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Everything posted by Battlecry

  1. hey, the project is in state of closed beta testing at the moment. Real life sucks and i had to get a full time job so the project is progressing a lot slower than before but we are catching major bugs as well as testing instance boss fights. Battlecry is not dead yet
  2. Update: At the moment i'm getting rid of uneccessary scripts and lines from the src/npc files and simplizing the db and save files to get the best performance for beta-testing. At the same time i'm working on a website and other important stuff that is needed to launch the server
  3. finishing details on the first zones for beta http://img811.imageshack.us/img811/934/xcvsk.jpg http://img713.imageshack.us/img713/2382/cxdw.jpg
  4. i still need to have more stuff finished but its going to be beta-opened soon
  5. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/209/97455658.jpg/ http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/843/35828610.jpg/ http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/15/84450444.jpg/ preview of the high-resolution textures used on the maps
  6. or am i the only one doing larger maps?
  7. it is not. i dont like the idea that random people share my files right now. i will share it when it is done and running on my server
  8. the name that is displayed as your job name is hardcoded in your client. You need to alter some stuff in your client to add custom jobs. hmm ok. So are you planning to add extra jobs (if so how many) ? or just renaming the existing ones? I can help you out in either case if you want. well i only need to rename the existing ones since they are not used
  9. hello guys, does anyone know if its possible to create map_cache.dat for a map that is like 500x500 cells? it seems impossible even with weemapcache
  10. @MStream -i tried changing lua files, but my hexing skill is very close to zero -800 cloth colors, meaning 800 body palettes made to look like the the item description image.
  11. rathena / weemapcache seems to be unable to write map_cache.dat for 500x500 maps. Does anyone have an experience with larger maps?
  12. thanks for the info, hey now i see why people weren't so impressed about my "new" systems any idea where to change job names? pcjobnamegender.lua doesnt seem to work
  13. today i started using new rathena and ragRE setup. Even when my eathena emu had many of the current features enabled by myself, the client side features are enormly better. My questions are -are there every possibilities that i had in xray.exe ? endless number of custom skills, hairstyles, mobs etc? -what ragRE.exe should i use at the current rAthena , what diffs and which patcher -are there any known bugs that i should know? -is there anything that i will lose?
  14. Added up-to-date video in the description. The skills are now separated with the damage color
  15. Hello everyone, first of all this project is in progress for about 8 years now, and i never found anything as big. Done: -You can choose from 3 races (human, undead, dark elf) which can PVP as soon as they reach level 30. Although, killing members of each race decreases your reputation towards the race. When the reputation gets too low, the racial guardians may attack you. -6 playable classes (jobs) – Warrior, Priest, Wizard, Paladin, Hunter, Rogue -Each class get 32 unique active and 30 passive abilities or spells that are based on balance and complexity. -54 new hairstyles with realistic faces -Around 2600 new items, 4 item grades (common, bronze, silver, gold, etc.) and 4 sub-grades -Achievement system -Professions system - alchemy, blacksmithing, cooking, crystalcrafting, herbalism, mining, tailoring -PvP rating with PvP equipment rewards, Arena and Battlegrounds system -Guild system with Perks (guild skills) and new castles -Refining system -Healing-over-time, Damage-over-time, Spell crit, DOT and HOT crit, double checking -Every armor has its own cloth color (palette), around 800 armors -Reworked class, monster and item sprites -Reworked textures, skill icons, item icons, palettes, acts, sounds, music, effects, ui, etc. -Reworked stats -Titles rewarded by completing achievements or PvP, PvE events. -New equipment types -Combat sounds bound to ACT files, spell and ability sounds -Humanoids use more complexed abilities and their killing is rewarded with zeny and equipment unlike killing creatures that only reward experience and etc. items -Everyone can vend items -Item sets -Players have visible levels in their info -Zone tracking, savepoint tracking Not done: 50% - Completely new world using high-resolution textures, including instances and battlegrounds – There are maps done up to level 30. The players will be able to continue leveling as soon as a new map will be done. The world will expand map by map continuously. 10% - town economy (people or guilds may own banks, shops or whole towns) 25% - pve bosses and events in instances that dont just autoattack you (5man, 5man hardcore, 10man dungeons, 10man hardcore). About 20 boss monsters are actually done with scripted movement and abilities that require teamwork. There are 20 monster difficulty levels (normal, elite, 5man elite…) 20% - Battle pets and pets system 10% - Questing system may be done as soon as I’m finished with the prioritized work. At the moment there are 26 quests available [media=] [/media] As i said, i have no idea how servering, autopatching or webhosting works, so if anyone wants to join or just talk, just pm me
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