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Tender Juicy

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  1. Managed to get it to work! I had to change the NPC location though since I don't think Byako exist in mine. Did you ever got the @storage, @storage2, @storage3 etc to work though? I do want to be able to access them on any map. In any case, thank you! Edit: Nevermind, got that @commands scripts to work. Thanks again!
  2. Hi, I'm having the same issue. The difference is I don't really have much knowledge regarding a lot of these stuff. @AinsLord If I may ask, where did you put that file and how exactly did you make it work? I don't really need a message like yours and I'm fine with it as long as it works. I think I already made a separate table of the storage in the database by copying the existing one and renaming them to storage2, storage3 etc. That's basically all I've done. Sorry if I seem dumb, I'm pretty new at this and just want more storage space but when I was searching on how, there seems to be an issue regarding storage capacity in high numbers. Making more storage seems to be the solution but it's definitely more complicated than editing a text file and compiling.
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