961,36,storagepassword,2:4:20 0x0288,-1,cashshopbuy,2:4:8:10 0x091c,26,partyinvite2,2 0x094b,19,wanttoconnection,2:6:10:14:18 0x0369,7,actionrequest,2:6 0x083c,10,useskilltoid,2:4:6 0x0439,8,useitem,2:4 0x0945,-1,itemlistwindowselected,2:4:8:12 0x0815,-1,reqopenbuyingstore,2:4:8:9:89 0x0817,2,reqclosebuyingstore,0 0x0360,6,reqclickbuyingstore,2 0x0811,-1,reqtradebuyingstore,2:4:8:12 0x0819,-1,searchstoreinfo,2:4:5:9:13:14:15 0x0835,2,searchstoreinfonextpage,0 0x0838,12,searchstoreinfolistitemclick,2:6:10 0x0437,5,walktoxy,2 0x0886,6,ticksend,2 0x0871,5,changedir,2:4 0x0938,6,takeitem,2 0x0891,6,dropitem,2:4 0x086c,8,movetokafra,2:4 0x08a6,8,movefromkafra,2:4 0x0438,10,useskilltopos,2:4:6:8 0x0366,90,useskilltoposinfo,2:4:6:8:10 0x0889,6,getcharnamerequest,2 0x0884,6,solvecharname,2 0x08e6,4 0x08e7,10,bookingsearchreq,2:4:6:8:12 0x08e8,-1 0x08e9,2,bookingdelreq,0 0x08ea,4 0x08eb,39,bookingupdatereq,2 0x08ec,73 0x08ed,43 0x08ee,6 0x08ef,6,bookingignorereq,2 0x08f0,6 0x08f1,6,bookingjoinpartyreq,2 0x08f2,36 0x08f3,-1 0x08f4,6 0x08f5,-1,bookingsummonmember,2:4 0x08f6,22 0x08f7,3 0x08f8,7 0x08f9,6 0x08fa,6 0x08fb,6,bookingcanceljoinparty,2 0x0907,5,moveitem,2:4 0x0908,5 0x08d7,28,battlegroundreg,2:4 //Added to prevent disconnections 0x08cf,10 //Amulet spirits 0x0977,14 //Monster HP Bar 0x0916,26,guildinvite2,2 0x091d,18,bookingregreq,2:4:6 // New cashshop 0x0844,2,cashshopopen,0 0x084a,2,cashshopclose,0 0x08c9,2,cashshopitemlist,0 0x0848,-1,cashshopbuy,2:4:6:10 this is what i use.
  21. LuLu's post in Emotions every 5 secs was marked as the answer   
    try this
    // Quest Emotion -    script    #quest_emotion    -1,{ OnInit: while(1) { emotion e_gasp; sleep 5000; } end; }
  22. LuLu's post in Storage with Password was marked as the answer   
    Not all Kafras have this. check this out
    Click Kafra>> Check Other Information (mostly at the bottom)

  23. LuLu's post in PvP Script Help ! was marked as the answer   
    //===== rAthena Script ======================================= //= Untitle Script //===== By: ================================================== //= Zealock! //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.0 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= rAthena , eAthena //===== Description: ========================================= //= PVP Warper //============================================================ invek,157,169,4 script PvP Warper 651,{ mes "[ PVP Warper ]"; mes "Would You Like to Enter the Room?"; next; menu "Yes, I'm Hunger for Blood",PatayanNa,"No, Too Lazy to Kill",No; PatayanNa: mes "[ PvP Warper ]"; mes "You Made the Right Choice!"; next; mes "Let's Go!"; warp "guild_vs2",0,0; L_All: announce "[ PvP Warper ] Announcer: "+strcharinfo(0)+" has Enter the Room ",0; close; No: mes "[ PvP Warper ]"; mes "Are you Scared?"; next; mes "Come Back Again, if you already have the Guts!"; close; //WAITING ROOM updates every 2.5 second OnInit: while(1) { delwaitingroom; waitingroom "PvP Warper ["+getmapusers("guild_vs2")+"]",0; sleep 2500; //2.5 seconds } end; } // Mapflags guild_vs2 mapflag nowarp guild_vs2 mapflag nowarpto guild_vs2 mapflag pvp on guild_vs2 mapflag noteleport guild_vs2 mapflag nosave SavePoint try this. updates based in the map "guild_vs2" every 2.5 seconds.
  24. LuLu's post in Max Level / Max Stat editing was marked as the answer   
    "db\re\job_exp.txt" or "db\pre-re\job_exp.txt".
    Just analyze. It's pretty simple.
  25. LuLu's post in Group name does not appear. was marked as the answer   
    i'm not sure but i think there is an option for that to always show party name even if without on a guild. I forgot. xD

    here. I just checked it and found it.
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