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Everything posted by animametallicus

  1. Can someone just help me with this? This bug is seriously discouraging...
  2. The server runs on latest rAthena as of November 11th from SVN. And it is running without renewal on. The diffed/hexed RagEXE is 2012-04-10, and the client is 2012-10-25 from http://kro.nickyzai.com/. Nobody got answer on this?
  3. I have just broadened the amount of hairstyle, hair color and clothes color. But here are my problems: When I change my hair color to 8, which is the default limit, it works fine. But if I change my color to higher than that number, it changes the color of the hair to some sort of... corrupt sprite. Same goes for clothes color up to 4, which is also the default limit. And as for the hair styles, up to 27, everything works fine. But at 28 and above, the sprite loses the head. I'd like to know what can cause this, and is there any way to fix it.
  4. Thanks for the answer! Well, the thing is... Alexandria's data folder told me to use 2011-09-06 so I don't think using 2012 client would be a good idea?
  5. I have succesfully set up a server running but there are some problem: The @mi/@mobinfo command crashes the client for some mobs while it does not for another. First, I tried @mi Valkyrie and the returned results seems to be normal. But then, I tried @mi poring and this crashes the client. Gravity crash. What can be the reason for this? Also, I think this might be involved somehow: The Tuxedo is listed as "etc" item while it is supposed to be an equipment. Does applying mob_db and item_db before turning off renewal features then recompile affects those things?
  6. Hey guys. First post here... I followed the guide on the wiki and got past the launching server part. Even though there are a bunch of warning about invalid items, I think it's still alright... for now. So I decided I will hop on the Client Side problems. According to http://rathena.org/wiki/Connecting, I have to: Diff my client -> This I did. And it gave me an exe file. Data folder->This is the part that is confuse me. After going to http://svn6.assembla.com/svn/ClientSide/ which is linked as "here", what do I download? Or do I use Tortoise SVN to get them all?
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