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  1. my problem is when they clicked it accidentally and they cancelled it the item will be gone how can i make this item when used and cancel the item still in to inventory ? here is the script function script JobBox { setarray .@Jobs$[0], "Str Set:Vit Set:Int Set:Dex Set"; setarray .@Items[0],30039,30039,30040,30042,30041; set .@menu$,""; for(set .@i,0; .@i<getarraysize(.@Jobs$); set .@i,.@i+1) set .@menu$, .@menu$+.@Jobs$[.@i]; getitem .@Items[select(.@menu$)], 1; close; } item.db 30037,Solo_Freebies,Solo_Freebies,2,50,,70,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ callfunc "JobBox",1; },{},{}
  2. hello how can i increase the normal attack damage of sniper ? TIA
  3. how to fix this ? i want the normal cloth dye but my stylist give some random colors like this
  4. waaa123

    Soul Link

    Can someone please help me with this Soul Link Effects 1.Knight - You can use Parrying with One-Hand Sword. 2.Alchemist - Acid Terror Damage + 100% damage 3.Crusader - Shield-Chain damage by 150% damage 4.Assassin - Throw Venom Knife + 100% damage
  5. can someone please help me fix the attackspeed of some monster that has high attack speed like this monster soldier skeleton how to change it back to normal attackspeed ? TIA
  6. please can someone help me with this error [Warning]: pc_group_pc_load: (AID:2000000) logged in with unknown group id (0)! kicking...
  7. thank you again ser btw about the devo shield buffs that i posted ur reply works 100% thanks for helping again sir =)
  8. can someone please help me how to add knockback 1 to 2 cell when using falcon assault ? TIA
  9. can someone please help me bring back the old devotion skill were Reflect Shield,Auto Guard and endure shows icon when paladin cast the devotion on the party member ?
  10. ey sir ill add you in skype what is your id ?
  11. i kept experiencing this error when i normal attack can someone help me how to fix this ? my server client is 2012-04-10 and it has gepard
  12. gusto ko po kasi syang. gawing credit imbis na zeny. Bet.txt
  13. Can someone please help me i need a Punching Bag / Dummy script for my RO that cannot be teleport by a Tarot Skill TIA
  14. how can i fix the single strip bypassing fcp in stalker ? where to edit and what will i put ? please help me thx
  15. I know that the official behavior of the union skill is to drain hp everytime they hit. how can i change the hp drain to sp drain ? please help me
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