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Posts posted by Oraios

  1. Hi community,

    I have a question : I want to make a quest which gives someone an item. All works, only the zeny doesnt function...

        case 1:
            if(Zeny < 2000000) goto L_manque;
            if (countitem(20120) >= 1 && countitem(2357) >= 1 && countitem(2524) >= 1 && countitem(2421) >= 1 && countitem(7510) >= 10 && countitem(7048) >= 20 && countitem(5070) >= 1){
                delitem 20120,1;
                delitem 2357,1;
                delitem 2524,1;
                delitem 2421,1;
                delitem 7510,10;
                delitem 7048,20;
                delitem 5070,1;
                set Zeny, Zeny - 2000000;
                getitem 20091,1;
        mes "Du hast nicht genug Items!";



    PS: Sorry for my bad English... :(

  2. Hi community,

    can anyone do me a favour and help me with scripting this quest :


    The Quest Npc has a menu of 12 headgears.

    For each headgear we need other items.


    Can you help me? :/


    PS: Sorry for my bad English.



  3. Hi community,

    here's my nowarpto.txt but when I use the command @warp prtg_cas01 i can warp to it

    //===== eAthena Script =======================================
    //= Map flags that disable warpto
    //===== By: ==================================================
    //= eAthena Dev Team
    //= v 1.3
    //===== Current Version: =====================================
    // Guild Castles ========================
    //alde_gld    mapflag    nowarpto
    aldeg_cas01    mapflag    nowarpto
    aldeg_cas02    mapflag    nowarpto
    aldeg_cas03    mapflag    nowarpto
    aldeg_cas04    mapflag    nowarpto
    aldeg_cas05    mapflag    nowarpto
    gefg_cas01    mapflag    nowarpto
    gefg_cas02    mapflag    nowarpto
    gefg_cas03    mapflag    nowarpto
    gefg_cas04    mapflag    nowarpto
    gefg_cas05    mapflag    nowarpto
    //pay_gld    mapflag    nowarpto
    payg_cas01    mapflag    nowarpto
    payg_cas02    mapflag    nowarpto
    payg_cas03    mapflag    nowarpto
    payg_cas04    mapflag    nowarpto
    payg_cas05    mapflag    nowarpto
    //prt_gld    mapflag    nowarpto
    prtg_cas01    mapflag    nowarpto
    prtg_cas02    mapflag    nowarpto
    prtg_cas03    mapflag    nowarpto
    prtg_cas04    mapflag    nowarpto
    prtg_cas05    mapflag    nowarpto
    schg_cas01    mapflag    nowarpto
    schg_cas02    mapflag    nowarpto
    schg_cas03    mapflag    nowarpto
    schg_cas04    mapflag    nowarpto
    schg_cas05    mapflag    nowarpto
    arug_cas01    mapflag    nowarpto
    arug_cas02    mapflag    nowarpto
    arug_cas03    mapflag    nowarpto
    arug_cas04    mapflag    nowarpto
    arug_cas05    mapflag    nowarpto
    //Novice Guild
    n_castle    mapflag    nowarpto
    nguild_alde    mapflag    nowarpto
    nguild_gef    mapflag    nowarpto
    nguild_pay    mapflag    nowarpto
    nguild_prt    mapflag    nowarpto
    //Lighthalzen Bio-Lab 3F
    lhz_dun03    mapflag    nowarpto
    // Special Quests Places =======
    ama_test    mapflag    nowarpto
    gon_test    mapflag    nowarpto
    que_rachel    mapflag    nowarpto
    que_san04    mapflag    nowarpto
    //Aldebaran Turbo Track ========
    turbo_n_1    mapflag    nowarpto
    turbo_n_4    mapflag    nowarpto
    turbo_n_8    mapflag    nowarpto
    turbo_n_16    mapflag    nowarpto
    turbo_e_4    mapflag    nowarpto
    turbo_e_8    mapflag    nowarpto
    turbo_e_16    mapflag    nowarpto
    // Izlude Battle Arena =========
    force_1-1    mapflag    nowarpto
    force_2-1    mapflag    nowarpto
    force_3-1    mapflag    nowarpto
    force_4-1    mapflag    nowarpto
    force_5-1    mapflag    nowarpto
    force_1-2    mapflag    nowarpto
    force_1-3    mapflag    nowarpto
    prt_are_in    mapflag    nowarpto
    //Monster Races ================
    p_track01    mapflag    nowarpto
    p_track02    mapflag    nowarpto
    //Vision of Okolnir ============
    que_qsch01    mapflag    nowarpto
    que_qsch02    mapflag    nowarpto
    que_qsch03    mapflag    nowarpto
    que_qsch04    mapflag    nowarpto
    que_qsch05    mapflag    nowarpto
    que_qaru01    mapflag    nowarpto
    que_qaru02    mapflag    nowarpto
    que_qaru03    mapflag    nowarpto
    que_qaru04    mapflag    nowarpto
    que_qaru05    mapflag    nowarpto
    //Sealed Shrine ==================
    1@cata    mapflag    nowarpto
    2@cata    mapflag    nowarpto
    //Endless Tower ==================
    e_tower    mapflag    nowarpto
    1@tower    mapflag    nowarpto
    2@tower    mapflag    nowarpto
    3@tower    mapflag    nowarpto
    4@tower    mapflag    nowarpto
    5@tower    mapflag    nowarpto
    6@tower    mapflag    nowarpto
    // Episode 13 ====================
    mid_campin    mapflag    nowarpto
    man_fild01    mapflag    nowarpto
    man_fild03    mapflag    nowarpto
    spl_fild02    mapflag    nowarpto
    spl_fild03    mapflag    nowarpto
    moc_fild22b    mapflag    nowarpto
    que_dan01    mapflag    nowarpto
    que_dan02    mapflag    nowarpto
    schg_que01    mapflag    nowarpto
    schg_dun01    mapflag    nowarpto
    arug_que01    mapflag    nowarpto
    arug_dun01    mapflag    nowarpto
    nyd_dun01    mapflag    nowarpto
    nyd_dun02    mapflag    nowarpto
    manuk        mapflag    nowarpto
    man_fild02    mapflag    nowarpto
    man_in01    mapflag    nowarpto
    splendide    mapflag    nowarpto
    spl_fild01    mapflag    nowarpto
    spl_in01    mapflag nowarpto
    //Orc's Memory ===================
    1@orcs    mapflag    nowarpto
    2@orcs    mapflag    nowarpto
    // Nidhoggr's Instance ===========
    1@nyd    mapflag    nowarpto
    2@nyd    mapflag    nowarpto
    // No Portion PVP =============
    //pvp_y_8-2    mapflag nowarpto
    //pvp_y_8-2    mapflag nostorage
    //pvp_y_8-2    mapflag nogstorage



  4. Hi community!

    First sorry for my bad English...

    So, I have a few Questions :


    Buffer :

    Can anyone make a script of a buffer on which one we can take all buffs (see buffs) until lvl 500 and only at lvl 500 agi and bless + 100% heal. The buffer should also keep elements of the weapons (which should be able to take even after lvl 500) ? :)


    Buffs :

        percentheal 100,100;
        skilleffect 34,0; sc_start SC_BLESSING,360000,10;
        skilleffect 29,0; sc_start SC_INCREASEAGI,360000,10;
        sc_start SC_ASPDPOTION2,360000,0;
        sc_start SC_STRFood,360000,10;
        sc_start SC_AGIFood,360000,10;
        sc_start SC_VITFood,360000,10;
        sc_start SC_INTFood,360000,10;
        sc_start SC_DEXFood,360000,10;
        sc_start SC_LUKFood,360000,10;
        sc_start SC_HitFood,1200000,30;
        sc_start SC_FleeFood,1200000,30;
        sc_start SC_BATKFood,1200000,10;
        sc_start SC_MATKFood,120000,10;


    Questions :

    1) Does anyone have a exp table of the homunculus until lvl 500?

    2) Where can I change the Asura Strike Damage? I want him to make 50% less damage...

    3) Where can I change that we arent freeze immun after 400 luk?


    Thank you very much for your help!





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